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Economic growth is dependent on the knowledge and abilities of its citizens.

Due to external finance, technological developments, and globalization, skills must
adapt. Education can help people obtain the skills they need to be effective and
make a living in order to keep up with changes. The most important means of
empowering individuals in terms of social, political, and technological growth is
education. In order to identify and monitor graduates from higher education
institutions (HEIs) around the world, graduate tracer studies are motivated by a
desire to understand how graduates assess their experiences during their degree
program and their adjustment to the labor market (Omar & Wahome, 2016).

Employee effectiveness is defined as the degree to which an individual is

capable of accomplishing the desired performance. For employees to perform
effectively and consistently, they must have a strong desire to do so. The key to
enhancing results is effectiveness, which means doing the correct things.
An effective employee aspires to do tasks in a superior manner. This fosters learning
inside the company and motivates other employees to meet its goals and objectives.
One of the critical responsibilities that management must pay attention to is the
effectiveness of the workforce. Consequently, it becomes crucial for organizations to
care for their personnel.

Plantilla (2017) suggested that the effectiveness of an educational program

delivered by an educational institution could be judged through the competencies of
its graduates, the knowledge and skills learned that can be applied in the work
environment. The fundamental shifts in employment over the past 50 years imply a
growth in the demand for non-routine cognitive and interpersonal abilities, according
to the research released by The Institutional Management in Higher Education
(2012). Additionally, graduates are joining a labor market that is marked by
increased speed, risk, complexity, and multidisciplinary teamwork. The graduates
said their knowledge, academically gained abilities, and competencies contributed
significantly to their job performance, according to the study by Ramirez et al. (2014).

Money (40%) is cited as the most motivating factor that increases

effectiveness in a piece by Nicole Fallon Taylor published in Business News Daily,
followed by free vacation (29%), extra time off (23%), and money itself (23%).
However, Chad Brooks (2012) believes that positive motivation, not negative
motivation, can increase effectiveness. The productivity of an employee is affected
by a variety of things. These can be divided into internal and external categories.
Employee productivity may be impacted by internal factors like introversion, poor
communication skills, stress, work-life imbalance, etc., as well as external factors like
low pay compared to standards, poor relationships between superiors and
subordinates, unfavourable working conditions, strict rules & regulations, and a lack
of employee autonomy. Therefore, organizations must come up with creative
solutions to the problem of making employees feel at home in order to inspire them
to pursue the company's objectives.

The researchers feel that it was vital to look into the employee effectiveness
of BSBA graduates from the University of Mindanao in order to broaden our
understanding of the future workforce. Effectiveness on the performance of BSBA
graduates is seen as a crucial input for the BSBA program to close some
performance gaps that aren't yet fully apparent to the graduates as employees of the
company. Employers, who work closely with educational institutions, contribute a
wealth of expertise that is used to build a program for students' development.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of BSBA graduates of the

University of Mindanao based on the findings of the study. Specifically, it sought to
achieve the following objectives:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Range of employment
2. What is the employee effectiveness of BSBA graduates of the University of
Mindanao in terms of:
a. Employees engagement
b. Organizational Commitment
c. Enablement
d. Productivity
3. To determine the significant difference in the level of employees
effectiveness of BSBA graduates University of Mindanao when analyzed
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Range of employment
Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of BSBA graduates of the
University of Mindanao, the following objectives are follows;
a. To know the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,
and range of employment.

b. To determine the effectiveness of BSBA graduates of the University of

Mindanao in terms of employees engagement, organizational commitment,
enablement, and productivity

c. To determine the significant difference in the level of employee

effectiveness of BSBA graduates University of Mindanao when analyzed b
age, sex, and range of employment.

The null hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance:

There is no significant difference in the level of employee effectiveness of BSBA
graduates of the University of Mindanao when analyzed by demographic profile.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This is anchored to the study of Yuvika Singh (2016) which began with the
framework of Employee Effectiveness. According to Khan (1990), employee
effectiveness defines as “the use varying degrees of their selves physically,
cognitively and emotionally in work role performances”. The burning question of the
twenty-first century is why, despite offering competitive salaries and benefits, so
many companies continue to lose their best employees to other businesses.
Although some employee churn is expected, if a company is doing a good job of
involving its workers, the likelihood of an unplanned loss of qualified, experienced,
and motivated quality workers are reduced. The most important metric is probably
employee empowerment for businesses in the twenty-first century. Most if not all, of
the other key measures that reflect and drive organizational performance (customer
satisfaction, innovation, profitability, productivity, loyalty, and quality) are products of
engaged committed employees.

