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Chapter 1


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting, including the study’s

background, the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, and the scope and

delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Every year colleges and universities all over the country turn over to society a graduate

ready to go out into the world. But how are they prepared to face life? Is diploma enough to

guarantee that they will find a stable job? (Corpuz, 2000). Employability, is the capacity to meet

the minimum requirement for a special kind of work or position of employment. (Dumlao,


Hospitality and tourism industry is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world.

It comprised of the following: Transportation sector, Accommodation sector, Food and

Beverages sector, and MICE (Meeting, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions). One of the

most exciting aspects of this industry is that it is made up of so many different professions.

People in all places are living in the era of competition. Everyone wanted to be better than

others; every good name is measured on what they have. It is because we live in an

“Accomplished Oriented Society” which tends to value our lives by achievements gained on

specific goals through education.

The Palawan State University, Roxas Campus was established since 1984. It is public

tertiary institution that helps reach the grassroots upholding the dictum that those who have less

in life should have more in education.In school year 2007, the campus offered the ladderized

program in Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management with six (6) first batch of graduates

in school year 2010-2011.

Since then, the campus had produced more than one hundred forty BSHM graduates, a

positive response of the community members made to tertiary education and this ensures the

availability of a pool of empowered human resources who will drive the economy forward.

However, equally important is not only producing graduates who are competent in their

fields but graduates of the right type equipped with appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitude so

as to be able to meet the changing needs of employers and the economy. This can be gauged

from feedback of the graduates.

Since the offering of the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management in the Campus, it

has produced graduates in the course. Thus, the researchers decided to trace the status of the said


Statement of the Problem

Tracer studies can provide the information needed to reform educational programs to

bring about the match between the requirements of the employment world and study. Surveys do

have their disadvantages for it is sometimes difficult to locate graduates and let those complete

questionnaires. Schomburg (2007) warns that the graduates might not always be able to identify

the relationship between the knowledge acquired during study and their professional lives and

that research findings are valuable in as much as planners can turn the findings into concrete


However, the main purpose of this paper was to investigate the employment status of the

graduates and determine what percentage of the graduates had acquired first job after they

graduated. The concepts that the researchers had to indulge in were to look on the graduates'

important profiles and to assess whether or not these profiles had satisfied their expectations so

that whatever results they could account for would be a good venue of curriculum enhancement

as well as institutional development.

  This study will determine the status of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management Graduates at Palawan State University Roxas Campus. Specifically, it will

seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the personal profile of the Bachelor of Science Hospitality Management at Palawan

State University Roxas Campus in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 civil status;

1.3 present address;

2. What is the employment details/ Employment Profile of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality

Management graduates in term of:

2.1 Employment Status;

2.1.1 Employed or Unemployed;

2.1.2 Reason of being unemployed?

2.2 Current Job;

2.3 Place of Work;

2.4 Monthly Income?

3. Educational Background?

3.1 Professional/Non-Professional Examination Passed?

3.2 Trainings/Advance Studies Attended after college?

3.3 Vocational Course?

4. How long they were trying to find a job after graduation from PSU-Roxas Campus?

5. What knowledge, skills, and attitude learned at the university are related to their current work?

6. What are the difficulties experiences of the graduates are related to skills in the industry.

Significance of the Study

The study will assess the PSU Roxas Campus BSHM graduates competencies. Mercado

(2010) in his study mentioned that the conduct of graduate tracer studies among Higher

Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country is to obtain data that would show if HEIs are

offering courses and are producing graduates that meet the needs of the industry and society. The

result of the present study will provide a source of information that may serve as basis for

administrators and curriculum planners in reviewing their education programs to bring about the

fit between the requirements of the study and of employment.

Moreover, findings of tracer study according to Garcia (2003) as cited by Gines (2004)

can be used to define/redefine HEIs mission and market niche and show how academic programs

and course offering can be adjusted to reflect institutional goals.

Similarly, Gines (2014) said, by conducting a survey on the cohort of graduates from a

specific institution, profession, discipline, level of education, their employment characteristics,

competencies and skills development, and have a comparative analysis, the information gained

from these can be used by the graduates’ Alma mater and other education stakeholders for

curriculum development and other emerging reforms. The present study assessed the graduate’s

competencies and consequently proposed a Curriculum Enhancement for the Improvement of the

PSU Roxas BSHM graduates competencies and employability.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study will be delimited in terms of problem, locale, population, instrument and


Problem. This study will trace up the Bachelor of Science in hospitality Management Graduates

at Palawan State University- Roxas Campus particularly their Personal/ Demographic profile,

employment profile and Educational background.

