Monaco SWT
Monaco SWT
Monaco SWT
Automotive Electronics GmbH
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
85540 Haar / Germany
No part of this manual may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, trans-
mitted, processed or translated without the express prior written consent.
c 2016 Automotive Electronics GmbH
1 Monaco Software Station (SWT) Support
The Software Station is an external application that is used by Daimler to update ECUs within
a vehicle.
The HMI Controls SWT Quick Test and SWT Vehicle Update are controlled by the Software
Station application. They are working together to retrieve a special software configuration for
the vehicle from the Daimler Diagnose Portal and to update the vehicle systems by flashing
and coding this configuration.
For usage of the Software Station application please have a look at its Help system.
There are two types of Monaco SWT Licenses:
• SWT Base License: This license is for standard users and allows the FiNAS Back
• SWT GUI License: This license additionally allows starting the Software Station and
using the SWT HMI Controls.
entry Report Results to FiNAS... from the Monaco Tools menu or by the FiNAS button
in the tool bar.
pressing the button in the Toolbar or by selecting the entry Start Software Station...
from the Monaco Tools menu.
If the DTS project supports multiple vehicle model ranges a dialog will ask to select the
appropriate model range.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
Description The HMI Control SWT Quick Test is designed to read cer-
tain information (e.g. identification data, Diagnostic Trouble
Codes) from one or more ECUs triggered by the Software Sta-
For the Quick Test ODX or CBF databases can be used within
a DTS Project.
Classification Customer Specific HMI Control (Daimler)
License Daimler Software Station Add-On license required
Reports not supported
As soon as the SWT Quick Test was triggered by the Software Station, the Monaco window
will pop up with the SWT Quick Test HMI Control in front and the Quick Test will be started.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
• ECUs Window
The windows, except the ECUs Window may be hidden using the arrow buttons above the
appropriate window.
All Windows support multi selection for the entries in their tables.
Button Stop
Using the Stop button the processing of the Quick Test can be aborted. An error will be
returned to the Software Station.
Text size
The value in this field determines the Font size used for displaying the content in the windows
(Default is 12).
Button Configure
The button Configure allows executing the Configurator of this HMI Control during execution
mode. Because not every setting can be changed during execution mode some settings are
not available.
After the Quick Test was finished a FiNAS report will be created and transferred to the Soft-
ware Station.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
directory for detailed information on error messages provided by DTS Monaco when
interacting with the Software Station application.
Test completed with no error during communication. When a Negative
Response (7F) was received for one or more of the sent services this is
also rated as OK.
Test completed without matching variant. No variant was detected.
Communication was established with the Base Variant.
Test failed with communication error (e.g. P2 Timeout). No variant was
detected. No communication was established with the Base Variant.
Errors during Test. A communication error occurred (e.g. P2 Time out)
after an ECU Variant was detected.
Errors during Test. A communication error (e.g. P2 Time out) after
the communication was established with the Base Variant (i.e. no ECU
Variant was detected).
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
ECU has not been tested yet, ECU was not tested (double CAN IDs),
Variant of an ECU was not found (double CAN IDs).
Communication with the ECU is running.
For every ECU a context menu is available by clicking with the right mouse key on its row in
the table.
Copy Cell to Copies only the content of the selected cell to the Clipboard.
Copy Line to Copies the selected line to the Clipboard. You may also use CTRL+C
clipboard to copy your selection to the Clipboard.
Copy All to clip- Copies the whole content of the control to the Clipboard.
Select All Selects all ECUs in the table
Enable Adds the selected ECU to the Quick Test if it was disabled.
Disable Removes the selected ECU from the Quick Test if it was enabled.
Serial Select the ECU for serial processing.
Parallel Select the ECU for parallel processing.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
This window displays all properties of a Diagnostic Trouble Code. The content of this window
refers to the selected ECU in the ECUs Window.
This window shows all properties of the tab DTC Environment Data. The content of this
window depends on the Diagnostic Trouble Code selected in the Errors window.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
This window shows all properties of the tab DTC Additional Information. It contains all the
available SDGs for one selected Diagnostic Trouble Code selected in the Errors window.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
The tab DTC Additional Information is only available for ODX databases.