This theory is supported by Perryman and Hayday (2004), which states that
employee engagement, organizational commitment, enablement, and productivity is
a predictive model of financial satisfaction.

As shown in Figure 1, the main variable of this study is the level of employee
effectiveness among BSBA graduates of the University of Mindanao with indicators
of employee engagement, organizational commitment, enablement, and productivity.
The moderating variable of this study is the profile of the respondents such as age,
sex, and range of employment.

Main Variable
Level of Employee
Effectiveness among BSBA
Graduates of the University
of Mindanao in terms of:

 Employee
 Organizational
 Enablement,
 Productivity

Profile of the Respondents

 Age
 Sex
 Range of
Moderating Variable

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to assist the University of Mindanao and the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in preparing the next generation of
employees. Employers may learn a lot about the effectiveness of BSBA graduates
from this study.

Universities/Institution- This study would help the University of Mindanao in

assessing the level of effectiveness among BSBA students and would be a guide in
implementing actions with the educational system and how they could improve the
results that this study would provide.
Employers- Employers will learn the value of their input through this research, which
will help curriculum designers and academic community educators in evaluating
courses and establishing programs on how graduates accomplish their duties as
members of dynamic companies.
Students- Students can use the findings of this study as a source of data to assess
the validity of other scientific discoveries. Students may also benefit from this
research by improving their situational judgment, their performance, and their overall
success in their careers.
Future Researcher- the study may be used as a reference and guide to help future
researchers and other individuals interested in this area of study. It may help them
academically in exploring other variables that could be considered in the study.

Review of Related Literature

Presented in this book chapter is the literature gathered from books, journals,
and the internet. The pieces of information are gathered to support the indicator of
employee effectiveness

Employee Engagement - Employee engagement, according to May et al. (2004),

encompassed not only cognition but also the adaptability of emotions and behaviors.
Engagement, according to Wellins and Concelman (2005), is a combination of
commitment, loyalty, productivity, and ownership. Employee engagement, according
to Saks (2006), is a "distinct and unique idea" made up of knowledge, emotion, and

According to Saks (2017), one method for people to give back to their
organization is by being engaged. In other words, workers will decide how much they
want to engage. As earlier demonstrated by the work of Kahn, bringing oneself more
fully into one's professional roles and investing higher quantities of cognitive,
emotional, and physical resources is a highly powerful method for individuals to react
to an organization's actions (1990). Employees are therefore more likely to trade
their participation for the resources and benefits offered by their employer

Academics and practitioners frequently concur that employee involvement has

favorable effects (Saks 2017). Employee engagement and business outcomes are
often thought to be related; a meta-analysis by Harter et al. (2018) supports this
assertion. According to their findings, "employee engagement and satisfaction are
associated to meaningful business outcomes at a magnitude that is important to
many organizations." However, because engagement is a personal construct, it must
first have an effect on individual-level outcomes before it can have a significant
economic influence. Employee engagement is hence likely to be influenced by
people's attitudes, intentions, and behaviors.

Employee engagement, which has three dimensions—work engagement,

organizational recognition, and perception of work value—is defined by Cha (2007)
as the employee's active involvement in work and the condition of full physiology,
cognition, and emotion that goes along with it. The key to success and the way to
establish a competitive advantage in the global market is to create a workplace with
high-caliber employees because people are an organization's best resource. The
result of a healthy, committed, and motivated workforce, also known as "engaged
employees," is a well-functioning organization. The recent significant changes in the
global economy have accelerated the need for organizations to find creative
solutions to deal with new technological, demographic, and market realities.

