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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.

Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information.

Designation: D 1970 – 00

Standard Specification for

Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials
Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1970; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Bituminous Sheet Material2

1.1 This specification covers polymer modified bituminous E 96 Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Mate-
sheet materials intended for use as underlayment on roof eaves, rials5
or valleys, or both, to prevent leakage of shingle, tile, or metal 3. Terminology
roofs from water back-up due to ice dams.
1.2 These underlayment sheets have a sticky adhesive layer 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this speci-
which is exposed by removal of a protective sheet. The top fication, refer to Terminology D 1079.
surface is suitable to work on during the application of the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
exposed roofing. 3.2.1 lot—for the purpose of sampling, a lot shall consist of
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as all material manufactured in one production run (not to exceed
standard. 24 h) using the same source of raw materials.
1.4 The following safety hazards caveat pertains to the test 4. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
methods portion, Section 7, of this standard. This standard
does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, 4.1 The underlayment sheet shall be supplied in roll form.
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this 4.2 The underlayment sheet shall be substantially uniform
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices in thickness and appearance. It shall be free of visible defects
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior such as holes, ragged or untrue edges, breaks, cracks, tears,
to use. protuberances, and indentations, except for those perforations
or protuberances which are intentional.
2. Referenced Documents 4.3 The surface of the underlayment sheet shall be designed
2.1 ASTM Standards: to provide traction and slip resistance to the applicator.
D 228 Test Methods for Asphalt Roll Roofing, Cap Sheets, NOTE 1—The intent of 4.3 is to recognize that surface slipperiness is
and Shingles2 important when working on a roof and, while no test method is specified
D 903 Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhe- in this standard, several methods for assessing the relative slipperiness of
sive Bonds3 surfaces are available. It is the further intent of this paragraph to ensure
that, whatever method is used, the friction coefficient or resistance to
D 1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing,
slipping of the surface of these products should be at least as great as
and Bituminous Materials2 asphalt-saturated felt shingle underlayment tested under the same condi-
D 1204 Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of tions of temperature and wetness as agreed between purchaser and seller.
Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated
4.4 Sheet sections shall be suitable for joining by the
manufacturer’s recommended procedure. The entire lower
D 2523 Practice for Testing Load-Strain Properties of Roof-
surface of the underlayment sheet shall be capable of being
ing Membranes2
fully adhered to the roof deck.
D 4073 Test Method for Tensile-Tear Strength of Bitumi-
nous Roofing Membranes2 5. Physical Requirements
D 5147 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Modified
5.1 The underlayment sheet shall conform to the physical
requirements prescribed in Table 1.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-8 on 5.2 The underlayment sheet shall not crack nor be so sticky
Roofing, Waterproofing, and Bituminous Materials and is the direct responsibility of as to cause tearing or other damage upon being unrolled at
Subcommittee D08.02 on Prepared Roofings, Shingles, and Siding Materials. material temperatures between 4.4 and 60°C (40 and 140°F).
Current edition approved Jan. 10, 2000. Published March 2000. Originally
published as D 1970 – 90. Last previous edition D 1970 – 97.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.
4 5
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 1970
TABLE 1 Physical Requirements of Polymer Modified Bitumen for sheets having an ultimate elongation of 75 % or less at
Sheets Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment 23.9°C (75°F) and 50 mm (2 in.) 6 5 % for sheets having an
Property Inch-Pound Metric ultimate elongation greater than 75 % at 23.9°C (75°F).
Thickness, min 40 mils 1.0 mm Maintain a rate of separation of 50 mm (2 in.)6 3 %
Maximum load, min per min.
Longitudinal 25 lbf/in. 4.4 kN/m
Transverse 25 lbf/in. 4.4 kN/m Record the percent elongation of each specimen at
Elongation at break, min of modified 10 % the visual break of the modified bitumen portion using an
bitumen portion
Adhesion to plywood, min at 40°F 2.0 lbf/ft width 0.92 kgf/30.5 cm
extensiometer, or mark the extension at visual break of the
Adhesion to plywood, min at 75°F 12.0 lbf/ft width 5.44 kgf/30.5 cm modified bitumen portion from the chart of the stress versus
Water absorption, max 0.1 % time (knowing the speed of the chart drive and the jaw
Thermal stability, max 0.1 in. 3 mm
Flexibility temperature −20°F −29°C
separation rate).
Tear resistance Record the maximum load attained by each speci-
Longitudinal, min 20 lbf 89 N men.
Transverse, min 20 lbf 89 N
Moisture vapor permeability, max 0.1 U.S. Perms 5.7 ng/Pa.S.M.2
7.3.3 Calculation:
Sealability around nail pass Determine the percent elongation at break of the
Waterproof integrity after low temperature pass modified bitumen portion obtained from the extensiometer in
Waterproof integrity of lap seam pass
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, or read di-
Slip resistance Greater than asphalt saturated felt rectly. Calculate the percent elongation from the chart as
when tested under the same follows:
conditions of temperature and
wetness (see Note 1) a
% Elongation 5 b 3 100 % (1)

