Eng 4
Eng 4
Eng 4
• Understand'the'uses'of'objective'and'subjective'language'and'bias'(ACELA1517)'
• Understand'how'authors'often'innovate'on'text'structures'and'play'with'language'features'to'achieve'particular'aesthetic,'humorous'and'persuasive'pur
Text!structure!and! (ACELA1518)'
organisation! • Understand'that'cohesive'links'can'be'made'in'texts'by'omitting'or'replacing'words'(ACELA1520)'
! • Understand'the'uses'of'commas'to'separate'clauses'(ACELA1521)'
• Investigate'how'complex'sentences'can'be'used'in'a'variety'of'ways'to'elaborate,'extend'and'explain'ideas(ACELA1522)'
Expressing!and!developing! • Understand'how'ideas'can'be'expanded'and'sharpened'through'careful'choice'of'verbs,'elaborated'tenses'and'a'range'of'adverb'groups/phrases(ACELA1
ideas! • Identify'and'explain'how'analytical'images'like'figures,'tables,'diagrams,'maps'and'graphs'contribute'to'our'understanding'of'verbal'information'in'factua
! texts'(ACELA1524)'
• Investigate'how'vocabulary'choices,'including'evaluative'language'can'express'shades'of'meaning,'feeling'and'opinion'(ACELA1525)'
• Understand'how'to'use'banks'of'known'words,'word'origins,'base'words,'suffixes'and'prefixes,'morphemes,'spelling'patterns'and'generalisations'to'learn
Phonics!and!word! words,'for'example'technical'words'and'words'adopted'from'other'languages'(ACELA1526)'
knowledge! • Understand'how'to'use'phonic'knowledge'and'accumulated'understandings'about'blending,'letterTsound'relationships,'common'and'uncommon'letter'p
• Compare'texts'including'media'texts'that'represent'ideas'and'events'in'different'ways,'explaining'the'effects'of'the'different'approaches'(ACELY1708)'
• Participate'in'and'contribute'to'discussions,'clarifying'and'interrogating'ideas,'developing'and'supporting'arguments,'sharing'and'evaluating'information,
Interacting!with!others! opinions'(ACELY1709)'
• Use'interaction'skills,'varying'conventions'of'spoken'interactions'such'as'voice'volume,'tone,'pitch'and'pace,'according'to'group'size,'formality'of'interact
• Plan,'rehearse'and'deliver'presentations'selecting'and'sequencing'appropriate'content'and'multimodal'elements'for'defined'audiences'and'purposes,'ma
• Analyse'how'text'structures'and'language'features'work'together'to'meet'the'purpose'of'a'text'(ACELY1711)'
Interpreting,!analysing!and! • Select,'navigate'and'read'texts'for'a'range'of'purposes'applying'appropriate'text'processing'strategies'and'interpreting'structural'features,'for'example'ta
evaluating! glossary,'chapters,'headings'and'subheadings'(ACELY1712)'
• Use'comprehension'strategies'to'interpret'and'analyse'information'and'ideas,'comparing'content'from'a'variety'of'textual'sources'including'media'and'd
• Analyse'strategies'authors'use'to'influence'readers'(ACELY1801)'
• Plan,'draft'and'publish'imaginative,'informative'and'persuasive'texts,'choosing'and'experimenting'with'text'structures,'language'features,'images'and'dig
Creating!texts! appropriate'to'purpose'and'audience'(ACELY1714)'
• Reread'and'edit'students’'own'and'others’'work'using'agreed'criteria'and'explaining'editing'choices'(ACELY1715)'
• Develop'a'handwriting'style'that'is'legible,'fluent'and'automatic'and'varies'according'to'audience'and'purpose'(ACELY1716)'
• Use'a'range'of'software,'including'word'processing'programs,'learning'new'functions'as'required'to'create'texts'(ACELY1717)'
• Make'connections'between'students’'own'experiences'and'those'of'characters'and'events'represented'in'texts'drawn'from'different'historical,'social'and
Literature!and!context! (ACELT1613)'''
• Analyse'and'evaluate'similarities'and'differences'in'texts'on'similar'topics,'themes'or'plots'(ACELT1614)'
Responding!to!literature! • Identify'and'explain'how'choices'in'language,'for'example'modality,'emphasis,'repetition'and'metaphor,'influence'personal'response'to'different'texts'(A
• Identify,'describe,'and'discuss'similarities'and'differences'between'texts,'including'those'by'the'same'author'or'illustrator,'and'evaluate'characteristics'th
Examining!literature! author’s'individual'style'(ACELT1616)'
• Identify'the'relationship'between'words,'sounds,'imagery'and'language'patterns'in'narratives'and'poetry'such'as'ballads,'limericks'and'free'verse'(ACELT
• Create'literary'texts'that'adapt'or'combine'aspects'of'texts'students'have'experienced'in'innovative'ways'(ACELT1618)'
Creating!literature! • Experiment'with'text'structures'and'language'features'and'their'effects'in'creating'literary'texts,'for'example,'using'imagery,'sentence'variation,'metapho
General!Capabilities! Cross:Curriculum!Priorities! Notes:!!!
