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EEDC Detail

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EEDC Structure and Prolegomena

1. EEDC Registration and Identification at the EU

>> EEDC is a WDO (World Development Organization), established and

registered at the Spanish Home Office for the European Union with
registration number 169997 1st section of national organizations and as
per the Act of December 24 1964 and supplementary legislation 1440/65,
and fully registered in the Spanish state within the European Unions laws
and institutions.
EEDC is publicly registered and recognised as a welfare institution and
WDO as per its objectives, purpose and identity.

>> EEDC is a model of a new organization, which as a non-bureaucratic non-

governmental entity, provides enormous advantages of speed, network and
funding capacity.
For a long time, a significant gap has been observed between the funding of
private and the public projects that has created an urgent need for both fast
responses for funding and project development. This gap has been fully
covered for the first time by EEDC today, allowing better and faster solutions
for the public and private sectors needs for funding development and growth
within a less bureaucratic and more effective way of operating.

2. EEDC Control and Administrative Body:

a) Executive board. This is the decision-making core of the organization

composed of the President and the members of the executive board.
b) Regional and National boards are structured by all regional or national
presidents and vice-presidents from the different countries or regions,
where EEDC is represented by a local president, and their staff.
c) Advisers, trustees and councillors including special representatives.
d) Honorary members.
e) Remaining members and staff.

3. Managing Configuration:

a) EEDC Head office and the main World Development Organization is

headed by its current Executive President and CEO whose term will end on
31st December 2024.

b) National or regional presidencies and offices: They are headed

completely under surveillance and guidance of their own presidents and
staff with true active independence.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
c) Representative offices Have an agreement with EEDC to represent us
which they run through their own structure and upon project execution and

4. EEDC Structure and Divisions:

I. EEDC WDO and Presidency:

This is the command and control centre of EEDC, where all the major
strategies are developed for the global expansion and activities of EEDC. It
is directly controlled by the President of EEDC and his staff. Among others,
the main activities are:
> To direct the political and strategic activities for world welfare and
> To interact with governmental, public and private institutions and
individuals in order to provide solutions to their needs giving access to
funding, technical, industrial and financial advice and support.
> Project development and execution. EEDC can provide, upon analysis
and agreement, complete solutions to projects on world-wide basis, within
a complete range of services that covers from the study, analysis and
funding of the project, to its execution and follow-up on a turnkey basis,
procuring financial and technical solutions, and mid-size to major prime
contractors in all segments of engineering, industry, technology and
> To supervise and generate the governing laws of the organization in
conjunction with the executive board.
> To direct, coordinate, and survey all the divisions of EEDC.

II. EEDC Financial Trust:

The main purpose of this trust is:

> To finance the development of international projects, both public and
> To provide solutions to the recruitment of funds in different modalities
> To take decisions in conjunction with EEDC Presidency to invest in well
established projects from its private management fund
> To manage international funds for further investment or placement in the
development of global projects around the world
> To survey the maintenance and expansion of its own private investment
portfolio, generated by external investors or by EEDC internal funding
> To create financial surveillance committees for the analysis of project
funding and investment.
> To provide new forms or alternative solutions for financial expansion,
funding, and project development.

III. EEDC Special Purpose Companies


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
This is the pragmatic, internal investment and development arm of EEDC.
The basic concept of EEDC Special purpose companies could be highlighted
as follows:

>> EEDC WDO is the geopolitical and geostrategic segment of EEDC, and
in many cases the core unit to receive and despatch for analysis and
distribution the different projects presented to EEDC Head Office or to any
other office or representative of EEDC in the world. In addition, we have
the EEDC Financial Trust that, under the surveillance and approval of EEDC
WDO, procures the funding or investment by different means to the
projects presented.
>> With these two basic structures, EEDC WDO and EEDC Financial Trust,
a number of special purpose companies are created, with an independent
life and autonomy from EEDC, these companies exist to develop and
support each new project to be funded. We will give a short example of

A real estate group in Latin America have required from EEDC several
million USD to develop a major real estate project. Upon agreement, EEDC
will provide 100% of the required capital and the real estate developers
provide the land. In that moment a special purpose company will be
created to develop the project. Then the Latin American developers will be
managing the business and procuring the expected profit. Furthermore,
when profits will be generated for the development of the project, EEDC
will reinvest part of those profits in future projects to generate more
development and welfare.

This example is exactly applicable as pars pro toto to any other

investment, and for any type of special purpose companies created by
EEDC, mutatis mutandis, whatever the nature the project will be, i.e.
science and technology, telecommunications, real estate, hospitals,
industrial development, and for any private or public project with private

IV. EEDC Science and Technology Trust:

This is a trust exclusively created to fund and develop breakthrough

technology and new specific roads of thinking and research.

