Where does Cameroon
stand in international
Oyima :
Cameroon is
truly one of our Prometal 4, pioneer of
success stories.” African metallurgy.
Daily business news
from Cameroon
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Yasmine Bahri-Domon,
French leaders are a bit on edge these In this context, it wouldn’t come as a sur-
days and shouldn’t be toyed with too prise if about half of the French people
much. First, it was African youth who decided to elect as leader a certain per-
rebelled against the CFA, failing to grasp son who’s already been condemned for
the currency was their best friend. Next, incitement to racial hatred and whose
Russia came trampling on France’s only concrete proposal announced to
turf in the Central African Republic, date, would consist in changing all the
a country that the French supported Mohameds of France into Maurice and
substantially in the past. Then, its old all the Yasmines into Jeanine.
friendship with Chad went down the
drain. As if all these were not enough, Maybe the 54 African countries should
UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson put some money together to buy two or
keeps wooing some Francophone Africa three Dassault Rafale jets. That would
leaders, who do not seem to dislike it. lighten the mood...
Result: An Africa-France Summit with
www.businessincameroon.com - info@businessincameroon.com
FINANCE P 25- 26
8 MW
On September 20, 2021, in Yaoundé, the United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) presented
XAF151.2 billion the preliminary design studies for a project aimed at ins-
talling two mini-hydropower plants in the Litoral and the
Between January and July 2021, Cameroon disbursed Once the studies are submitted to the government, the
XAF728 billion to service public debts, according to the na- plants will be built in Manjo (4.6 MW) and Bafang (3.4 MW)
tional sinking fund CAA. That envelope includes XAF151.2 to boost the contribution of renewable energy sources in
billion as interest and XAF577.6 billion as principal. the country’s energy mix.
Cameroon exported 14,925 tons of aluminium in H1-2021,
according to figures published by the national institute of
statistics INS. Compared with the 22,869 tons it exported
over the same period in 2020, this represents a 34.7% de-
cline year-on-year.
80 000 m3 The decline is due to the woes of ALUCAM, the only steel
producer in the CEMAC region. The production decline
recorded by the aluminium giant was more pronounced in
Railway transporter Camrail claims a record volume of H1-2021 than in H1-2020 when the coronavirus pandemic
80,000 m3 diesel, unleaded, and jet fuel transported in was raging at full force with unprecedented deregulation
July 2021. Those oil products were supplied to the main oil of foreign trades and important impacts on companies’
depots in Cameroon, thus guaranteeing the availability of operations.
fuels at various filling stations all over the country.
According to the concessionaire of the local railway
network, this performance was facilitated by the pro-
gram “ ExOp Afrique”, launched by Bolloré Transport &
Logistics, as well as the acquisition of 38 new tank wagons
between 2020 and 2021, thanks to the support of “private
Cameroonian operators.”
German mechanical engineering were launched in late 2018 and lasted tegic suppliers. Those suppliers
firm SMS group GmbH recently three years. Once commissioned, it are notably electric utility ENEO
launched the testing phase of will boost the country’s production that supplies close to XAF4 billion
Prometal 4, the most modern iron capacity from 200,000 tons to 300,000 energy to Prometal yearly, and GDC
processing plant in the Central tons yearly, official sources claim. that supplies about XAF1.6 billion
African region. The testing phase will worth of gas for the steel producer’s
be completed within four weeks, we Economic impacts operations.
The plant will also make products At the same time, thanks to the new
«Everything will be set within four like beams, angle irons, smooth bars, plant’s operations, Prometal’s tax
weeks and the plant will be ready for and screws as well as flat bars and contributions will rise and new jobs
production. We are already planning wire rods, which are intermediate will be added. According to the gene-
the inauguration. However, we also products used to manufacture nails. ral tax directorate, between 2010 and
have to complete the development of 2019, Prometal’s tax contributions
the access roads whose construction Currently, except for two Maghreb rose from a little over XAF500 million
works will start shortly under the countries, all the African countries to XAF8 billion. For the company
patronage of MAGZI,» an internal import these products. Hence, with that regularly benefited from the
Prometal source explains. Prometal, Cameroon will be able to government’s support over the past
reduce its trade deficit on iron-based ten years, these contributions exceed
So, by October 2021, Prometal 4 will construction materials by close to XAF10 billion yearly nowadays.
be ready. It is the result of about 50%, we learn.
