Hass Term Overview
Hass Term Overview
Hass Term Overview
Term 3, 2021
Mrs Marni Vollprecht & Miss Jordyn Sheldrick
WEEK CURRICULUM OUTCOMES Learning Intention/s Resources/Assessment
Scsa Math Curriculum v8.1
1 Curriculum Content: Map the 7 Continents of Resources:
The main characteristics the World. World Map Jigsaw
(e.g. climate, natural vegetation, Map Australia. Australia Blank map
landforms, native animals) of the Examine the continent ‘Africa PowerPoint’
continents of Africa and Europe, and the of Africa. Assessment:
location of their major countries in relation Work Sample: Are students able to map the according places/land masses?
to Australia (ACHASSK087) Judging Standard:
Locates some selected places on a map and identifies the main
characteristics of the natural environments of Africa and Europe.