Cel 1330
Cel 1330
Cel 1330
f'IL4 zo/J
No. III II I 11111111111
* 2 4 6 0 *
P. Pages: 4
Tirrie : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No. ,
2. Answersheet should be written with blue ink only. Graph or diagram should
be drawn with the same pen being used for writing paper or black HB
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory & carries equal marks.
5. Assume suitable data if necessary.
6. Unless specified assume used transistor is of silicon. J
7. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
CEl1330 1 P.T.O.
CEl1330 CEl1330
for LM 340
Drop out voltage Ti ejA ejC ecs
3V 150°C 35°C/W 2.3°c/w 2°c/w
UNIT -11
c) Design a single stage C.E. amplifier with [partially bipassed and pa1iially
unbypassed Emitter Resistance] for
Av5 ~ 50,[Qpoints : Icq = lmA, VcEq ~ SV]
Ri =lOK, S=lO, RLw =100kn, Rs =0.6kn
BJT have hfe = 200, hie = 10 K.
CEl1330 2
CEl1330 CEl1330
UNIT -111
with amplitude of output is 9V, used BJT have hte =100, lcq =1mA.
b) Design a Colpitt oscillator using FET (n-channel) (with potential Bias N/W)
i) freq. of oscillation f0 = 5 MHz
· FET used have 1088 = 2mA, Vp = -6V, rd= 50Kn, 9mo = 3mu.
CEl1330 3 P.T.O.
CEl1330 CEl1330
v) Q points: loq = loss. Vosq ~ 5V.
vi) Take Vos= VR 3 (R 3 is the source Resistance of Device)
a) Design a Band pass filter for fL = 600 Hz, fH = 6 KHz with attenuation
Rate of 40 dBldecade in stop-band. Also take pass-band as flatt as
possible. Use salen-key equal component approach. [Take value of
capacitor as 0. 01 µf]
b) Design AC amplifier using 741-C with sing.le ended .power supply for
i) Inverting mode
ii) At = 10.5
iii) Rif ~ 20 K Rs = 75n
iv) Vee= +24V, IL~ 2mA fL = 20Hz
741-C have following specifications -
A 0 =2x10 5 , f0 =5Hz, Ri =2Mn, R 0 =750, S.R.=0.5V/µsec.
CEl1330 4 113/180