XAF40 billion investment made by Brice R. Mbodiam
Prometal, leader of the Cameroonian Prometal 4 will indirectly boost the
metal market. Its construction works revenues of its promoters’ stra-
Last year, Cameroon shipped its local ted in its 2020 report on Cameroon’s down 16.5% from 2019. China came
products to more than 126 markets foreign trade. first receiving 17.5% of Cameroon’s
worldwide and collected total reve- import spending. France followed
nue of CFA1,813 billion. This result is In addition to China, the top 5 trade capturing 8.7%, Belgium (5.6%), and
down CFA579 billion, 24.2% year- partners of Cameroon in 2020 were India (5%). The U.S. completed the
on-year, according to data from the made of Italy, which took 10% of the top 5 suppliers of Cameroon in 2020,
National Institute of Statistics (INS). country’s exports, followed by the with 4.4% of the market share.
However, despite the diverse nature Netherlands (9.3%), Spain (6.8%),
of Cameroon’s trading partners, INS and Malaysia (4.2%). According to «From China, Cameroon mainly
says over half (52%) of its products the INS, «three products account for imported machinery and electrical
were shipped to just five countries nearly 91% of exports to Italy: petro- appliances (12%), machines and
that year. leum oils (60.6%), crude aluminum mechanical appliances (10%), iron
(22.9%), and sawn wood (7.3%),» and steel (8%), miscellaneous che-
With 21.5% of the market share, while exports to the Netherlands mical products (7.8%), and cereals
China remains Cameroon’s main were mostly constituted of unpro- (7.4%). From France, Cameroon
trade partner. Better, the Asian cessed cocoa beans (93%) and sawn imported cereals, including wheat
country reinforced this position by wood (4%). Most of the exports to and meslin (16.8%), pharmaceuticals
gaining three percentage points in Malaysia were constituted of lique- (13.2%), machines and mechanical
2020. «The products exported to fied natural gas while the exports to equipment (8.4%), and machinery
China are mainly crude oil (70.5%), Spain were relatively diversified. and electrical equipment (6.3%),»
liquefied natural gas (12.6%), raw said the INS.
wood (9%), and sawn timber (5.8%). In the same year, Cameroon spent
These four products account for 98% CFA3,222 billion to buy products BRM
of exports to China in 2020,» INS sta- from the international market,
In 2020, Cameroon recorded a surplus in 2020 represented just 7.4% of its In 2020, Gabon was the first supplier
in its trade balance with neighboring export revenues during the period. In of Cameroon with 0.5% of the market
CEMAC countries [Gabon, Congo, the CEMAC region, Chad accounted share, followed by Equatorial Guinea
Chad, the Central African Republic, for 3.8% of Cameroon’s overall export (0.4%) and the Republic of Congo
and Equatorial Guinea]. According revenues during the period. Next (0.3%). «The products imported
to foreign trade data released by the came Gabon (1.2%) and the Central by Cameroon from other CEMAC
National Institute of Statistics INS, the African Republic (1.2%). countries in 2020 are mainly made
surplus was CFA95.7 billion, down by up of liquefied butane (48.2%) and
CFA9.5 billion (-9%) year on year. During the period, Cameroon’s animal and vegetable fats and oils
exports to CEMAC countries «was (36.1%),» INS revealed.
«This change in foreign trades during mostly constituted of soap and
2020 was one of the consequences of detergents (11.7%), iron or steel bars The institute nevertheless remains
the measures, like border closures and (10.5%), hydraulic cement (5.9%), cautious about the trade figures. As it
partial or complete lockdown, taken Soups and broths and preparations reminds, with the porosity of the bor-
around the world to curb the corona- (5.8%), etc.,» INS experts list, citing ders between CEMAC countries, some
virus pandemic,» the INS explains. customs data. trade exchanges could go unnoticed
by customs. Also, most of the pro-
Over the said period, the drop in Porous borders ducts Cameroon exported to neighbo-
trade surplus was driven by export ring countries were food products and
earnings which fell by CFA23.2 billion According to INS data, revenues from since such products are not taxed by
(-14.7%) year on year, we learn. export to CEMAC fell more than im- importing countries, customs authori-
Specifically, those earnings dropped port expenditures did in 2020. Import ties could have failed to record some
from CFA158.3 billion at the end of spending stood at CFA39.4 billion in trades, INS believed.