Locale. This study was conducted primarily in the province of Palawan. However, the researcher

still considered the other places where the graduates were found employed.

Population. The study respondents were Thirty-one (31) BSHM graduates of PSU Roxas

Campus. These are graduates from school year 2019.

Instrument. The study used a researcher formulated questionnaire in gathering data from the


Duration. The study started on September 2022 and was completed on January 2023.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the conceptual

framework and definition of terms of the study.

The Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order no. 62 series of 2017 stated

that the need to revise and update the current Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management and

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management curricula is premised on the basic concept that

higher education programs must always be abreast with the current times. In addition, the

Philippine tourism sector has shown strong performance exhibiting double-digit growth in

domestic and foreign tourist arrivals for the past several years. As the fifth growth driver of the

Philippine economy, tourism accounts for 8% of the country’s gross domestic product,

generating 4.7 million jobs and contributing more than P1.47 billion in tourist’s receipts. The

multiplier-effect of tourism has prompted investments, created business and employment

opportunities cutting-across a wide variety of sectors which demand knowledgeable and highly-

skilled workers.


Tracer study is an approach that is widely used in most organization especially in

educational institutions. This approach aims to track and to keep record of their students once

they have graduated from the institution. Through a tracer study, an institution is able to evaluate

the quality of education given to their graduates by knowing their placements and positions in

the society aligned to their programs. The results can later be used as a benchmark in producing

more qualified and competitive graduates. Likewise, the very rich pool of information and other

variables derived from tracer studies are important indicators of the quality of higher education.

On the other hand, one of the factors that determine the effectiveness of an academic institution

is the employability of its graduates. The quality of graduates is very much a function of quality

instruction and facilities because these will help ensure that graduates are equipped with the

knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable them work in their respective field.

The study conducted by Celis, Festijo and Cueto (2013) shows that there is a high

demand for hospitality and tourisms practitioners which means that graduates are easily get a job

due to the demand of the hospitality industry. They also noted that majority of their graduates

were working in the Philippines which implies the job opportunities outside the country require

ample of work experience. However, in the study of Fronda and Villanueva (2013) they found

notable findings that most of their HRM graduates work abroad. This indicates that their

institution produces globally competitive human resource.

Graduates Employability

Likewise, Celis et. al., (2016) studied the “Graduate’s Employability: A Tracer Study for

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. This study primarily determined the

employability of the graduates of Hotel and Restaurant Management of Lyceum of Philippines

University from 2005-2009. Specifically, it sought to determine the job placement profile of the

graduates and relevance of school related factors to job placement. It also identified the work-

related values and skills that contribute in meeting the demands of the present job. Furthermore,

this research proposes a program to improve employment rate for Hotel and Restaurant

Management graduates of LPU. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents are gainfully

employed and landed a job from one to two years after graduation. Most of them are on

contractual basis and are working in the Philippines. Majority are professionals working as rank

and file in HRM establishments. Human relations and communication skills are deemed to be the

most useful competencies learned by the graduates from LPU (Lyceum of the Philippines

University). Finally, the result of the study yielded that teamwork skills, particularly the skills on

working with others, were also moderately correlated with employees’ contextual performance.

This implies that graduates’ competence in employability skills could give them due advantage

in their respective work settings. Thus, proper attention on developing competence on

employability skills by employers, employees, higher academic institutions, labor agencies, and

policy makers may help address the problems on job performance.

Job Relevance

The studies of Menez and Ylagan (2011) and Buted and Menez (2005) revealed that there

is a high demand for job opportunities of BS HRM and that graduates of the said program

immediately find employment along their field of specialization. Majority of the respondents are

gainfully employed and landed a job from one to two years after graduation. Most of them are

contractual basis and are working in the Philippines. The tracer study is similar with the present

study because the present study shall also document the employment characteristics of the PSU

Roxas BSHM Graduates of 2018-2019, however, the level of satisfaction of the graduates in

terms of the level of satisfaction of the University services, learning environment and facilities

will not be looked into. Instead, it will assess the BSHM graduates’ knowledge, skills and

attitude provided during their work integrated learning activity. if those are provided, adequate,

utilized and relevant in what the world of work demands.

