Loknete Gopinathji Munde Institute of Engineering Education & Research NASHIK-422 002
Loknete Gopinathji Munde Institute of Engineering Education & Research NASHIK-422 002
Loknete Gopinathji Munde Institute of Engineering Education & Research NASHIK-422 002
Aakash Ashok Medge
NASHIK-422 002
This is to certify that Aakash Ashok Medge has successfully completed Industrial
Training during the period from 4th July 2022 to 14th August 2022 at Emerging
Technologies Software & Automation Solution as a Partial Fulfillment of Second Year
Diploma in Computer Engineering.
The candidate has taken a specific training in Desktop Based Application
Technology in the said Organization and gained the overall Knowledge about the said
technology and its use in industry.
Industrial training is an important phase of a student life. As we are the students of the
computer engineering, it is very needful to us to know the overall structure of the IT industry.
For achieving this goal, I completed my In-plant training at Emerging Technologies, which
is a up going IT based industry located in Nashik at Gangapur Road.
Emerging Technologies is an Indian IT company that provides information technology,
consulting and business process services. It is an IT solution provider to all of them who
want to automate their existing work with the latest technologies, application development
and integration, and application management services.
Emerging Technologies is one of the Pioneer IT company in Nashik, who work on
latest technologies like IOT , Raspberry with everything Smarting to Automation, It also
work on Android, Angular, PHP, Java, Firebase, Arduino. Our expertise lies in the ability to
creative innovative systems application software to meet business specific needs. It provide
an Extra-Ordinary solutions to automate your daily business needs at ease.
The internship opportunity I had with Emerging Technologies, Nashik was a great chance
for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky
individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for
having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though
this internship period.
I express my deepest thanks to Mr. PRAKASH EKHANDE who is the CEO and the
founder of Emerging Technologies, Located at Gangapur road, Nashik for taking part in
useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to
make Training easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.
Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and
special thanks to the Emerging Technologies who in spite of being extraordinarily busy
with her/his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and
allowing me to carry out my project at their esteemed organization and extending during
the training.
CHAPTER 1 : Organization Structure 7
CHAPTER 8 : Assignments 24
CHAPTER 11 : Conclusion 45
Organization Structure
Usually, each software package development organization handles many projects at any time.
Software package organizations assign totally different groups of engineers to handle
different software projects. every sort of organizational structure has its own advantages and
downsides that the issue “How is that the organization as a full structured?” should be taken
into thought so each software package project is finished before its point in time.
There are basically 2 broad ways in which a software package development
organization is structured: Project format, and Functional format.
These are explained as following below…
1. Project format:
The project development workers are divided supported the project that they work (as
shown below diagram). In the project format, a group of engineers is appointed to the
project at the beginning of the project and that they stay with the project until the
completion of the project.
Thus, the identical team carries out all the life cycle activities. Obviously, the functional
format needs a lot of communication among groups than the project format, as a result of
one team should perceive the work done by the
previous groups.
2. Functional format:
The event workers are divided supported the useful cluster to that they belong. the various
project borrows engineers from the specified useful teams for specific parts to be
undertaken within the project and come back them to the functional cluster upon the
completion of the phase.
In the functional format, totally different groups of programmers perform different phases
of a project. For example, one team may do the necessities specification, another do the
planning, and so on. The partially completed product passes from one team to a different
because the project evolves.
Therefore, the useful format needs significant communication among the various groups
as a result of the work of 1 team should be clearly understood by the next teams engaged
on the project. This needs sensible quality documentation to be made when each activity.
Emerging Technologies is an Indian IT company that provides information technology,
consulting and business process services. We are situated at the world’s best place called
Nashik. We are an IT solution provider to all of them who want to automate their existing
work with the latest technologies, application development and integration, and application
management services.
The Company has been promoted by most of the veteran professionals. We endow with total
IT solution under one crown. Emerging Technologies is one of the Pioneer IT company in
Nashik, who work on latest technologies like IoT , Raspberry with everything Smarting to
Automation, We also work on Android, Angular, PHP, Java, Firebase, Arduino. Our
expertise lies in the ability to creative innovative systems application software to meet
business specific needs. We provide an Extra-Ordinary solutions to automate your daily
business needs at ease.
The company was incorporated on 29 December 2018 in Nashik, Maharashtra by Mr.