2019 to CFA135.1 billion on December 2020, compared to CFA53.2 billion a
31, 2020. year earlier, down CFA13.8 billion. At BRM
the same time, export revenues fell
Overall, the CFA135.1 billion genera- by CFA23.2 billion between the two
ted by Cameroon by exporting goods periods.
and services to its CEMAC neighbors
Henri-Claude Oyima
“We will show the
determination and commitment
of the BGFIBank group to
make BGFIBank Cameroon the
spearhead of the national
Around a decade after starting operations in Cameroon, BGFIBank began, last
month, building its social headquarters in the country. The 8-floor building
will cost CFA10 billion and span about 2,572 m2. It is set to be completed before
2023. Besides this investment, the Central African leading banking group said it
would increase its equity in the country. What motivates this commitment? Find
the answer in this interview with BGFIBank’s CEO.
Interview by Aboudi Ottou
Business in Cameroon: On Sep- Henri-Claude Oyima: Building a after 10 years of existence, this bank
tember 21, 2021, you laid the first headquarters is based on ambition is performing well and our objective
stone of BGFIBank Cameroon’s and a certain vision. First, it means in Cameroon is to be among the top
headquarters, a project that costs we have confidence in the country, two banks in the country, not only in
CFA10 billion. How can this invest- in economic actors, and above all in terms of total assets but especially
ment be understood, Knowing our commitment to establish sustai- in terms of support for structuring
that you have been operating in nably. BGFIBank Cameroon is truly financing, both private and public.
the country for over 10yrs now? one of our success stories. Because This is why we had to send the
market a strong message and there regions. The first region is Gabon, billion in 2020 to CFA5,000 billion
could have been no stronger message which is the main growth driver in 2025. What does this trans-
than building a headquarters. The given its history and contribution late into in terms of net banking
new headquarters reaffirms that we to the group’s net banking income. income, net profit, credit to the
believe in BGFIBank Cameroon, in The second region is Central Africa, economy, deposits..?
the employees and the general mana- where we have chosen two growth HCO: Dynamique 2025 is an ambi-
gement team of this bank, as well as centers, Cameroon inclusive. The tion, with objectives of performance
in all the other stakeholders. third region is West Africa, the Indian and profitability. It has 5 pillars and
Ocean, and Europe. And there, the 25 priorities. Dynamique 2025 is
BC: Regarding investments, you growth pole is Ivory Coast. You can about expectations and obligations,
also plan to increase the bank’s see that we have chosen one or two and it integrates 4 business lines
equity in Cameroon in the medium growth centers in each region to (corporate banking, commercial
term. According to our informa- drive the group’s overall growth and banking, private banking and asset
tion, in January 2021, you already guarantee its competitiveness. management, and specialized finan-
increased it by 10 billion CFA Why Cameroon in the CEMAC? cial services and insurance). I can
francs and plan to add the same Because the Cameroonian economy confirm that the target is, indeed, to
amount in 2023. What are your is quite dynamic. There are well-es- reach a total balance sheet of 5,000
goals in this area by 2025? tablished businesses that believe in billion by 2025, with a return on
HCO: We launched the bank’s acti- the country and our pan-Africanist equity of at least 15%, a net operating
vities with an equity of 10 billion, vision. That is to say that, today, more ratio of no more than 55%, and a
which is the regulatory minimum. than ever, Africa can only develop solvency ratio of at least 15%. These
Now, we have increased it to 20 bil- with its resources. figures attest to the group’s determi-
lion. And you are well aware that the Moreover, Cameroon has a popu- nation to be more resilient.
more equity a bank has, the more it lation, including a market. There is
can support economic actors. Having an important depth, and the rate of BC: In what ways do you expect
already doubled our equity, we banking is still low (around 12%). Cameroon to contribute to the
indeed plan to add about 10 billion Nowadays, banks have the capacities, achievement of Dynamique 2025’s
more in 2023, bringing it to 30 billion. ours, in particular, to support every goals?