Graduates Employability Skills

P. Jonck & F. van der Walt, (2015) on “Graduate Employability Skills: Differences

between the Private and the Public Sector in South Africa” revealed that the only statistically

significant differences between the private and the public sector in terms of graduate

employability skills are self-responsibility and interpersonal skills. Indicative of the notion that

the differences between the private and the public sector are becoming less marked, and that the

employability skills that are sought by the public sector are similar to those that are sought by the

private sector. Based on the findings of the research project, recommendations are made

concerning course curricula in order to ensure that graduates are employable irrespective of


Similarly, Mitchell and Ashley (2006) stressed that the most important pro-poor impact

of tourism is the local employment generated by the industry.

The Theory and the Models above are supported by Mason et.al. (2006) in their paper

which made use of detailed information gathered at university department level, combined with

graduate survey data, to assess the impact of different kinds of employability skills initiative on

graduate labor market performance. They found that structured work experience has clear

positive effects on the ability of graduates, firstly, to find employment within six months of

graduation and, secondly, to secure employment in graduate-level jobs. The results of the study

of P Jonk & F van der Walt (2015) indicated that the only statistically significant differences

between the private and the public sector in terms of graduate employability skills are self-

responsibility and interpersonal skills. Indicative of the notion that the differences between the

private and the public sector are becoming less marked, and that the employability skills that are

sought by the public sector are similar to those that are sought by the private sector, the challenge

is for universities to ensure that graduates are employable irrespective of sector.

Technical Vocational Employability

According to (Cranmer, 2006) Employability issues are at the very core of current higher

education. The changing notions of the extent to which the curriculum should seek to enhance

employability reflect different conceptions of higher vocational education. Though earlier

debates tended to focus on liberal concerns that higher education should seek to enable the

individual to better fulfill their role in society, recent discussions have focused more on the

notion that all academic courses should include employability enhancing content, not just those

with a vocational focus.

TESDA National Certification

LPU Batangas offers courses for the acquisition of the skill required by shipping

company. Cruise Line students who are specialized in Culinary Arts (CLOCA) and Hotel

Services (CLOHS) should acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies through a series of field

practice and exposure to the course and assessed by the professors of LPU-B. Both domestic and

overseas labor markets are increasing because of the demand for competent and globally

competitive middle-level work force. TESDA is responsible for managing TVET sector that

ensures the availability of a qualified and competent skilled worker to meet the demand and

contribute to the economic development of the country. It ensures that its entire program is

always relative and responsive to the current need of the hospitality industry. Lyceum of the

Philippines University - Batangas is one of the open accredited centers of assessment by TESDA

(LPU-B, 2014).

Conceptual Framework

This study primarily determine the employability of the graduates of Hospitality

Management of Palawan State University Roxas Campus year 2019. Specially, it will determine

the job placement profile of the graduates and relevance of school related to job placement.

Furthermore, this research purposes a program to improve employment rate for Hospitality

Management Graduates of PSU Roxas Campus.

Research Paradigm


General Profile of
Bachelor of Science in
Management SY 2018-
2019 in terms of the
a. Personal Details/
Demographic Profile
b. Employment Status
c. Knowledge, Skills
and Abilities learned

Tracer study of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Research-
paradigm-of-the-study_fig1_341988588 [accessed 19 Oct, 2022]

Figure 1.

The figure shows the Profile of BSHM graduates, Personal details, Employment Status, the

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities learned and profiling the employment status of graduate

students. The researchers also provided formulated questionnaire.

Research Assumption

Researchers assumed that the BSHM graduates are gainfully employed and landed a job

from one to two years after graduation. Majority of the respondents are found employment along

their field specialization and most of them are working in the Philippines.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined to give clearer and better understanding of

the study.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the method and procedure utilized in the process of gathering the

data analyzed and interpreted that come up with the result of the study that the researcher is

interested in.

