1010 Class 5: The Role of Interest Groups in Canada
1010 Class 5: The Role of Interest Groups in Canada
1010 Class 5: The Role of Interest Groups in Canada
Groups in Canada
Part 1: What is an Interest
1. Interest groups are any group, organization or
business that has a stake in government policy
or the legislative process.
2. They can be from the business community, the
non-profit community, unions, or even from a
transnational organization
3. They are concerned with the process by which
demands brought to the attention of the public
and policy makers.
What is an interest Group?
4. They are for the most part representative of a
broader group of individuals.
5. They are is best seen in the various techniques
used to bring their concerns to the attention of
public policy makers.
6. Examples include, Greenpeace, Canadian
Soft Drink Industry, Ontario Association of
Hunters and Anglers, Ontario Medical
Association, CAW etc.
Channeling of Information
► The ability of interest groups to channel
information is actually an important part of
representative government.
► It is important to understand why interest
groups they exist, what they do, how they
do it and how they relate to other
institutions and groups.
Interest Groups
► Are seen as adaptive
instruments of political
► They are very good at
identifying where power is
► They adjust their
relationships as power
► Interest groups differ from
other groups seeking
Other Groups: The Mob
► Transitory, a product of
► May win clearly stated and
immediate goals.
► The Mob cannot provide
for the future because it
cannot provide for its own
► Lacks organization
capacity and direction.
Other Groups: Movements
► Exist over time
► Represent generalized
progressions of public
► Consist of too many
elements to be described
as a distinct unit.
► A nationalist movement
are not an interest group
for example.
Interest Groups: Feature #1
► Are not a political party.
► Most political parties
seek power in
► Interest groups do not
seek power, they seek to
influence power.
► Any power they do have
is delegated to them by
► OMA.
Interest Groups: Features #2