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Answers 506

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Assessment Task 1:

1. Outline five methods of recruiting staff.

 Internal recruitment – recruitment is conducted using an existing pool of staff.

 Referrals – referrals are received from others, such as a business associate or
 Recruitment agencies – external agencies are used to identify suitable staff
 Job ads – placed in a range of media
 Careers fares – these are particularly useful for recruiting graduates.

2. Describe the purpose of an assessment centre in a recruitment process.

An Assessment Centre is a multifaceted recruitment process designed to assess a group of
candidates across a range of competencies in simulated scenarios. Put simply,
an Assessment Centre is a recruitment process that combines a range of activities to
compare a group of candidates

3. Outline three advantages of using an assessment centre to determine a

candidate’s suitability for a position.

 Proven to be more effective in predicting on the job performance because it

simulates real work situations
 Candidates are given a much more realistic perspective on the role and company
 All candidates are measured objectively to the same criteria

4. Explain the concept of human resources outsourcing.

HR Outsourcing is a process in which the human resource activities of an organization are
outsourced so as to focus on the organization`s core competencies. Often HR functions are
complex and time consuming that it will create difficulty in managing other important thrust
areas. By HR outsourcing, this problem can be avoided which will enhance effectiveness by
focusing on what the organization is best at. It will also improve the flexibility of the
organization to the rapidly changing business needs. Usually businesses that outsource HR
are typically small to midsize firms with number of employees ranging from 25 to 1500.

5. Discuss two advantages of outsourcing HR functions.

Maintaining an efficient and productive workplace is critical. Outsourcing HR
functions create greater efficiency within human resources systems. Advanced
human resources technology utilized by outsourcing providers help streamline
important HR functions, such as payroll, benefit administration and compliance
management. Outsourcing helps employers and managers spend less time doing
paperwork and more time dedicated to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
the workforce.

Employee Development
Outsourcing HR functions help businesses manage employee performance and
development. Providers implement performance management plans to ensure
employees comply with company policies and procedures and successfully meet
business goals. Outsourcing firms periodically monitor employee performance and
report findings to management. This reduces the workload of managers by minimizing
the amount of administrative responsibilities they must focus on.

6. Discuss the functions and scope of industrial relations.

The Functions of Industrial Relations

There are four main functions which industrial relations play and which can be used by
managers to ensure that relationships with employees are positive.
The Function of Investment
You should always show your employees that you care. You shouldn’t care about them as
your employees, but also as people. They need to know that you take their fulfillment
seriously, both personally and professionally. When you want your employees to succeed,
they will respect you more and will be more engaged in their work and in the company

The Function of Open Communication

Communication is important to any relationship, including a business relationship. Employees
will typically spend a very large chunk of their days at work and so it is important that they
feel perfectly comfortable with their manager and satisfied with the kind of work that they

The Function of Recognition

Sometimes something as simple as saying some kind words to your employees can go a long
way. In fact, most employees feel starved of recognition at their places of work. When you
show them gratitude and appreciation it will mean a lot to them. It also a kind of
reinforcement strategy, where you reinforce the good work that they do by recognizing
them for it. That inspires them to want to do more of it.
But don’t just give the praise in private. Give it in public as well for a much grander effect.
When you praise your employees in public, the rest of the team also gets inspired. When you
reward your team for work well done then a culture of reward and appreciation begins to
develop between you and your employees, which motivates them to work even harder at
their tasks.

The Function of Constant Feedback

You should offer feedback as frequently as you can to your employees. You can tell them
about the great work they’re doing as well as offer some constructive criticism on what they
need to improve. That is another essential part of a strong relationship between an
employee and a manager.

7. Outline the purpose of an employment contract.

Employment Contract Basics. An employment contract, also known as
an employee agreement, is a written document of the conditions of a job offer from
an employer to a potential employee. It covers all of the terms of the new working
relationship that will exist between the two parties.
An agreement entered into between an employer and an employee at the time the
employee is hired that outlines the exact nature of their business relationship,
specifically what compensation the employee will receive in exchange for specific
work performed.

8. Explain the purpose of a modern award, as well as to whom it applies.

Modern awards are industry or occupation based minimum employment standards which
apply in addition to the National Employment Standards (NES). Most industries have a
modern award, which covers all employers and employees in that sector.

Visit the Fair Work Ombudsman's website for more information about modern awards,
including how to find the right modern awards for your employees.

 Modern awards are industry or occupation-based, and apply to employers and

employees who perform work covered by the award.
 Modern awards apply to all employees covered by the national workplace
relations system. However, managers or higher income employees may not be
covered by a modern award even if one applies to the industry in which they work.
9. Explain the purpose of a registered agreement.

A rental agreement needs to be registered if it’s for a period of 1 year or more as per
the Registration Act of India. You can register your agreement by visiting the sub registrar’s
office and paying the stamp duty as required.

10. Outline the 10 minimum workplace entitlements for a permanent employee of

an organisation outlined in the National Employment standards.

 A maximum standard working week of 38 hours for full-time employees, plus

‘reasonable’ additional hours.
 A right to request flexible working arrangements.
 Parental and adoption leave of 12 months (unpaid), with a right to request an
additional 12 months.
 Four weeks paid annual leave each year (pro rata).
 Ten days paid personal/carer leave each year (pro rata), two days paid
compassionate leave for each permissible occasion, and two days unpaid carer’s
leave for each permissible occasion.
 Community service leaves for jury service or activities dealing with certain
emergencies or natural disasters. This leave is unpaid except for jury service.
 Long service leave
 Public holidays and the entitlement to be paid for ordinary hours on those days.
 Notice of termination and redundancy pay.
 The right for new employees to receive the Fair Work Information Statement.

11. How long employees’ records must be kept for according to the Fair Work Act
Seven years.

12. Outline the information must be kept for each employee according to the Act
above and the Fair Work Regulations 2009? List at least four examples.
 General records including the employers name, ABN, employee’s name,
commencement date and basis of employment.
 Pay records – rate of pay, gross and net amounts paid and any deductions
from the gross amount, details of any incentive based payments, bonus
loading, penalty rate or any other monetary allowance or separately
identifiable bonus paid.
 Hours of work records – for casual or irregular employees, a record of hours
worked, for other types of employees, a record of overtime hours worked (but
only if a penalty or loading rate is to be applied), a copy of the written
agreement if hours are to be averaged.
 Leave records – leave taken, the balance of leave and records if leave has
been cashed out.

13. Explain when a pay slip must be provided to an employee and what information
must be included in the pay slip under the Fair Work Act 2009?

