Detailed Lesson Plan (SHS)
Detailed Lesson Plan (SHS)
Detailed Lesson Plan (SHS)
• Reference:
Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School Learner’s Material
• Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
• Values Integration: Makatao
1. Greetings
The teacher will greet the students The students will be exchanging greetings with
and ask how did their day go so far. the teacher.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity:
In a ¼ sheet of paper, write a quotation or adage The students will write their quotation and after
that has inspired you through the years. After 5 minutes they will deliver it in front of the class.
writing your inspiring line, fold the paper and drop
it in the box in front. Once all the sheets of paper
have been collected, the teacher will pass around
the box and this time, pick a piece of paper but
make sure to not get your own paper. You are
given 5 minutes to memorize the quotation and
plan for appropriate facial expression and
gestures. After the given time, students will be
called randomly and deliver the line in front of the
class, without the copy and with the appropriate
non-verbal cues.
2. Analysis:
After the activity, the teacher will ask what The students will deliver the lines in front without
will be the topic of their discussion. the copy and proper facial expression and
3. Abstraction
After asking, the teacher will now start the During the abstraction and discussion part, the
discussion of the topic through PowerPoint learners will be:
presentation. • Asked to read the presentation
• Give their ideas, thoughts, and
• What is Memorized Speech? • Cite some examples
• When should you memorize?
• Disadvantages of Memorized Speech
• Advantages of Memorized Speech
• TIPS in Memorizing a Speech
4. Application
The teacher will be handing out 2 stars to If time allows, sharing among students about
students. Students will sing the nursery song, their ideas, thoughts and new learning will have
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and once the singing multiple rounds.
is finished, the student who receives star no. 1 will
share his/her thoughts or idea about memorized
speech prior to the discussion of the lesson.
Meanwhile, the student who receives star no. 2
will give his/her new or additional ideas that
they’ve learned from the lesson.
Instruction: Identify if the following are good or bad topics for a memorized speech. Write G for good
and B for bad. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
Noted by:
HUMSS Coordinator