Our funding and development approach is based in a totally new model;

let's briefly see how it works:

>> A scientist, technological developer or inventor, who is looking then for

funding, and is not willing to go into a traditional funding scheme where
they will be absorbed by a large technological corporation or controlled by
the capital, can through EEDC access a new way to develop and expand his


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
project, create his own development company and be shareholder of it in
conjunction with EEDC. In order to do that EEDC will create a special
purpose company, where the scientist or technological developer becomes
the co-owner, in conjunction with the EEDC shareholders.

>> The aim and activity of EEDC is, upon agreement and if required, to
bring 100% of the capital needed and provide contracts for the new
company, international expansion, marketing, industrial and commercial
facilities for production and sales. The function of the technological partner
and developer is to administer the company on a technological and
scientific basis and provide the necessary know-how. A mutual board of
governors will be created to manage the company that will act on a neutral
and objective basis to procure the result and expansion. In this way each
party accomplishes its task without interfering in the capacity and natural
function of the other party. If new funding is needed for expansion, or in
order to create a new project, EEDC will be ready to start the dialogue,
providing, upon agreement, additional funds and if needed a new special
purpose company for the new project to be developed.

>> EEDC is currently working in areas of artificial intelligence, robotics,

nanotechnology for blood analysis and disease detection, text to speech,
speech to text and E learning systems, early warning dyslexia detection,
and stem cell organ reconstruction, among others. Let's analyse some of
these projects:

>> Flying drones. This is a break-through technology related to stealth

flying units for surveillance control and communications on civilian and
military basis; The new drones are a meter and a half, not detectable to
radar, they can survey cities, streets, individuals, coasts, country borders.
They have capacity to detect sharks in the oceans protecting human divers,
control undocumented immigrants arriving, by land or by the ocean even in
small vessels. They can transport food, medicine, and special equipment
including inflatable rescue boats. Drones are capable of recognizing day
and night and send continuous information to various control centres
simultaneously. They include all sorts of infrared and night vision devices
using the latest CCD microchips. In addition they have a flying period of
ten hours of flight with an approximated speed of 170-200 kilometers an

>> We have completed a new generation of microchips and a full detecting

system able to locate and detect mobile and static units or human beings
on the planet. This micro unit can be placed in human beings, goods,
commodities, military equipment, stocks, paintings and objects of art in
museum and collections, and in any object that requires control and survey
with total precision and detection capacity.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
>> Plans have been already established to finance unique new energy
devices that will dramatically reduce the cost of energy and construction of
a new generation of power plants.

>> Studies in gravity and magnetic motors have been submitted to EEDC
in order to approve the funding to procure the first prototypes related to
this new technological concept.

>> EEDC has reached an agreement to provide all the needed funding to
achieve the first existing unit of real artificial intelligence.
We are aware that this will represent a challenge for the human being, but
as long as we keep our faith in humans and their superior place in the
universe we will overcome this challenge. The technological approach that
is leading us to this new door of science is supported by new mathematical
formulas based on the bamboo growth (irregular growth) translated into a
regular mathematical formula, that combined with regular linguistic
mathematical equations, will bridge the irregular structure of intelligence
with the regular behavior of computers in order to achieve true artificial
intelligence. The previous paradigm will be combined with a new
generation of asynchronous computers that will no longer use the sense of
time, to avoid perception by calculation (as a computer does) and produce
perception by direct recognition, as human intelligence does.

>> Funds are in the process of being prepared to start a production of new
units related to a breakthrough technology to measure material fatigue of
any physical object in a totally revolutionary way. This discovery has
among others, a huge application in space, aeronautic and transport

>> EEDC is analyzing a group of new technologies and approaches to

reduce drug dependency and to provide help and support to human beings
in this dramatic problem of our century. This new analysis will include not
only educational centres with cheaper and effective facilities, but as well
the study of alternative therapies based on new chemicals, brain wave
induction, hypnosis, alternative medicine, computerized visual and auditive
brain and environmental reconstruction.

>> On the subject of cancer EEDC has been approached by a scientific

research group with a breakthrough synthesis that is providing new hope
for human beings affected by cancer. This new complex of drugs includes a
novel medication that eliminates the potential side effect of chemotherapy,
and some of today's standard treatments. As per the report we received,
the new cure has been applied to an important number of patients with a
major positive result. EEDC will initiate a research in conjunction with a
well recognize team of scientists to test the system that is providing
expectation and hope.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
>> A unified waste and water treatment technology capable of producing
large amounts of energy at industrial level (in MW) pollution free, is now in
the process of being analyzed. This hyper chemical reduction system takes
all sorts of waste, industrial, urban, medical, hazardous, toxic, residues
from refineries, and hard elements to be recycled as tyres.
A standard system can provide for a plant of 1,500 metric tons per day,
around 7 to 9 megawatts. This new technology can generate industrial
energy equal to 64 megawatts of power. The plant will absorb around 6
megawatts. The result will be a 50 megawatts plant, and 50 megawatts of
energy free of charge, including of course a waste treatment plant from
1500 to 4000 metric tons per day of waste. Additionally the plant is
capable to produce steam and various other sub products, including the
capacity to recycle all sorts of oils.

