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Learnac: Mht-Cet 2020

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Ninad Sheode’s Physics Classes

MHT-CET 2020
Time : 30 Min 12_MArch_20_2020_Optics_CET_CC Marks : 25

01) The intensity ratio of two coherent sources of 08) Intensity of light depends upon
light is p. They are interfering in some region and A) frequency. B) amplitude.
produce interference pattern. Then the fringe C) wavelength. D) velocity.
visibility is
2p p 09) A perpendicular drawn to the wavefront in the
A) B)
1 p 1 p direction of propagation of light is
A) chord of circle. B) arc of circle.
2 p 1 p C) ray of light. D) wave normal.
C) D)
1 p 2 p
10) In Young's double slit experiment, if
02) In Young's double slit experiment, carried out monochromatic light is replaced by white light
with light of wavelength  = 5000 Å, the distance A) all bright fringes become white.
between the slits is 0.2 mm and the screen is at B) all bright fringes have colours between violet
200 cm from the slits. The central maximum is at x and red.
=0. The third maximum (taking the central C) only the central fringe is white, all other fringes
maximum as zeroth maximum) will be at x equal to are coloured.
(The symbol used for Fringe width is  as per D) no fringes are observed.
NCERT and X as per HSC book.)
A) 5.0 cm B) 1.67 cm 11) In a wave, the path difference corresponding to
C) 1.5 cm D) 0.5 cm a phase difference of  is
 
03) The term blue shift is used for A)  B) 
 2
A) increase in frequency and increase in  
wavelength. C)  D) 
B) increase in frequency and decrease in  2
C) decrease in frequency and increase in 12) Huygen’s principle is used to
wavelength. A) explain polarization of light.
D) decrease in frequency and decrease in B) explain interference of light.
wavelength. C) explain principle of superposition of waves.
D) obtain the new position of wavefront
04) In Young's double slit experiment, distance geometrically.
between two sources is 0.1 mm. The distance of
screen from the sources is 20 cm. Wavelength of 13) Two slits are separated by a distance of 0.5 mm
light used is 5460 Å. Then angular position of the and illuminated with light of   6000 Å. If the
first dark fringe is screen is placed 2.5 m from the slits. The distance
A) 0.313° B) 0.20° of the third bright image from the center will be
C) 0.16° D) 0.08° A) 9 mm B) 6 mm
C) 3 mm D) 1.5 mm
05) Three waves of equal frequency having
amplitudes 10m, 4m, 7m arrive at a given 14) The ratio of the intensity at the center of a
 bright fringe to the intensity at a point one-quarter
point having successive phase difference of , the of the distance between two fringe from the center
amplitude of the resulting wave in m is given by is
A) 16 B) 4
A) 7 B) 6
C) 2 D) 1/2
C) 5 D) 4

06) The wavefront originating from the point source 15) In vacuum to travel distance ‘d’, light takes
of light at finite distance is time ‘t’ and in medium to travel distance ‘5d’, it
A) circular wavefront. B) cylindrical wavefront. takes time ‘T’. The critical angle of the medium is
C) plane wavefront. D) spherical wavefront.  3t   5t 
A) sin1   B) sin1  
 5T   T
07) Huygen’s wave theory of light cannot explain
A) interference. B) polarization.  5t   5T 
C) sin1   D) sin1  
C) diffraction. D) photoelectric effect.  3T   t 

MHT-CET 2020

16) The maximum intensity of fringes in Young's 25) Path difference between two interfering waves
experiment is I. If one of the slit is closed, then the 
intensity at that place becomes Io. Which of the of equal intensities at a point on the screen is .
following relation is true ? The ratio of intensity at this point and that at the
A) I = 4Io central fringe will be
B) I = 2Io A) 1 : 4 B) 2 : 1
C) I = Io C) 1 : 2 D) 1 : 1
D) There is no relation between I and I o.

17) The ratio of velocity of light in a glass to that in

water is (refractive index of glass = 1.5 and
refractive index of waver = 1.33)
A) 0.8504 :1 B) 0.8867 :1
C) 0.8989 :1 D) 0.8803 :1

18) Two waves are propagating to the point P along

a straight line produced by two sources A and B of
simple harmonic and of equal frequency. The
amplitude of every wave at P is 'a' and the phase of

A is ahead by than that of B and the distance
AP is greater than BP by 50 cm. Then the resultant
amplitude at the point P will be, if the wavelength
is 1 meter
A) a B) a 2
C) a 3 D) 2a

19) Glass has refractive index 3/2 and water has

refractive index 4/3. If the speed of light in glass is
2  108 m /s, the speed of light in water in m/s is
A) 2.67  108 B) 2.25  108
C) 1.78  108 D) 1.5  108

20) Light waves producing interference have their

amplitudes in the ratio 3 : 2. The intensity ratio of
maximum and minimum of interference fringes is
A) 6 : 4 B) 9 : 4
C) 25 : 1 D) 36 : 1

21) A slit of size 0.15 cm is placed at 2.1 m from a

screen. On illuminated it by a light of wavelength
5  105 cm. The width of central maxima will be
A) 0.14 cm B) 70 mm
C) 1.4 mm D) 0.14 mm

22) If the ratio of amplitude of wave is 2 : 1, then

the ratio of maximum and minimum intensity is
A) 1 : 4 B) 4 : 1
C) 1 : 9 D) 9 : 1

23) When light passes from one medium to other

medium, then the frequency of light
A) increases. B) may increase or decrease.
C) decreases. D) remains same.

24) Light passes through glass of refractive index

1.5. What is time required for light to travel
4  108 m in glass?
A) 1/ 4 s B) 1/ 2 s
C) 2 s D) 4 s


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