Pay slips have to be given to an employee within one working day of pay day, even if
an employee is on leave.
Below is a list of what to include for each pay period:
 employer’s and employee’s name
 employer’s Australian Business Number (if applicable)
 pay period
 date of payment
 gross and net pay

 if the employee is paid an hourly rate:

 the ordinary hourly rate
 the number of hours worked at that rate
 the total dollar amount of pay at that rate
 any loadings, allowances, bonuses, incentive-based payments, penalty rates or
other paid entitlements that can be separated out from an employee’s ordinary
hourly rate
 the pay rate that applied on the last day of employment
 any deductions from the employee's pay, including:
 the amount and details of each deduction
 the name, or name and number of the fund / account the deduction was paid into
 any superannuation contributions paid for the employee’s benefit, including:
 the amount of contributions made during the pay period (or the amount of
contributions that need to be made)

14. How much notice must be provided to an employee who is to be dismissed?

There are two types of notice period: statutory and contractual. Statutory notice is the
minimum legal notice that can be given. Employers should give the employee:

 one week's notice if the employee has been employed by the employer continuously
for one month or more, but for less than two years
 two weeks' notice if the employee has been employed by the employer continuously
for two years, and one additional week's notice for each further complete year of
continuous employment, up to a maximum of 12 weeks. For example if an employee
has worked for 5 years then they are entitled to 5 weeks' notice.

Employees must give their employer a minimum of one week's notice once they have worked
for one month. This minimum is unaffected by longer service.

However, contractual notice is the amount of notice that the employer can set out in the
terms and conditions of employment which can be longer than the statutory notice. For
example the statutory notice an employee must give to an employer is one week, however,
an employer can state within the terms of employment that an employee must give one
month's notice.
15. Who is and who is not covered by unfair dismissal laws?
An employee of a national system employer (called a national system employee) who has
been dismissed is protected from unfair dismissal and eligible to make an application for
unfair dismissal remedy if:

 they have completed the minimum period of employment AND
 they earn less than the high income threshold (which is currently $145,400[1] per
year), or
 a modern award covers their employment, or
 an enterprise agreement applies to their employment.

The laws do not cover:

 employees who resign and were not forced to do so by the conduct of their employer
 those employed under a contract of employment for a specified period of time, a specified
task, or the duration of a specified season who are dismissed at the end of the period, task or
 trainees whose employment was for a specified period of time and who are dismissed at the
end of the training arrangement
 employees who have been demoted but have had no significant reduction in their
remuneration or duties and who remain employed by the employer who demoted them.

16. Explain why is important to advise potential employees of the terms and
conditions of employment during the recruitment process?

Increased Attendance

Offering employee benefits can help increase employee attendance in a number of ways. The
main causes of absenteeism are health issues, family commitments, and finances. While you
ultimately can’t prevent your employees or their families from getting sick, you can support
their wellness and contribute to an environment that is conducive to work.
Increased Loyalty and Retention

Employee loyalty is generally declining. One in four millennials say they’d leave their
companies for a new job if given the opportunity, according to a 2016 survey by Deloitte .

Improve Productivity and Engagement

Lack of adequate health benefits can negatively impact your employees’ focus. How? If
employees are worried about illnesses and finances, they’ll be distracted at work. They may
even lose sleep worrying about such issues, and sleep-deprived employees can’t bring their
best selves to the workplace.

Better Recruiting

One in four small businesses rated the quality of recruits for their open positions as poor,
according to the 2017 MetLife & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index.

Providing great benefits allows you to attract the top talent in your industry. After salary,
benefits coverage is the most important tool in attracting quality candidates, and 57% of
Glassdoor survey respondents said benefits and perks play a major role when deciding
whether to pursue a particular job.

Healthier and Happier Employees

Offering benefits means your employees will most likely be in good health. They’ll go for
more medical checkups and proactively take care of themselves. Your employees will likely
treat illnesses rather than coming into the office sick and infecting everyone else.

Presenteeism—working while sick—can even be worse than absenteeism. When your

employees come to the office while sick, their quality of work declines, they’re less
productive, and they’re more likely to make costly errors.
17. Explain the purpose and relevance of psychometric tests in recruitment.

The word psychometric basically refers to the measurement of the mind. Unlike facets such
as education, skills, experience, appearance and punctuality, the behavioural traits and
personality of a candidate can be much more difficult to assess during an interview.
Some employers choose to use psychometric testing during their recruitment process to
help give a better overall evaluation of a candidate and hopefully secure the best fit for the
role. There’s some debate over the value of psychometric testing, but those who use it
believe that it can give a more objective overview of a candidate’s character, strengths,
weaknesses and working style. Typically, a psychometric test will never be used in isolation,
but as one component of a wider, integrated evaluation strategy.
For employers, psychometric testing could help to gauge the future performance of a
candidate and hopefully improve employee retention by making successful hiring decisions.

18. Explain the purpose and relevance of skills tests in recruitment.

Sales recruitment isn't cheap yet and it's been calculated that a 'wrong hire' costs between
1.75 and 3.75 times the cost of the employee's annual salary.
Poorly made selection decisions can result in lost opportunity, further recruitment costs,
extended training and redeployment costs, reduced profile, loss of competitive advantage,
damage to image reputation and corporate branding and most importantly the impact on
your other team players.
Often the 'wrong hire' is caused by failure in the recruitment process so it is imperative that
you use all of the tools at your disposal to plan and get it right first time.
Assessment Task 2

Q1: Analyze company information and conduct research.

I reviewed Strategic Plan, Employment Agreement Template and the Staff Code of Conduct
that’ are provided to me for analyze. I have found objectives for human resources, existing
human resources policies and practices and recruitment needs. I have also found gaps in
the existing human resources documentation. And I make notes for use in my briefing
As per my analysis of the company’s strategic objectives and operational priorities. I have
found the effective use of technology in human resourcesand make notes for use in the
briefing report.

Q 2: Develop Human Resources requirements briefing report.

Grow Management Consultants:
Human Resources briefing report are describe in below:

1. Introduction

It requires contributions from people across all functions of an organization. This

briefing has been designed for HR managers and people with responsibilities for
recruitment, performance evaluation and training and development.
To ensure that all staff employed are suitably qualified or experienced in relation to the
functions they perform for clients, and to ensure that the recruitment and selection of staff
is undertaken in a manner that is efficient and effective, promotes a positive image of the
college, promotes equality of opportunity, and provides applicants with a positive

2. Human resources strategic objectives and priorities:

1 To provide appropriate leadership development opportunities
2 To develop and maintain orientation and induction procedures
3 To support the career aspirations of UWA staff

To provide high quality human resource services to the Grow Management

1 To manage the employment instruments of the Company
2 To recruit the highest quality staff (Staff) and support their retention

To ensure that the Grow Management Consultants fulfills its statutory and audit
1 To ensure compliance with State and Commonwealth legislation applicable to the
management of the Grow ManagementConsultantsworkforce