The figure below shows the dialog window SWT Quicktest - Configurator.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
• Common Settings
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
General/Show true/ false If set to true, the folder Library containing the Global
Library in OTX OTX scripts is displayed in the OTX tree of the Se-
tree quence Editor. If false, the folder Library and the
contained Global OTX scripts are hidden.
OTX scripts that shall be accessible not only for one
project can be added to the Library of Global OTX
scripts using the tab Libraries in the System Config-
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
Errors Win- true/false If true, the column Status Byte (hex) is displayed in
dow/Show the Errors window, if false it is hidden.
Column Status
Byte (hex)
Errors Win- true/false If true, the column Readiness is displayed in the Er-
dow/Show rors window, if false it is hidden.
Column Readi-
Errors Win- true/false If true, the column MIL is displayed in the Errors win-
dow/Show dow, if false it is hidden.
Column MIL
Errors Win- true/false If true, the column Stored is displayed in the Errors
dow/Show window, if false it is hidden.
Column Stored
Errors Win- true/false If true, the column Active is displayed in the Errors
dow/Show window, if false it is hidden.
Column Active
EnvData Win- true/false If true, the column RangeInfo is displayed in the En-
dow/Show Col- vironment Data window, if false it is hidden.
umn RangeInfo
EnvData Win- true/false If true, the column Raw value (hex) is displayed in the
dow/Show Col- Environment Data window, if false it is hidden.
umn Raw value
Configure But- false/true Enables or disables the Configure Button in the HMI
ton/visible Control.
This property cannot be changed when the Configu-
rator is opened while Monaco is in Execution Mode.
Show/Hide true/false If true, the button that shows or hides the ECU Iden-
Buttons tification window is displayed, if false it is hidden.
for/ECU Identi- This property cannot be changed when the Configu-
fication Window rator is opened while Monaco is in Execution Mode.
Show/Hide true/false If true, the button that shows or hides the Result win-
Buttons dow is displayed, if false it is hidden.
for/Result This property cannot be changed when the Configu-
Window rator is opened while Monaco is in Execution Mode.
Show/Hide true/false If true, the button that shows or hides the Environ-
Buttons ment Data window is displayed, if false it is hidden.
for/EnvData This property cannot be changed when the Configu-
Window rator is opened while Monaco is in Execution Mode.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
• Sequence Area:
The Sequence Area shows the configured sequence in a tree, structured by nodes.
• Operation Area:
The Operation Area offers a list of services, Java jobs, OTX scripts and ComPrimitives
that can be added to the sequence using Drag and Drop or by the context menu of its
• Detail Area:
The Detail Area shows detailed information about the selected service in the Sequence
Area or Operation Area.
Use the button to show the details in a larger window.
The Tool Quick Test Sequence Editor is used to define services that are executed before
and after the configured data is read from the ECUs.
Also you may define services that are executed before and after the read actions.
The the configured data is read in the MainAction of each ECU. The AdditionalServices
section can be used to insert special services that will report their responses in the FiNAS
report (e.g. read odometer).
The SWT Quick Test Sequence Editor handles the following three configuration types:
• Delete DTCs
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
• Handled: active ECUs that are handled according to the demand of the Software
• Not Handled: ECUs that have been excluded in the ECU Sequence order dialog
• Default: contains a template with predefined actions that is used when new ECUs are
added to the DTS Project
The Sequence Tree of the Sequence Editor uses the order defined in the ECU Sequence Or-
der Configuration dialog. The ECU Sequence Order Configuration can be found in Monaco
(Configuration Mode -> Menu Tools). The order cannot be changed here but some or all
ECUs may be disabled using the appropriate context menu.
1.1. HMI Control SWT Quick Test
Read Flash ID Services that are automatically selected for reading the Flash Iden-
tification data
Read Finger Services that are automatically selected for reading the Finger Print
Print data
Read Error Services that are automatically selected for reading Diagnostic Trou-
Memory ble Codes
Read Env. Data Services that are automatically selected for reading Diagnostic Trou-
ble Codes with Environment Data
Read Supported Services that are automatically selected for reading Supported Di-
DTC agnostic Trouble Codes
Read Test Not Services that are automatically selected for reading Diagnostic Trou-
Complete DTCs ble Codes which have the status Test not complete
Read Coding Services that are automatically selected for reading the Coding Data
• Additional Services: Services for reading data from the ECU that has to be docu-
mented in the FiNAS report. Only services that are associated with the current ECU
may be added. If you tag a service as Read Odometer or Read VIN the Odometer
and/or the VIN field in the FiNAS header will be filled with the return value of the ser-
vice. You have to select the response parameter that contains the value in the dialog
that opens. Only one service in the whole sequence may be tagged this way.
