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could be organized; but the attempt to raise taxes showed that

produced anaesthetic effects similar to those of nitrous oxide; and

list. Temporary local courts, consisting of the same judge

Mazar-i-Sharif in February 1879. In the course of the next

frigates and sloops in an efficient state. Twenty-two was

Next in importance come Hissarlik, Mycenae, Phaestus,

this is often confused) were materially modified in Alfred's

two points of view. We may treat it as a superficial effect,

Col de Gebroulaz (Arc Valley to Mofitiers Tarentaise), snow

or subject matters, as where a legacy is given ``to my nephew,

half the total salmon product of the United States, is more

vessels, already described, where the ammonia is absorbed by

within the statutory period of six months after the vacancy

48 ft. 9 in. in breadth, and was divided by two rows of

seems that amber from the Baltic reached the Etruscans at

century--ruled as vassals of the caliphate. However, early in

to the W. is the famous Horseshoe Bend of the Pennsylvania

(see annexed plan, which shows the Colosseum at two different levels).

delimited was entrusted to a praetor or propraetor, of

him, a special scutage-the ``scutagium de Bihan''---being

1900 83,320,872 25.3 2,105,102,516 35.7

Christians, 8000). It was founded in 1540 and enlarged in

founded in 1824, with a good library; the Post and Telegraph

composition, and in Berthelot's opinion represent a collection

given ``on marriage or to establish the child in life.'' The

south of Luxor are of 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. The main lines

Mus.B. Bachelor of Music.

spread through the north temperate region of the Old World.

or Oropus in the latter case, are also found. This peculiar

Flora and Fauna.---The tops of the highest mountains have an

raising Macedon to the headship of the Greek states, and

extinct. The dukedom was re-created, r. 1458, in favour of

universal opposition tion of causes; panti logo logos

Phrygian, as it certainly has in the Etruscan inscription found

The Diseases of Animals.

ensuring distribution of the seed. The plant is common in

April 1764. His father was a London merchant. Educated at

annually performed in the Sistine Chapel at Rome. It is

director of Greenwich Hospital is under his authority.

the line of peaks of the Rocky Mountains range, vhich runs

subject of dispute with the Spaniards till the 18th century.

officers as hostages. An expedition was sent against them

bishop. He wished to resign the abbey of Malmesbury which he

illustrate more than one of these points. It is taken from

aim. In this year Sweyn sailed up the Trent and received the

town, which had fallen into ruins. His mission succeeded,

military service previously rendered by the Russians to the

demonstrated by English and German expeditions in Chinese Turkestan.

there is a prevailing tendency to an anapaestic cadence.''

almuce was originally a head-covering only, worn by the

Assoc. 1885-1898; Charles P. Bowditch, Mexican and Central

the Slave river, which, passing through Great Slave Lake,

(Iphianassa), Electra (Laodice), Chrysothemis, and a son,

sun-god, Shamash, due to the natural combination of the two

Westminster Abbey is another example of a great Benedictine

Fig. 3.---An optical section through a male Neorhynchus

a most rudimentary nature, for otherwise we should expect

(Milan, 1899); P. Foureau, D'Alger au Congo par le Tchad

danger of confounding the products of native industries.

transcendental idealism following theoretic and practical

royal declaration, was to cultivate and improve the national

the cheeses have been stored since they were made--this hut

York, and was there a distinguished citizen. His father was a

Midlands but also in other parts of England and Wales, an

Mobile and Vicksburg is described in separate articles. One

up in connexion with the agricultural colleges. Several of the

parallel and slightly separated from one another, and to-pass

existing town retain few vestiges of Moorish dominion. The

and practically continuous first charge is imperatively

capital value of which is put at rather over L. 3,000,000. Of

the phrase ``quando Rex accipit auxilium de militibus''

Psalter and in the frequent doxologies of the New Testament

skill. The basalts of S. Staffordshire, the diorites of

empire of N.E. Africa lying, chiefly, between 5 deg. and 15 deg. N.

adjutant-general, Bengal, from 1863 to 1866, when he returned

ALEXANDER CORNELIUS, Greek grammarian, surnamed POLYHISTOR

surviving. The old name is an ethnic term, evidently to be

assumed the most fantastic shapes. In the case of the Petite

to combine with Tigre, but his army was intercepted by

Berkhampstead. Selected to crown the new king he performed

behind the tip of the snout. The neurochord attains its

that while the unregenerate were still under the Mosaic

like the same extent as occurs with iron, copper or brass.

to be due to some pigment of organic origin, and an organic

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