To monitor organizational and individual performance

1 To support the performance management process (the Professional Development
2 To support quality assurance through benchmarking and auditing
To identify, promote and implement improved policies and practices that demonstrate
social and economic responsibility
1 To work towards an equitable representation and distribution of staff from diverse
backgrounds (Staff)
2 To promote a safe, healthy and inclusive workplace that encourages work/life
balance for staff
3 To facilitate the provision of appropriate facilities and services to create an
accessible work and study environment

1.0 To respond to workplace trends and opportunities
1 To build a comprehensive policy review and development process
2 To develop strategic policy responses to human resource issues
3 To facilitate cultural change and organizational well being

To support effective management systems, organizational structures and practices

1 To partner with managers in addressing their emerging human resource priorities
2 To improve leave management in the Grow ManagementConsultants.
3 To improve the coordination between and within central and devolved units in the
Grow ManagementConsultants structure.
4 To establish systems that ensures maintenance of the knowledge of key human
resources procedures
5 To provide accurate and reliable HR data through regular management reporting to
facilitate decision making
6 To develop and deliver high quality and responsive IT/IS capabilities
To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable -
A. Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the
strategic policies,
B. Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue, including establishing a training
college to offer accredited training in leadership
C. Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum.
Develop services to meet customer needs and aspirations -
A. Increase range of services offered to include change management and diversity
B. Plan for and establish an annual conference, starting in 2019.
C. Increase range of e-books commencing with Organizational Change e-book to be
published during 2019.
Continue building deeper customer relationships-
A. Customer-centered practice, with a focus on meeting their total needs for a high-
quality home
B. Strengthen the skills of our people, to better support customers
C. Drive innovation to better meet customer demands

3. Existing human resources policies and practices.

Grow Management Consultantshave no formal procedure for Human resource functions. The
company does have a Strategic Plan, which includes objectives for staffing.
4. Recommended HR policy and procedure and supporting forms and documents
Purpose of the Policy:
Policies on the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees create a suitable working
environment and promote healthy workplace relationships. The distribution of policies and
procedures to employees reduces the instances where management sends memos and
notices on matters relating to employee issues.

The policy is designed to deal with concerns raised in relation to the specific issues which
are in the public interest and are detailed in paragraph 3 below, and which fall outside the
scope of other University policies and procedures. The policy is not intended to apply to
personal grievances concerning an individual's terms and conditions of employment, or
other aspects of the working relationship, complaints of bullying or harassment, or
disciplinary matters. Such complaints will be dealt with under existing procedures on
grievance, bullying and harassment, discipline and misconduct in research. Details of these
procedures will be found in the relevant staff handbook and/or in Statute C. They are also
published on the web.

Policies on the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees create a suitable working
environment and promote healthy workplace relationships. The distribution of policies and
procedures to employees reduces the instances where management sends memos and
notices on matters relating to employee issues.

Roles and responsibilities:

1. Principal Consultant:
They are in the senior management bracket of the firm, controlling most of the day to
day activities. They act as the main contact person between the firm and the clients
2. HR managers will also:
 Plan and coordinate the workforce to best use employees’ talents
 Resolve issues between management and employees
 Advise managers on policies like equal employment opportunity and sexual
 Coordinate and supervise the work of specialists and staff

3. Human resources officer will be responsible for providing advices, developing,

making recommendation, as well as making adjustment on recruitment policy and

 Identifying a vacancy

Newly Created Position

When it is determined a new position is needed, it is important to:
 Understand and take into consideration strategic goals for the University and/or
department. Are there any upcoming changes that may impact this role?
 Conduct a quick analysis of UC Core Competencies. Are there any gaps? What core
skills are missing from the department? Evaluate the core skills required now and
those which may be needed in the future.
 Conduct a Job Analysis if this position will be new to your department. This will also
help to identify gaps.

When attrition occurs, replacing the role is typically the logical step to take. Before obtaining
approval to advertise the position, consider the following:
 As with a newly created position, it may be helpful to conduct a Job Analysis in order
to tailor the position to what is currently required and to ensure proper
classification. Your HR Classification Analyst can assist in reviewing and completing.
 Review the role and decide if there are any changes required as certain tasks and
responsibilities performed by the previous person may not or should not be
performed by the new person

Carefully evaluate any changes needed for the following:

 Level required performing these tasks; considering the appropriate classification
level. Be aware that changes in the classification of positions from represented to no
represented will require union notice and agreement
 Tasks carried out by the previous employee
 Tasks to be removed or added if any of the work will be transferred within
 Supervisory or lead responsibility
 Budget responsibility (if any)
 Work hours
 Is there still a requirement for this role at all?

 Developing a position description

A position description is the core of a successful recruitment process. It is used to develop
interview questions, interview evaluations and reference check questions. A well-written
position description:
 Provides a first impression of the campus to the candidate
 Clearly articulates responsibilities and qualifications to attract the best suited
 Provides an opportunity to clearly articulate the value proposition for the role
 Serves as documentation to help prevent, or defend against, discrimination
complaints by providing written evidence that employment decisions were based on
rational business needs
 Improves retention as turnover is highest with newly hired employees. Employees
tend to be dissatisfied when they are performing duties they were not originally hired
to perform.

 Information for candidates

All candidates will be able to access the following information on the College’s website:
o the relevant Job Description and Person Specification with the terms and conditions
that apply to the post;
o Job Application form;
o Information on the date and format of the selection process where available;
o The Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy;
Information will be made available to candidates in alternative formats, where this is
requested. Candidates invited to interview will be asked if any adjustments need to be made
to allow them to attend interviews or participate in other selection activities.
 Advertising
A job advertisement is a print or electronic notification of an intent to hire someone to
perform specific work in a position at a company or organization. Employers use a job
advertisement to request applications from the public or targeted candidates. Normally, a
job advertisement uses sections that give you an overview of essential information about the
job. Most job advertisements have a specified period for you to apply. They also might have
specific application instructions for you to follow:

 Job Title
Job titles for the same or similar positions can vary across industries. If an organization or
company is large enough, they might have human resources staff who create job titles for
the job advertisement. Smaller companies and human resources staff often take job titles
from an existing organization chart or the outline of the company structure. Most job titles
have some clarifiers about the position, such as temporary or permanent, full-time or part-
time and the expected work location.

 Job Duties
Employers usually post a list of duties and responsibilities in each advertisement. Review the
duties and responsibilities to decide whether the job in the advertisement fits your
expectations. When a job requires driving locally, weekly travel or frequent international
trips, an employer will either post it in the ad or tell the applicants during an interview.
Employers also clarify whether the position is in management and at what level in the
company's structure. Employers also list special conditions in the job's responsibilities, such
as working outdoors, shift work and required evening or weekend work.

Pay and Benefits

It is up to the poster of the job advertisement whether to list the salary. Some companies
only discuss salaries with potential hires, during an interview or when they contact you to
schedule an interview. Many do list benefits such as sick days and vacation leave, type of
health insurance including any employee contribution and stock options or other benefits. It
is not unusual for a company to ask an applicant to provide a salary history or to propose an
acceptable salary offer when you apply.

