5-Final PMD
5-Final PMD
5-Final PMD
A R Indiramma
Chapter 5
F ood grains are the rich source of life changes. As such, proper packaging and
sustaining nutrients. Cereals/flours are storage methods are essential for good
good carbohydrate sources. In addition, storage stability.
they provide protein, fat, vitamins, minerals,
etc. They are the dietary staples providing Sugar is another important commodity,
the required calories for more than 95% of which is stored in bulk and sold loose at
India’s population. Among them, rice is the retail stores throughout the year. The type of
spoilage and hence the packaging
predominant cereal grain followed by wheat,
requirement varies according to the type of
maize, millet and sorghum. Cereals are
sugar. White cane sugar which is more
annual crops but the consumption is
popular in India is crystallized enough not
throughout the year. Losses due to insect
to absorb water under normal storage
and rodent attack, microbial spoilage and
conditions. But at high relative humidities it
pilferage may occur during storage. Hence,
picks up moisture rapidly. To protect it from
proper and safe storage methods need to be
pilferage and spillage and insects like ant,
provided till they are consumed. Satisfactory proper packaging and storage methods are
storage can be achieved with proper and required.
suitable packaging materials. Cereals in
general are characterized by good storage
Nature and Deteriorative
stability, moderate density and low cost.
Characteristics of Cereals/
Despite their good storage stability, they are
Flours and Sugar
affected by high humidity, physiological
factors such as respiration and consequent In order to design functional and
heat build-up in grains, biological factors economical package for any food product,
like insects, pests, rodents and knowledge of its deteriorative characteri-
microorganisms and to some extent by stics on storage and the causes of deterio-
oxygen. Flours are more sensitive to humidity ration are essential. Cereal grains/flours
and are more prone to biological during storage are affected by the following
deteriorations than whole grains. All these factors mutually working with each other in
factors cause qualitative and quantitative causing deterioration.
1. Physical factors like temperature and and/or fungal activity. Higher the
humidity. temperature, lower will be the equilibrium
moisture content. Hence, for better storage
2. Chemical factors like moisture and stability of grains, the moisture should be
oxygen. about 11 – 12 % and 10-11% for flours at the
3. Physiological factors like respiration and time of packaging. If the moisture content is
heating. very close to or above the critical level, diurnal
changes in temperature can cause mould
4. Biological factors like insects and pests, growth due to moisture condensation on
microorganisms, rodents and birds. the surface. Insects and mites also depend
Moisture is the most important factor on grain moisture for their life. The optimum
among the ones related to rate of deterioration. level of moisture for most of the insects was
The data relating moisture content with found to be between 11 and 16% in grains;
relative humidity (Table 5.1) forms the basis 14% is the lowest moisture level, which
for package design. permits fungal invasion in most of the cereals.
Apart from controlling moisture, lowering of
An equilibrium relative humidity of more temperature and restricting oxygen supply
than 70% can lead to mould growth in grains also inhibit insect growth. Apart form these,
and flours. In whole grains, heating due to varietal differences, the degree of maturity,
increased respiration rate may result in insect methods of handling and transportation,
Table 5.1. Moisture and relative humidity data for grains & flours
RH EMC at 27° C, % Remarks
% Rice Wheat Atta Semolina Maida Grains Flour
11 6.4 4.5 5. 6.4 6.3 Brittle Very Dry
22 8.4 6.6 7.4 9.7 9.5 Slightly Free flowing
32 9.8 7.5 8.4 10.0 10.2 Good Free flowing
44 11.6 8.9 9.5 11.4 11.1 Good Free flowing
56 12.9 9.9 10.6 12.4 12.5 Good Free flowing
64 13.9 11.1 12.1 13.8 13.4 Good Tendency for caking
70 14.8 12.0 13.0 14.4 14.0 Good Tendency for caking
75 15.5 13.0 13.6 15.1 15.0 Musty Soft and soggy
86 18.5 15.6 18.3 16.9 16.8 Mould Mould
92 23.0 22.3 24.2 18.8 18.9 Mould Mould
CMC 14.8 12 13-14 13.5-14.5 13-14 Good Tendency for caking
CRH 70
RH = Relative humidity CMC = Critical moisture content
EMC = Equilibrium moisture content CRH = Critical realtive humidity
5. Cost and availability of labour and sacks. Bag Storage of Grain /Flours /
6. Incidence of rodents and certain types of Sugar in Warehouses
insects and infestation. This is the most common method used
world wide for grain and sugar storage.
Bulk Storage of Grains
Grains and sugar are packed in jute / paper
Traditionally, grains are bulk stored in / rice straw / burlap / HDPE or PP woven
Bukhari type, Kothar type or Morai type bags and stored in a variety of types of
rural food structures constructed on elevated buildings constructed with stone, local brick,
platforms which are supported on timber corrugated iron, mud and wattle with or
posts or brick/stone masonary pillars. They without plastered walls and cement or stone
are constructed using bamboo/bamboo split, floor and corrugated iron or thatched roof.
timber, reeds, red gram stems plastered with Such types of godowns are planned for the
mud. Underground rural food grain storage of 100 to 500 tons of grains.