>> For the afore mentioned projects EEDC is starting to create special
centres for development, research, and production. We are negotiating the
purchase of an 18th century castle in Eastern Europe, and a convent in
Belgium, where scientists, inventors, and technological developers will be
living and working in high-standard conditions to develop the projects
related to these breakthrough technologies. At the same time this group of
thinkers and scientists will be able to organize on a regular basis meetings
and symposia to analyse future developments and solutions with other
specialists from all over the planet. This experience is to be repeated in
Russia, Serbia and Asia, creating a brotherhood of knowledge for the
development of thought and research in new fields. Emphasis will be made
on alternative vision and unorthodox thinking. An additional aim of this
global project is to recruit new talented people to support their ideas and
concepts that will provide welfare and progress to human beings.

V. EEDC Institute for Geostrategic Analysis

This is the geopolitical consulting arm of EEDC dedicated to analyse the

needs and requirements of governments, institutions and individuals in the
global network of the 21st century.
An international network of individuals and highly specialised consultants
with different points of view and strategies will provide and study the best
global solutions for specific projects. Let's suppose that there is the need to
build a hospital or a power plant. The standard method is to provide the
finance to a good company, which does the job on a turnkey basis and pay
for it, with perhaps some additional benefits in the funding system or in the
collateral services of the works.

>> EEDC criteria is totally different:

First, we will analyse through EEDC Financial Trust, the best financial
solutions to provide better terms and conditions and enhancement of the
capital structure when possible.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
Second, through EEDC Science and Technology Trust, we will search on a
worldwide basis for the breakthrough technology we can apply as
alternative solutions, when possible, instead of standard procedures.
Third, we will look for competitive offsets in order to provide additional
benefits for the project in relation to the country or group that will execute
the job. For instance, large companies from various countries, working on
the same segment can provide more or less the same solution and the
same high quality standard. Depending on our capacity to negotiate we can
procure better offset conditions and better agreements with their
governments to give more help to the contracting organization or
Fourth, we have in our network and intellectual portfolio, a strong group of
geopolitical advisers with consistent and well-recognized knowledge in
history, geography, economy, science, technology, and world politics. This
group will give advice and guidelines to conclude the task in the best
financial, technical and strategic way, including a complete analysis and
master plan.
These are in brief some of the advantages that the Institute will provide to
individuals or nations for the best development of their needs and the
conclusion of their projects.

VI. EEDC Trust for Arts and Humanities:

It is our firm obligation and irrevocable commitment to increase human

values, spirituality of men and the cultural fundaments of life. Since we are
registered as a World Development Organization our members have to be
committed to the welfare of the human race. The spreading of human
principles, cultural and spiritual awareness, expansion of knowledge free of
barriers, expansion of creativity and inventiveness is one of our deepest
The essential concept behind the Trust is that we are spiritual and cultural
creatures whose consciousness and feeling of the sacred and a superior
reality within us and nature, provides the basis of our conscious identity.
Our goal is to remind and solidify this consciousness through the
expansion of the spiritual and cultural aspects of life beyond our biological
status. The function of the Trust is to provide support, help and funds for
the development of art in all its expressions, including the fusion of all sort
of cultural forms, the promotion of humanitarian activities in all segments
of life irrespective of belief and nation.
Cultural life should be for humankind a second environment and something
as ecological and natural as the rest of our surrounding reality.
For this purpose we have developed a criteria to provide funds for the
development of new concepts and forms of art.
In consequence, we are in the process starting to develop new projects, as
a first step in this long race for human awareness, and enhancement.
Among them should be mentioned the following humanitarian and cultural


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
a) Anti-drug abuse program:
One of the largest dramas in our century is drug dependency and drug
abuse which is invading all segments of society, destroying human life and
hope. Within the main scope of EEDC Trust for Humanities is to strongly
help to resolve this problem for which the main concepts and activities will
be briefly described as follows:

>> EEDC considers drug dependency as a disease and not a criminal act. It
is a disease simply because it is lack of health. Drug addiction needs to
have a scientific and humanitarian approach to give medical support,
spiritual understanding to addicts that suffer this disease. It is our social
and moral obligation to provide help, and understanding to these human
beings, and treat them with respect and consideration as any other sick
human being.