6. Sampling a 5 extension at modified bitumen break (extension at
6.1 From each lot of underlayment sheet, select sample rolls break on chart 3 jaw separation rate divided by chart
in accordance with Test Methods D 228. speed), and
6.2 The rolls so selected shall constitute the representative b 5 initial jaw separation.
sample used for all subsequent observations and tests pertain- Determine the average percent elongation at break
ing to the lot of material being examined. of the modified bitumen portion in each direction. Calculate the average maximum load in each direc-
7. Test Methods tion.
7.1 Conditioning—Unless otherwise specified, condition 7.3.4 Report—For each set of five specimens in each
test specimens for at least 4 h at 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and direction report the individual measurements, the average and
50 6 5 % relative humidity prior to testing. standard deviation for the size of specimen (initial length
7.2 Thickness: between jaws), maximum load in kN/m (lbf/in.), percent
7.2.1 Measure the thickness of the shingle underlayment in elongation at modified bitumen break, and method of deter-
accordance with Test Methods D 5147. mining elongation.
7.2.2 Report the number of measurements, the average and 7.4 Adhesion to Plywood—This test method covers the
standard deviation across the sheet. determination of the adhesive properties of the underlayment
7.3 Maximum Load and Elongation at Break—This test sheets to plywood, as set forth in Test Method D 903 except as
method covers the determination of the maximum load and noted below.
elongation at break of the underlayment sheets, as set forth in 7.4.1 Specimen Preparation:
Practice D 2523 except as noted below. The test specimen shall consist of one piece of
7.3.1 Specimens: underlayment sheet, 75 6 2 by 200 6 2 mm (3 6 0.125 by 8 Prepare five specimens from each sample roll in 6 0.125 in.), bonded for 15 in.2 (75 3 125 mm) (3 by 5 in.) to
both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Specimens one piece of 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) minimum thick plywood, APA
shall be 25 mm (1 in.) 6 5 % wide by a minimum of 150 mm Grade, Exposure 1, 75 by 150 mm (3 by 6 in.). The plywood
(6 in.) 6 5 % long. For materials with high elongation the must not be reused for testing.
length of the sample may be reduced to 100 mm (4 in.) 6 5 % Roll test specimen three times back and forth with a
if necessary to avoid limitations imposed by dimensions of the roller which has a mass of 11.8 kg (26 lb) 6 0.5 %, diameter
test machine. of 125 mm (5 in.) 6 5 %, and width of 125 mm (5 in.) 6 5 %
7.3.2 Procedure: (2 to 3 s per cycle). Condition each specimen at least 2 h at 23 6 2°C At least five specimens shall be tested for each test
(73.4 6 3.6°F). temperature. Use a constant rate of elongation (CRE) tension It is recommended that specimens be assembled
testing machine, preferably with automatic load and strain individually. Cutting specimens to size after assembly may
recording equipment and clamps that permit a uniform clamp- influence the test results.
ing pressure on the specimen without slipping. The initial 7.4.2 Conditioning—Testing is to be performed at two
clamp separation shall be a minimum of 75 mm (3 in.)6 5 % temperatures, 23.9 6 1.1°C (756 2°F) and 4.4 6 1.1°C (40 6

D 1970
2°F). Materials used to construct test specimens and the roller, Determine the total percentage of moisture gained as
must be conditioned at the test temperature for at least 4 h prior follows:
to assembly. Similarly, test specimens must be conditioned at m – mo
the test temperatures for at least 1 h prior to testing. Percentage of Moisture 5 mo 3 100 (2)