• Literacy'' • Aboriginal'and'Torres'Strait'Islander'histories'and'cultures'
• Numeracy''
• Asia'and'Australia’s'engagement'with'Asia'
• Information'and'communication'technology'(ICT)'capability''
• Critical'and'creative'thinking'' • Sustainability.'
Teaching Focus: Activating Teaching Focus: Teaching Focus: Social Teaching Focus: Cultural Teaching Focus: Social
prior knowledge. Comprehension justice Diversity issues.
Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS):
1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions
on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard.
2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on
whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard.
3. Explain the day’s 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s 3. Explain the day’s activities.
activities. activities.
(ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830)
Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group:
Phonic concept: EY (key) Phonic concept: EY (key) Phonic concept: EY (key) Phonic concept: EY (key) Phonic concept: EY (key)
Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group:
WEEK Phonic concept: I (ee) Phonic concept: I (ee) Phonic concept: I (ee) Phonic concept: I (ee) Phonic concept: I (ee)
ONE Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group:
Phonic concept: silent ‘h’ ‘t’ Phonic concept: silent ‘h’ ‘t’ ‘n, Phonic concept: silent ‘h’ ‘t’ ‘n, Phonic concept: silent ‘h’ ‘t’ Phonic concept: silent ‘h’ ‘t’ ‘n,
ACTIVITY: • Create a word web – • Highlight the phonic ACTIVITY: • End of week spelling test.
• Write a poem or short choose 8 of your words concept using two different • Choose 7 of your words
story using as many of and think of at least 3 colours. and write down the
your spelling words as other words that are • Look, say, cover, write and meaning of each of them.
you can. connected to each of check.
(ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACHASS135) (ACELT1613)
• Modeled reading session • Modeled mat session ACTIVITY: • As part of their HASS • Students will be required
of ‘I’m Australian Too’ by where the teacher reads • Students will engage with lessons students will to read a fact sheet about
Mem Fox to activate prior “Sorry Day” by Coral Vass their reading groups where engage in a mat session Indigenous Australian’s.
knowledge. and Dub Leffler. they will be tasked with a where the teacher will • Students highlight key
• Use ‘think aloud’ • Use prediction strategies different activity. read ‘Remembered by facts and important
statements and strong to decode meaning. Oranges: Guided reading. Heart’ by Sally Morgan. information.
expression. • Use ‘think aloud’ Pears: Grammar. • Students will listen to and • Students will create a
• Read Possum Magic by statements and strong Bananas: Skill and strategy be exposed to stories of Popplet brainstorming
Mem Fox expression to convey reading. Indigenous Australian these key facts and ideas.
• Draw connections to both meaning. • Each group will be tasked women and their
books to the discussion. with the above activity and experiences in Australian
given the appropriate democracy.
reading book focused on • Students are to note the
cultures. differences of the
experiences read and
that of there own.