On the basis of 12 significant studies undertaken by research firms like

Gallup, Towers Perrin, Blessing White, The Corporate Leadership Council, and
others, The Conference Board published an article titled "Employee Engagement - A
Review of Current Research and Its Implication" in 2017. Out of a total of 26
important drivers, it was discovered that 4 of the studies mentioned 8 major drivers
of employee engagement. Which are: trust & integrity, nature of the job, line of sight
between employee performance and company performance, career growth
opportunities, pride in the company, co-workers/team members, employee
development, and relationship with the manager

According to a recent study by Dale Carnegie Training, Indian workers are

more engaged than their international counterparts. According to the report, there
are 46% of working professionals in India are completely engaged, whereas the
average for the same is 34% globally and 30% in the US. Additionally, the report
specifies the degree of higher education as a factor that directly affects worker
satisfaction. Given that participants in the US study had an average education level
that was significantly lower than that of India, it is possible that India's data was
superior. Nevertheless, 54% of Indian workers are at least somewhat dissatisfied
with their jobs. India's "rapid economic expansion has boosted corporate profits and
employee incomes but has also sparked a surge in workplace stress," according to a
study by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.
Stress is known to have an effect on employee engagement and productivity levels.
This makes it abundantly evident that firms today must adopt innovative strategies to
increase involvement.

Organizational Commitment - Employee commitment should be viewed as a

psychological state because it has to do with how well they get along with coworkers.
It is an evaluation of their own readiness for employment. Most studies found a
connection between commitment and productivity, with greater commitment
producing better outcomes (Fu & Deshpande, 2014). After all, commitment is
exemplified by a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization's goals and
objectives, a willingness to exert significant effort on its behalf, and a strong desire to
continue working with the organization in the future (Dajani, 2015). Examples of
different types of commitment that center on values, career, and employment include
work ethic support, career commitment, job engagement, and union commitment
(Loan, 2020).
Then, elevated work-related stress and fierce organizational devotion may
lead to elevated absenteeism and decreased productivity. Employee satisfaction is
correlated with high levels of engagement and commitment to one's work. Increased
productivity, revenues, staff retention, and a more enjoyable work environment result
from this. A worker's level of excitement for the tasks assigned to him or her at work
is referred to as work commitment or commitment to work. The majority of significant
life accomplishments involve perseverance, hard effort, and devotion. These
qualities develop with time (Loan, 2020).

On the other side, loyalty to a good organization might boost one's

performance at the office. Organizational commitment, according to Mohammed and
Eleswd (2013), is the extent to which workers accept the organization's guiding
values and objectives and identify with them when carrying out their professional
duties. It is possible to motivate employees to work harder if they have a strong
sense of commitment to the organization's mission and values, are eager to put forth
significant effort on its behalf, and have a strong desire to work there (Al Zeifeti &
Mohamad, 2017).

Furthermore, an organization's success is determined by the performance of

its employees. Performance improvement is mostly achieved by increasing
employee commitment. The results of this study show that organizational
commitment has a favorable and significant impact on work performance. The study
found that all three components of organizational commitment—emotional,
continuity, and normative commitment—had a favorable, significant impact on work
performance. The data show a strong link between employee commitment and job
success (Rafiei, 2014).

Further, in the west, the influence of organizational commitment on employee

job performance has been thoroughly studied, but few studies have been conducted
in non-western nations. Furthermore, there has been little research on the impact of
work satisfaction on this relationship. As a consequence, organizational commitment
had a positive influence on work performance; organizational commitment had a
favorable impact on job satisfaction; and job satisfaction had a positive impact on job
performance when organizational commitment was controlled.
When work pleasure was incorporated into the model, the strength of the link
between organizational commitment and job performance was significantly weaker,
demonstrating that job satisfaction serves as a mediation function (Loan, 2020). As a
result, it is suggested that the expected outcome, job performance, may not always
follow from a straightforwardly positive association between organizational
commitment and work performance. Therefore, the secret to success is enhancing
work performance by raising job satisfaction through strategies that encourage
organizational commitment (Anh, 2013).

As a result, organizations gain from having employees who are mentally

committed, hence workplace commitment is crucial (Van Rossenberg, 2018).
Commitment is crucial when it comes to employability and HR procedures.
Employability is the ability to find employment in the internal and/or external labor
markets, and study on this topic has exploded in recent years (Akkermans &
Kubasch, 2017). Additionally, it looked at how employees perceived HR policies and
practices, which has become a common technique to evaluate HR operations in
recent years (Beijer, 2019).

