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7 - Control Valve Characteristics

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Experiment No - 7

Control Valve Characteristics

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 1

7A. Study of valve flow coefficient
AIM: To study the valve flow coefficient (Cv) for Linear, Equal percentage and Quick opening
control valves.
Valve is essentially a variable orifice. Control valve is a valve with a pneumatic,
hydraulic, electric (excluding solenoids) or other externally powered actuator that
automatically, fully or partially opens or closes the valve to a position dictated by signals
transmitted from controlling instruments.
Control valves are used primarily to throttle energy in a fluid system and not for shutoff
purpose. The figure shows basic elements and internal parts of typical pneumatic control
valve. Depending upon the valve plug design the control valves can be classified as quick
opening, linear and equal percent type.

Fig. Control valve (air to open)

Types of plugs of a pneumatic control valve

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 2

Flow is directly proportional to valve lift i.e., Q = ky
Where, Q = flow at constant pressure drop, y = valve opening, k = constant.


Flow changes by a constant percentage of its instantaneous value for each unit of valve lift.
Q = b × e ay
Where, Q = flow at constant pressure drop, y = valve opening, e = base of natural logarithm,
a and b are constants.
Constants a and b can be evaluated to give more convenient form
Q = Q0 × e{(log R ymax )× y }

Q0 = Flow at constant drop at zero stroke, R = Flow range of valve, maximum to minimum
at constant drop, ymax = maximum rated valve opening.
QUICK OPENING VALVE: Flow increases rapidly with initial travel reaching near its
maximum at a low lift. It is generally not defined mathematically.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 3

Different types of actuators are used to control the stem travel of the valve, like
electrical actuators, pneumatic actuator, Hydraulic actuators etc. In this product, pneumatic
actuators are used for control valves. Spring opposed diaphragm actuator positions the valve
plug in response to the controller signals. Mostly the controller signals are in the range of 3 -
15 psig.
Direct acting actuator (air to close):
Direct acting actuators basically consist of a pressure tight housing sealed by a
flexible fabric reinforced elastomer diaphragm. A diaphragm plate is held against the
diaphragm by a heavy compression spring. Signal air pressure is applied to upper diaphragm
case that exerts force on the diaphragm and the actuator assembly. By selecting proper spring
rate or stiffness, load carrying capacity, and initial compression, desired stem displacement
can be obtained for any given input signal.
Reverse acting actuator (air to open):
In case of reverse acting actuators the stem gets retracted with increase in pressure.
Control valve flow coefficient:
A control valve regulates the flow rate in a fluid delivery system. In general a close
relation exists between the pressure along the pipe and the flow rate so that if pressure is
changed, then the flow rate is also changed. A control valve changes the flow rate by
changing the pressure in the flow system because it introduces the constriction in the delivery
system so we can say that the flow rate through the constriction is given by

Q = K ∆P
The correction factor K in above equation allows selection of proper size of valve to
accommodate the rate of flow that the system must support. This correction factor is called as
valve coefficient and is used in valve sizing.
Valve coefficient

C v = 1.16 × Q × (In SI units)
Where G is specific gravity of liquid, Q flow in m3/h, ∆P pressure drop in bar.
1) Start up the set up. Open the flow regulating valve of the control valve to be studied
(Linear/ Equal%/quick opening). Open the respective hose cock for pressure indication.
(Close the flow regulating valves and hose cocks of other control valves).

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 4

2) Ensure that pressure regulator outlet is connected to the valve actuator of the control valve
under study. Keep the control valve fully open by adjusting air regulator.
3) Adjust the regulating valve and set the flow rate. (Set 400 LPH flow for linear/equal%
valve or 600 LPH for quick opening valve).
Note: for measuring flow rates below rotameter minimum range use measuring jar.
OBSERVATIONS: Tabulate readings for all the three control valves.
Sl.No. Pressure drop ∆P (mm of H2o) Flow(LPH) Valve coefficient, Cv


C v = 1.16 × Q ×
where, Q = Flow (m3/h)= Q in LPH/1000
∆P = Pressure drop across valve (bar)= ∆P in mm of H2OX1.013/(10.33X103).
G = Specific gravity = 1 for water.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 5

7B. Study of inherent characteristics
AIM: To study the inherent characteristics of Linear, Equal percentage and Quick opening
control valves.
The amount of fluid passing through a valve at any time depends upon the
opening between the plug and seat. Hence there is relationship between stem position, plug
position and the rate of flow, which is described in terms of flow characteristics of a valve.
Inherent and Installed are two types of valve characteristics.
Inherent characteristics:
The inherent flow characteristic of control valve is the relation between the flow
and the valve travel at constant pressure drop across the valve. Following are the inherent
characteristics for different types of valves.

Installed characteristics:
The Inherent characteristics of the valves described are subject to distortion due to
variations in pressure drop with flow. Line resistance distorts linear characteristics towards
that of quick opening valve and equal% to that of linear.
1) Start up the set up. Open the flow regulating valve of the control valve to be studied
(Linear/ Equal%/quick opening). Open the respective hose cock for pressure indication.
(Close the flow regulating valves and hose cocks of other control valves.)
2) Ensure that pressure regulator outlet is connected to the valve actuator of the control valve
under study. Keep the control valve fully open by adjusting air regulator.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 6