Research Method/ Design

The method of this study involved quantitative research. It is the process of collecting

and analyzing numerical data. It is used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, casual

test relationships, and generalize results to the broader population (Bhandari, 2021). This study

used the descriptive method in gathering data. According to Gay (1992), descriptive research

involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current

status of the subject of the study, tried to get deep data and information about the object by

giving detail data and information.

The purpose of descriptive research is, of course, to describe, as well as explain, or

validate some sort of hypothesis or objective when it comes to a specific group of people.

Descriptive research questions simply aim to describe the variables you are measuring.


From the records obtained from the Registrar’s office the sample size from specific

population, a total of thirty-one (31) HM graduates from 2019 was derived as the respondents of

the study.

Locale of the Study

This study was take place at the Palawan State University Roxas Campus, Roxas

Palawan. The respondents are expected to be found in the province of Palawan. However, the

researcher still considered the other places where the graduates were found employed.


In gathering the data needed in this work, the researcher will use a researcher-formulated

questionnaire. It was consisting of two parts:

Part 1 will be about the personal profile, employment profile and educational background of

the respondents. Part 1A was about the personal profile covering sex, , civil status and present

address of the respondents. . Part 1B will be covered the type employment profile of the

respondents such as being employed or unemployed, current job, place of work and monthly

income. Part 1C was about the educational background of the respondents such as

professional/non-professional examination passed, advance studies and vocational course. Part

1D is about how long they were trying to find a job after graduation. Part 2A of the instrument

covered the Graduate’s assessment of the knowledge, skills and attitude learned at the

university are related to their current work. Part 2B are the difficulties experiences of the

graduates are related to skills in the industry. This portion of questionnaire will be adopted

from Ched Memorandum Order. Further, part 2A and part 2B questionnaires competences were

assessed as to the graduates’ satisfaction. These were rated by the graduates using Five (5) Point

Likert 1-Strong Disagree; 2- Disagree;3- Undecided ;4- Agree;and 5-Strongly Agree.

To ensure the reliability of the instrument, the questionnaire will be validated to the 2019

hospitality graduates of the PSU Roxas Campus. After knowing the result of the dry run, the

questionnaire will be improved considering the opinions of the graduates and the employers. The

improved instrument will be submitted to the adviser for comments, and then the questionnaires

will be administered after the final draft was prepared.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission will be sought from the Campus Director, to conduct the study and to have

access on the data needed. The researcher set up a directory of the graduates will be included in

the sample. She then will be having the data gathering.

The questionnaire will be sent to the identified respondents. The graduates to be included

in the sample will be asked to personally accomplish the survey which to be to them either

through email, mail, Facebook or contact persons. After retrieving the questionnaires, the data

will be recorded, presented, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment

After the data has been gathered, the researchers interpreted the data using Descriptive

Statistical method. Descriptive summary statistic such as Frequency count, Percentage, mean and
ranking will be employed. Percentage will be used to determine the percentage of frequency of

occurrences of the different categories included in the study. Ranking will be used to show the

position of importance of the variables used in the study. Afterwards, numbers and other data

obtained were interpreted descriptively.


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for Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Asian Academic Research
Journal of Multidisciplinary, Volume 1, issue 11. (pp. 225-238). Retrieved from,
HRM.pdf, retrieved on July 2013.

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A. Personal details / Demographic Profile?
Name (Optional)
1. Sex
( ) Male ( ) Female
2. Civil Status
( ) Single ( ) Separated/ Divorced ( ) Single Parent
( ) Married ( ) Married but not living with spouse
( ) Born a child but not Married ( ) Widow or Widower
3. Present Address; __________________________

B. Employment Details/ Employment Profile?

1. Employment status of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management graduates in term of:

A. Employed or Unemployed:
( ) Employed ( ) Unemployed
B. Reason of being unemployed? _________________-
C. Current Job __________________________

2. Place of Work; ____________________________

3. Monthly income;
( ) Below P 5,000.00 ( ) P15,000.00 to less than P 20,000.00
( ) P 5,000.00 to less than P 10,000.00 ( ) P 20,000.00 to less than P 25,000.00
( ) P 10,000.00 to less than P 15,000.00 ( ) 25,000.00 and above

4. How long did it take you to find a job after you graduated?

( ) Less than a month ( ) 1 year to less than 2 years

( ) 1 to 6 months ( ) 2 years to less than 3 years

( ) 7 to 11 months ( ) 3 years to less than 4 years

5. What are the knowledge, skills and attitude learned at the university are related to their current


Range: 5- Strongly Agree 4- Moderately Agree 3- Agree 2- Least Agree 1- Not agree

5 4 3 2 1


Handle and store foodstuffs in a manner that avoids

damage and contamination, meets hygiene standards,
and maintains quality.
Select the proper decision making tools to critically,
analytically and creative solve problems.

