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EXP - Writing 5

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Instrutor: Truc Le
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged
to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and
starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Question 2: Computers are becoming an essential part of

education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give
your own opinion.

Question 3: In my cities today, most people live in large

apartment blocks. Do the advantages outweigh the
Paragraph Structure A Structure B

1- Introduce the topic 1- Introduce the topic

2- Write a thesis statement 2- State the benefits are more significant

Body 1 2 Advantages (7 sentences) Weaker - Disadvantages (5-6 sentences)

Body 2 2 Disadvantages (7 sentences) Stronger - Advantages (7-8 sentences)

Conclusion Summarize what you have discussed Summarize what you have discussed
Question 1: In some countries,
young people are encouraged
to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school
and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this trend?
Question 2: Computers are
becoming an essential part of
education. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages and give your
own opinion.

Question 3: In my cities today, most

people live in large apartment
blocks. Do the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages?
Discuss the advantages and
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Which paragraph is this?

On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is
beneficial to some extent. One obvious benefit of this is
that it can improve young people’s personal
development. In other words, these people can have the
chance to learn more about themselves when meeting
new people with different perspectives. As a result, they
can become more open-minded and confident than
those who go straight to university. Another positive
aspect is that a gap year can allow many young people to
make better decisions on what subject they should study
at university. By going travelling or working, young
people can understand their strengths and weaknesses
better, which may enable them to choose the most
suitable subject or school.
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is
beneficial to some extent. One obvious benefit of this
is that it can improve young people’s personal
development. In other words, these people can have
the chance to learn more about themselves when
meeting new people with different perspectives. As a
result, they can become more open-minded and
confident than those who go straight to university.
Another positive aspect is that a gap year can allow
many young people to make better decisions on what
subject they should study at university. By going
travelling or working, young people can understand
their strengths and weaknesses better, which may
enable them to choose the most suitable subject or
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is

beneficial to some extent. One obvious benefit of taking
a gap year is that it can improve young people’s personal
What linking
words does the development. In other words, these people can have the
writer use? chance to learn more about themselves when meeting
new people with different perspectives. As a result, they
can become more open-minded and confident than those
who go straight to university. Another positive aspect is
that a gap year can allow many young people to make
better decisions on what subject they should study at
university. In more detail, by going travelling or working,
young people can understand their strengths and
weaknesses better, which may enable them to choose the
most suitable subject or school.
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is beneficial

to some extent. One obvious benefit of taking a gap year is
Does the
that it can improve young people’s personal development.
writer use
hedging? In other words, these people can have the chance to learn
Where? more about themselves when meeting new people with
How often? different perspectives. As a result, they can become more
open-minded and confident than those who go straight to
university. Another positive aspect is that a gap year can
allow many young people to make better decisions on what
subject they should study at university. In more detail, by
going travelling or working, young people can understand
their strengths and weaknesses better, which may enable
them to choose the most suitable subject or school.
Question 1: In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is

Does the
writer always beneficial to some extent. One obvious benefit of taking a
give examples gap year is that it can improve young people’s personal
to support his development. In other words, these people can have the
idea? chance to learn more about themselves when meeting new
people with different perspectives. As a result, they can
become more open-minded and confident than those who
go straight to university. Another positive aspect is that a
gap year can allow many young people to make better
decisions on what subject they should study at university. In
more detail, by going travelling or working, young people
can understand their strengths and weaknesses better,
which may enable them to choose the most suitable subject
or school.
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

1. Brainstorm ideas
2. Select ideas (combine/ eliminate)
3. Develop selected ideas in detail
4. Write a full paragraph
5. Checking & Editing
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 1: Brainstorm ideas

Get used to working and travelling

Delay your career by a year
and cannot return to study

Feel left out compared to

your friends Face financial problems

Have difficulties in readapt to Forget academic knowledge

life in education
Lose one year of experience
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 2: Select ideas (combine/ eliminate)

Delay your career by a year Get used to working and travelling

and cannot return to study

Feel left out compared to Face financial problems

your friends

Forget academic knowledge

Have difficulties in readapt to
life in education Lose one year of experience
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 2: Select ideas (combine/ eliminate)

Study Future career

Have difficulties in readapt to life Delay your career by a year
in education
Lose one year of experience
Get used to working and travelling
and cannot return to study
Forget academic knowledge
Friends/ Peers
Money Feel left out compared to your friends
Face financial problems
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 3: Develop selected ideas in detail

Point Have difficulties in readapting to life in
Explain ❑ Get used to working and travelling 🡪
lose the desire to return to study
❑ Forget academic knowledge
Example -
Link Take students a long time to be familiar with
(So what) the learning environment again.
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 3: Develop selected ideas in detail