 Job Qualifications
Entry-level jobs also have some requirements, such as a high school diploma or equivalent.
If the employer wants applicants to have a diploma or degree, they will include this
information in the qualifications section. For management and no management jobs,
employers often list a specific minimum number of years of similar experience that
applicants must have. Employers might also list additional required qualifications such as
special software or technology skills, supervisory experience or professional licenses.
Certain government agencies and government contractors hire for positions that require
U.S. citizenship and security clearances. They highlight this in the job qualifications section.

 Method of application:
Candidate must apply for job through written application. The candidates may be asked to fill
in an application form. The application is made up of resume, cover letter, and any other
required documents, to be sent as attachments to an introductory email.

 Shortlisting:
The purpose of shortlisting is to identify those candidates who best meet the selection
criteria for the post; who are most likely to be capable of carrying out the duties of the job;
and about whom you wish to find out more during a formal interview.

Selection for the shortlist must be done by assessing applications in relation to the essential
and desirable criteria as detailed in the person specification. Candidates should be assessed
against the selection criteria and not against each other. Therefore, it is very important to
ensure the person specification is clear, up-to-date, and appropriate to the duties to be
undertaken. New selection criteria should not be introduced at the shortlisting stage. The
shortlisting panel needs to ensure that the process used is consistent and fair and that the
decisions made comply with legal requirements.

 Interview:

Your starting point, before scheduling a job interview with a candidate, is to review each
candidate's cover letter and resume.
When faced with 100 to 200 candidates, it's important to use tools that separate the great
candidates from the many. These will help you select the candidates for the job interview.
They will also help you prepare your list of questions to use to telephone screen candidates
and then ask during your onsite or online job interviews.

 Selection
Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the resumes/candidates. In this
process, the cream/top layers of resumes are shortlisted, which makes it easy for the
hiring manager to take a decision. This process has the following three outcomes −

 Shortlisting 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers

 Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager
 Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right candidate

 Appointments:
Following the assessment process, the interview/selection panel may approach the
successful candidate and inform them that the panel will be recommending them for
appointment to the role (subject to the completion of any pre-employment checks)

Selection panels do not have the authority to make an offer of appointment. Only the
Director of Human Resources has the authority to appoint individuals to University posts and
confirm their salaries, including externally funded posts. When communicating with your
preferred candidate, make clear to them that your recommendation is subject to formal
confirmation by Human Resources.

 Record keeping:
Employment records should be maintained in a reasonable order and in a safe and
accessible environment. Records containing medical information, information regarding
unsuccessful job applicants and other confidential records must be maintained separately
from other personnel documents and stored in a secure fashion
 Induction:
The recruitment and selection process involves attracting and securing individuals to
undertake particular or specific organizational roles. Induction is concerned with ensuring
newly appointed people acclimatize to their new role and working environment. In this
section we provide information on establishing an employer brand, recruitment and
induction activities, and ‘onboarding’.
Recruitment: an introduction

Looks at the main stages of the recruitment process, from defining the role to making the

Employer brand

Introduces employer branding, why it’s important, and how organisations can develop a
strong brand aligned with their values

Options for technology:

Whether you run a two-man shop or employ hundreds of workers, streamlining your
recruitment and selection process is key. You need to use cost-effective strategies to find
candidates, narrow searches, and onboard new employees. Resourceful recruiting boils
down to one question: What’s your time worth?

The more time you spend recruiting, the more money you pour into the hiring side of your
business. Are those funds being spent to simplify your recruiting practices and draw in
quality candidates? If not, it might be time to think about new employee recruitment and
selection strategies.

You can save time and money by introducing technology to your hiring efforts. Technology
can speed up the recruiting process while opening doors to more qualified candidates.
Examples of social media use in recruitment:
1. LinkedIn.
2. Facebook.
4. Instagram.


8th March 2019

Principal Consultant
Grow Management Consultants
Human Resources Department

Subject: Review of the Brief report.

Dear Sir,
How are you? Hope you are doing well. I would also like to inform you that I have complete
Human Resources requirements briefing report. With this email, I have attached the policy,
the position description template, and the report I hope you can understand the process
very well.
Please find the attachment below and please forward your approval on these matters as
soon as possible.
Best Regards,
Human Resources Officer
Grow Management Consultants
Q3. Develop a recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedure
Grow Management Consultants:
Recruitment, selection and induction policy are describing in below:
Policies on the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees create a suitable working
environment and promote healthy workplace relationships. The distribution of policies and
procedures to employees reduces the instances where management sends memos and
notices on matters relating to employee issues.

The policy is designed to deal with concerns raised in relation to the specific issues which
are in the public interest and are detailed in paragraph 3 below, and which fall outside the
scope of other University policies and procedures. The policy is not intended to apply to
personal grievances concerning an individual's terms and conditions of employment, or
other aspects of the working relationship, complaints of bullying or harassment, or
disciplinary matters. Such complaints will be dealt with under existing procedures on
grievance, bullying and harassment, discipline and misconduct in research. Details of these
procedures will be found in the relevant staff handbook and/or in Statute C. They are also
published on the web.

Policies on the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees create a suitable working
environment and promote healthy workplace relationships. The distribution of policies and
procedures to employees reduces the instances where management sends memos and
notices on matters relating to employee issues.
Roles and responsibilities:
Principal Consultant:
They are in the senior management bracket of the firm, controlling most of the day to
day activities. They act as the main contact person between the firm and the clients

HR managers will also:

 Plan and coordinate the workforce to best use employees’ talents
 Resolve issues between management and employees
 Advise managers on policies like equal employment opportunity and sexual
 Coordinate and supervise the work of specialists and staff

Human resources officer:

 Providing advices, developing, making recommendation,
 Making adjustment on recruitment policy and processes

The Procedures have been mentioned in Brief Report.

Q4. Develop supporting human resources forms

4A: Position description template:

The sample position description template that I have developed for the recruitment process
for our company is given below. This template was equipped by notes and examples for
aiding the Line Manager to complete it accordingly.