>> The drug problem has 2 major segments: availability and

consumption/demand. Availability is related to illegal drug traffic which is
in the hands and responsibility of drug enforcement authorities of every
country. But the availability only exists as consequence of demand,
although this demand is artificially created by the invasion of drugs in the

>> Part of the activity of EEDC is to help to resolve this problem. Our
activity will be concentrated on the second segment which is to reduce
demand and abuse of drugs and help to overcome the problem of human
involvement in drug dependency.
Our aim is to create special programs in the media, schools, universities
and professional segment to realistically and dramatically inform of the
consequences of drug abuse through individuals who have been involved in
this inferno with a small margin of escape. The fundamental idea is simply
to clearly inform and to create consciousness of the reality of what it is to
be a drug addict and the terrible road of self destruction and collateral

>> The second element is to form a special program by EEDC on a world

basis to reduce and eliminate drug addiction in a shorter time and much
less expensive way. One of the dramas today is that average people if they
are not in a good economical situation cannot have easy access to the best
treatments which are lengthy, expensive, thus reducing the activity and
capacity to work of an individual from 1 to 2 years. Our aim is to search for
breakthrough solutions to reduce and eliminate drug dependency, this is a
task in which EEDC will be investing funds and time to do modern research
in all continents and procure alternative formulas including new medical,
chemical, physical and therapeutically approaches that will provide a better
faster more accessible solution for this invasive disease.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
>> Of course this task that honours EEDC will generate a consistent
amount of hidden enemies and objection to our activity from the enormous
economical interests related to drug trafficker's illegal activity. We are
prepared to take on these enemies, we are proud to do so and to fight
libel, piracy, poison pen letters and illegal activities in order to defend
these principles.

b) Metamorphosis travelling festival:

EEDC will create the first itinerant or travelling festival of the arts that will
act like a cultural river travelling and visiting periodically different cities
and continents, and incorporating all sorts of arts and cultural
manifestations from different parts of the planet.

This festival will promote the creation of new forms of cultural fusion and
activities, political and human understanding, and it will be the living and
changing shape of transformation and itinerancy for the arts. Some of the
selected cities that have been discussed for this world project in its first
stages are Paris, Moscow, Shanghai, Madrid, Brussels, Hong Kong, San
Francisco, Bangkok, and Mexico City.

The festival will include all sorts of performing arts with a special
orientation into new forms of artistic language, fusion and transformation,
providing opportunities not only to well recognized artists but to new
values in the world of art. Gradually the festival will be including other
segments, such as painting, poetry, literature, photography, and new art

c) Metamorphic Orchestra and Art Group:

EEDC is working in the creation in a new concept of orchestra and art
group that will have the structure of a mobile and transforming platform.

This vehicular platform will change its musicians, directors, artists and
programs, transforming itself with the identity of the new performers, the
new programs, and places where it is presented.

This art vehicle, being a mobile platform, will be gathering new artists and
musicians from around the world. In addition the art platform will be in
magnetic force to attract all sorts of performing arts, modern or classical.
This art platform will be a travelling on metamorphic vehicle, transforming
art and itself in its route around the world.


This acronym corresponds to network non-network. A new communication

system described elsewhere in the website based on a mathematical
pattern where an element that does not belong to the operative identity of
the elements of a set, is introduced to command and coordinate all the
elements of a selected group. This mathematical behavior is used as the
C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
basis of a concept by EEDC. That is why this seventh element of the
general structure of EEDC is a non-element in the set of elements of EEDC.

This basic concept and operating pattern is applied in EEDC to many

different areas. Let's give an example:
EEDC has created a new air transport group, this group includes three
different and independent airline companies, the fourth element of this set
will be the driving, monitoring and expanding element for the other
companies, although the fourth commanding and coordinating element is a
non-airline company. This element will provide growth, contracts and lobby
expansion, However, if one of the companies produces a negative return, it
won't affect the driving element as per its non-identity within the rest of
the components of the set. But if the companies are profitable and produce
a sustainable growth, the commanding element which is out of the identity
of the network will grow and expand as per the growth and expansion of
the network.
The same principle is applied for EEDC network non-network, which is
constructed by a huge network of relations on a world wide basis, active or
dormant, without being tied to a common command element, but activated
by driving elements outside of the network which allow the system to grow
more and more with minimum risk for the structure and maximum
operative independence and autonomy for the units.

As per the afore mentioned, the active units could be geometrically

expanded and the dormant elements activated when needed. In this
pattern, EEDC has in its international network a huge amount of silent
network or units, that are not necessarily units of EEDC, but when they are
activated they become units of our system. This provides us with a huge
amount of flexibility, independence and capacity for geometrical growth
with the minimum effort and maximum result for our activity and the
proper conduction and expansion of our system.
Another great advantage of networks-non networks is that being all the
units of the system, non units by identity, the basic network becomes
structurally a non network as it is formed by the potential non units of the
system. The same paradigmatic model could be applied to pattern business
expansion, or to any operative network reality.

5) General Rules and Observations

A. Appointments:
All appointments should be exclusively granted by E.E.D.C head office with
the signature of its president. The same applies for all cancellations of an

B. Membership:
Exclusively the member that holds a hard copy of the appointment plus
their mention in the web page are considered to be E.E.D.C members.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
C. Special Authorisations:
No member of E.E.D.C or any other person or organization can request
funds or services on behalf of E.E.D.C without the signed approval and
authorization of the president of E.E.D.C through its head office.

D. EEDC Authorisations
All agreements and offers made in the name of EEDC in order to be legally
valid and binding should bear the signature of EEDC president or the
signature of the executive council authorized representative.