Parameter Configuration
The parameters of services selected in the Sequence Tree may be configured in the Detail
window on the bottom right corner.
Configuration of Services and ComPrimitives with the Same Name for Multiple ECUs
It is common that special Services or ComPrimitives are placed in the sequence for several
ECUs (e.g. a Delay ComPrimitive that has to be configured separately for the single action,
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
When there are several instances of the same Service or ComPrimitive the Sequence Editor
is able to configure the Service or ComPrimitive across all ECUs at once.
The Services and ComPrimitives that will be configured in one operation are identified by
their Short Name and their Display Name.
To configure a Service or ComPrimitive across multiple ECUs follow the steps below:
2. Open the context menu and select Configure for multiple ECUs.
3. A dialog will open showing the ECUs that have the same Service or ComPrimitive
(identified by Short and Display Name) in their sequence. Check the ECUs that should
take over the configuration settings.
4. The next dialog will offer the configuration settings. The dialog has the same structure
as the Detail window. Parameters that are greyed cannot be modified.
5. Modify the parameters as required. Modified parameters are printed in green color.
Click Close to execute the modifications.
When you drag and drop the same Service or ComPrimitive to the same ECU multiple times,
the sequence editor will create a Service or ComPrimitive with another Display Name each
time. The Display Name is appended with a number generated by a counter. This ensures
that this feature works only across ECUs by default. But when you modify the Display Name
to be equal to other Services or ComPrimitives within one ECU, the button Configure for
multiple ECUs will modify the items that match within one ECU.
Description The HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update is used for flashing and
coding a complete vehicle triggered by the Software Station.
For the Quick Test ODX or CBF databases can be used within
a DTS Project.
Classification Customer Specific HMI Control (Daimler)
License Daimler Software Station Add-On license required
Reports not supported
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
The start of the SWT Vehicle Update can only be triggered by the Software Station appli-
cation. If the corresponding option in the Software Station is selected, Monaco with the
SWT Vehicle Update HMI Control will come to front. The update of the vehicle is not started
immediately, the user can cancel the vehicle update using the Stop button at any time.
Only ECUs that are determined by the Software Station will be processed. The Software
Station also will define the data used for flashing and coding.
The vehicle update is started by the Start button. This button is enabled when the Software
Station has triggered the update.
Processing follows the configuration defined in the ECU Sequence Order configuration dia-
log (Monaco in Configuration Mode: menu Tools).
During processing the following information is displayed:
In the ECUs window all ECUs that have to be processed are displayed. For each ECU the
identified variant and the current status (error messages) are shown.
To display the complete status information in a separate dialog box, double-click or press
Enter in the corresponding row.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
ECU Coding Strings have not been read or written yet.
The Status window shows the target variant set by the Software Station for each ECU initially.
The variant shown may change when another variant is identified.
A progress bar for the Main Action visualizes the progress of the vehicle update regarding
Coding and Verification.
1. PreActions Flashing
3. PostAction Flashing
4. PreAction Coding
6. PostAction Coding
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
The column Flashkey/Coding shows the associated flash sessions and coding actions.
Each action is visualized by an own progress bar.
gray The Pre/PostAction was not processed yet.
blue The Pre/PostAction is currently processed.
green The Pre/PostAction was successfully processed.
red The Pre/PostAction was processed with at least one error.
The status of the flash sessions and coding actions is visualized by the color of its progress
bar as follows:
After processing has finished, Monaco provides all information about the update process in
the Vehicle Report.
To display the complete status information of the Status window in a separate dialog box,
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
When the vehicle update has finished, the Software Station is triggered and will be brought
to front allowing the user to take the next steps. The success of the operation will be sent
back to the Software Station.
During the operation the current status is displayed showing the last status information of
each single ECU handled within this operation. This can be an OK for a successful operation
or an error message describing the last error.
To get an overview and a complete list of all errors the HMI Control provides a Vehicle Report
view and allows storing the recent vehicle report.
