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Laser Midterm Test 2021 - Answer Sheet

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Zagazig University Laser Physics

Faculty of Science Fouth year

Physics Department 26 / 05 / 2021
Second Semester 2020/2021 Time: 30 min.
Midterm Marks: 10 degree

:‫المس ـ ـ ـتـوى‬ :‫اس ـ ـ ـ ـ ــم الطالب‬

:‫الشعب ـ ـ ـ ــة‬ :‫الرقم الجامعي‬
Answer All the Questions

1. Which of the following is a unique property of laser?

a) Deviation b) Speed
c) Coherence d) Wavelength
2. The maser is defined as a ……….. ……….. by stimulated emission of radiation.
a) Light amplification b) Methylene amplification
c) Microwave amplification d) None of the previous answer
3. The ratio of N2 and N1 is given by _________.
a) 𝑒 b) 𝒆-h𝛎/kT
c) 𝑒 -hν/T d) 𝑒 hν/T
4. At the state when N1 > N2, the intensity of light wave _________.
a) Decreases exponentially b) Increases exponentially
c) Decreases linearly d) Increases linearly
5. Which of the following is the correct expression for the relation between Einstein’s coefficients
A21 and B21?
2 3
a) 8πhν ⁄c 2 b) 8πhc ⁄ν3
c) 8πhc ⁄λ3 d) 8 πh⁄λ3

6. The correct expression for the rate of stimulated emission is _______________.

a) R se = A21ρν N2 b) R se = A21N2
c) R se = B12ρν N2 d) None of the previous answer
7. Which law is used for achieving the relation between the Einstein’s coefficients?
a) Planck’s radiation law b) Einstein’s equation
c) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle d) Quantum law
8. Optical pumping happens via ___________.
a) Stimulated emission b) Stimulated absorption
c) Spontaneous emission d) Spontaneous absorption
9. Pumping is done in order to achieve __________
a) Equilibrium b) Steady state
c) Population inversion d) Photon emission
10. What is the unit of the coefficient of spontaneous emission?
a) J b) J -1

c) s d) s -1

With my best regards

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