2 - Future career

Point Delay future career by a year

While their friends already start full-time work, these

Explain students are still completing their final year, which
means that they lose one year of work experience.
Example -
Link Those taking a gap year are one year behind their peers
(So what) when applying for job.
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 4: Write a full paragraph

On the other hand, there are 2 main drawback to consider. Firstly, students
have difficulties in readapting to life in education. This is because these
people get used to working and travelling, and lose the desire to return to
study. They also forget important academic knowledge during this period of
time. As a result, it can taking students a long time to be familiar with the
learning environment again. Another negative aspect is that a gap year can
delay students’ future career by a year. To be more specific, while their
friends have already started full-time work, they are still completing their
final year at university, which can leading to them losing one year of work
experience. Therefore, those taking a gap year are absolutely one year
behind their peers when applying for jobs.
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 5: Checking & Editing

On the other hand, there are 2 main drawback to consider. Firstly,

students have difficulties in readapting to life in education. This is
because these people get used to working and travelling, and lose the
desire to return to study. They also forget important academic
knowledge during this period of time. As a result, it can taking
students a long time to be familiar with the learning environment
again. Another negative aspect is that a gap year can delay students’
future career by a year. To be more specific, while their friends have
already started full-time work, they are still completing their final
year at university, which can leading to them losing one year of work
experience. Therefore, those taking a gap year are absolutely one
year behind their peers when applying for jobs.
Write body 2 to discuss the disadvantages of
taking a gap year (2 ideas/ 7 sentences)

Step 5: Checking & Editing

On the other hand, there are two main drawbacks to consider. Firstly,
students can have difficulties in readapting to life in education. This is
because these people tend to get used to working and travelling, and lose
the desire to return to study. They also forget important academic
knowledge during this period of time. As a result, it can take students a
long time to be familiar with the learning environment again. Another
negative aspect is that a gap year can delay students’ future career by a
year. To be more specific, while their friends have already started full-time
work, they are still completing their final year at university, which can lead
to them losing one year of work experience. Therefore, those taking a gap
year are more likely to be one year behind their peers when applying for
On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year is beneficial to some
Question 1: In some countries, extent. One obvious benefit of taking a gap year is that it can
young people are encouraged to improve young people’s personal development. In other words, these
work or travel for a year between people can have the chance to learn more about themselves when
finishing high school and starting meeting new people with different perspectives. As a result, they can
university studies. become more open-minded and confident than those who go straight
Discuss the advantages and to university. Another positive aspect is that a gap year can allow
disadvantages of this trend? many young people to make better decisions on what subject they
should study at university. In more detail, by going travelling or
working, young people can understand their strengths and weaknesses
better, which may enable them to choose the most suitable subject or

On the other hand, there are two main drawbacks to consider. Firstly,
students can have difficulties in readapting to life in education. This is
because these people tend to get used to working and travelling, and
lose the desire to return to study. They also forget important academic
knowledge during this period of time. As a result, it can take students
a long time to be familiar with the learning environment again.
Another negative aspect is that a gap year can delay students’ future
career by a year. To be more specific, while their friends have already
started full-time work, they are still completing their final year at
university, which can lead to them losing one year of work experience.
Therefore, those taking a gap year are more likely to be one year
behind their peers when applying for jobs.
Do the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages?
(+ your opinion)
On the one hand, the idea of living in an apartment is
Question: In my cities today, most
disadvantageous to some extent. Firstly, people may have a
people live in large apartment blocks.
smaller living space in an apartment. For example, in an
Do the advantages outweigh
apartment, the kitchen is usually combined with the living room,
the disadvantages? which is considered uncomfortable by many people. Another
problem is that people have to worry more about fire issues when
Which paragraph living in an apartment. To illustrate, if a person lives on the
twentieth floor, it can be more difficult for him to escape from a
is longer?
fire than living in a house. As a result, many people choose to live
in a house to reduce this safety issue.