E. Web Information
All information contained in the EEDC web page should not be considered
as offer or solicitation in any sense. This appears only as general
information and as a matter of record and ruling guidelines.

General Summary

1. - The European Economic Development Council (EEDC) is an Institution

registered in the European Union as a public welfare organization and at
the Spanish Home Office, primarily aimed at the following sectors:

a.- Development of institutional, governmental, social, infrastructural and

private projects, mainly during the initial stages. We will describe in a later
segment the different fields in which our activity is focused.

b.- Development of scientific and technological projects, primarily during

the final stage of the project. In this case, our task is to obtain funds from
our investment portfolio for the development of a project during its final
stage, as well as its industrialization and trade in international markets. We
simultaneously seek to protect the rights and to act within the guidelines
provided by the project owner or holder. Our institution has great interest
in the development of new alternatives in the fields of energy, mechanics,
dynamics, biotechnology, medical sciences, ecological science, transport
and communications technologies and various other research disciplines.

c.- Humanitarian projects that require subsidiary funds especially in the

primary sectors: human services and needs, environmental protection,
protection of the biosphere. The Council is committed to the protection of
endangered species and to the preservation of the cultural traditions and
lifestyles of all peoples.

d.- Cultural projects that safeguard and enhance one's spiritual life and will
encourage the development of fundamental values, which are and will be
the pillars of civilization.
C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
2. - EEDC is comprised of a significant, internationally recognized group of
members and honorary advisors that hold relevant positions in industrial,
political, financial, diplomatic and institutional fields.

a. - The current president of the EEDC is Mr. Enrique Aguirrezabala

Castañeda. He is the President of Transamerican Projects, an international
group of trustees that is registered with the European Union and is a
member of the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce Paris) and with
its Spanish branch, the C.C.I.

b. - Mr. Aguirrezabala, acting in his capacity as an international trustee,

holds in his trust and investment portfolio important foundations and
investment funds that total more than $ 20 billion USD. He has signed
and/or maintained contracts, agreements, and governmental and
institutional mandates for important infrastructure projects, such as high-
speed trains, airports, and maritime ports, motorways, energy plants,
technological and scientific research projects. Currently, the
aforementioned projects total more than $ 4,500 million USD.

3. - Among the main Council functions is the implementation of social and

infrastructure development projects in the following fields:

- Energy Plants
- Water treatment plants
- Water distribution and canalization
- Solid, urban and industrial waste treatment plants
- Chemical plants
- Gas and Oil pipelines
- Offshore Rigs
- Oil and Gas drilling and prospecting projects
- Cryogenic plants
- Motorways, roads and bridges
- Speed trains (180 Km p/h), high-speed trains (230-250 Km p/h), very
high-speed trains (355 km p/h)
- City, inter-city and cargo trains.
- Airports
- Seaports
- Housing projects, mainly of social nature
- Telecommunications
- Supply of urban and regional public transportation
- Industrial equipment and machinery
- Hospitals, clinics, private and governmental health projects on a turn-key
- University and school projects
- Science and technology research in ‘breakthrough’ technologies
- Project financing and funding enhancement and development


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
- Special funding and grant systems
- Primary and secondary market investment

4. - Financing. We consider two types of potential financing methods:

a) - The primary market that includes the following lines of finance:

I) Export credit lines

II) B.O.T (Built Operate and Transfer)

III) B.O.O (Built Operate and Own)

IV) IV) Joint Ventures and direct investment by association.

b) Special types of financing:

I) Partial or total subsidies according to the terms and conditions of the

projects. Projects need to be studied and approved by our Council.

II) Discounts and collateralization of instruments, such as the support

structure for the financial implementation of a project. In some cases, we
can include the wrapping system through an international first line
insurance that can support the credit line or the discount of the instrument.

III) Special financial development programs, with a potential subsidy from

50% to 100% of the project, according to the social and economic terms of
the project, which should have previously been approved by the Council.
One can only have access to this special financing scheme upon previous
request of the owner of the project, who has part of the funds aimed at the
implementation of the project. The Council is in charge of studying and
approving the project as a previous condition of its final acceptance.

5. – Represation. The Council has permanent representatives, delegations

and offices in more than twenty-five countries, comprising several
hundreds of people focused on the development and on the management
of projects.

The organization chart is comprised of prestigious and distinguished

individuals world-wide.

6. – General Philosophy. Projects that involve the participation of the EEDC

have very different natures but a single aim: to promote the growth of
nations and of countries and to strengthen the relationships among
individuals for the common development of the aims inherent to the human
C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org

Our Council is open to any kind of suggestions concerning its public

activity, as well as to all types of properly supported inquiries and
proposals within the scope of the aforementioned activities and of others
related to the spirit of our institution.

