Quality Practise Template Tapasa
Quality Practise Template Tapasa
Quality Practise Template Tapasa
Standard Elaborations of the standard What quality practices do you use in your setting that What evidence do you use that
connect with this standard? demonstrates these quality practices?
Te Tiriti o Waitangi Understand and recognise the unique Use te reo and tikanga and link Pacific learners to identify culture. Diversity is reflected in the environment,
partnership status of tangata whenua in Aotearoa displays, language, routines
Teachers and learners prepare their own pepeha to share with each
New Zealand.
Demonstrate other. Analysed self-reflections (teacher and learner)
commitment to tangata Understand and acknowledge the at regular intervals to inform teachers of their
Pacific aspirations part of strategic planning/annual plan/allocation of efficacy.
whenuatanga and histories, heritages, languages and
Te Tiriti o Waitangi cultures of partners to Te Tiriti o
Planning includes context
partnership in Aotearoa Waitangi. Pacific values, culture and community reflected in the culture of the
New Zealand. school. Teachers design a curriculum that is reflective and responsive Respectful and meaningful conversations can
Practise and develop the use of te reo
so that students see themselves reflected in the school context. be observed
and tikanga Māori.
Teachers actively seeking knowledge and understanding of the Learners are confident to communicate
various Pacific contexts through learners, whānau*, community** and co-constructed conversations based on new
resources. learning – talanoa
Learners, families*** and teachers co-design what Pacific success looks Learners and families participate in events
like in an authentic New Zealand context. outside the classroom/centre
Establish and • learners, family and whānau Consistently greet people when you see them (with a smile). Pacific ways of being, doing, and knowing is
maintain professional evident in documentation and in practice
• teaching colleagues, support staff Understand that when parents do not respond straight away, it does not
relationships and
and other professionals necessarily indicate a lack of interest. It can be a sign of respect. Engagement of Pacific parents in all areas of
behaviours focused on
the learning and well- • agencies, groups and individuals in Create opportunities to converse in different contexts eg. fono,
being of each learner. the community. over shared food, at a beach, parks or community events (neutral Talanoa used in Fono
events). Use these opportunities to engage in talanoa with families***/
Communicate effectively with others. See and hear different languages in school/
Actively contribute, and work collegially, Know how to connect at your first meeting with parents.
in the pursuit of improving my own
and organisational practice, showing Understand learners have multiple names and identities based on
leadership, particularly in areas of relationships.
Invite Pacific parents to share their knowledge (pronunciation of names,
Communicate clear and accurate diversity of background etc).
assessment for learning and
Organise food for large groups and fono/events that support our
achievement information.