Microsoft Word - Charlotte's Web WS CH 14-15
Microsoft Word - Charlotte's Web WS CH 14-15
Microsoft Word - Charlotte's Web WS CH 14-15
She hoped Fern would find some of her playmates and do something nice outdoors
(instead of going to Uncle Homer’s barn).
6. How did Mrs. Arable feel after her chat with the doctor?
She felt greatly relieved.
Chapter Fifteen: The Crickets
1. Which season was coming to an end?
2. What worry did some of his barn friends have about Wilbur?
They were worried that all the attention would go into Wilbur’s head and make him stuck up.
Wilbur was modest (and humble); fame did not spoil him.
7. What word did Charlotte use to describe herself? What does it mean?
She used the word ‘versatile’, which means she can turn with ease from one thing to another.
(She doesn’t have to limit her activities to spinning and trapping and stunts like that.)