NOTE 2—Adhesion to other potential wood deck materials may be

determined by this test method, but it has been observed that substrates
such as APA approved nonveneer sheets typically give greater adhesion
m 5 mass of specimen after immersion, and
values than the minimum specified in this standard for plywood. mo 5 initial mass of specimen. Calculate the average percentage of moisture gain
7.4.3 Apparatus: and the standard deviation of all specimens measured. Perform the test in a constant rate of extension type 7.5.5 Report—Report the individual specimen values, the
tester. average and standard deviation. The rate of travel of the power-actuated grip shall be 7.6 Thermal Stability—This test method determines the
50 mm (2 in.)/min 6 3 %. This rate which provides a laminate thermal stability of the underlayment sheets as set forth in Test
separation rate of 25 mm (1 in.)/min 6 3 % shall be uniform Method D 1204, except as noted below.
throughout the test. 7.6.1 Specimens
7.4.4 Procedure: The test specimen shall consist of one piece of Conduct the test after the test specimens have been underlayment sheet, 100 6 2 mm by 100 6 2 mm (4 6 0.125
conditioned at the test temperature (in the environmental in. by 4 6 0.125 in.), centered and bonded (as described in
chamber) for 15 minutes. to one piece of 1⁄4-in. thick plywood, (APA Grade, Separate the free end of the underlayment sheet Exposure 1) 150 6 2 mm by 200 6 2 mm (6 6 0.125 in. by
from the plywood for a distance of about 50 mm (2 in.) leaving 8 6 0.125 in.).
about 75 mm (3 in.) of bonded length. Place the specimen in At least five specimens shall be tested for each
the testing machine by clamping the free end of the plywood in sample roll.
one grip, turning back the free end of the sheet and clamping 7.6.2 Procedure:
it in the other grip. Maintain the specimen in the approximate Set specimens at a 45° angle in a hot air circulating
plane of the clamps during the test. Peel at least three quarters oven maintained at 70 6 2°C (158 6 4°F) for 14 days.
of the bonded area, even though a peel or stripping value may At the end of the oven-exposure period, allow
be indicated before this point. specimens to equilibrate to 23.9 6 1.1°C (75 6 2°F) and 50 6
7.4.5 Calculation—Determine the peel strength on the chart 5 % relative humidity for at least 4 hours.
as the average load line that will visually accommodate the From the lower edge of the sheet measure to the
recorded curve. Record the load so indicated, corrected for nearest 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) the furthest point of modified bitumen
tare. flow. Estimate the average flow across the entire lower edge of
7.4.6 Reporting—For each series of tests, report the number the sample.
of measurements, the average, and the standard deviation of all 7.6.3 Report—Report the individual specimen values, the
the test values in kg/30.5 cm width (lb/ft of width). average and the standard deviation.
7.5 Water Absorption—This test method covers the deter- 7.7 Low Temperature Flexibility—This test method deter-
mination of the water absorption properties of the underlay- mines the low temperature flexibility of the underlayment
ment sheet. sheets. For the sheet material to be given a pass rating in this
7.5.1 Specimens: test, the specimen must demonstrate either no visible signs of Prepare five specimens measuring approximately cracking in the sheet after bending at the test temperature
100 6 2 mm by 100 6 2 mm (4 6 0.1 in. by 4 6 0.1 in.) from through an angle of 1806 5° around a 25 mm (1 in.) 6 5 %
each sample roll. diameter mandrel in 2 6 1 s, or minor surface cracking is Remove any release paper or release film from the observed in the sheet and the head of water test, performed on
self-stick surface of the specimens. a sheet of material that has been subjected to this bending.
7.5.2 Conditioning—Condition each specimen at least 2 h at 7.7.1 Specimens—Prepare five specimens from each roll in
23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F). both the longitudinal and transverse direction for each tem-
7.5.3 Procedure: perature to be tested. Specimens shall be 25 mm (1 in.) 6 5 % Determine the mass of each specimen to the nearest wide by 150 mm (6 in.) 6 5 % long.
0.001 g. 7.7.2 Conditioning—Test at the temperature specified for Immerse specimens in a distilled water bath main- compliance in Table 1 (−29°C (−20°F)). Allow the refrigera-
tained at 50 6 2°C (122 6 4°F) for 100 6 4 hours. tion unit, mandrel and specimens to equilibrate for a minimum Remove specimens and blot off surface water with a of 2 h.
dry lint-free cloth, immerse the specimens in technical grade 7.7.3 Procedure:
acetone for 2 6 1 s, and permit specimens to air dry for 15 6 After the specimens have been conditioned, position
2 min at 236 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6 5 % RH. the center of the specimen firmly on the mandrel with the Determine the mass of each specimen to the nearest weathering side up. Bend the projecting ends without exerting
0.001 g after immersion. any stress other than that required to keep the specimen in
7.5.4 Calculation: contact with the mandrel. Complete the entire procedure inside