Oral Language (20 MINS): Oral Language (20 MINS): Oral Language (15 MINS): HASS (35 MINS): Writing (30 MINS):
(ACELY1709) (ACELY1709) (ACELY1709) (ACELY1709) (ACHASS135) (ACEKY1714)
• Host a class discussion • Host a class discussion • Discuss the book that was • Create and iMovie • Engage in a modeled
about cultures that exist answering what was the read in the previous lesson explaining one of the writing session where
in the classroom. moral of the story? and the author’s intention. stories that they heard students will observe the
• Question Australian • What did we know about • Discuss the purpose of the from the book
book. teaching writing body
culture and identity. Australian culture and how ‘Remembered by Heart’. paragraphs to a
• Wonder at Aboriginal did it change? Writing (35 MINS): • Students must verbally persuasive piece.
History – what do we as • What emotions did we feel (ACELY1714) make comparisons • The teacher will continue
a year six class know? when we read this book? • During a mat session the between the woman’s on the persuasive piece
• How did the author teacher models how to experience and that of started during day three.
Writing (30 MINS):
achieve this? write an introduction to a their own in Australian
persuasive piece. This will democracy.
• Students will be be done in the form of a
introducing to persuasive Writing (30 MINS): letter. Writing (15 MINS): Oral Language (15 MINS):
text types and will be (ACELY1714) (ACELY1716) (ACELY1709)
• During lesson one
given 2 examples to • Complete a • Engage in a small • News telling session.
students were given a list
read. comprehension activity handwriting session • The 2 selected students
of persuasive techniques. for their week will share
• Students will complete a deconstructing the The teacher will use this practicing legibility.
jigsaw activity, which will some news with the class.
message of the story. list to model writing and • Students will write two – • Students whom are not
enable them to learn and introduction.
• Complete a KWL chart three sentences on the sharing news will be
understand the text required to engage in
about Australian culture • The task will be to prompt ‘Today I am
structure. active listening and
and Indigenous Culture. persuade the principal of feeling…’
• Students will also be the school to include a questioning.
given a list of persuasive Acknowledgement of
techniques, which they Country to all school
will discuss and examine. assemblies.
Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation:
• Students who require • Lessen the depth of • Students will be placed in • Students may work in • Students with difficulties
assistance may work in questions asked through reading groups based on small groups to create reading will read in small
pairs to complete the the comprehe -nsion ability and skills. Move up their iMovie and will work groups where they will
KWL chart. component. and down as needed. with the teacher. share the reading.
• Students who excel will • Challenge students to • Students will research a • Students who excel in
conduct individual further research the author notable Indigenous reading will be given a list
research in a graphic and her background and Australian and their of comprehension
organiser. determine how this experiences. questions to answer.
impacts the story.
• Anecdotal notes • Checklist assessing • Anecdotal notes assessing • Rubric assessing content • End of week spelling test
assessing student comprehension skills.! student participation and and skill covered in will be award students with
participation and behavior. behavior.! student’s iMovie.! 5% of there spelling mark
for the term (summative)!
Teaching Focus: Cultural Teaching Focus: Teaching Focus: Social Teaching Focus: Cultural Teaching Focus: Engaging
histories. Forgiveness. justice. experiences. with culture.
Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS):
1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions
on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard.
2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on
whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard.
3. Explain the day’s 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s 3. Explain the day’s activities.
activities. activities.
(ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830)
Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group:
WEEK Phonic concept: EY (gray) Phonic concept: EY (gray) Phonic concept: EY (gray) Phonic concept: EY (gray) Phonic concept: EY (gray)
Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group:
TWO Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee)
Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group:
Phonic concept: GN (gnome) Phonic concept: GN (gnome) Phonic concept: GN (gnome) Phonic concept: GN (gnome) Phonic concept: GN (gnome)
• Choose 10 of your words • Write a sentence for 10 of • Choose 7 words. Write • Choose 10 words and • End of week spelling test.
and write down as many your spelling words. down 3 clues for each of write down a definition
words that rhyme with RELIGION (30 MINS): them so that a friend can for each of them
them as you can. (ACELT1613) try and guess the word
• During their religion unit • Look, say, cover, write and
student will engage in the check.
READING (30 MINS): Story of Zacchaeus. READING (30 MINS): HASS (30 MINS): READING (30 MINS):
(ACELT1613) • They will deconstruct this (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACHASS135) (ACELT1613)
• Students will engage in a text and will compare and ACTIVITY: • Students will read the • Students will engage in 30
shared reading of ‘Sorry contrast it with Sorry Day • Students will engage with following texts: “Fair Skin minutes of individual
Day’ by Coral Vass and by Coral Vass and Dub their reading groups where Black Fella” by Renee reading for pleasure.