JOB TITLE: <Role name>e.g. Receptionist, Sales assistant

JOBTYPE: <Type of employment>e.g. Full-time; Part-time; Casual

LOCATION:<The physical address that the employee will work at. If the job requires travel,
state the primary location>e.g. Smithton office

SUPERVISOR/MANAGER: <Who the employee will report to>e.g. Office Manager; Shift

<Outline the duties and responsibilities of the position>
 Coordinate and carry out all office administration including reception, mail, couriers,
greeting clients and filing
 Maintain a clean and safe workspace, and abide by workplace health and safety
policies and procedures
 Other tasks as directed

Qualifications:<What qualifications, licences or education level does the employee need?>

 Diploma or Certificate IV in Business Admin or relevant experience
 First aid certificate

Experience:<What type and how much experience is needed?>

e.g. 3 years previous experience in an similar role/industry

Skills: <List skills needed for the job, including any technical or interpersonal skills>
 Intermediate to advanced Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
 Excellent verbal and written communication
 Organised and able to meet deadlines

<The level of performance you expect from the employee >
 Complete administration tasks on time
 Deal with clients, suppliers and other employees professionally at all times
 Ensure office is clean and presentable at all times
4.B Interview Guideline:

Prepare your questions

Before you meet candidates face-to-face, you need to figure out exactly what you’re looking
for in a new hire so that you’re asking the right questions during the interview. Begin this
process by “compiling a list of required attributes” for the position, suggests Fernández-
Aráoz. For inspiration and guidance, Sullivan recommends looking at your top performers.
What do they have in common? How are they resourceful? What did they accomplish prior to
working at your organization? What roles did they hold? Those answers will help you create
criteria and enable you to construct relevant questions.

Reduce stress
Candidates find job interviews stressful because of the many unknowns. What will my
interviewer be like? What kinds of questions will he ask? How can I squeeze this meeting into
my workday? And of course: What should I wear? But “when people are stressed they do not
perform as well,” says Sullivan. He recommends taking preemptive steps to lower the
candidate’s cortisol levels. Tell people in advance the topics you’d like to discuss so they can
prepare. Be willing to meet the person at a time that’s convenient to him or her. And explain
your organization’s dress code. Your goal is to “make them comfortable” so that you have a
productive, professional conversation.

Involve (only a few) others

When making any big decision, it’s important to seek counsel from others so invite a few
trusted colleagues to help you interview. “Monarchy doesn’t work. You want to have multiple
checks” to make sure you hire the right person, Fernández-Aráoz explains. “But on the other
hand, extreme democracy is also ineffective” and can result in a long, drawn-out process.
He recommends having three people interview the candidate: “the boss, the boss’ boss, and
a senior HR person or recruiter.” Peer interviewers can also be “really important,” Sullivan
adds, because they give your team members a say in who gets the job. “They will take more
ownership of the hire and have reasons to help that person succeed,” he says.

Assess potential
Budget two hours for the first interview, says Fernández-Aráoz. That amount of time enables
you to “really assess the person’s competency and potential.” Look for signs of the
candidate’s “curiosity, insight, engagement, and determination.” Sullivan says to “assume
that the person will be promoted and that they will be a manager someday. The question
then becomes not only can this person do the job today, but can he or she do the job a year
from now when the world has changed?” Ask the candidate how he learns and for his
thoughts on where your industry is going. “No one can predict the future, but you want
someone who is thinking about it every day,” Sullivan explains.

Ask for real solutions

Don’t waste your breath with absurd questions like: What are your weaknesses? “You might
as well say, ‘Lie to me,’” says Sullivan. Instead try to discern how the candidate would handle
real situations related to the job. After all, “How do you hire a chef? Have them cook you a
meal,” he says. Explain a problem your team struggles with and ask the candidate to walk
you through how she would solve it. Or describe a process your company uses, and ask her
to identify inefficiencies. Go back to your list of desired attributes, says Fernández-Aráoz. If
you’re looking for an executive who will need to influence a large number of people over
whom he won’t have formal power, ask: “Have you ever been in a situation where you had to
persuade other people who were not your direct reports to do something? How did you do
it? And what were the consequences?”
Q5. Participate in a meeting to obtain support for documents, as well as to trial documents


Principal Consultant
Grow Management Consultants

Dear Sir,
How are you? I have revised documents as per your instruction in meeting. , I have followed
your instructions to make changes in the documents. I have attached newly revised
documents that I developed.
Please find the attachment below and please forward your approval on these matters.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Human Resources Officer
Grow Management Consultants
Assessment Task 3 Instructions:

Q1: Meet with the Principal Consultant (your assessor) to provide training regarding
completing the position description template you developed in Assessment Task 2.
Description template:
 Job Title: Account Manager
 Department: Accounting and Finance Department
 Location: Central office Grow Management Consultants

Job duties:
Job duties are as follows:
a) Building and maintaining strong, long lasting customer relationships by
acquiring a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements.
b) Prepare regular reports of progress and forecasts to internal and external
stakeholders using key account metrics.
c) Ensure the correct products and services are delivered to customers in a
timely manner
d) Negotiating account management contracts and agreements to maximize
e) To assist Line manager in performance management processes.
f) Analyses and reviews financial data, prepare financial statements and reports
in a timely manner.
To be considered, you should acquire below qualities:
a) Have excellent interpersonal skills to be able to listen, communicate and
give advice to build relationships with professionals of all organizational
b) Have excellent problem-solving skills and ability to deal with conflicts or
manage dispute to comes up with effective solutions or answers for each
financing issues.
c) Have excellent time management skills to be able to multitask efficiently.
d) Have excellent experience in doing research and analytical thinking to
ensure the development of the better management.
e) Minimal two years of proven experience as an Account Manager
f) Minimal one year experience working in the similar industry (training
industry/education consultancy)

Qualifications for Account Manager are given below:

Having at least Bachelor’s degree tertiary education in Business administration,
sales, or relevant field.
High level of computer literacy especially Microsoft office and Advance CRM software

Q2: Develop an advertisement for the position of Accounts Manager to be placed on

Call for Applications in Grow Management Consultants for Account Manager:
We are currently seeking an experienced team-oriented Office/Account Manager to join our
growing team in Chatswood. This position would work in close collaboration with the
company’s Directors as well as the General Manager to maintain all filling systems, payroll,
accounts receivable and payable, and reconciling and general office duties. This roll requires
roughly 16hrs per week, ideally spread over two or more days (flexible to suit applicant) in a
great pet friendly office environment.

Company Background:
In leadership development services Grow Management Consultants is a nationally
renowned for its excellence in delivering high quality services and it’s their especially. We
have an agenda for exciting future to come with our expanding human resources which
embraces excellence, distinctiveness, and high value.
Job Title : Account Manager
Department : Accounting and Finance Department
Location : Central office Grow Management Consultants
Job duties and responsibilities for this Account Manager are:
 Prepare and submit payroll fortnightly and superannuation payments monthly.
 Manage accounts receivable and payable. Monitor and chase overdue invoices as well as
reconciling accounts to ensure all bank accounts are balanced.
 Manage all general administrative duties, including tracking all current jobs on the Work
In Progress spreadsheets as well as on office whiteboards, maintain office supplies, mail
distribution and company/car insurances.
 Prepare, format and edit documents and assist in producing correspondence, reports
and presentations.
 Develop and maintain up-to-date document and email filing and archiving systems.
 Arrange and coordinate all administrative requirements for new employees, meetings,
training sessions and functions.
Extra qualities:
i. Have excellent interpersonal skills to be able to listen, communicate and give advice
to build relationships with professionals of all organizational levels
ii. Have excellent problem-solving skills and ability to deal with conflicts or manage
dispute to comes up with effective solutions or answers for each financing issues
iii. Have excellent time management skills to be able to multitask efficiently
iv. Have excellent experience in doing research and analytical thinking to ensure the
development of the better management
v. Minimal two years of proven experience as an Account Manager
vi. Minimal one year experience working in the similar industry (training
industry/education consultancy)

Qualifications for this position:

 Indicatively, you will have 3 + years' experience in a similar role
 Must have experience on the accounting software Xero.
 You can demonstrate advanced computer skills using the Microsoft Office Suite and the
ability to learn in-house packages.