Finally, human resource practices are probably related to commitment

through both types of career flexibility, but through a slightly different social process.
This social exchange for internal employability is driven by employees' urge to return
their employer's investments in their progress as a reflection of their employer's
value. Because it gives them a career-related personal benefit of possibilities for
continuing development that they desire to assure in the future, employees respond
to HR policies directed toward their development with more fervor in terms of their
external employability. According to a study, staff members are more dedicated to
the business when given the possibility to gain useful skills and experience (Van
Harten, 2016).

Enablement- Employee engagement and realization of their value to the company

are fostered by hard labor and meaningful employment. Bolman and Deal (2016)
proposed that when SDT is utilized, employees have the potential for autonomy and
can also have an impact on the people around them. The advantages of intrinsic
rewards are not exempt from this influence. Increased participation from workers is
possible, but engagement is not a given when there is meaningful labor involved. To
succeed, one needs autonomy, intrinsic rewards, and worker involvement (Bolman &
Deal, 2016).

The way business is conducted has undergone a significant change as a

result of the faltering global economy (McCuiston & DeLucenay, 2010). Engagement
among employees is important for both the organization and the individual.
Employees may use the terms of their contracts to prevent the achievement of the
organizational aims and targets. In a business, management's capacity to use
employee engagement tactics is crucial. According to Cooper-Thomas, Paterson,
Stadler, and Saks (2014), having high expectations and regular performance
assessments can boost employee cooperation and engagement. Resources are
limited, which has caused businesses to focus more on lowering expenses while
raising production and efficiency. As it relates to process improvement, reduced
variance in processes can gradually lower costs (Emrouznejad, Anouze, &
Thanassoulis, 2016); nonetheless, an organization needs to keep adding procedures
that improve employee engagement. The authors McCuiston and DeLucenay (2010)
found that short-term cost-cutting methods are not always effective.

One of the biggest problems in the workplace today is employee engagement.

Employee engagement will continue to be a difficulty for firms in the future due to
thecomplexity and strict restrictions in many organizations (Mishra, Boynton, &
Mishra, 2014). In order to preserve the organization's life, survival, and profitability,
engagement is a crucial component (Albercht, Bakker, Gruman, Macey, & Saks,
2015; Breevaart et al., 2013; Farndale & Murrer, 2015). This aspect presents
management with obstacles. Organizations with highly engaged staff earn more
money than those without it (Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM],
2014). Customer happiness, revenues, and employee productivity all grow in
companies with highly engaged staff (Ahmetoglu, Harding, Akhtar, & Chamorro-
Premuzic, 2015; Carter, 2015; CooperThomas et al., 2014; Vandenabeele, 2014).

Aligning employees with company goals and exceeding expectations are the
major goals of employee engagement (Menguc, Auh, Fisher, & Haddad, 2013).
Person engagement, according to Anitha (2014), represents two key components:
(a) a willingness to contribute to corporate success; and (b) an upbeat, energised
employee who is in a motivating condition (Eldor & Harpaz, 2015). Engagement was
defined by Karanges, Johnston, Beatson, and Lings (2015) as the degree to which
employees are prepared to commit both emotionally and logically to their
organization, the length of time they are prepared to stay as a result of that
commitment, and the level of dedication to their work.

Productivity - Numerous researchers have examined how the workplace affects

employees' productivity because, according to Gonzalez (2019), it has a significant
impact on how well workers perform and encourages them to focus on their work.
The productivity of employees will increase by maintaining working conditions and
the working environment up to a certain threshold level, and subsequently will
decrease if work load increases from above that threshold level, according to Yasin
Sheikh Ali et al. (2015). According to Haynes (2008), the behavior components of the
working environment have more impact than the physical components, and in the
environment where level of interaction is high, , supports creativity and transfer of
transactional knowledge

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, believed that in order to influence people,

one must be seen as a trustworthy and trustworthy person. This statement is still
valid today. Building outstanding and productive teams in a business requires a high
level of trust and credibility. Along with that, one must focus on developing personal
credibility, which is a necessary talent that cannot be overlooked. We feel that
credibility is essential for becoming a successful leader (Agarwal, 2019). According
to Sehgal's (2017) research, office architecture has a significant impact on how
productive people are. The researchers have found that 24% of job satisfaction is
influenced by the workplace. By creating a positive work atmosphere, an individual's
productivity level can increase by 5%, while team performance can increase by 11%.

