B33 Paper
B33 Paper
B33 Paper
Saniya Malkan Ahmed [1], Rakia Banu N [2], Priyanka[3], Shristi Solanki[4]and Aditi Ashok Katti [5]
Department of Computer Science And Engineering, Atria Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Abstract—IOT devices and services can be very expensive and maintain logistics. As of 2019, there are at least 49
and time-consuming to set up and manage by an cloud platforms that cater to the needs of different
individual or even an organization that deals only with the enterprises, end users, government organization, and
hardware of these IOT devices. This paper proposes a healthcare but none of the companies address all challenges
platform with modular structure that can have multiple involved in the implementation and have surged up their
parts that work independently to each other, can be hosted service charges. IoT platform development and
and managed by different Technologies or microservices implementation using a flexible, configurable, modular,
platforms. The basic server structure consists of a main lightweight, cost-effective platform is proposed here.
server responsible for a Websockets endpoint and a very
basic barebones data api, which exists independently from
the server hosting the dashboard that is used to access the
data and control the device. The authentication can also II. LITERATURE SURVEY
be managed separately as we have a database with the
only purpose of storing user data. Data in relation to IOT Nestor B along with Carlos M. Oppus and Gramata Jr. Jose
devices is also stored separately in a database, each claro N. Monje published in 2019, this notes introduces the
module has a recommended platform to host and is design and implementation of a reconfigurable, scaleable
designed to be as inexpensive to host as possible, by the and low costs Iot platform and additionally addresses the
current (2020-2022) pricing plans of the platforms we can challenges that occur during the execution of its cost
host this platform and its module for free of charge by any efficient IoT platform.
individual or organisation. The platform structure is made
open source so it's easier for individuals or organisations Ranjan Sikarwar, Pradeep Yadav, Aditya Dubey published
to cadre to their own use case, being open source also A survey on IOT enabled cloud platforms, this paper
helps in scalability as it can be re hosted by an individual, provides a literature survey on different IOT platforms and
and the modular design can allow for scaling of different services that are available and gives us an insight on their
aspects of the platform to levels that cadre to ones use drawbacks and comparisons between them.
case. An Arduino C library is also designed in order to
make it easy for hardware developers to connect their Malihe Asemani, Fatemeh Abdollahei and Fatemeh Jabbari
compatible hardware to the platform. in 2019 published a better understanding of IoT platforms,
Keywords— IoT Platform, WebSockets, Data Api, Modular, Open adds a better understanding of the ways in which cloud
Source computing and IoT platforms works and additionally
supplies major characteristics description.
M.Ullah, K.Smolander in 2019 published a paper where the
Internet of Things (IoT) bridges the gap between sensors key factors of an IoT platform were highlighted, this paper
and actuators. Smart interaction among these devices results attempts to find out the chief requirements of IoT
in an efficient system which can be employed in various platforms that can be considered before choosing an IoT
fields. An IoT platform is what enables these systems to platform and what to look for while opting for services as
have smart interactions and manage data. IoT enables the existing services cost more. This collective network
monitoring of data which provides an opportunity for data connects devices and technology provides communication
marketing from where the Big Data concept arises which is between devices.
a vital key for marketing. Personalizing and standardizing
products based on consumer data, for example, would be Luca Calderoni, Antonio Magnani in 2019 published IoT
possible. This will significantly improve marketing manager which is a general framework for managing
companies to adapt to changes, manage resource efficiency, sensor networks, which has been designed and
implemented by the University of Bologna as a case study MySQL: Our MySQL tutorial is designed for beginners
for an open source IoT platform. and professionals. It is cheaper for storing the structural
data like sensor values every time.
Jongwan An, JaeYoung Hwang, and JaeSeung Song in the MongoDB: As device status requires fast read and write
year 2016 published a paper “Interworking Technique and speed so that the device responds fast, we use MongoDB
Architecture for Connecting LAN IoT Devices Towards which is good for unstructured data like user settings and
Standardized IoT Service Layer Platform”.Taking device status.
advantage of interworking technique and architecture
Arduino Library: It is a simple high level api to
towards a standardized IoT service layer platform is a
communicate with the web socket connection written in C.
recent publication.This paper highlights the interoperability
We can use libraries to extend the Arduino environment
problems in many house IoT devices by providing an similar to programming platforms in the market. The use
architecture to support interworking between smart home of libraries gives us extra functionality.
Hosting: heroku container provider for node enu, vercel
Ninging cui, Yi hu, Dong Yu, The paper describes how to for static server hosting to the dashboard, MongoDB Atlas
for remote MongoDB instance and GoDaddy mysql
design and develop an intelligent workshop IoT cloud
hosting for MySQL instance.
platform based on microservices in detail, including a
detailed description of architecture and design of the
platform. Published in 2019 our research and V. BLOCK DIAGRAM
implementation of intelligent workshop IoT cloud
Server Environment: The Server Environment is written in
Nodejs. Which is an open source and cross-platform Fig 2: Internal IoT Platform Block Diagram
runtime environment for JavaScript. It runs on the V8
engine executing JavaScript outside the browser, hosts the
Server Environment.
Socket Connections: The Socket Connections are handled
by Socket.IO library. It is a JavaScript library used for real
time web applications. It also provides a bi-directional
communication between server and web clients.
The user authentication method follows standard practices
of verification of email before allowing user to login to
avoid bot accounts and spam
Fig 7: ESP8266
Server Environment:
1. Written in Nodejs.
2. Socket connection: Socket.io
Fig 9: Dashboard with & without devices connected 1. Nestor B. Gramata Jr, Jose Claro N. Monje, Carlos
M. oppus “Development survey of IoT cloud
platforms,” Future Computing and Informatics
Journal, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 35–46,2019 .
2. Rajanna Silkarwar, Pradeep Yadav, Aditya Dubey
“A survey of IoT cloud platforms,” Future
Computing and Informatics Journal,
DOI: 10.1109/CSNT.2020.23