Dub Leffler. Leffler. they will be tasked with a Fogorty, “Welcome to • Students will have had the
• Students will deconstruct • Students will create a t- different activity. Country” by Laklak opportunity to borrow a
the historical context of chart to note comparison. Oranges: Skill and strategy Burarrwanga and Family book from the school
the story using a graphic Pears: Guided Reading and “Stolen Girl” by Trina library during the week of
organiser and computers Oral Language (20 MINS): Bananas: Grammar Saffioti and Norma their own interest.
to research. (ACELY1709) • Each group will be tasked MacDonald. • During this session
• Students will indicate the • Students will engage in a with the above activity and • Students will complete a students will find a comfy
historical significance came of Four Corners. given the appropriate comprehension task with place to them and engage
drawing on prior • A controversial statement reading book focused on a social justice focus. in individual reading.
knowledge. cultures.
Oral Language (20 MINS): will be read to the class. Music (15 MINS): Oral Language (15 MINS): MUSIC (40 MINS):
(ACELY1709) • Each corner of the class (ACELY1709) (ACAMUR091) (ACELY1709) (ACELY1709) (ACAMUR091)
• Students will engage in a will be labelled with a • During music students will • News telling session. • During their music lessons
game of Make a Stand. scale from ‘agree’ to be required to sing Wanjoo • The 2 selected students students have learnt about
• A controversial statement ‘disagree’. by Gina Williams. for their week will share different instruments
will be shared with the • Students will need to some news with the played in different culture
• Students will use decode the Noongar lyrics class.
class. persuasive devices to to tell stories.
to English and make • Students whom are not
• Students will need to justify their choice. comparison. • Students will present their
sharing news will be
agree or disagree with Writing (30 MINS): 2-minute oral presentation
required to engage in
the statement using (ACELY1714) (ACAMUR091) explaining and describing
active listening and
persuasive techniques Writing (30 MINS): • Students will engage in a the historical origins and
they have learnt. (ACELY1714) shared writing session. significance of a chosen
• Students will engage in a instrument from a different
• As a class they will write culture to their own.
shared writing session. the body paragraphs of a
Writing (30 MINS): Writing (30 MINS): Writing (10 MINS):
• As a class they will write persuasive piece. (ACELY1716) (ACELY1716)
an introduction persuasive • The persuasive piece will
• Engage in a modeled • Students will engage in • Engage in a small
piece. be in the form of a letter to
writing session where a shared writing session. handwriting session
students will observe the • The persuasive piece will the Premier. practicing legibility.
be in the form of a letter to • The persuasive letter will • As a class they will write
teaching writing a the conclusion of a • Students will write two –
conclusion to a the Premier. convince the Premier to
• The persuasive letter will ensure all schools study persuasive piece. three sentences on the
persuasive piece. prompt ‘Tomorrow I plan
• The teacher will continue convince the Premier to the book Sorry Day by • This will continue on from
ensure all schools study the persuasive letter too…’
on the persuasive piece Coral Vass and Dub
started during day three the book Sorry Day by Leffler. started in day one of
of week one. Coral Vass and Dub week two.
Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation:
• During the Make a Stand • During the Make a Stand • Students who are • Students who excel will • Students who struggle in
game students will be game students will be identified as struggling will be given a task to the writing session will be
given prompt cards. given prompt cards. work in small groups with persuade the teacher to given Emoji prompts to
• Students will be given a • Students will be given a a teacher assistant where withhold giving help guide their writing.
homework task in which homework task in which they will further scaffold homework using one • Students who exceed
they will write an they will write an and model the writing paragraph. during the spelling test will
explanation during the explanation during the process. be moved appropriately.
Make a Stand game. Make a Stand game. ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT
• Anecdotal notes assessing • Formative exit slip where • End of week spelling test
ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT the work sample produce the student must list 4 will be award students with
• Anecdotal notes • Anecdotal notes assessing during the shared writing different persuasion 5% of there spelling mark
assessing student the work sample produce session. techniques before for the term (summative)
participation and during the shared writing leaving the classroom.
behavior. session.