With 30 billion of equity in 2023, key project that Cameroonian autho- HCO: As one of the group’s subsidia-
and a big headquarters that will be rities launch to improve populations’ ries, BGFIBank Cameroon is bound
inaugurated, I hope before that date, well-being. So, we want to support to meet, as much as possible, the
we will show the determination and this move strongly. same criteria of performance and
commitment of the BGFIBank group profitability. As such, we expect this
and the Board of Directors to make BC: In Gabon where you already subsidiary to be more flexible and
BGFIBank Cameroon the spearhead control more than 50% of the mar- committed in the way it serves its
of the national economy. ket, your growth margins reduced customers. Finally, as a corporate
significantly. Isn’t that also one of citizen, BGFIBank Cameroon must
BC: As part of the new business the reasons you want to develop collaborate more with all partners
plan called «Dynamique 2025», your activity in Cameroon? in materializing the group’s CSR
launched in January 2021, you HCO: Given its size and dynamism, strategy.
decided to make Cameroon your Cameroon is the natural market for
growth-driving unit in the CEMAC expansion in the CEMAC zone. The BC: Another objective you clearly
zone, alongside Gabon, which is BGFIBank group cannot ignore such stated earlier is to become one of
your largest market (41% contri- a market that is full of opportunities. the top two banks in the country.
bution to net banking income). To this end, you count on acquisi-
Why Cameroon? BC: The main goal of the “Dyna- tions. Is there already any ongoing
HCO: The group is currently present mique 2025” project is to raise the acquisition move in Cameroon?
in 12 countries, organized into three group’s total assets from CFA3,500 HCO: Until recently, the group’s
“Our objective in Cameroon is to be among the top two banks in the country...This is why we had to send the market a strong message and there could have been
no stronger message than building a headquarters.”
“There are well-established businesses that believe in the country and our pan-Africanist vision.That is to say that, today, more than ever, Africa can only develop with
its resources.”
of Sonara, which is a vital tool for the HCO: I can confirm that CBCA took BC: You are now present in five
Cameroonian economy. Obviously, as the name of BGFIBank Central Afri- Cemac countries. Only Chad is
partners, we remain attentive to any can Republic after BGFI Holding missing. Do you have any plans to
request that we will examine with all Corporation acquired a significant go there?
the usual benevolence. portion of the bank’s shares. As such, As I said earlier, we are always on the
BGFIBank Central African Republic lookout for opportunities that may
BC: Commercial Bank Centrafrique is now subject to the same gover- arise.
(CBCA) was acquired by the BGFI- nance mechanisms as the other
Bank Group in September 2021. entities of the group.nent will surge
How much did you spend on this rapidly with its adoption.
acquisition and what is your stake?
Cameroon recently introduced the mixed team will develop a data-sha- two days. The Ministry explains that
single transit permit for trips along ring system between Camrail and Cameroon chose such a traceable
the Douala-Bangui and Douala- the general customs directorate and transit permit because it was noted
Ndjamena corridors. This digital oversee the development of a shared that the existing transit regulations
permit issued by customs authori- digital platform. are not equitably applied, thus
ties aims to certify that goods being According to customs authorities, causing administrative problems
transported through roads and the team will monitor the develop- that create extra financial charges
railways are being conveyed to Chad ment of the digital platform, and for economic operators. These extra
or the Central African Republic. ensure the data shared complies with charges facilitate the introduction of
Ultimately, it helps economic ope- enforceable regulations. It will also huge quantities of uncleared goods
rators save money and time since carry out test runs to detect pos- to the local market. Such a situation
they will not pay clearance fees sible failures and suggest corrective causes a huge revenue shortfall for
twice (in the origin and destination measures, and then launch the plat- the public treasury and fosters unfair
countries). Also, they will no longer form to secure public revenues and competition.
have to declare their goods at the facilitate transit operations on the According to transporters unions,
transloading points (Edea, Belabo, corridors covered. 78,000 trucks operate along the
Ngaoundéré, etc...) For the Ministry of Finance, which Douala-Ndjamena-Bangui corri-
To oversee the permit, the memo- came up with the single transit per- dor. These trucks transport close
randum N°334/MINFI/DGD of mit idea, the collaboration between to XAF340 billion worth of goods
September 16, 2021, was issued; customs authorities and CAMRAIL to Chad and XAF55 billion worth
creating a mixed team constituted will help reduce transit time with the of goods to the Central African
of customs and railway operator transport of goods through railway Republic every year.