3) Adjust the regulating valve and set the flow rate. (Set 400 LPH flow for linear/equal%
valve or 600 LPH for quick opening valve).
Note: for measuring flow rates below rotameter minimum range use measuring jar.
4) Note the pressure drop at control valve at full open condition.
5) Slowly increase/decrease air pressure by regulator and close the control valve to travel the
stem by 4mm. Note the pressure drop at control valve and corresponding flow rate.
6) Repeat above step and take the readings at each 2mm-stem travel till the valve is fully
OBSERVATIONS: Tabulate readings for all the three control valves.
Sl.No. Lift Flow Pressure drop ∆P Valve coefficient Lift Cv
(mm) (LPH) (mm of H2o) Cv (%) (%)
Plot the graph of valve coefficient versus lift to obtain inherent characteristic of the control

C v = 1.16 × Q ×
where, Q = Flow (m3/h)= Q in LPH/1000
∆P = Pressure drop across valve (bar)= ∆P in mm of H2OX1.013/(10.33X103).
G = Specific gravity = 1 for water.
1. The inherent valve characteristics plotted for each valve fairly tallies with theoretical valve
2. Inherent characteristics of control valve can also be studied by keeping constant pressure
drop across the control valve.
a. Keep the valve fully open and adjust the flow rate. (400 LPH for linear/equal%
valve or 600 LPH for quick opening valve). Note the pressure drop.
b. Gradually close the control valve in steps of 4mm of stem travel. The pressure
drop across the valve increases. Manipulate flow rates to maintain pressure drop
constant. Note the flow rates.
3. Plot the graph of flow versus lift. Note that the nature of the graph is same as inherent
valve characteristics.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 7

7C. Study of installed characteristics
AIM: To study the installed characteristics of Linear, Equal percentage and Quick opening
control valves.
The amount of fluid passing through a valve at any time depends upon the
opening between the plug and seat. Hence there is relationship between stem position, plug
position and the rate of flow, which is described in terms of flow characteristics of a valve.
Inherent and installed are two types of valve characteristics.
Inherent characteristics:
The inherent flow characteristic of control valve is the relation between the flow
and the valve travel at constant pressure drop across the valve. Following are the inherent
characteristics for different types of valves.

Installed characteristics:
The Installed characteristics of the valves described are subject to distortion due to
variations in pressure drop with flow. Line resistance distorts linear characteristics towards
that of quick opening valve and equal% to that of linear.
1) Start up the set up. Open the flow regulating valve of the control valve to be studied
(Linear/ Equal%/quick opening). Open the respective hose cock for pressure indication.
(Close the flow regulating valves and hose cocks of other control valves.)
2) Ensure that pressure regulator outlet is connected to the valve actuator of the control valve
under study. Keep the control valve fully open by adjusting air regulator.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 8

3) Adjust the regulating valve and set the flow rate. (Set 400 LPH flow for linear/equal%
valve or 600 LPH for quick opening valve).
Note: for measuring flow rates below rotameter minimum range use measuring jar.
4) Note the flow rate at full open condition.
5) Slowly increase/decrease air pressure by regulator and close the control valve to travel the
stem by 4mm. Note the flow rate.
6) Repeat above step and take the readings at each 4mm stem travel till the valve is fully
OBSERVATIONS: Tabulate readings for all the three control valves.
Sl.No. Lift Flow Pressure drop ∆P Valve coefficient Lift Flow
(mm) (LPH) (mm of H2o) Cv (%) (%)

Plot the graph of flow versus lift to obtain installed characteristic of the control valves.
1. Installed characteristics of linear valve slightly approaches to the characteristic of quick
opening valve because of the pipe friction and other resistance to the flow.
2. Installed characteristics of equal % valve approaches to the characteristics of linear valve
because of the pipe friction and other resistance to the flow.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 9

7D. Study of Hysteresis of Control Valve

AIM: To study the Hysteresis effect of control valve.

Hysteresis of control valve
Hysteresis is a predictable error resulting from the differences in the transfer
functions when a reading is taken from above and below the value to be measured. In case of
control valves for same actuator signal different stem travel (hence valve coefficients) are
obtained depending upon the direction of change in the signal. The maximum error in stem
travel (or valve coefficient) expressed in % for same actuator pressure while opening and
closing the valve is indicated as hysteresis.

1. Start up the set up. Open the flow regulating valve of the control valve to be studied
(Linear/ Equal%/quick opening). Open the respective hose cock for pressure indication.
(Close the flow regulating valves and hose cocks of other control valves.)
2. Ensure that pressure regulator outlet is connected to the valve actuator of the control valve
under study. Keep the control valve fully open by adjusting air regulator.
3. Adjust the regulating valve and set the flow rate. (Set 400 LPH flow for linear/equal%
valve or 600 LPH for quick opening valve). Note for measuring flow rates below rotameter
minimum range use measuring jar.
4. Note the pressure drop at control valve at full open condition.
5. Slowly increase/decrease air pressure in the step of 3 psi by regulator to close the control
valve fully. Note the actuator pressure, pressure drop across the control valve and the flow
rate. (Do not try to correct the actuator pressure by reversing the regulator direction if it
inadvertently exceeds desired value.)

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 10

6. Slowly decrease/increase air pressure in the step of 3 psi by regulator to open the control
valve fully. Note actuator pressure, pressure drop across control valve and the flow rate.

OBSERVATIONS: Tabulate readings for all the three control valves.

Plot the graph of actuator pressure versus valve coefficient. Ratio of maximum
difference between flow coefficients at same actuator pressure, to that of maximum flow
coefficient is termed as hysteresis.

C v = 1.16 × Q ×
where, Q = Flow (m3/h)= Q in LPH/1000
∆P = Pressure drop across valve (bar)= ∆P in mm of H2OX1.013/(10.33X103).
G = Specific gravity = 1 for water.

IPC LAB, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITW Page 11

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