Salary: Base salary within the range of $ 58,175-$65,715 plus 15% superannuation.

You will be employed on a full time, continuing basis with approximately 37,5 hours with
probation period for no longer than 3 months. We ensure the confidentiality of all application
and all the information you provide will not be use against you.
Q3: Research at least two recruitment consultants that could be used, should the
Seek advertisement not attract the right kind of candidate. Identify the services
offered by the recruitment consultants, as well as contact details and any other
useful information.

Robert Half:
• Address :Level 39,140 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

• Email : melbourne@roberthalf.com.au
Area of expertise:
As a leading Australian recruitment agency, Robert Half connects highly skilled candidates
with employers in temporary and permanent positions, for a variety of fields including
accounting, finance, and technology and office support jobs. Whether you're looking for your
next career opportunity or looking to hire new talent, Robert Half's recruitment services can
help you.

SMAART Recruitment:
• Address : Allora,69, Oakleigh,
• Contact : (02) 03 8637 4444

Area of expertise:
SMAART is a place where candidates are drawn to. With a relaxed Melbourne CBD warehouse
style office, a friendly, easily accessible office based in Oakleigh and central offices in
Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide, we have a highly ranked and fully optimized website and
innovative social media presence which gives us a highly visible presence in the mar
Q4: When you have completed the advertisement, send it to the Principal Consultant
for approval prior to advertising. Your email should include information on the
research that you have conducted regarding the recruitment consultants and why it
may be necessary to use these consultants.


Principal Consultant, Grow Management Consultants
Human Resources Officer

Dear Sir,

Finally I have completed research on recruitment consultants. After we have completed the
position description template for account manager position, we have created an ad ready to
publish on seek.com.au.
I have found that there are two agencies that we could use, and that is Robert Halfand
SMAART Recruitment. Both agencies are well known and nationally recognized as the best
in the field of finance and accounting recruitment. They have their office spreads across
Please find below the attachment of the ad that I have developed to be posted on
seek.com.au, and I would be waiting for your approval prior putting it out.
Thank you,
Human Resources Officer
Assessment Task 4 Instructions
1) Send an email to the Principal Consultant indicating that applications have been
received and that the files are available for the Principal Consultant to review.

Hi Sir,
How are you? Hope you are doing well. We have now received many applications for the
position of Accounts Manager. I have attached the applications for you to review and
Please check the attached and reviewthe applications for selection.
Human Resources Manager

2) Organise candidate interviews according to selection procedures

Role Play

3.Develop a suitable script for your role-play call, including introducing yourself, the position
and company, advising that the candidate has been successful in obtaining an interview and
advising of the date and time as well as interview process. Give the candidate the
opportunity to indicate their preferred time.

Hi Turner,
I am Livia, Human Resource Manager of Grow Management Consultants.
Thank you for applying to Grow Management Consultants for the position of Account
Manager. Your application for the Accountant position is selected. We would like to conduct
your interview sometime this week. Please let me know which one of the following time slots
you would prefer. I will be sending you a calendar invitation once I receive your reply.
6 October and interview times being 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm and 3 pm If none of these time slots
work for you, let me know.
Please bring your ID, so you can receive a visitor’s pass at the reception. Ask for me, as
soon as you arrive.

4.Confirm selection report:

Grow Management Consultants

Human Resources Selection Report

To (Delegate): Human Resources Manager

From: Principal Consultant
Date: 4 November 2015

Job Title: Accounts Manager
Salary: $110,000 per annum plus superannuation
Location: Head office
Selection Panel
Please list names and positions of all panel members

Chair: Paul Burn, Principle Consultant

Member(s): Helen Skyes, Client Services Officer

That the above described vacancy be filled by Maggie Perez

The panel has sighted proof of the applicant’s qualifications.

Reason for vacancy: New job
Date of approval to fill vacancy: 1 September 2015
Date application submission closed: 16 October 2015
Number of applicants received: 6
Additional information N/A

Basis for shortlisting

Must meet selection criteria

Applicants not given further consideration

Applicant name Basis for not considering further

Jamie Palms No experience in accounts management, degree in

accounting only.

Philip Baird Working as an Accounts Officer. Appears to be much lower

level of work and responsibility. No higher education

Asha Singh Is an Administration Manager with some financial

responsibilities – does not have direct experience in
accounts management.

Applicants shortlisted for further consideration

Three applicants were identified for further consideration and assessment by the panel on
the merit principle. That is, overall suitability for this vacancy having regard to work history,
education and qualifications, experience in related areas at appropriate levels of
responsibility, knowledge, and skill and potential for development as verified by appropriate

Summary of the claims and information gathering about shortlisted applicants:

Applicant’s Name:Mr James Strong

Notes regarding previous work history, level, experience, education, qualifications:

 Bachelor of Accounting.
 Previous job was an Accounts Manager for 3 years.
 Has just come back from six months break travelling.
 Has used a wide range of accounting software.
 Past work history has required him to have high attention to detail and accuracy.
 No experience in supervising staff as Accounts Manager position was for a small
Summary of Referee Information:
 Absolutely ready and recommended for role.
 Excellent computer skills and knowledge of systems and regularly supports team
 Enthusiastic, very good relations with others in the team, and smart and capable
 He is a quick learner and has made an effort to constantly upgrade his skills and

Applicant Selection Criteria Assessment:

Selection Criteria Assessment against each selection Rating
Degree in accounting or finance BA (Hons) Accounting 3
Proven work experience in accounts Three years with small business as 3
management Accounts Manager
Recently has had break of six months
Advanced computer skills on MS Discussed software packages used e.g. 3
Office, accounting software and MYOB, QuickBooks, fully proficient
Ability to manipulate large amounts of Yes, used software packages for this as 3
data well as excel data sheets.
Proven knowledge of accounting BA Accounting plus work experience 3
principles, practices, standards, laws
and regulations
High attention to detail and accuracy Showed work samples and discussed 3
practices to ensure accuracy
Ability to direct and supervise No experience in staff management 2
although worked within a team
Rating Scale: 3 = Fully Satisfies 2 = Partially Satisfies 1 = Does Not Satisfy (+ and -
may be used)
General Comments:
James is keen to progress his career in accounts management. He is very enthusiastic and
has good communication skills.

