Gravitation 5/7/2021
1. Two identical spheres are placed in contact with 7. The mass of the moon is about 1.2% of the mass
each other. The force of gravitation between the of the earth. Compared to the gravitational force
spheres will be proportional to (R = radius of each the earth exerts on the moon, the gravitational
sphere) force the moon exerts on earth
(a) R (b) R 2 (c) R 4 (d) None of these (a) Is the same (b) Is smaller
2. Suppose that the force of earth's gravity suddenly (c) Is greater (d) Varies with its phase
disappears, choose the correct answer out of the 8. A clock S is based on oscillation of a spring and a
following statements clock P is based on pendulum motion. Both
(a) The weight of the body will become zero but clocks run at the same rate on earth. On a planet
mass remains the same having the same density as earth but twice the
(b) The mass of the body will become zero but the
(a) S will run faster than P
weight remains the same
(b) P will run faster than S
(c) Both the mass and weight will be the same
(c) They will both run at the same rate as on
(d) Mass and weight will remain the same
the earth
3. An earth satellite is moved from one stable circular
orbit to a further stable circular orbit, which one of (d) None of these
the following quantities increase 9. Consider earth to be a homogeneous sphere.
Scientist A goes deep down in a mine and
(a) Gravitational force
scientist B goes high up in a balloon. The value of
(b) Gravitational P.E.
g measured by
(c) Linear orbital speed (a) A goes on decreasing and that by B goes
(d) Centripetal acceleration on increasing
4. Two planets revolve round the sun with frequencies
(b) B goes on decreasing and that by A goes
N 1 and N 2 revolutions per year. If their average
on increasing
orbital radii be R1 and R 2 respectively, then R1 / R2 (c) Each decreases at the same rate
is equal to (d) Each decreases at different rates
(a) (N1 / N 2 )3 / 2 (b) (N 2 / N1 )3 / 2 1
10. The mass of the moon is of the earth but the
(c) 2/3
( N1 / N 2 ) (d) (N 2 / N1 ) 2/3 81
5. There is no atmosphere on the moon because gravitational pull is of the earth. It is due to
(a) It is closer to the earth
the fact that
(b) It revolves round the earth 81
(c) It gets light from the sun (a) The radius of the moon is of the earth
(d) The escape velocity of gas molecules is lesser 9
than their root mean square velocity here (b) The radius of the earth is of the moon
6. Two heavenly bodies S 1 and S 2 , not far off from
(c)Moon is the satellite of the earth
each other are seen to revolve in orbits (d) None of the above
(a) Around their common centre of mass 11. A weight is suspended from the ceiling of a lift by
(b) Which are arbitrary a spring balance. When the lift is stationary the
(c) With S 1 fixed and S 2 moving round S 1 spring balance reads W. If the lift suddenly falls
(d) With S 2 fixed and S 1 moving round S 2 freely under gravity, the reading on the spring
balance will be
(a) W (b) 2 W (c) W/2 (d) 0 (a) On earth's surface
12. If a planet consists of a satellite whose mass and (b) Below earth's surface
radius were both half that of the earth, the (c) At a height Re from earth's surface (Re =
acceleration due to gravity at its surface would be (g radius of the earth)
on earth = 9.8 m/sec2 )
(d) At infinity
(a) 4.9 m / sec 2 (b) 8.9 m / sec 2
19. A body falls freely under gravity. Its speed is v
(c) 19 .6 m / sec 2 (d) 29 .4 m / sec 2 when it has lost an amount U of the gravitational
13. At a given place where acceleration due to gravity is energy. Then its mass is
‘g’ m / sec 2 , a sphere of lead of density ‘d’ kg / m 3 is Ug U2 2U
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2 Ugv 2
gently released in a column of liquid of density v2 g v2
' ' kg / m 3 . If d , the sphere will 20. The ratio of the radius of the earth to that of the
(a) Fall vertically with an acceleration ‘g’ m / sec 2 moon is 10. The ratio of acceleration due to
(b) Fall vertically with no acceleration gravity on the earth and on the moon is 6. The
ratio of the escape velocity from the earth's
d −
(c) Fall vertically with an acceleration g surface to that from the moon is
(a) 10 (b) 6 (c) Nearly 8 (d) 1.66
(d) Fall vertically with an acceleration g 21. Escape velocity from the moon surface is less
than that on the earth surface, because
14. ge and g p denote the acceleration due to gravity on (a) Moon has no atmosphere while the earth has
the surface of the earth and another planet whose (b) Radius of moon is less than that of the earth
mass and radius are twice as that of earth. Then (c) Moon is nearer to the sun
(a) g p = ge (b) g p = ge / 2 (d) Moon is attracted by other planets
(c) g p = 2 ge (d) g p = ge / 4 22. The ratio of the radius of a planet ‘A’ to that of
planet ‘B’ is ‘r’. The ratio of acceleration due to
15. If the value of g at the surface of the earth is 9.8
gravity on the planets is ‘x’. The ratio of the
m / sec 2 , then the value of g at a place 480 km
escape velocities from the two planets is
above the surface of the earth will be (Radius of the
r x
earth is 6400 km) (a) xr (b) (c) rx (d)
x r
(a) 8.4 m / sec 2 (b) 9.8 m / sec 2
23. Time period of revolution of a nearest satellite
(c) 7.2 m / sec 2 (d) 4.2 m / sec 2 around a planet of radius R is T. Period of
16. The acceleration due to gravity about the earth's revolution around another planet, whose radius
surface would be half of its value on the surface of is 3R but having same density is
the earth at an altitude of (R = 4000 mile) (a) T (b) 3T (c) 9T (d) 3 3 T
(a) 1200 mile (b) 2000 mile 24. The maximum possible velocity of a satellite
(c) 1600 mile (d) 4000 mile orbiting round the earth in a stable orbit is
17. A pendulum clock is set to give correct time at the
Re g
sea level. This clock is moved to hill station at an (a) 2 Re g (b) Re g (c) (d) Infinite
altitude of 2500 m above the sea level. In order to
keep correct time of the hill station, the length of 25. A man inside an artificial satellite feels
the pendulum weightlessness because the force of attraction
due to earth is
(a) Has to be reduced
(b) Has to be increased (a) Zero at that place
(c) Needs no adjustment (b) Is balanced by the force of attraction due
(d) Needs no adjustment but its mass has to be to moon.
increased (c) Equal to the centripetal force
18. At some point the gravitational potential and (d) Non-effective due to particular design of
also the gravitational field due to earth is zero. the satellite
The point is