Teaching Focus: Personal Teaching Focus: Connecting Teaching Focus: Persuade Teaching Focus: Teaching Focus: Letters for
response. texts. for change. Comparing and contrasting. change.
Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS): Preview (10 MINS):
1. Write learning 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions 1. Write learning intentions
intentions on the on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard. on the whiteboard.
whiteboard. 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on 2. Write success criteria on
2. Write success criteria whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard. whiteboard.
on whiteboard. 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s activities. 3. Explain the day’s 3. Explain the day’s activities.
3. Explain the day’s activities.
(ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830) (ACELA1830)
Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group: Blue Group:
WEEK Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee) Phonic concept: E (ee)
THREE Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group: Yellow Group:
Phonic concept: ER (ear) Phonic concept: ER (ear) Phonic concept: ER (ear) Phonic concept: ER (ear) Phonic concept: ER (ear)
Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group: Pink Group:
Phonic concept: AMPHI or Phonic concept: AMPHI or Phonic concept: AMPHI or Phonic concept: AMPHI or Phonic concept: AMPHI or
• Write a poem or short • Create a word web – • Highlight the phonic • Choose 7 of your words ACTIVTY:
story using as many of choose 8 of your words concept using two different and write down the • End of week spelling test.
your spelling words as and think of at least 3 colours. meaning of each of them.
you can other words that are • Look, say, cover, write and
connected to each of them check.
(ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613) (ACELT1613)
• Reading “Sorry Day” by • Students will begin reading ACTIVITY: • Students have begun to • Students will engage in 30
Carol Vass and Dub “The Barrumbi Kids” by • Students will engage with read “The Barrumbi Kids” minutes of individual
Leffler students will Leonie Norrington as part their reading groups where by Leonie Norrington. reading for pleasure.
complete a book of their novel study for the they will be tasked with a • Students will have had the
• Students will complete a
review. remainder of the term. different activity. t-chart comparing the opportunity to borrow a
• This book review will • During this session Oranges: Grammar. themes in “Sorry Day” by book from the school
ask similar students will be required to Pears: Skill and strategy. Carol Vass and Dub library during the week of
comprehension read the first three Bananas: Guided reading. Leffler and those they their own interest.
questions as to day 2 chapters of the book. Each group will be tasked with have begun to see in • During this session
lesson one. However • Chapters that are not read the above activity and given “The Barrumbi Kids.” students will find a comfy
will ask for a personal during the session will be the appropriate reading book place to them and engage
response. set as a homework task. focused on cultures. in individual reading.
RELIGION (40 MINS): HASS (50 MINS): Oral Language (10 MINS): HASS (40 MINS): Oral Language (10 MINS):
(ACELY1709) (ACELY1714) (ACHASS135) (ACELY1709) (ACELY1714) (ACHASS135) (ACELY1709)!
• As part of their • As part of their HASS unit • Discuss the book that was • Students will use their News telling session.!
Religious Education students must write a letter read in the previous lesson graphic organiser and • The 2 selected students
unit students are to to the Prime Minister and the author’s intention. planning notes to finish for their week will share
make an oral • Discuss the purpose of the some news with the class.
persuading him to writing their summative
book. • Students whom are not
presentation. mandate a treaty for HASS assessment.
HASS (40 MINS): sharing news will be
• Students will present a Indigenous Australian’s. • During this writing required to engage in
2-minute speech where • Students will rely heavily (ACELY1714) (ACHASS135) session students must active listening and
they will explain God’s on their HASS knowledge • Students will use their finish writing their questioning.
love and his power to to provide content to their graphic organiser and persuasive writing.
planning notes to begin HASS (40 MINS):
forgive using props persuasive letter. • This is an individual (ACELY1714) (ACHASS135)
from their own • During this lesson writing their summative writing session.
HASS assessment. • Students will use their
reconciliation. students will use a graphic
• During this writing session graphic organiser and
organiser to plan their planning notes to edit and
persuasive letter. students must begin
writing their persuasive publish their summative
Writing (10 MINS): Oral Language (5 MINS): Music (15 MINS): HASS assessment
(ACELY1716) (ACELY1709) writing. (ACELY1709)(ACAMUR091) (persuasive letter).