Applicant’s Name:MsMaggie Perez

Notes regarding previous work history, level, experience, education, qualifications:

Bachelor of Accounting and Finance
Currently working as an Accounts Manager with large corporation
Has used a wide range of accounting software.
Past work history has required her to have high attention to detail and accuracy.
 Supervises three staff.
Summary of Referee Information:
Highly recommended for role.
Excellent computer skills and knowledge of systems
Calm manner, high achiever, good team player
Worked with large amounts of data and always accurate
Shows high attention to detail

Applicant Selection Criteria Assessment:

Selection Criteria Assessment against each selection Rating
Degree in accounting or finance BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance 3
Proven work experience in accounts Currently working, has 10 years’ 3
management experience.
Advanced computer skills on MS Discussed software packages used, 3
Office, accounting software and including commercial and in-house, has
databases also developed excel spreadsheets for
Ability to manipulate large amounts of Yes, as above. 3
Proven knowledge of accounting BA Accounting plus work experience 3
principles, practices, standards, laws
and regulations
High attention to detail and accuracy Talked through procedures for checking 3
data has been entered accurately
Ability to direct and supervise Experience in managing a team 2
Rating Scale: 3 = Fully Satisfies 2 = Partially Satisfies 1 = Does Not Satisfy (+ and -
may be used)
General Comments:
Maggie is clearly experienced. Her calm manner would be a plus in what could be a
stressful role.

Applicant’s Name:Mr Ben Joseph

Notes regarding previous work history, level, experience, education, qualifications:

 Advanced Diploma of Accounting
 Currently working as an Accounts Administrator, performing most of the required roles
of this position.
 Uses wide range of accounting software, including MYOB, Xero, Sage
 Supervises one staff member
Summary of Referee Information:
 Ben is a good worker but sometimes lack initiative
 Good knowledge of systems
 Communication skills need improvement, as well as overall management skills
 Worked with large amounts of data and always accurate
 Shows attention to detail

Applicant Selection Criteria Assessment:

Selection Criteria Assessment against each selection Rating
Degree in accounting or finance No degree but has Advanced Diploma 3
Proven work experience in accounts Performs most of roles in current job 3
Advanced computer skills on MS Has used many software packages and 3
Office, accounting software and questions showed was able to compare
databases and contrast them all and say which he
thought best depending on organisation
Ability to manipulate large amounts of Yes, as above. 3
Proven knowledge of accounting Qualification plus experience amounts to 3
principles, practices, standards, laws proven knowledge
and regulations
High attention to detail and accuracy Yes, 3
Ability to direct and supervise One team member, but unclear from 2
responses that he really knows how to
Rating Scale: 3 = Fully Satisfies 2 = Partially Satisfies 1 = Does Not Satisfy (+ and -
may be used)
General Comments:
Ben has potential but at this stage does not appear to be ready for the role.

Comparative discussion and reasons for recommendation

The preferred candidate, Maggie Perez, has high levels of experience working as an
Accounts Manager and is currently employed in a large corporation as an Accounts
Manager. In total, she has approximately 10 years’ experience in accounts management.
The panel recommends Ms Perez. She has been an excellent performer in her current and
previous employment, as verified by two referees. She has demonstrated through her
performance that she has the required capabilities and her tertiary qualifications, and her
high attention to detail and management skills will be useful to her in the role.

One other applicant, James Strong, has a comparable amount experience as an Accounts
Manager and referees verified that he is very capable. The panel has no doubt that he is also
suitable but felt that Maggie’s experience in supervising staff made her stand out as the
preferred candidate. James appears to have the ability to supervise staff.

The other applicant did not have a higher education qualification as per the qualification
requirements of the position, although he did have experience in most of the requirements
of the position and a high level VET qualification. However, the interview and referee
responses showed that he may struggle with managing staff.

Panel recommendation
For the reasons detailed above, and based on her overall suitability having regard to
experience, knowledge, skill, qualifications and potential, Maggie Perez is regarded as the
most suitable applicant and is recommended by the selection panel for the role of Accounts
All qualifications, certificates and other requirements for the job such as criminal history
checks to verify the applicant’s suitability have been sighted by the selection panel.

Panel Members
Human Resources Manager approval

The Human Resources Manager will consider whether the selection process and procedure
provided an adequate assessment of the applicants’ suitability, and whether the selection is
supportable on the evidence.
If the panel’s recommendation is not approved by the Delegate, comment should be provided
by the Delegate explaining the reasons.


Human Resources Manager

Date: 10/05/2019

Summary of reasons for endorsing/not endorsing panel’s decision

Hi Grayson,
How are you? Hope you are doing great. I have endorsed the panel member’s decision.
Because of we have completed our selection process and based on the interview and
selection policy of the company
Thank you.

Kind Regards
Human Resources Manager
6.Develop a letter of offer
C.1. Letter of offer

Grow Management Consultants

303 Castlereagh Street 2000
New South Wales


Contract of Employment

Private and Confidential

15th March 2017
Maggie Perez
2/5 Belmont Gardens
Belmont NSW 2573

Re : Contract of Employment

We are pleased to offer you the position of Account Manager with us here at Grow
Management Consultants where we hope you will enjoy your role and make a significant
contribution to the success of the business.

Commencement Date
We would like to commence your employment on 1st of April this year. Please report to
human resources department, where you will begin your probation period.

Your work will be located at Head Office of Grow Management Consultants, the
address is at 303 Castlereagh Street 2000 New South Wales.

Account Manager, reporting to Principal Consultant
The roles and responsibilities of this position will be described separately in an
attached Position Description

This is a full time permanent position with probation period for no longer than 3

Probationary Period
A three-month probationary period will apply for this role. During this time you will
receive advice, training, and guidance to help you become familiar with, and
competent in, performing the work you have been appointed to do.

Your salary is within the range of $ 58,175-$65,715 plus 15% superannuation

Your salary will be paid weekly on a Thursday

Superannuation payments will be made on your behalf in accordance with the
Superannuation Guarantee into a superannuation fund of your choice. If you do not
choose a fund, your contribution will be placed into the default fund, Industry Super.

Salary Review
Your remuneration package will be reviewed annually on your employment or in
accordance with workplace laws.

Leave Entitlements
Annual leave
You are entitled to 20 days annual leave per year of service. Leave is accrued in
accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 and should be taken within one year of
falling due, on occasion negotiated with your manager

Personal leave
You are entitled to 10 days paid personal leave in accordance with the Fair Work Act
2009. You are entitled to a period of two days unpaid leave per occasion in
accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. You are entitled to a period of two days paid
compassionate leave per occasion in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009

Long service leave

You will be entitled to long service leave in line with the provision of the Long Service
Leave Act 1992

Parental Leave
You may be entitled to parental leave in line with the provision of the Fair Work Act

The minimum period of notice required to be given to the employer by the employee
is depending on service :

Period of continuous service Notice period

Not more than 1 year 1 week
Between 1 and 3 years of service 2 weeks
Between 3 and 5 years of service 3 weeks
More than 5 years 4 weeks

The company may terminate your employment at any time without notice if you are
guilty of serious misconduct or you are in material breach of a provision of this
contract, including confidentiality undertakings.

