Job Analysis
Job Analysis
Job Analysis
and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be
hired for it. It is a process of collecting information related to various
aspects of the job. The main purposes of conducting job analysis are to
prepare a job description and job specification which in turn helps to
hire the right quality of workforce into the organization.
In other words, job analysis refers to the anatomy of the job. It is a
complete study of job, embodying every known and determinable
factor, including the duties and responsibilities involved in its
performance, the conditions under which the performance is carried
on, the nature of the task, the qualities required in the worker, and
such conditions of employment as pay hour, opportunities and
privileges. It also emphasises the relation of one job to others in the
organisation.analysis is a formal and detailed examination of jobs. It is
a systematic investigation of the task, duties and responsibilities
necessary to do a job.
1. Information Collection
This is the first step of job analysis under which required information
related to various aspects of jobs are collected. Probably the most
important consideration is to identify the objectives of the job analysis.
Information is obtained through different methods such as interview,
observation, questionnaire, critical incidents etc. It is associated with the
preparation of plans and programs and assignment of responsibilities to
the concerned person.
This is the second step of job analysis process under which the
previously collected information is reviewed to design organizational
charts, current position descriptions and specifications, procedures,
manuals and process charts. These help in the detailed assessment of job.
Analyzing all jobs at a time is a complex and costly affair. So, only a
representative sample of jobs is selected for the purpose of detailed
analysis. Under it, the job analyst investigates to determine which
organization managers or employees require job analysis. He should also
determine for what purpose the job must be analyzed. Be careful that the
representative jobs reflect all the duties and characteristics of related
Under this step of job analysis process, a job analyst obtains the data and
information related to the selected jobs. The information is collected on
the job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions,
human traits and qualities, abilities to perform the job and other various
dimensions of the job. Data can be collected either through
questionnaire, observation or interviews.
You can visit the job site and interview employees performing the job.
Interview, if possible, the immediate incumbent or supervisor of the
employee to obtain a different perspective of duties and responsibilities
vested in the job
You are almost done! The final step involved in job analysis is to write
the job description and job specifications, which are used as input for
several HR activities.
Developing the job specification is the last step of job analysis process
under which a detailed specification statement is prepared showing the
minimum requirement of each job. It consists of a requirement of the job
holder for successfully performing the job. A job specification
summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, knowledge, and
background required to perform the specific task. It also involves the
physical and psychological attributes of the incumbent.
After the job description and job specifications have been applied, the
results are compared with the purpose of job analysis (determined at the
first step) to assess the degree to which objectives have been
The job analysis results in the job description and the job specification.
The Job description comprises of job duties, the level of responsibilities,
working conditions, etc. and whereas the job specification tells about the
skills, education, background, qualification, training, communication
skills required to perform a specific job.
Job analysis is an important function of human resource management, human resource
managers can fully understand the various important business links and business
processes of organization and management, it contributing to human resource
management functions to truly rise to strategic position. It can better understand the
importance of job analysis through analysis of the role of enterprises. It describes the
process of job analysis which enables enterprises better application of the results of job
variety of methods are available for collecting job data.The method
that was historically linked to the concept of job analysis was
observation supplemented by the interview.
Under this method, data is collected through observing an employee
while at work. The job analyst on the basis of observation carefully
records what the worker does, how he/she does, and how much time is
needed for completion of a given task. This is the most reliable method
of seeking first hand information relating to a job.
That it is time consuming is it’s yet another handicap. Given these, the
job analyst needs to be quite skillful in collecting data about jobs with
a high degree of discretion or decision content. Training can make the
job analyst skillful.
In this method, the job analyst directly interviews the job holder
through a structured interview form to elicit information about the
job. This method is found suitable particularly for jobs wherein direct
observation is not feasible. By way of directly talking to the job holder,
the interviewer job analyst may extract meaningful information from
the job holder about his/her job.
In this method, the employee is given structured questionnaire to fill
in, which are then returned to the supervisors. The supervisor, after
making the required and necessary corrections in the information
contained in the questionnaire, submits the corrected information to
the job analyst. Questionnaire provides comprehensive information
about the job.
The checklist method of job data collection differs from the
questionnaire method in the sense that it contains a few subjective
questions in the form of yes or no. The job holder is asked to tick the
questions that are related to his/her job. Checklist can be prepared on
the basis of job information obtained from various sources such as
supervisors, industrial engineers, and other people who are familiar
with the particular job.