• The button View Vehicle Report makes the Vehicle Report view visible. The button will
subsequently change its name to Hide Vehicle Report.
• The content of the Vehicle Report view will be generated at the end of the update
operation. This can be the regular end when all steps have been performed or after an
abort triggered by the user.
• The next update request from the SWT application will clear the content of the vehicle
report view.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
The sample screenshot above presents an aborted update operation with the resulting Ve-
hicle Report:
• The first ECU CGW 212 couldn’t be detected out of a mismatch between diagnostic
data and the detected ECU Variant. The error is only visible in the ECUs list because
flashing and coding didn’t start because of the mismatch. The vehicle report displays
the operation result in detail.
• The second ECU IC 204 was updated successfully. Flashing and coding are displayed
as successfully handled within the Vehicle Report.
• While handling the IC 204 the button Stop was pressed to abort the operation. IC 204
was finished and then the operation was aborted. The vehicle report displays this as
the last line of the report.
1. ECU Name
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
8. Errors
All errors created by the GSM (Generic Sequence Machine) for an ECU or a Logical Link will
be logged in the Vehicle Report for the related element.
An error in the Vehicle Report file contains the following information for each ECU:
7. Flash Key (only for Flash Actions, for failure and success)
8. Flash Class [BOOT | CODE | DATA] (only for Flash Actions, for failure and success)
The Vehicle Report list box displays the information of the ECU in the following way.
Format rules (Error info for failure only):
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
• Export the content of the vehicle report view to a file formatted as comma separated
value list (CSV) using the button Save Vehicle Report....
• Copy the content of the vehicle report to the clipboard for further handling by the user.
The following options are provided for the export of the vehicle report:
• The button Save Vehicle Report... is available for operation if the vehicle report view
presents some content. (After an operation finished)
• The button Save Vehicle Report... stores the content of the vehicle report view to a file.
A standard save file dialog will be used.
2. Column $Status$
3. Column $AccessKey$
4. Column $Action$
5. Column $Location$
6. Column $Service$
7. Column $Response$
8. Column $FlashKey$
9. Column $FlashClass$
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
The separator for columns is a semicolon ”;”. The CSV file has a single header line.
The following options are provided to copy the content of the vehicle report view to the
• Mouse usage: Click into the vehicle report view and use the context menu Copy
VehicleReport to Clipboard.
• Keyboard usage: Place the focus on the vehicle report view and press CTRL+C.
Both ways copy the content of the vehicle report with the same formatting as displayed.
The figure below shows the dialog window SWT Vehicle Update - Configurator.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
• Common Settings
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
• Sequence Area:
The Sequence Area shows the configured sequence in a tree, structured by nodes.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
• Operation Area:
The Operation Area offers a list of services, Java jobs, OTX scripts and ComPrimitives
that can be added to the sequence using Drag and Drop or by the context menu of its
• Detail Area:
The Detail Area shows detailed information about the selected service in the Sequence
Area or Operation Area.
Use the button to show the details in a larger window.
The SWT Vehicle Update Sequence Editor determines the services that are executed before
or after the flashing and coding of the ECUs.
Flashing/Coding Configuration
• Flashing by Priority: When checked, the priority of the flash session is applied. When
disabled the order of the flash sessions is determined by the Software Station.
• Coding by Segment Number: When checked, the order of Coding Domains is arranged
according to the Segment Number. When disabled the order of the Coding Domains
is determined by the Software Station.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
– Domains with Segment Number only: Only Domains that have a Segment Num-
ber are processed.
– Domains without Segment Number first: Domains without a Segment Number
are processed first followed by the numbered Domains.
– Domains with Segment Number first: Domains with a Segment Number are pro-
cessed first followed by the Domains without a Segment Number.
• Use DoIP ECUs: Please check here when the sequence contains DoIP ECUs.
Monaco will set the Ethernet Activation pin of the hardware interface. This will be
indicated by the Ethernet Activation toolbar icon becoming activated.
If no DoIP ECUs are available while this option is checked the sequence aborts with
an error.
