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in specific gravity to 4.

1; naturally occurring pseudomorphs of

the secretaryship, which up to 1873 had always been filled

wooded, traversed by innumerable rivers, and subjected to

of his opposition to the bull Unigenitus. He died in Paris

order Sterculiaceae (Kola acuminata); archil or orchilla,

estimates. His written concurrence was required before the

structure of a sentence (Aristot., Organon,Soph., El.,

AMELIE-LES-BAINS, a watering-place of south-western

moderate amount of fat well distributed constitutes a better

Atticus. Having been appointed naval commander-in-chief he

and, in view of the requirements of the case, he began to argue

of Bomersund, against the erection of which Palmerston had

parliamentary and financial secretary, and works with a

greatest possible antipathy to all the atheistic and infidel

principal stronghold, and enlisted many of the chiefs and

researches, theoretical and experimental, in electricity

Town and Christiansborg, indicative of its tripartite

appears with the generic meaning of ``serpent'' in the older

(Yasna, x. 6-10). It corresponds to the soma plant Asclepias

merely a convenient vehicle for the exposition of science.

which the sea, entering by a natural arch, boils up violently

Afghan provinces.

aquarum between French Guiana and Brazil, known as the

fourth of the caliphs or successors of Mahomet, was born at

England, France, Holland and the Empire at once it brought

forms. In the Ammocoete, the larval form of Petromyzon

impurities which occur in the product of the Heroult cell

weakened the position of King Alexander in the army and the

Intussusception.---This is a terribly fatal disease of

their attainments in law. He was for some time professor of

Ephesus a three months' truce was concluded with Tissaphernes,

he exercised a control over their unruly passions in times of

ALEXANDER THE PAPHLAGONIAN, a celebrated impostor and worker

Vienna to continue his studies. On the 25th of June 1870

birds, and particularly in the ostrich, where the hind-gut

no apprenticeship in the art of ruling, but he possessed great

horsemen. For five months in the year when the floods were

His personal friendship, too, once bestowed, was never lightly

the aether; while the Collected Papers of Lord Rayleigh

land whereon a permanent camp might be established. His

August 410 Alaric and his . Goths burst in by the Salarian

proprietors. Such land was noted in the state registers as

ANASTASIUS, the name of four popes. ANASTASIUS I.,

that these symbols must have arisen by differentiation from

Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1823, entered the Academia

20 litres of benzol; this fluid is limited to combustion

Louvre, Dresden and St Petersburg. Among the best of his

feromenoio could in no circumstances be accented on

the colonial empires of Spain and Portugal. The states

``expectancy,'' more than 50% recovered, whereas if operations

administration and religion. With such ideas and aspirations

up in and around Milan; they have about as much connexion

was published in England. But although the first periodical

afforded another opening, English traders smuggled. The

parts of the Alps the limit may be set at about 8000 ft. above

to adultery was the lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis

Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, Band i. (Berlin, 1901).

ft.), and the Weissmies (13,226ft.), yet manyof the highest

Kremer, Uber die philosophischen Gedichte des Abu-l-.Ala

Other examples of the establishment of small holdings can

it) may be traced for a couple of miles. Within the walls

limestone. When the ``candles'' of carbon monoxide appear,

passes from mouth to mouth. The variety most valued in the

until it was brought to London by foreign cattle. Several

metallurgy, obtained, but the evidences of smelting are not

10 W. R. Smith, Ency. Brit. (9th ed., 1883), art. ``Melchizedek.''

was also the duty of parliament to lay down specific and clear

were most humble--light contributions to the press. He

by Robert Boyle to denote the determination of the

where he became a citizen. Plutarch says that he lived to

hist. du moyen age, s. ``Abailard.'' (G. C. R.; J. T. S.*)

independent nations of European origin in the New World.

of Rundemyr, near Kongsbeig in Rorway, and was named by

fellow of his college. In 1862 he took orders. After holding

observations see Phil. Trans., 1853, pp. 311-346.

Miss Abigail Smith (1744-1818), the daughter of a Congregational

honours (summa cum lande). From 1876 almost until his

unity shall remain at rest. This statement constitutes the

advertisement may for a moment force itself upon the reader's

Acres. Acres.

flesh was boiled off the bones at once (``scarification''), or

June 27, Crystal Palace, 4898; August 29, Crystal Palace,

Romanus. As the extent of Roman land increased, this could

defined on the analogy of magnetism, and d/dt(f', g', h')

offer of the producer must have been brought to the trader's

Lucena rabbinate, not his own son, but his pupil Joseph ibn

of pleasure and pain, good and evil. The end of ethical

it was forthwith given to the university of Cambridge.

and to report whether any, and if so what, amendments were

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