Design-Brief 1
Design-Brief 1
Design-Brief 1
Jordyn, Tanya & Madeline
Design Brief
Attention year 3’s!
You must design one esky per person in your group.
You can only use recycled materials for your esky.
You can only use up to 5 different materials.
1. Design and label an esky that you would like to create.
2. As a group choose which design you think would work the
best (make adjustments if needed).
3. Collect required equipment/resources.
4. Start constructing!
Year Group:
Year Three Information
Strand: Chemical
Curriculum Link:
A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding
Topic: Melting
or removing heat (ACSSU046).
STEM Links:
· Conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible
· Team Roles · Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and
Cardboard introduces and requires them to examine the change from a solid
· Recycled to a liquid. Through the use of game and play students will initially
Plastics explore how adding heat will change the solid from a liquid.
· Recycled Students will then use key terminology such as melting, heating and
· Tape design brief. Students will be working with a STEM mindset and