CAMRAIL’s agents. Housed at the lasting three days and transporta-
general directorate of customs, the tion by road to borders lasting just
In a letter sent on September 20, into the telecom regulatory agen- facilitate the recruitment of some can-
2021, state minister Ferdinand cy’s personnel. To recruit those new didates. While the two board members
Ngoh Ngoh instructed Philemon employees, the board of directors were passing the blame of who tried
Zo’o Zame, Director General of the adjusted a list of 40 recruits invalidated to facilitate the recruitment of some
Telecommunications Regulatory in July 2020 by the Minister of Posts protégés into the institution, a new
Agency (ART), to «release all the neces- and Telecommunications (Minpostel), correspondence surfaced on social
sary data and useful information» that Minette Libom Li Likeng, because media. This correspondence sent to
could help the national anti-corrup- the names on the list were selected wit- the secretary-general of the Senate was
tion commission CONAC access the hout test or respecting the organizatio- attributed to Philemon Zo’o Zame, di-
integrity of the recruitment the ART nal plan and the human resource need. rector-general of the ART. In this letter
carried out in 2020. that Philemon Zo’o Zame is denying
The genesis (although some sources believe that he
This instruction of the state minister, is the author), it is revealed that Justine
who claims to be following orders from This illegal recruitment case started Diffo Tchuinkam discreetly filled over
the President of the Republic, suggests in mid-2020 with a series of emails 20 of the 40 open positions in the
that there are internal obstacles to the leaked on social media. In the emails, recruitment canceled by the Minister
investigations being carried out by the Simon Kaldjob, an ART board member, of Posts and Telecommunications.
CONAC within the ART. In February accused Justine Diffo Tchuinkam,
2021, CONAC took action following Chairperson of the ART board, of The note adds that it is an open secret
accusations of corruption that marred receiving XAF5 to 6 million from some that Justine Diffo Tchuinkam collects
the agency’s recruitment. According candidates to recruit them into the between XAF5 and 6 million to recruit
to our sources, on February 24, 2021, state institution. candidates to fill open vacancies in
Philemon Zo’o Zame first responded the ART. The information in the note
to a request for information from The accused immediately responded reportedly sent by Philemon Zo’o
Dieudonné Massi Gams, president of with a correspondence to the Minister Zame confirms the accusations of
the CONAC. of Posts and Telecommunications. Simon Kaldjob, who was no longer
In the correspondence, Justine Diffo convened to ART meetings after
At the time, ART’s internal sources Tchuinkam requested a replacement his denunciations (according to a
inform, recruits reputedly close to for Mr. Kaldjob whom she accused of letter from the Minister of Posts and
senior officials were quietly integrated offering huge amounts of money to Telecommunications).
In Cameroon, apart from the huge Nun Valley Development Authority services but these refunds barely
debt and expenditures as well as lack (UNVDA). happen. The company is obliged to
of innovation and competitiveness, The public services they cover renovate the rural roads because
state firms’ performance is also include road maintenance to facili- the budgets dedicated to rural roads
affected by the public service tasks tate access to their production zones, maintenance are significantly lower
they handle. This is the explanation the construction and management of than the needs in Cameroon. «The
provided by a document attached to schools, clinics, and health centers, budget allocated to the maintenance
the 2021 finance bill. training and supervising researchers of rural roads and runways is about
«As part of their operations, some state and farmers, building houses for XAF10 billion, for a road network
companies are required to bear the some officials, as well as manage- estimated by inventories to be
cost of public services, which should ment of security forces. over 100,000 km,» revealed former
have been budgeted in the public SODECOTON, a notable case Minister of Public Works Patrice
investment budget. This situation For instance, SODECOTON claims to Amba Salla before the national
affects the companies’ finances,» the have built 26,000 kilometers of roads assembly in June 2015.
document reads. from its creation in May 1974 to date. This was the equivalent of XAF60,000
The companies facing such a requi- Also, according to internal sources, it budget for every one kilometer of
rement are cotton development renovates close to 7,000 kilometers of rural roads and runways at the time,
corporation SODECOTON, oil palm rural roads every year in the country. in a country where the real costs of
producer PAMOL PLANTATIONS, SODECOTON obtained the govern- dirt road maintenance are estimated
farming products’ exporter CDC, ment’s promise to refund the at XAF2 million per kilometer.
rice producer SEMRY and the Upper expenses related to those public
Yaoundé recently commissioned its city, in slums, which are flood-prone tools.