• Handled: active ECUs that are handled according to the demand of the Software
• Not Handled: ECUs that have been excluded in the ECU Sequence order dialog
• Default: contains a template with predefined actions that is used when new ECUs are
added to the DTS Project
The Sequence Tree of the SWT Vehicle Update Sequence Editor uses the order defined in
the ECU Sequence Order Configuration dialog. The ECU Sequence Order Configuration
can be found in Monaco (Configuration Mode -> Menu Tools). The order cannot be changed
here. Actions may be defined per ECU. The main actions like flashing and coding are not
displayed in the Sequence Editor as they are set by the Software Station automatically. They
cannot be configured manually. Only preparation and post-processing actions may be set up
in the Sequence Editor.
• Functional PreAction: Functional Requests that are executed before the first ECU is
processed. The Functional Logical Links will be kept open during the whole sequence.
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
PreAction Flashing Operations that take place before the actual flashing is per-
formed. When Check Variant is activated an ECU Variant
Identification is performed. If checked and the variant does
not match the flash data the current action is aborted.
PostAction Flashing Operations that take place after the ECU was flashed.
PreAction Coding Operations that take place before the actual flashing is per-
formed. When Check Variant is activated an ECU Variant
Identification is performed. If checked and the variant does
not match the flash data the current action is aborted.
PostAction Coding Operations that take place after the ECU was coded.
• PostSequence: Actions that are executed after the Main Sequence. These actions are
performed one after the other.
• Functional PostAction: Functions Requests that are executed after the last ECU was
Drag and drop services, ComPrimitives or OTX scripts from the Operations window to the
appropriate location in the Sequence tree.
Parameter Configuration
The parameters of services selected in the Sequence tree may be configured in the Detail
window on the bottom right corner.
• Perform VIS before Flashing: Performs an ECU Variant Identification before flashing
(corresponds to the checkbox CheckVariant in PreAction Flashing)
• Set ”Perform VIS before Flashing” for all ECUs: Performs an ECU Variant Identification
for all ECUs in the whole sequence before flashing
• Reset ”Perform VIS before Flashing” for all ECUs: Disables the ECU Variant Identifi-
cation for all ECUs in the whole sequence before flashing
• Perform VIS before Coding: Performs an ECU Variant Identification before coding (cor-
responds to the checkbox CheckVariant in PreAction Coding)
• Set ”Perform VIS before Coding” for all ECUs: Performs an ECU Variant Identification
for all ECUs in the whole sequence before coding
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
• Reset ”Perform VIS before Coding” for all ECUs: Disables the ECU Variant Identifica-
tion for all ECUs in the whole sequence before coding
• Reset selected ECU(s) to default: Resets the configuration of the selected ECUs to
the one defined in the Default branch
• Reset all ECU(s) to default: Resets the configuration of all ECUs in the whole se-
quence to the one defined in the Default branch
• Select Logical Link: This entry is only present when more than one Logical Link for the
ECU is available. In this case the Logical Link may be selected in the sub menu. If no
selection is made the Logical Link with the [Default] marker is used.
Configuration of Services and ComPrimitives with the Same Name for Multiple ECUs
It is common that special Services or ComPrimitives are placed in the sequence for several
ECUs (e.g. a Delay ComPrimitive that has to be configured separately for the single action,
but equal for all ECUs).
When there are several instances of the same Service or ComPrimitive the Sequence Editor
is able to configure the Service or ComPrimitive across all ECUs at once.
The Services and ComPrimitives that will be configured in one operation are identified by
their Short Name and their Display Name.
To configure a Service or ComPrimitive across multiple ECUs follow the steps below:
2. Open the context menu and select Configure for multiple ECUs.
3. A dialog will open showing the ECUs that have the same Service or ComPrimitive
(identified by Short and Display Name) in their sequence. Check the ECUs that should
take over the configuration settings.
4. The next dialog will offer the configuration settings. The dialog has the same structure
as the Detail window. Parameters that are greyed cannot be modified.
5. Modify the parameters as required. Modified parameters are printed in green color.
Click Close to execute the modifications.
When you drag and drop the same Service or ComPrimitive to the same ECU multiple times,
the sequence editor will create a Service or ComPrimitive with another Display Name each
time. The Display Name is appended with a number generated by a counter. This ensures
that this feature works only across ECUs by default. But when you modify the Display Name
1.2. HMI Control SWT Vehicle Update
to be equal to other Services or ComPrimitives within one ECU, the button Configure for
multiple ECUs will modify the items that match within one ECU.