Critical Incidents:
This method is based on the job holder’s past experiences on the job.
They are asked to recapitulate and describe the past incidents related
to their jobs. The incidents so reported by the job holders are, then,
classified into various categories and analysed in detail. Yes, the job
analyst requires a high degree of skill to analyse the incidents
appropriately described by the job holders. However, this method is
also time-consuming one.
Information input
Work Output
Mental processes
Job context
Relationship with other people
Job-related variables
Management Position Description Questionnaire
Functional Job Analysis
Employees are typically the most valuable and important resource in any
company. Successful business leaders know that placing the right people
in jobs that are suited to them is critical to long-term success.
Ultimately, the purpose of any kind of job analysis is to ensure that
employers invest in workers that can provide overall value to their
organization. This includes a thorough investigation of an individual’s
ability to perform their job as well as the ways their performance could
impact the work of other team members.
most of these job analysis methods suffer from one or more of several
problems. Face to face interviews and observations can be low and time
consuming. The information (usually collected orally or in writing) is
difficulty to update quickly. Collecting the information from
internationally dispersed employees is challenging.
Although widely used, this practice creates its own problems. Most
importantly, without job analyst / facilitator actually sitting there and
interacting with the employee or supervisor there’s always a chance that
important points won’t be uncovered or that misunderstandings will
cloud the results.
The US Navy Project: A recent report describes how a new web based
job analysis procedure for the US navy helps overcome this problem.
The challenge was to develop a system that would allow the collection
of job related information with minimal intervention and guidance, so
that system could be used in a distributed manner using the World Wide
Web to access the system. The basic aim was to reduce ambiguities by
having respondents complete step by step structured forms.
In this procedure the system doesn’t ask the subject matter experts (the
job incumbents, supervisors, or others who know the jobs) about the jobs
in question as a whole. Instead, the process is as follows:
1) It presents them with a set of general work activities obtained from
the Department of Labor online job analysis systems O*NET work
activities list. Figure lists some of these activities such as Information
Input category and Interacting with Others Category.
2) It directs them to select those work activities that are relevant to their
3) It asks them to list specific duties of their jobs that fit each of those
selected standard work activities (For instance, if any employee chose
getting information as a work activity that was relevant to his o her job,
he might here list one or more specific job duties from the job are
relevant to getting information perhaps such as watch for new orders
from our customers an bring them to the boss’s attention.
The method proved to be a reliable and valid way to collect job related
information online.
We’ve seen that there are many ways to obtain job analysis information,
including from individual workers groups, or supervisors; or from the
observation of job analysts. You can use interviews, observations, or
Some firms use a single approach, like having the job analysts do
interviews with current job incumbents. Yet one study suggests that
using just one source is not wise. The problem is that any single
approach has potential drawbacks. For example in a group interview,
some group members may feel pressure to go along with the group’s
consensus, or an employee may be careless about how he or she
completes a questionnaire. Collecting job analysis data from just
interviews or just observation, may thus lead to inaccurate conclusions.
It’s better to use several sources. For example, where possible collect job
analysis data from several types of respondents – groups, individuals,
observers, supervisors, and analysts.
Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related data. The process
results in collecting and recording two data sets including job
description and job specification. Any job vacancy can not be filled until
and unless HR manager has these two sets of data. It is necessary to
define them accurately in order to fit the right person at the right place
and at the right time. This helps both employer and employee understand
what exactly needs to be delivered and how.
Both job description and job specification are essential parts of job
analysis information. Writing them clearly and accurately helps
organization and workers cope with many challenges while onboard.
Job Description
Use 100 % free Illustrations of Job Descriptions. Not everyone feels safe
in writing job descriptions. Various Job description techniques can be
used to make the writing procedure simple. It’s readily available online
on any well-known job portal. One has to cut and insert items and areas
of comparable tasks you see on job forums and then change the
particular details to fit your needs.
Firstly, before writing a job description you must analyse the role on
offer, particularly if it's a new role. A job description should be
rewritten each time the role is advertised to reflect any changes in
your business requirements. Use this as an opportunity to review the
role and its responsibilities. A recruitment professional will be able to
help or even write a job description for you, provided you are able to
furnish them with the required details for the position.
After the job description details are designed, we need to look at it again.
Does it perfectly indicate what the job is? If so, we are almost done! We
can now decide on the position and pay structure.
Job Specification
the job title the position in the company, including their line
manager and any other members of staff reporting to them