• Students will engage in a • This is an individual writing • As part of their music unit
• Engage in a small session. • During this writing session
handwriting session sharing session where this term students will be students must individually
practicing legibility. they will think, pair and exposed to music from edit and publish their
share their ideas for the Differentiation:
• Students will write two different cultures. persuasive letter to the
persuasive letter. Students who are identified as
– three sentences on struggling will work in small • Students will listen to ‘I Prime Minister.
the prompt ‘My groups with a teacher assistant am Australia’ in Yawuru
favourite food is…’ where they will further scaffold Language posted by
Students may engage in a
Differentiation: and model the writing process. ABC Australia.
small group reading session.
Students who struggle with • Students will have a go Students who exceed during
public speaking may chose at singing along with the the spelling test will be moved
to pre-record themselves ASSESSMENT song. appropriately.
and present an iMovie to Differentiation: • Anecdotal notes assessing Differentiation:
the class. Students who require student participation and Students who are excelling ASSESSMENT
additional assistance will be behavior throughout the will be given thinking prompts • End of week spelling test
given a template of suggested as they begin to read “The will be award students with
• Oral presentations will
persuasive devices. • Graphic organisers Barrumbi Kids.” 5% of there spelling mark
be marked according to
collected and observed as for the term (summative)!
a rubric and will form
part of a summative ASSESSMENT a work sample. ASSESSMENT • Persuasive letters written
assessment for both • Graphic organisers • Checklist assessing by students will form part
RE and English. collected and observed as participation.! of their HASS and English
a work sample.! • Anecdotal records summative assessment
assessing behavior and and will be marked
participation. ! according to a rubric.
• Investigate the history of Australia's first people. • Examine the emotions that can be seen throughout the novel and hist
• Engage with stories from Indigenous members of Australia's create a checklist answer the following: • Cre
history. o Where these actions met with good emotions? • Ide
• Challenge their perspectives of Australia's history and think • Examine God’s teaching of forgiveness and relate his teachings diffe
critically. and his message to the message being conveyed throughout • Exa
• Explore the true stories of individuals who are of the Stolen Sorry Day. Create informative posters, speeches and artwork. artw
Generation. • Lea
• Understand how actions of the Stolen Generation have impacted HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Stu
Australian history. • Engage in games and meditation that aims to regulate artw
emotions (ACPPS056). Dance
Geography • Explore and identify health and wellbeing issues faced by • Eng
• Examine Australia’s cultural diversity, including that of its Indigenous Australians. (AC
indigenous peoples who live in different regions in the • Play traditional sport games such as Kabi Kabi Buroinjin. Drama:
country.! • Use dr
• Use and examine the AIATSIS map. (ACAD
• Students can compare and contrast the different living and • Create
non-living things that were around during the Stolen Sorry Day (ACAM
Generation.! Music:
• Identify the different electrical energy used throughout the By Carol Vass & Dub Leffler ! • Compa
! differen
• Predict and gather data from past historical events (stolen
generation) to identify the possibilities of the events
reoccurring (take into consideration the changes in laws over MATHEM
time).! • Stu
• Make predictions based on past events, and then eve
measure these predictions from gathered data.! hap
! Literacy
Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and Language
interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing Understan
and evaluating information, experiences and opinions (ACELY1709) are used i
• Discuss how and why particular feelings are being felt throughout
Literature the book. Example – How did Dale feel about the new residents? Understan
Make connections between students’ own experiences and those of Discuss the cultural differences seen throughout the text. Why
• understan
characters and events represented in texts drawn from different are these important? What do these teach us? and uncom
historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1613) Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions
• and write i
such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group
• Students write a recount about interactions they have had with size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the • Incu
members of their community when an experience may have been audience. the
positive or negative. Present and retell a chapter of the book during reading sessions.
• • Incu
• Students describe a time when they did something they should Students can create their own dreamtime stories, and create a
• telli
not have done. Describe how it made them feel and indicate the classroom book. • Spe