We are also open to the integration of different groups or individuals from

diverse cultures or countries. These groups must be willing to implement
projects or programs aimed at this integration. The intent of the projects
should be to increase the development of human life and the protection of
the most needed sectors, not only regarding human life but also life in

Our institution is also open to opinions that could be diametrically opposed

or heterodox to those established by science, technology, research or
culture. We believe that many of the ideas and alternative knowledge,
though officially rejected, may be applicable in certain situations and may
thus enrich the lives of many. For these reasons, we welcome new
proposals aimed at improving the lives and living conditions of individuals,
while at the same time helping us to prepare for the future.

Our Council is a non-governmental organization with an important network

of resources that include industrial, financing, and governmental resources,
as well as individuals that with their intelligence, capacity and/or their
professional status have jurisdiction over all these segments.

It is also true that our Council will always safeguard and protect the
confidentiality of its members and of their resources to avoid the misuse of
information and the appearance of non-desirable elements. In the case
where an entity or individual does not share our basic principles, reflected
in our above-mentioned philosophy, we will try to prevent the misuse of
information and will protect our large network of resources.

7. – Finally, we would like to say that during our expansion process, the
Council has decided to establish a new institution, The Eurasian Economic
Development Council, in which eight Asian countries will participate. This
new entity will work together with members of the European Economic
Development Council and relevant members of the Euroasian Council.

8. – New Communication technology .Our projects embrace the creation of

a new electronic network, whose basis will be developed by important
experts in telecommunication, electronics and advanced technology. This
new network will be defined by the acronym NNN (Net Non Net). This
network will be operated by a restricted number of users and will comprise
the principal infrastructural, governmental and institutional projects, to find
the current scientific, technological and research projects and their


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
implementation. It will also include the companies and the industrial groups
that could have access to those projects, as well as the best solutions to
implement and to develop the structures for the industrial, scientific,
technological and economic alliances required.

The NNN is a new program that will bring about a different and advanced
system to enable the swift, efficient and direct communication between
small, large and macro-size projects. In addition, the NNN system will find
and provide the technological and constructive solutions, as well as the
investment and financial services needed to execute the project.
Unnecessary intermediaries and costs will be eliminated.

Taking into account the ideas stated above, either a central, national or
regional government, a researcher, or a scientific, technological group, or a
private entrepreneur can have direct and immediate access to industrial
groups and financial sources, and will ensure the secure implementation of
the projects. In addition, these industrial groups will have immediate and
direct access to the said projects and their potential implementation.

Another objective of the EEDC will be to use the residual or partial

resources of a portion of these projects for humanitarian aid and for the
development of new ideas and of forms of support for countries and for
individuals. These will be structured through a referendum of the Council

As stated before EEDC is an international management trust institution

formed by trustees charged with the safeguarding, the management, and
the development of projects, funds, investments, and international

The EEDC is, in addition, an international investment and business hub.

About Us
EEDC Current Members


• Mr. Enrique Aguirrezabala, President & CEO of the Council

• Mr. Arne Abrahamsen, President of the EEDC for Norway and
Scandinavian Countries, Chief Financial Officer of EEDC
• H.E. Ambassador of Indonesia F.X. Lopez da Cruz, President of
EEDC for the Asian Pacific rim, Member of the Board and Special
Advisor to the Presidency of the EEDC


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
• Colonel Aleksandr Shcherbakov, President of EEDC for the Russian
Federation and Distinguish Member of the Russian Army and Formal
Military Attache in Washington EEDC
• Mr. Peter Humphryes, President of the EEDC for the United Kingdom
and Northern Ireland
• Ms. Annick Vander Bracht, President for Benelux
• Mr. Pascal le Marchand, President of the EEDC for France
• D. Hector Gando, Special Counsellor for Latin America and President
of the EEDC for Argentina
• H.E. Ambassador Professor Dr. Bakhityar M. Tursunov, President of
the EEDC for Uzbekistan and Counsellor for the Central Asia
• H.E. & R.H. Saodah B.A. Syahruddin, Ambassador of Indonesia,
President for Indonesia
• Madame Etembe Kono, Trustee and Special Adviser for Western
Africa and President for Cameroon
• Baron Wilderich von Berchem-Konigsfeld, President for EEDC for
• Mr. Jesus G. Aguilar Martinez, Trustee and representative of EEDC
for Mexico
• Mr. Thelma Velasco, President of EEDC for Philippines
• Mr. Scholastique Mpinganzima, President of EEDC for Rwanda and
Special Trustee for South Africa of EEDC
• Mr. Alain de la Motte, President of the EEDC for United States of
• Mr Lapheus Motsumi, Delegate and representative of EEDC for
South Africa
• Mr. Jorge Alcaraz, President of EEDC for Mexico
• Mr. Kjell-Ake Wribe, President of EEDC for Sweden