Prakash Ekhande who is the CEO and the founder of Emerging Technologies, The company
focused to new opportunities in the IT and computing industry, automating its existing work
at a nascent stage in Nashik and all over Maharashtra, very soon we will be providing the
solution throughout India and All over the world. The company deals in e-commerce, mobile
applications, cloud computing, digital transformation, data analytics, enterprise application
integration and enterprise resource planning, with more than 100 active clients across
country We are also a part of training for Industrial and Education Institutes, we also serve
the seminars across the institutes to get aware to the latest technologies and trends that is
ongoing, we also provide the internship for various students as well as short term training in
latest trends in development and IoT related.
To Develop Web, Mobile based Solutions with latest technologies with the standard software
development process to achieve the escalate the victory
Emerging Technologies is committed to an excellence service to its clients, with best
solutions to automate and simplify their work
Product & Services
Smart Home
Internet of Things
Mobile Apps
Software development
Emerging Technologies is one of the
specialized software development company
offering custom software development in
various domains. We work closely with
clients to understand their need for the
software, objectives, software requirement
specifications by involving our domain
knowledge experts. At Emerging
Technologies, we don’t simply make custom
programming, we manufacture answers for
your business issues. We offer custom
programming advancement administrations for a wide assortment of industry verticals and
business areas.
Training , Seminar & Workshop
Emerging Technologies is Nasik based
Programming Languages Training
Company. We give real-time time
ventures based corporate preparing to
understudies, working experts likewise
for corporate customers. We give
corporate preparing on furthermore
Technology like Java, .Net MVC,
Android, PHP, Python, WordPress and
so on. Skills for Learning workshops are
interactive group sessions that can help you to improve and enhance your skills in academic
communication, statistical analysis, IT, information literacy and effective study. Each
workshop develops a specific area of your academic skills through a mixture of activities,
peer learning, and expert advice from Industrial experts. These interactive sessions support
your success in university assignments by providing detailed guidance on a specific area of
academic skills. You will have the opportunity to practice the skills in focus and ask any
questions. These short, practical sessions can introduce you to a new academic skill or
provide a useful refresher.
Major Equipment/Instruments/ Computers
Desktop Computers
Intel Core i3-9100F 9th Gen
Desktop Processor 4 Core Up to
01 10
4.2 GHz LGA1151 300
RAM 4 GB & HDD 500 GB
Dell Latitude 3400, 14-inch
02 06
Laptop - Core i3 8th Gen
8GB Ram & 1TB HDD
05 32 Port Switch 01
06 Dell Router 01
Development process along With production / Software and control /
Implementation process.
The Agile software development lifecycle is dominated by the iterative process. Each
iteration results in the next piece of the software development puzzle working software and
supporting elements, such as documentation, available for use by customers until the final
product is complete.
Each iteration is usually two to four weeks in length and has a fixed completion time.
▪ Due to its time-bound nature, the iteration process is methodical and the scope of
each iteration is only as broad as the allotted time allows.
▪ Multiple iterations will take place during the Agile software development lifecycle
and each follows its own work flow.
Planning can also include feedback from stakeholders. Stakeholders are anyone who
stands to benefit from the application. Try to get feedback from potential customers,
developers, subject matter experts, and sales reps.
Feedback - Accept customer and stakeholder feedback and work it into the
requirements of the next iteration
Contrary to popular belief, Software Testing is not a just a single activity. It
consists of a series of activities carried out methodologically to help certify your
software product.
Requirement Analysis
During this phase, test team studies the requirements from a testing point of view to
identify the testable requirements.
The QA team may interact with various stakeholders (Client, Business Analyst,
Technical Leads, System Architects etc.) to understand the requirements in detail.
Requirements could be either Functional (defining what the software must do) or Non-
Functional (defining system performance /security availability).
Test Planning
Typically, in this stage, a Senior QA manager will determine effort and cost estimates
for the project and would prepare and finalize the Test Plan.
In this phase, Test Strategy is also determined.
Test Execution
During this phase, the testers will carry out the testing based on the test plans and the
test cases prepared.
Bugs will be reported back to the development team for correction and retesting will
be performed.
Activities: Execute tests as per plan, Document test results, and log defects for failed
cases Map defects to test cases in RTM, Retest the Defect fixes, Track the defects to
Development strategy used by industry, documentation
methods & end user product.
1) Blue-Green Deployment
- Both are running, and the one in production depends on the service the route specifies,
with each deployment configuration exposed to a different service.