first fecal sludge treatment plant, areas, therefore exposing residents to In that regard, Mr. Messi Atangana
according to a release signed by its significant health risks. invited waste management companies
mayor Luc Atangana Messi. The €4.3 With the new treatment plant whose to comply with the rules governing
million (over XAF2.8 billion) plant capacity is 200 m3 daily, those risks are non-collective sanitation facilities’
was installed thanks to the support mitigated. The Yaounde City Council, sludge removal, transport and dum-
of the International Association of through its technical teams, will ma- ping. So, each of the operators must
Francophone Mayors (AIMF). nage the plant with the assistance of obtain approvals, acquire a GPS-
According to the project’s technical Delvic-Era Cameroun, an engineering equipped emptying truck and a license.
specifications, in Yaoundé, residents firm. At the same time, the city council «The mayor is counting on each of the
(over 3 million) mostly handle their will introduce innovations to improve operators concerned for the successful
sanitation tasks themselves. But, the management and profitability of reorganization of the sludge manage-
drainage services offered by the private waste disposal. The aim is to regulate ment industry in the capital city,» he
sector are not at par because of the di- the industry, facilitate the entrance of said.
lapidated state of the trucks used and companies interested in the industry
the lack of treatment sites. As a result, by introducing a licensing system and
fecal sludges are dumped outside the developing monitoring and planning
In the framework of its far belt project commits to producing only plantain industries, and tourism, with the possi-
in Kribi, the host town of a deep sea- and farm fish on the land during bility to create thousands of jobs.»
port, agroforestry cooperative Coop CA the [10-year] amortization period,» The project is also aimed at ensuring
AIO is currently planning to create two indicates Samuel Tony Obam Bikoue. that enough quality Cameroonian
plantain production and fish-farming The cooperative will also sell high-yield farm produce are exported through the
clusters in the town. seeds, quality fish fries, and fertilizers deep seaport, as well as establishing
For that purpose, Samuel Tony Obam to the investors. Also, it will offer processing units in the port’s industrial
Bikoue, chairman of the cooperative’s services like business plan develop- area to process the products from the
board, recently issued a call for expres- ment as well as business incubation.is belt.
sion of interest for people who want November 2018, while presenting the At the time, Henri Eyebe Ayissi estima-
to invest in the farm belt. Specifically, farm belt project, the then Minister of ted the funds needed for the project
Coop CA AIO will sell lands to the Agriculture Henri Eyebe Ayissi indica- at XAF5 billion. Overall, the project is
investors with a 10-year amortization ted that it aimed to feed the growing expected to create 7,500 jobs within
plan. population in Kribi, which has become five years, at the rate of 1,500 rural jobs
«This offer is valid only if the buyer the «new eldorado for port activities, yearly.
Solar plants
With the transfer of 20MW of thermal
energy generation capacity from Ahala
to Garoua (12MW) and Ngaoundéré
(8 MW) in January 2021, the fuel costs
needed for the northern region rose
by XAF3 billion monthly, authorized
sources explain.
To mitigate the energy deficit that
is affecting households and busi-
nesses in the three northern regions,
ENEO plans to inject 30MW of solar
energy into the North Interconnected
Network (NIN) as of January 2022.
On September 26, electric utility ENEO According to documents seen by To achieve such ambition, the electric
resumed with energy rationing in the Business in Cameroon, as of May 31, utility hopes it will quickly finalize
three northern regions of Cameroon, 2021, the debt owed by the government energy production contracts with
an official release informs. According to ENEO was XAF163.073 billion. As Norwegian company Scatec, with the
to the utility company, the rationings at the same period, ENEO was still support of the government.
were resumed because of the worsened claiming XAF44.524 billion from state Officially, Scatec will install modu-
hydrological drought that substantially companies making it a total of XAF207 lar solar power plants leased by the
reduced production at the Lagdo dam. billion owed to ENEO by state compa- government for four years. The cost of
The situation got worse because of nies and institutions. the lease has not been disclosed but it
ENEO’s inability to supply diesel to Due to that important debt, the is expected to reduce power outages by
thermal plants in the three regions. electric utility explains it is currently 98% in the Northern regions.