• Ms. Elizabeth Skarits, Austrian Representative

• Ms. Heidi Wagner, Delegate and Advisor in the USA
• Mr. Bill Cannon, Delegate and Advisor in the USA
• Mr. Terry Van Bladicom, Technological Advisor in the USA
• Mr. Mirnov Vladimir Federovich, Delegate and Advisor in Russia
(former judge for the High Court of Justice of the Russian
Federation; he has been appointed President of the Celebrations
Committee for the 300 anniversary of the City of San Petersburg)
• Mr. Valery Kucmenko, Counsellor in Ukraine
• Count Albert S.C.Chiang, Executive Vice-President for the Asian
Pacific Rim
• Mr. Jan Krostom, Trustee and representative for Sweden
• Mr. Constantinos Mavridis, Special Adviser and Representative for
the EEDC for Slovakia
• Mr. Darwin K.W. Chung, Adviser for EEDC for the Asian Pacific Rim


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
• Mr. Alexander Habul, Councillor and Special Adviser for the EEDC for
Yugoslavia, the Balkans and Rumania for all sort negotiations
• Mr. Eldar Musayev, Special Trustee and Representative of EEDC for
• Ms. Mahbube Musayev, Special Adviser Trustee for EEDC for Georgia
• LT. Gen. M.I. Wuishishi, Special Trustee and Adviser for Nigeria and
Central Africa of EEDC
• Mr. Bernard Louis Schulz, Special Adviser and Trustee for France
and Luxembourg
• Mr. Jose de Jesus Tisnado, Representative for Mexico
• Mr. George C. Cherfan, Special Adviser and Councillor for EEDC in
Greece and the Middle East
• Ms. Alma Silvia Garcia Valdovinos, Councillor and Special Adviser of
EEDC for Mexico
• Mr. Haser, Representative for Turkey
• Colonel Edgar Fuentelsaz, Representative and Trustee of EEDC for
• Mr Ayorinde Adedoyin, Trustee and Representative of EEDC for
Nigeria and Sub-Sahara Africa
• Mr Alma S Garcia Valdovinas, Counsellor and Special Adviser for


• H.E. Mr. Johan S. Syahperi. LLM, Executive Director of EEDC for the
Asian Pacific Rim.
Mr. Syahperi was in charge for the Relations of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (1998-2000), In 1973 joint the Ministry of Foreign
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and after completing his
basic diplomatic training between 1974-1975, he serves the Ministry
as a diplomat since then, He served in his diplomatic assignments to
the Indonesian Embassy in Bonn (1978-1983), Indonesian
Consulate General in Los Angeles (1988-1990), Indonesian
Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva (1990-1992),
Indonesian Mission to the European Union in Brussels as the Deputy
Chief of Mission/Deputy Ambassador (1995-1997) and served as the
Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore (2000-2002), He played an
active role in number of negotiations under the United Nations aegis
in Geneva, London and Rome for subjects on International
commodity agreements and International economic cooperation.
• H.E. Ambassador of Indonesia F.X. Lopez da Cruz, President of
EEDC for the Asian Pacific rim, Member of the Board and Special
Advisor to the Presidency of the EEDC
• Mr. Thelma Velasco, President of EEDC for Philippines
• Count Albert S.C.Chiang, Executive Vice-President for the Asian
Pacific Rim
• Mr. Darwin K.W. Chung, Adviser for EEDC for the Asian Pacific Rim


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
• Dr. IR. Vincent Radja, Msc, Councillor and Special Adviser of EEDC
for Indonesia and the Pacific Rim
• Mr. Jun Alblan, Special Adviser of EEDC for Philippines
• Mr. Prabhat Khadgi, Trustee and Representative for Thailand and
the Far East


• Mr. Orlando Fernandez, Special Airline and Transport Adviser of

• Captain Sabattioni, Special Airline and Transport Adviser of EEDC
• Mr. Jaime Mesia Figueroa, Special Airline and Transport Adviser of
• Mr. Arnold Leonora, Special Airline and Transport Adviser of EEDC
• Mr. Colonel Juan C. Ibañez M., Special Adviser and Trustee of EEDC
• Mr. Vyacheslau Nikolaevich kim, Adviser for Aviation and Air


• Mr. Rene Butschi, Charge des Relations Diplomatiques et Externes

• Mr. Luis Madrid, Advisor to the Presidency
• Mr. Asril Rusli, International Financial Trustee of EEDC
• Mr. Lucio E. Himbne, Special Adviser
• Mr. Gulekin Yalaz, Special Adviser and Trustee
• Dr. Prof.-Victor Ganzha, Special Adviser for Advanced Science and
Technology for EEDC
• Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Financial Adviser to the Board of EEDC
• Mr. Raj Samuel, Special Trustee and Representative of EEDC on
world-wide basis
• Mr. Alok Basudev, Senior Financial Officer and Counsellor
• Mr. Andreas de Roover, Counsellor and Special Adviser
• Mr. Capitan William Derry Ossai Noelle, General Director for
Development and Finance for Central and Southern Africa
• Mr. Richard Gibson, Adviser for International Projects Development
• Mr. Manuel Rodriguez, Adviser and Representative of EEDC for
International Projects
• Ms. Grace Bardin-Varney, Trustee and International Adviser of EEDC
• Mr. Victor V. Grigoriev, Adviser and Representative of EEDC for
International Projects
• Mr. John Moustos, International Trustee and Adviser to the Board of
• Mr. Ghassan Boustany, Special Adviser and Councillor for EEDC
• Mr. Eugène Diolou, Special Representative and Trustee for EEDC
• Tawfik Abdel Hay Abou El Ata, Senior Consultant ‘World Wide’ of


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
General Warning

In the fight against crime and illegality on global bases, E.E.D.C has
developed some major programs which among others are the following:

1) fight against drugs consumption and abuse with special research on the
preconsumption or preventive phase, and on the addiction phase through
the guidance of new technology and methodology.