structures are also constructed and they are
made water proof using bitumen. Modern
methods of grain storage are an elaboration
of traditional method but are constructed
using modern materials. The bulk bins are
constructed with concrete, steel or glass lined
steel. A system to transport grains/flours
and by-products to the bins and a system of
feeders and conveyers to move flour and mill
feed to packaging bins, bulk rail road cars
and bulk trucks and to transfer them from
one bin to another are in practice. Air-tight
bulk storage silos keep the grain free from
insects, rodents and other pests. Here insects Fig. 5.1. Storage of grains in jute sacks
are killed by oxygen depletion and not by Jute /Hessian Sacks
carbon dioxide accumulation. Metal silos
up to 200 tons capacity are commonly used. These are traditional bulk packages, for
Flexible bag silos of butyl rubber or PVC grains/flours and sugar which offer good
supported in metal mesh cases are available. handling properties. The flours and sugar
But they need to be protected by rodents. require A- twill bags, which have a weave
Sometimes, to overcome the changes in clearance of 1-2% only to prevent spillage. B-
pressure during storage resulting from high twill or D. W. bags having a weave clearance
production of carbon dioxide, a pressure of 6-10% can be used for most of the cereals.
release valve is fitted at the top of the silo. The But as such they cannot protect the products
silos are well sealed to provide a hermeti- from moisture ingress. So stacked jute bags
cally sealed structure and are also suitable are covered with tarpaulin sheets. Their
for gas fumigation. The shelf life of the grain protective functions can be improved by
stored in silos depends largely on moisture inclusion of webs of paper, plastic and foil.
content of the grain and the storage These prevent sifting of the contents and
atmosphere. provide water vapour barrier property.
oxidative rancidity, flavour barrier protection from oxidative rancidity for any
packaging material is needed. Hence, reverse foodgrain. Vacuum packed bag in boxes are
printed polyester laminated to LDPE for good for transportation also. Shelf-life of
longer shelf-life and coextruded LDPE/ over 2 years can be expected for vacuum
LLDPE are used. PET/LDPE laminate, apart packed rice when stored at 17-30°C and 65-
from protecting flavour loss and rancidity, 85% RH. But these oxygen barrier materials
retards insect infestation, prevents pick up are expensive. Hence, to protect the products
of foreign odours and offers excellent printing from off-flavours developed due to rancidity,
surface. Antioxidants like BHT have a better perforated bags are being used to allow rancid
effect when rice is packed in an oxygen barrier odour to escape.
film . Vacuum / CO2 flush packaging also Insect Infestation in Grains and
extends shelf life of brown rice. Brown rice, Flours
which has 3–6 months shelf life in LDPE
bags, will have about one year shelf life when Insect infestation is a major problem in
vacuum packed in nylon based laminates. grains and flours. They are the prime targets
Vacuum or CO2 flush packaging can control of many predators like insects, pests, rodents,
pests and insects without fumigation or mites and undesirable microorganisms.
usage of chemicals apart from offering Besides destroying a significant portion of
food, they qualitatively affect the remaining
part through excretion of toxic chemicals
and contamination with excreta and insect
fragments. Standards specify maximum
limits for these parameters. Though insect
penetration can be controlled by using
different packaging materials, initial insect
contamination should be destroyed at
the time of packing. Insect resistance of
packaging materials for some common
insects is presented in Table 5.3. Vacuum or
CO2 packaging can prevent the development
of pests inside the bag. But the high barrier
films required for them are expensive. Hence
periodic treatment with permitted pesticides
only can prevent reinfestation or cross
infestation. The grains are to be fumigated or
irradiated or treated with microwave.
Permeabilities of different films and
laminates to fumigants are given in Table
5.4. When used in the recommended dosages,
shelf-life of grains will be extended to more
than 6 months as against one month for the
untreated product. These methods have been
Fig.5.5. Retail packs of basmati rice in PET/ found to be most effective in controlling pests
LDPE laminates of 1 and 5 kg units. in grains / flours.
Recent Trends
Retail packaging being the present trend,
the stress is on use of more decoration,
transparency, simplification of package
construction and production of packages by
automatic means. Since preservation in
smaller packages is more difficult, use of
increased quantities of films and laminates
for improved protection and increased shelf
life will become popular. This will be
expensive as more storage space and more
packaging materials are required. Hence, a
Fig. 5.6. Bags being prepared unit package must be carefully designed and
for fumigation. automatically packed for cost reduction.
MXXT Cello 75 µm 12.7 22.3 31.0 9.0 27.9 49.0 20.7 47.1 113.9 2.9 26.5 47.8 0.25 16.6 1.3
MXXDT Cello 75 µm/ 8.7 6.4 9.0 8.0 29.9 46.0 25.7 25.4 61.5 13.9 44.3 79.6 0.14 8.8 0.72
LDPE 37 µm
PET 12 µm/LDPE 75 µm 11.4 17.5 24.0 4.2 30.0 23.0 18.6 42.4 102.5 14.5 46.8 84.3 0.5 3.2 0.26
Met. PET 12 µm/LDPE 37 µm12.2 20.8 28.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.2 30.1 72.9 7.9 26.5 47.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
PET 12 µm/Al Foil 10.4 13.2 18.0 7.3 20.7 40.0 17.8 40.5 78.0 8.3 27.8 50.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.02 mm/LDPE 37 µm
Paper 15 µm/Al.Foil 12.4 26.1 29.0 5.9 18.8 32.0 5.7 13.2 31.9 5.4 19.0 34.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.02 mm/LDPE 37 µm
Paper 15 µm/Al.Foil 5.0 15.3 27.0 5.5 16.2 28.0 2.0 4.7 11.3 2.5 10.1 18.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.02 mm/LDPE 37 µm
Glassine 40 gsm 8.7 6.6 9.0 6.4 20.0 23.0 22.0 50.0 120.7 8.3 27.8 50.1 0.05 3.2 0.26
Test Conditions: Temperature: 25—28°C, RH: 70-75%.
MC= Mean Concentration, mg/L; P= Transmission rate, % through the films.
PA = Transmission rate, mg/h.m2
Source: Narasimhan et al., 1986
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