D 1970
the refrigerated unit within 2 6 1 s. Bend the specimen until peel the release paper or film off the self stick underlayment
the projecting ends of the specimen are parallel to each other sheet and lightly place the sheet on the plywood. Press down
keeping the bottom surface in contact with the mandrel through the edges of the sheet just hard enough to keep them from
an arc of 180 6 5°. Repeat this procedure using a different lifting. Roll membrane as specified in
specimen and bend with the weathering side down. With two pieces of lumber placed underneath the Remove the specimen from the refrigerated unit and plywood for support, drive two 32-mm (1.25-in.) galvanized
immediately inspect for any signs of cracking. roofing nails, 25 to 51 mm (1 to 2 in.) apart, near the center of Repeat the procedure for any remaining specimens. the plywood so that the nail heads are flush with the surface of
The temperature of the refrigeration unit may increase during the sheet. Tap the pointed ends of the nails to raise the nail
testing. Allow refrigeration unit to equilibrate to test tempera- heads approximately 6 mm (0.25 in.) off the surface of the
ture prior to testing subsequent samples. sheet. All specimens must pass at the test temperature of Cut the bottom out of a 4-L (1-gal) can with a can
−29°C (−20°F). opener and center it, bottom side down, on the membrane. To ensure that the material will perform its intended Apply a 6-mm (0.25-in.) bead of silicone sealant completely
function, the head of water test (7.10) shall be performed on at around the outside rim of the can to bond it to the membrane.
least one specimen that has been flexed and judged to pass the Allow 2 h for the sealant to set, then apply another bead around
flexibility test at the test temperature and that specimen shall the inside rim of the can.
also pass the head of water test. After waiting 24 h at ambient temperature the
7.7.4 Report—Report whether the material passes or fails at sealant to cure, place this assembly atop another 1-gal can
the specified temperature. which has the lid removed and the bottom intact. Fill the upper
7.8 Tear Resistance—This test method covers the determi- can to a depth of 127 mm (5 in.) with deionized or distilled
nation of the tear resistance of the underlayment sheets as set water. Place the entire assembly in a refrigeration unit main-
forth in Test Method D 4073 except as noted below. tained at 4 6 2°C (40 6 5°F) for a period of three days.
7.8.1 Procedure—Test procedure shall be in accordance At the conclusion of the test, remove the top can
with Test Method D 4073 except that the rate of jaw separation and plywood and note any water in the bottom can, on the
shall be 50 mm (2.0 in.)/min 6 3 %. shanks of the nails, or on the underside of the plywood. Pour
7.8.2 Calculation—Calculate the average tear strength in the water from the top can and blot the inside dry. Peel the top
each direction. can from the underlayment sheet then peel the sheet back to the
7.8.3 Report—Report the individual specimen values, the nails and inspect the underside for any signs of water.
average and standard deviation in each direction. When using this procedure to determine the water-
7.9 Moisture Vapor Permeability—Sample the underlay- proof integrity of specimens after the low temperature flexibil-
ment sheet and determine the moisture vapor transmission in ity test or to determine the integrity of laps seams, proceed as
accordance with Test Method E 96. above, substituting those specimens for the nailed specimen,
7.10 Self Sealability (Head of Water Test) and inspect the underside for any signs of water after the test.
7.10.1 This test method will determine the ability of the 7.10.4 Report—Observe and report whether or not water is
underlayment sheet to seal around a roofing nail and prevent found in the bottom can, on the nail shanks, on the underside
standing water from leaking through to the underside of the of the plywood, or between the plywood and the underlayment
sheet. sheet. Report as a failure if water is present in any of these
areas, or as a pass if dry. This test method will also determine the waterproof
integrity of the sheet after performing the low temperature
8. Precision and Bias
flexibility test (7.7). This test method will also determine the waterproof 8.1 The precision statements for the test methods included
integrity of lap seems formed according to the manufacturers’ in this specification are under development.
instructions or rolled as described in at 23 6 2°C
(73.46 3.6°F). A larger diameter container than specified in 9. Inspection may be required to accommodate the full width of the 9.1 Inspection of the material shall be agreed upon between
specified lap seam centered across a diameter of the open the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier as part of the
(bottom) end of the container (the diameter should be at least purchase contract.
23 the width of the lap).
7.10.2 Specimens: 10. Rejection and Rehearing The test specimen shall consist of one piece of 10.1 Failure to conform to any of the requirements pre-
underlayment sheet 300 by 300 mm (12 by 12 in.) 6 5 % scribed in this specification will constitute grounds for rejec-
centered on a piece of 10-mm (3⁄8-in.) minimum thick (APA tion. In case of rejection, the seller shall have the right to
Grade, Exposure 1) plywood, of the same dimensions. reinspect the rejected material and resubmit the lot after At least two specimens shall be tested for each removal of those packages not conforming to the requirements.
sample roll. Alternative arrangements for replacement of defective material
7.10.3 Procedure: may be agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier as part At room temperature (23 6 2°C (73.46 3.6°F)) of the purchase contract.

D 1970
11. Packaging and Package Marking substantial manner to prevent shifting of material and to permit
11.1 The area per roll and packaging shall be as agreed upon normal handling.
by the purchaser and the seller.
11.2 Unless otherwise specified, each package shall be 12. Keywords
plainly marked with the manufacturer’s name, brand name, 12.1 ice dam protection; polymer-modified; self-adhering;
area of the roll, and the ASTM designation. steep roofing; underlayment
11.3 The rolls shall be securely wrapped or banded in a

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).

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