According to Arokiasamy (2018), elements including pay, benefits, job

security, and the workplace atmosphere boost employees' sense of loyalty to the
company. According to Noah and Steve (2015), a company's working environment
improves job satisfaction, which in turn helps the company achieve its objectives.

According to research by Llukkaran and Gunaseelan (2016), how well

workers interact with their workplace has a beneficial effect on how well they
perform. According to Smrita et al. (2010), an organization's culture has an impact on
how motivated its employees are. According to Mcguire and Mclaren's research from
2017, a workplace's atmosphere has a significant impact on employees' health,
fosters contact, collaboration, and innovation, and raises job satisfaction. As a result
of better working conditions, Roelofsen (2017) discovered that indoor environment
has a significant impact on job performance, with a potential improvement in level of
performance of 5 to 15%.


This chapter presented the research design, research locale, population and sample,
research instruments, data collection, and statistical tools.

Research Design

The descriptive research method will be used in this study to prove

employees effectiveness among BSBA graduates of the University of Mindanao
students. According to Koh and Owen (2000), the descriptive research method refers
to the methods that describe the characteristics of the variables under study. This
methodology focuses on answering questions relating to the “what” than the “why” of
the research subject. The primary focus of descriptive research is to simply describe
the nature of the demographics understudy instead of focusing on the “why”.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study


Specifically, purposive sampling was used as the research technique. According to

Kothari (2004), the purposive sampling method is a sampling technique in which the
researcher relied on his or her own judgment when choosing members of the
population participated in the study.

Research Locale
This study will be conducted among the employers of BSBA graduates of the
University of Mindanao from the academic years, 2021 to 2022. The employers in
various industries included proprietors, administrators, managers, supervisors, and
team leaders.

Davao City is the country's largest city. It is the Davao Region Regional Center as
well as Mindanao's main commercial and industrial center. The five provinces of
Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental, Davao Occidental, and Davao de
Oro makeup this Philippine region in the southeastern part of Mindanao. The citizens
of Davao City and the national media have frequently named the city as one of the
safest in the world In addition, there are more than (number of graduates sa UM)
BSBA students who have recently graduated from University of Mindanao.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be used in this study was a research survey
questionnaire by Chen and Volpe (2013) in their study: “An Analysis of Financial
Satisfaction among College Students.” and Danes (2010) in his study: “Money
management knowledge of college students” that is adapted and 12 modified.

This would be based on the aforementioned indicator of the study. The

instrument measured employee effectiveness among BSBA graduates. There are
two parts to the questionnaire. The first part was focused on the profile of the
respondents. The second part was employee effectiveness among BSBA graduate
students with four indicators and consisted of 20 items. The scale of instrument
illustrated below is used in the interpretation of the scale and range used in
answering the questionnaire.

Descriptive Level Interpretation

Scale Range
This means that the employee’s
5 4.20 – 5.00 Very High effectiveness of BSBA graduates is
always manifesting.

This means that the employee’s

4 3.50 – 4.20 High effectiveness of BSBA graduates is
frequently manifesting.

This means that the employee’s

effectiveness of BSBA graduates is
2.61 – 3.49 Moderate occasionally manifesting.
Research Procedures

In the gathering of data, the researchers observed the following steps:

1. Permission to Conduct Study. The researchers provided a letter of

permission for the approval to conduct a study.

2. Construction and Validation of the Test Instrument. The researchers

constructed a questionnaire and presented it to the adviser for evaluation and
validated by the research panel.

3. Distribution of Questionnaire. The researchers distributed the survey

questionnaires to the possible respondents and instructed them to fill up the
necessary questions provided.

4. Scoring and Collation of Data. The data were generated from the survey
and had been collected, tallied, and subjected to statistical interpretation and

5. Analysis and Interpretation of Data. The raw scores together with the data
were submitted to the statistician for computation and for analysis and interpretation

Statistical Treatment of Data

Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to determine the profile of

respondents in terms of their age, sex, and range of employment.
Mean. This tool will be used to determine the level of financial satisfaction
among financial management students.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This will be used to determine the significant

difference in the level of employee effectiveness of BSBA graduates of the University

of Mindanao when analyzed by demographic profile.

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