2) combat of pornography, paedophilia, and delinquency in the internet,

such as:

A) Libel and anonymous slander information on the web

B) Internet blackmail to companies and individuals
C) Pressure groups acting through internet to jeopardize the legal
humanitarian social commercial or financial activities, in order to protect
their own interests and lobbies, using any form of misleading information
to create fear, or to destroy the image and the legal activity of an
individual or an organization.

Today a legal framework is not established, and effectively operating in

order to stop the pirate activity or misleading information in internet.

As consequence of the above mentioned, an important warning is to not

ever follow any anonymous or not legally supported information. Serious
information should be supported only by legal institutions or governmental
offices. Be extremely careful of any information especially coming from the
so-called diligizers in the web, which there are not part of the justice
institutions, police department, or governmental research groups entitled
to do so.

Following and expanding this type of illegal information is to contribute to

crime with its due legal consequences.



These web specialize criminals, follow some special pattern of behaviour,

that allow us to identify them as perpetrators of wrong doing activities.
Among these behavioural patterns, we can identify:

1) Anonymous messages or information signed by names that does not

correspond to any real person, with no authentic identification cards,
credentials, address, or any solid references confirming their existence,
just a fake name. Be extremely careful with these perpetrators.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
2) The use of the name diligence, without being a governmental agency to
create a fake institutional identity to mislead the good faith of the readers.

Many of the so called due diligence groups, use this type of pompous name
as a disguise to create the pretention of an institutional identity, which is
absolutely fake, they are simply common criminals. Their activity is
extended in the following areas:

A) Defamation
B) Publication of fake documents
C) Libelum
D) False reports with no legal basis
E) Reproduction of anonymous publications
F) Scandalous Press
G) Mixing criminal reports of public convicts with the life biography or
activity of well doing people, to generate misconfusion, insecurity, and
unconscious association of criminal identity to the legal activity of
individual organizations. The above mentioned constitute an illegal act of
misleading association.

3) Publication of false stories of people life and activities, with the purpose

A) Extortion
B) Jeopardize the activity of organizations that fights against drug dealing,
drug abuse, pornography, paedophilia, and illegality in internet or other
C) Destroy by criminal informative means, the legal and competitive
activity of other people or companies through misinformation.
D) To libel the identity of differently political or economic oriented

These groups with their fake diligence activity, or anonymous information

really belong to large and world extended powerful mafias, acting to
protect their economic, political, or wrong doing interests. These are simple
delinquents with disguised identities.

Another method used by this type of perpetrators is to publish anonymous

defamatory information, placed through an internet café. After awhile a
second group identify themselves as detectives, approach the offended
people to erase the news and re-establish the good name of the offended
person, demanding an amount starting at 50,000 U.S dollars.

Be extremely careful of all this sort of net delinquents and fraudesters.

True due diligence agencies are well established and they are part of the
judiciary and police system. Any information that is coming from an


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org
anonymous source or non institutional diligence agency, citizens have the
obligation to corroborate them exclusively with the courts and through
agents of law. Always when you are in front of this type of information ask
yourself the following two questions:

A) Have you checked the veracity of this information?

B) Have you checked international tribunals, courts of justice, or police
departments to confirm the institutional or governmental identity of the
informants; the answer will always be no.

Normally, please address always to the legal authorities to

corroborate any information, and the governmental identity of any
diligence group. This is a warning done from the European Union
that requires maximum attention and responsibility for the security
of all citizens.

Warning for Children´s Protection

Every parent who has a computer link to the web has the obligation of
constantly surveying their child's in the use of the web or the internet. In
the past, paedophiles, used to approach young people or children outside
of schools, in parks and places by frequented young people.

Today they go directly into your house; they enter in your homes through
the internet. Be extremely careful with your children. Talk with them, warn
them about this danger, and procure security systems to protect the life of
innocent people.


EEDC has grown in the last years and our original structure within the
frame of the European Union has dramatically expanded to all continents
beyond Europe. EEDC is today a world development organization, acting as
a world development council; our board has therefore decided to modify
the scope and global dimension of our logo, which today will be identified
by six major stars representing the five continents, not only Europe, and
the sixth star will represent life, nature and humanity.


C/Panamá, 12 – bajo – 28036 Madrid Spain
Phone: +34 91 457 6002 / +34 91 457 6222 Fax: +34 91 457 6427
e-mail: taptap@interbook.ne t www.eedcouncil.org

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