On the other hand, the benefits are more obvious and convincing.
The first advantage is that an apartment tends to be cheaper than
a house. To be more specific, properties in big cities such as Hanoi
are often overpriced. It means that an average-income worker
may never be able to own a house. By contrast, an apartment is
significantly more affordable and many city people can have
greater opportunity to buy it. Another positive aspect is that
Why does the people are more likely to have a better view if they live in an
write choose apartment. For instance, many people living in a houses in Hanoi,
to write more an overcrowded city, complain that they do not have a view and
words in this the only thing they see out of their window is a brick wall. Clearly,
paragraph? living in a house may not give people the same experience as
living in apartment towers.
On the one hand, the idea of living in an apartment is
Question: In my cities today, most disadvantageous to some extent. Firstly, people may have a
people live in large apartment blocks. smaller living space in an apartment. For example, in an
Do the advantages outweigh apartment, the kitchen is usually combined with the living room,
the disadvantages? which is considered uncomfortable by many people. Another
problem is that people have to worry more about fire issues when
living in an apartment. To illustrate, if a person lives on the
twentieth floor, it can be more difficult for him to escape from a
Can you indicate fire than living in a house. As a result, many people choose to live
different ways of in a house to reduce this safety issue.
On the other hand, the benefits are more obvious and convincing.
The first advantage is that an apartment tends to be cheaper than
a house. To be more specific, properties in big cities such as Hanoi
are often overpriced. It means that an average-income worker may
never be able to own a house. By contrast, an apartment is
significantly more affordable and many city people can have
greater opportunity to buy it. Another positive aspect is that
people are more likely to have a better view if they live in an
apartment. For instance, many people living in a houses in Hanoi,
an overcrowded city, complain that they do not have a view and
the only thing they see out of their window is a brick wall. Clearly,
living in a house may not give people the same experience as living
in apartment towers.
On the one hand, the idea of living in an apartment is
Question: In my cities today, most disadvantageous to some extent. Firstly, people may have a
people live in large apartment blocks. smaller living space in an apartment. For example, in an
Do the advantages outweigh apartment, the kitchen is usually combined with the living room,
the disadvantages? which is considered uncomfortable by many people. Another
problem is that people have to worry more about fire issues when
living in an apartment. To illustrate, if a person lives on the
twentieth floor, it can be more difficult for him to escape from a
Can you follow fire than living in a house. As a result, many people choose to live
the ideas easily? in a house to reduce this safety issue.
Why/ why not?
On the other hand, the benefits are more obvious and convincing.
The first advantage is that an apartment tends to be cheaper than
a house. To be more specific, properties in big cities such as Hanoi
are often overpriced. It means that an average-income worker may
never be able to own a house. By contrast, an apartment is
significantly more affordable and many city people can have
greater opportunity to buy it. Another positive aspect is that
people are more likely to have a better view if they live in an
apartment. For instance, many people living in a houses in Hanoi,
an overcrowded city, complain that they do not have a view and
the only thing they see out of their window is a brick wall. Clearly,
living in a house may not give people the same experience as living
in apartment towers.
On the one hand, the idea of living in an apartment is
Question: In my cities today, most disadvantageous to some extent. Firstly, people may have a
people live in large apartment blocks. smaller living space in an apartment. For example, in an
Do the advantages outweigh apartment, the kitchen is usually combined with the living room,
the disadvantages? which is considered uncomfortable by many people. Another
problem is that people have to worry more about fire issues when
living in an apartment. To illustrate, if a person lives on the
twentieth floor, it can be more difficult for him to escape from a
fire than living in a house. As a result, many people choose to live
in a house to reduce this safety issue.

On the other hand, the benefits are more obvious and

convincing. The first advantage is that an apartment tends to be
cheaper than a house. To be more specific, properties in big cities
such as Hanoi are often overpriced. It means that an
average-income worker may never be able to own a house. By
contrast, an apartment is significantly more affordable and many
city people can have greater opportunity to buy it. Another
positive aspect is that people are more likely to have a better view
if they live in an apartment. For instance, many people living in a
houses in Hanoi, an overcrowded city, complain that they do not
have a view and the only thing they see out of their window is a
brick wall. Clearly, living in a house may not give people the same
experience as living in apartment towers.
Paragraph Structure A (NO OPINION) Structure B (+ OPINION)

1- Introduce the topic 1- Introduce the topic

2- Write a thesis statement 2- State the benefits are more significant

2 Advantages (7 sentences) Weaker - Disadvantages (5-6 sentences)

• On the one hand, the idea of … is • On the one hand, the idea of … is
Body 1 favorable to some extent. disadvantageous to some extent.
• One benefit of this is that …. • Firstly, ….
• Another positive aspect is that …. • Another negative aspect is that ….

2 Disadvantages (7 sentences) Stronger - Advantages (7-8 sentences)

• On the other hand, there are two • On the other hand, the advantages are
Body 2 drawbacks to consider. more obvious and convincing.
• Firstly, …. • One benefit of … is that …
• Another negative aspect is that … • Another positive aspect is that …

Conclusion Summarize what you have discussed Summarize what you have discussed
Useful vocabulary

Advantages Disadvantages
● advantageous ● disadvantageous
“the idea of … is + adj + to some ● favorable ● unfavorable
extent.” ● beneficial ● detrimental

Advantages Disadvantages

NOUNS ● positive aspects ● negative aspects

● benefits ● drawbacks
Write TWO paragraphs (Body 1 + Body 2)
for the following question:

Question: Computers are becoming an essential part of education.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

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