- You can create a new route to the new version and test it. When ready, change the
service in the production route to point to the new service and the new, blue, version is
- If necessary, you can roll back to the older, green, version by switching service back to
the previous version.
- The A/B deployment strategy lets you try a new version of the application in a limited
way in the production environment.
- You can specify that the production version gets most of the user requests while a
limited fraction of requests go to the new version. Since you control the portion of
requests to each version, as testing progresses you can increase the fraction of requests
to the new version and ultimately stop using the previous version.
- As you adjust the request load on each version, the number of pods in each service
may need to be scaled as well to provide the expected performance.
- In addition to upgrading software, you can use this feature to experiment with versions
of the user interface. Since some users get the old version and some the new, you can
evaluate the user’s reaction to the different versions to inform design decisions.
- For this to be effective, both the old and new versions need to be similar enough that
both can run at the same time. This is common with bug fix releases and when new
features do not interfere with the old. The versions need N-1 compatibility to properly
work together.
- OpenShift Container Platform supports N-1 compatibility through the web console as
well as the
command line interface.
Safety procedure followed and safety gear used (includes
preventive maintenance schedule).
Information technology job safety procedure training typically covers company and
employee safety and security. Dealing with efforts to prevent or mitigate accidents, threats or
losses to physical assets, e.g., computer hardware, and technology, e.g., software applications,
training programs prepare employees to communicate clearly, comply with legal and
regulatory standards and measure success with maintaining a safe and secure workplace.
Workplace safety policies seek to eliminate or reduce risk of injury by instituting
policies and procedures as well as hazard control techniques. IT job safety procedure training
enables personnel to substitute existing malfunctioning materials or equipment with less
hazardous solutions when appropriate. Upon completion, participants can establish barriers
or limits such as time, distance or physical restraints to prevent the general population from
having contact with the problem, such as overheating computer hardware. In addition, IT job
safety training provide students with the skills to recognize when current operating
procedures are insufficient to prevent future occurrences and recommend enhancements to
policies. IT job safety training may include instruction on the use of safety glasses, gloves or
anti-static wrist bands used in computer repairs.
Effective IT job safety procedure training ensures that all employees know the
company safety goals and objectives as well as any applicable policies, practices and
procedures. By providing training on a regular basis, typically annually, companies make
safety a priority concern for all staff members. By mandating participation and ensuring
regular follow-up, managers can ensure the training program has a positive impact on
preventing safety violations.
1. Patch, PATCH !
- Scheduling routine backups can protect you from the unexpected. Always
keep a few months' worth of retrievable backup. Download and install
CrashPlan and learn how to back up your system.
6. Use email and the internet safely.
- When connected to the internet, your data can be vulnerable while in transit.
Use remote connectivity and secure file transfer options when off campus.
- Securely remove sensitive data files from your hard drive, especially when
recycling or re purposing your computer. Protect sensitive files using the
encryption tools built into your operating system.
- Mac and Windows computers use basic desktop firewalls to protect your
computer files from being scanned. Make sure they are properly configured.
- Stay current with the latest developments: Follow IS&T on Facebook and
Twitter. Bookmark IS&T Secure Computing.
Assignment 2 : Login Page
Assignment 4 : Color Dialog Tool
(Before Changing Font Size)
Assignment 6 : Combo Box Tool
Assignment 8 : Text to Speech
Assignment 10 : Music/Video Player
Assignment 11 : Notepad
3. Save Operation
4. Print Operation
5. Font Operation
6. Menu Tools
A. File Option
B. Edit Option
C. Format Option
D. Help Option
Assignment 12 : Image Path-Finder Location/Path.
Practical Experience in Industry
All the days of the 6 weeks were very useful as the trainer covered
all the essential topics about Desktop application development.
Every session was interactive that’s why I never faced any problems to follow on.
We learned how to understand the customer’s requirements and achieve it and plan the
web development.
Short report of the project
❖ During the in-plant training I have learned various terminology of Desktop Application
❖ All Sessions were very productive due to its integrity and interactive nature.
❖ We got assignments every week which helped me a lot in explaining the concepts and
understating basis of development.
❖ I had fun doing assignments and learning new things everyday throughout the implant
training period.
❖ In a month I gained all the knowledge to make a great desktop applications.
❖ Through the internship , we got to know how it works in a proper IT company and got an
opportunity to work on projects.
❖ I created the Netflix desktop application.