«The cash flow problems facing the unable to supply fuel to thermal power Minister of Water and Energy Gaston
electricity sector are the result of plants in the northern regions where Eloundou Essomba says the modular
unpaid bills accumulated by some the «significant and regular cash flow power plants will reduce fuel expen-
large state companies and the non- needs” are constantly growing and ditures needed to run thermal power
payment by the government, of the logistics is complex. plants in this part of Cameron by XAF5
weekly XAF1 billion that usually covers In late 2020, a correspondence between billion over the first nine months of
the current expenditures,» ENEO the Minister of Water and Energy and operations.
explains. ENEO estimated the cost required to
For four years now, the 600MW try to release the financial resources Fund CAA between 2015 and 2018.
Chollet hydroelectricity project included in the state budget year after Later, in May 2019, XAF200 million
remain stagnant, according to a joint year for the project. The proper imple- was transferred to the same account
note published by the Cameroonian mentation of the project depends on making a total of XAF590 million.
Ministry of Energy and its Congolese the Ministry of Finance and Budget’s When the account was closed on
peer. decision to release the funds allocated February 28, 2020, the remaining
This is due to the fundraising to this project. It is the sine qua non for balance was XAF381.86 million. That
problems experienced in Congo, the Cameroonian party to transfer the balance was transferred to a new
the note explains. «Since 2017, the funds to the Project account opened at project account housed at the Bank
Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics the Congo Postal Bank in Brazzaville, of Central African States (BEAC). In
of Congo has taken the necessary « the note reads. early September 2021, the balance
steps to raise the funds included in The counterpart fund to be provided of the project account housed at
the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 state by Congo is to fund the stationing of the BEAC was a little below XAF100
budgets. Unfortunately, all these efforts project staff in Brazzaville, Congo. billion since part of the opening
have remained unsuccessful. The However, since the appointment balance was used to fund expert
Ministry of Finance and Budget has of officials (director and deputy meetings, inter-state committee
not, to date, followed up on the many director) in 2016, the experts and sessions, and tender procedures.
promises made to representatives of Cameroonian staff can not move to Nevertheless, on June 24, 2021,
the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics Brazzaville because the Congolese China Gezhouba Group Company
and the project management (…) The party has not released its coun- was selected as the developer of this
problems faced by the Congolese party terpart funding. Even the project project whose costs are estimated at
have therefore blocked the ambitions headquarters built by Société énergie XAF354 or 670 billion depending on
of the project. This situation does not électrique du Congo is still not the development option that will be
allow the timely implementation of equipped. implemented. The energy produced
all the decisions taken by the Inter- Meanwhile, Cameroon claims to will supply Cameroon, Congo, and
State Steering Committee and our have effectively transferred XAF390 the Central African Republic.
two countries’ expectations. To honor million to the project account ope-
its dignity, the Congolese party must ned at UBA Cameroon via its sinking
Jean Bernard Ndongo Essomba been disclosed but this operation industry in Cameroon. During the
(photo), one of the first comes as no surprise. About three current 2021-2022 cocoa season, the
Cameroonians to enter the cocoa years ago, there were rumors that company will surely buy more cocoa
industry, discreetly sold his business Jean Bernard Ndongo Essomba than the 67,835 tons (representing
to Telcar Cocoa, a local dealer repre- was planning to sell his assets in 22.1% of the overall production) it
senting US firm Cargill, authorized the cocoa industry. Around that bought in the previous season. By
sources reveal. period, there was a slowdown in acquiring Ndongo Essomba’s cocoa
«The deal was sealed weeks ago the operations of the dealer who assets, Telcar Cocoa will consoli-
after months of negotiation. I think was, for a long time, part of the top date its competitive position in the
it was concluded before the 2021- 3 actors in the Cameroonian cocoa Central region. Indeed, that region,
2022 cocoa campaign [ed. note: the industry - behind Telcar Cocoa and which became the leading cocoa
season was launched in Kekem last Olam. Overall, during the 2010-2021 producing area after the start of the
August 10],» a source close to the season, Ets Ndongo Essomba was separatist crisis in the South-west
case informs. absent from the top 4 of the leading [ed. note: the South-western region
«In Yaoundé, you can notice that actors in the market. was Telcar Cocoa’s favorite mar-
one of Ndongo Essomba’s ware- A chapter of Cameroon’s cocoa ket], was Ndongo Essomba’s main
houses is already adorned with dealing history is thus concluded. market.
Telcar Cocoa’s colors,» a cocoa With the dealer’s withdrawal from
operator points out. the market, Telcar Cocoa is now BRM
The value of the transaction has not the undisputed leader of the cocoa
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