Ability to apply relevant laws related to tourism

Ability to implement risk management to provide a
safe and secure workplace.
Ability to accept and respect everyone’s different
beliefs, equipped with social awareness and diverse

understanding when serving customers and working
with colleagues
Ability to perform effective communication skills

Ability to perform the basic functions of

management such as planning, organizing and
Ability to apply management skills in F & B services
Take corrective actions within individual scope of
responsibilities to minimize risk in accordance with
the enterprise food safety program
Ability to know conversational skills using a foreign
Shows emotional maturity by accepting criticism
and correction of others.
Displays enthusiasm for work
Accepts extra assignments and does extra mile
Follows assigned rules and policies
Maintains good and effective public relations with
people within outside of the organization

Surname: Pasar

Given Name: Nery Joy

Middle Name: Bantolinao

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 12, 2000

Place of Birth: Barangay IV, Roxas Palawan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Enry A. Pasar

Occupation: Driver/guard

Mother’s Name: Nemia B. Pasar

Occupation: Housewife/ cook


Elementary Gregorio Oquendo Memorial Elementary School

Barangay Milagrosa, Puerto Princesa City
Secondary Roxas National Comprehensive High School
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Tertiary Palawan State University- Roxas Campus

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Surname: Honor

Given Name: Apple Rose

Middle Name: D

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: November 5, 2000

Place of Birth: Modessa Island, Tumarbong Roxas Palawan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Narciso Honor

Occupation: Fisherman

Mother’s Name: Mercy Honor

Occupation: BNS


Elementary Andres Soriano Memorial Elementary School

Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan
Secondary Roxas National Comprehensive High School
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Tertiary Palawan State University- Roxas Campus

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Surname: Reselloza

Given Name: Jolly Ian

Middle Name: Alonzo

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: July 14, 2000

Place of Birth: Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Alexander A. Reselloza

Occupation: Driver

Mother’s Name: Cecelia A. Reselloza

Occupation: Housewife


Elementary Andres Soriano Memorial Elementary School

Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan
Secondary Roxas National Comprehensive High School
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Tertiary Palawan State University- Roxas Campus

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Surname: Manalon

Given Name: Jether

Middle Name: Paduga

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: May 01, 2001

Place of Birth: Barangay 4, Roxas Palawan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Venchito M. Manalon

Occupation: Tricycle Driver

Mother’s Name: Josephine P. Manalon

Occupation: OFW


Elementary Andres Soriano Memorial Elementary School

Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan
Secondary Roxas National Comprehensive High School
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Tertiary Palawan State University- Roxas Campus

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Surname: Zubiaga

Given Name: Debbie Gyle

Middle Name: Nervez

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: April 29, 2001

Place of Birth: Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Edwin L. Zubiaga

Occupation: Druver

Mother’s Name: Josefa N. Zubiaga

Occupation: OFW


Elementary Abaroan Elementary School

Barangay 1, Roxas Palawan
Secondary Roxas National Comprehensive High School
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan
Tertiary Palawan State University- Roxas Campus

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Barangay New Barbacan, Roxas, Palawan

Buted, Menez. (2005). Relevance of HRM Curriculum: Basis for Enhancing the HRM Program of Lyceum
of Batangas. Lyceums of the Philippines University, 2. Retrieved from LPUB Research » Tourism &
Hospitality Management (lpubatangas.edu.ph)

Celis, M.I. C., Festijo, B., & Cueto, A. (2013). Graduate’s Employability: A Tracer Study for Bachelor of
Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Asian Academic Research Journal of
Multidisciplinary, 225-238. Retrieved from, https://research.lpubatangas.edu.ph/wp-
content/uploads/2014/05/AARJMD-Tracer-Study-HRM.pdf, retrieved on July 2013.
Gines, A. C. (2014). Tracer Stuies of PNU Graduates. American International Journal of Contemporary, 4,


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