Hours of Work
Grow Management Consultants general hours of business are between 8 am to 5 pm
weekdays. It is expected that you will work an average of 36 hours per week during
general business hours. Overtime payments will be calculated in accordance with the
company’s enterprise agreement.

You are required to observe and uphold all of the Company’s privacy policies and
procedures as implemented or varied from time to time. Collection, storage, access
to and dissemination of employee personal information will be in accordance with
privacy legislation.

Company Policy
Grow Management Consultants has in place a number of company policies and
procedures. You are required to comply with company policy. A failure to comply with
these policies may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

Confidentiality of Information
Confidential information, including client lists, trade secrets, pricing structures and
any all documents created by you in the course of your employment remain the sole
property of Grow Management Consultants. You shall not, either during or after your
employment, without the prior consent of the company, directly or indirectly divulge
to any person or use the confidential information for your own or another’s benefit.

This contract is made in the state of New South Wales

Welcome and Acceptance

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Grow Management
Consultants and wish you a long and rewarding career with us.

Yours Sincerely,
Human Resources Officer

I, Maggie Perez, accept the terms and conditions of this contract.

Signed :
Dated :

A copy is provided for your records.

7.Email for Rejected candidate

15th March 2017
Grow Management Consultants
303 Castlereagh Street 2000
New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your application at Grow Management Consultants. We sincerely appreciate
your time and effort and your interest in working with us.
Unfortunately, your qualifications do not meet our current staffing requirements. Therefore,
we are unable to offer you the position with Grow Management Consultants. Should other
opportunities arise within our firm, we will contact you.

Again, thank you for your interest in Grow Management Consultants, and please accept our
best wishes for your future success. We know that you will be a great addition to any firm.
Please keep us posted on your future endeavors to ensure that our paths cross again.
Best Regards,
Human Resources Officer
Grow Management Consultants
Assessment Task 5 Instructions

1.Develop an induction checklist and train staff in the use of the checklist
Induction Checklist

The following checklist has been created to help you in inducting your new employee.
You can add or remove things to suit your business and the job.
Prior to your employee starting work
It’s a good idea to start planning early for your employee’s first day, as there are a few
things you’ll need to organise.
Ensure you have:
told the employee before their first day where, when and who they should report to and
whether they need to bring any tools or equipment
organised building and IT access as well as any uniforms (if necessary)
a returned, signed copy of the letter of engagement (or employment contract)
a completed Tax file number declaration form (unless declined by employee)
a completed Superannuation choice form
You can get copies of the Tax file number declaration form and the Superannuation choice
from the ATO at www.ato.gov.au/business
the employee’s bank account details
the employee’s emergency contact details
a copy of any licences held by the employee needed for the job e.g. Drivers Licence, Forklift
given the employee a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement
if a working visa is required – a copy of the employee’s passport and visa – you will need to
do a visa check
It’s a good idea to ask the employee to sign a register or return a signed copy of the Fair
Work Information Statement and any relevant business policies or procedures as proof that
they were provided to the employee. This may help avoid disputes in the future.
Also, make sure you keep all staff paperwork in secure personnel file.
Find out more
For more information about what you need to know when hiring a new employee, as well as
inducting staff, see our ‘Hiring employees’ online learning course at

On the first day (or soon after)

To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed,
well-informed and equipped to do their job.

Orientation and housekeeping:

Introduce the new employee to other staff
Show the new employee the kitchen/meal, toilet facilities and where to store personal items
(bags, jackets etc.)
Ensure you have:
given the employee copies of relevant business policies or procedures e.g. codes of conduct
and work health and safety policies or procedures.
the history of the business and its role
who the employee reports to
the employee’s duties and what training will be provided
performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
meal breaks
the applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
the payment method, first pay date and how payslips are distributed
any workplace policies and procedures including:
uniform or dress code (if any)
procedure if the employee is sick or running late
procedure for applying for leave
rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
completed a workplace health and safety induction

You need to provide your employees with a safe workplace. This can include discussing
evacuation plans, pointing out first aid officers and emergency wardens and briefing staff on
safety procedures.

Principal Consultant
Grow Management Consultants

Subject : Overview of Induction Checklist

Dear Sir,
How are you? I would like to inform you that I am writing to update you about our newly
developed induction checklist. This induction checklist could be used for all positions. Please
find below the attachment of the induction checklist and contact me should you have any
question or suggestion. I would like to kindly remind you that you are responsible for
conducting the induction for new employees as based on our recruitment policy.
Please also ensure that you have given the employee copies of relevant business policies or
procedures and explained everything as per indicated in each headings of the checklist. This
induction checklist should be finished and completed within a week since the commencement
date of the employee.
Should you have any question, please contact me directly. Thank you.

Thanks and regards,

Human Resources Officer

Provide feedback to probationary employee


Principal Consultant
Grow Management Consultants
From : Human Resources Officer

Subject : Follow up and performance review

Dear Sir,
I have reviewed of our new Account Manager. I have arranged a meeting with Maggie,
and we have discussed what and how she adapt to her new job. Maggie could be much more
productive and motivated since you believed that she has far greater potential than what
she had showed us so far. I could draw a conclusion that sometimes she feels confused.
I hoped that you can approve my recommendation based on the research I have
Best Regards,
Human Resources Officer

3.Develop recommendations for improving the induction process

Hello sir,
How are you? I have heard that you are not as happy with Maggie’s performance as you had
I have met with Maggie to discuss this issue and Maggie has indicated that at times she is
not quite sure what processes to follow or how to ask about this.
I think that the problem is with the one-off induction we currently use for staff. It is a lot of
information in one hit and staff can’t be expected to remember everything. I have conducted
some research into this and propose therefore that for all new staff, they are required to
participate in a meeting every 2 weeks with me to clarify procedure and issues and to
discuss any concerns.
I recommend that we amend our induction process accordingly and look forward to your

Kind Regards
Human Resources Manager
4.Check induction processes are being followed

Hi Jackson,
Hope you are doing well. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have checked that induction processes
are being correctly followed by all staff involved in conducting inductions across the
From this meeting, I have conducted research about the importance of extending the
induction process. I recommend that we implement our induction gradually according to
what information is required for the employee, think in terms of what information is
required in the first day, first week and first month. Induction is not considered complete
until the new employee has sufficient information to be productive to an acceptable level. I
would recommend that we should develop a gradual induction checklist according to the
needs of the employee. This means, we should update our recruitment, selection and
induction policy that we have established earlier.
With this email, I sincerely hoped that you can approve my recommendation based on the
research I have done.
Best Regards,
Human Resources Officer

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