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The ultimate chocolate entremet. Chocolate sable topped with a hazelnut
praline cream, walnut and ginger caramel and layers of dark chocolate
mousse interspersed with milk chocolate cremeux and chocolate sponge
cake. Finished with a super shiny chocolate glaze and brushed chocolate
flower garnish.



180 MINS





110g (3.88oz) unsalted butter In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attach-
55g (1.94oz) pure icing (confectioner’s) sugar, ment, mix the butter, sieved icing sugar and cocoa powder
sieved on low speed until smooth. Add in the eggs, salt and va-
17g (0.6oz) Callebaut Cocoa Powder nilla bean paste and continue to mix. Meanwhile, combine
44g (1.55oz) whole eggs the flour, baking powder and almond meal in a bowl. Add
1g (0.04oz) salt the dry ingredients into the butter mixture and mix until it
5g (0.18oz) Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste just comes together as a dough. Press the dough into an
180g (6.35oz) plain (all-purpose) flour even, flat square and wrap in plastic wrap. Place into the
3.5g (0.12oz) baking powder
refrigerator for 1 hour.
20g (0.71oz) almond meal (ground almond)
plain (all-purpose) flour, for dusting
Heat the oven to 170˚C (338˚F), fan forced. Lightly dust
EQUIPMENT the workbench with flour. Working with half the dough at
a time, roll to approximately 2mm in thickness and use a
stand mixer 170mm ring to cut out the pastry discs. Place the pastry
spatula discs onto a Silpain lined baking tray and cover with anoth-
rolling pin
er Silpain mat. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 5 minutes,
170mm ring
until the dough is partially baked.
aluminium baking tray
2 Silpain Baking Mats

Recipe from SAVOUR ONLINE CLASSES | savourschool.com.au

Copyright ©2020 Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School. All rights reserved.

125g (4.41oz) Callebaut Hazelnut Praline Paste While the chocolate sable is baking, place the hazelnut pra-
50% line paste into a bowl and gradually add the cream, mixing to
50g (1.76oz) fresh cream 35% fat combine after each addition. Add in the egg yolks and mix to
38g (1.34oz) egg yolks incorporate. Grease and line a 160mm ring with baking paper
and place it on top of the partially baked sable disc. Pour the
EQUIPMENT praline cream into the ring so that it is 5mm in height. Return to
the pre-heated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes before allowing
spatula to cool completely.
160mm ring



40g (1.41oz) Callebaut 823 Milk Couverture Place the chocolate into a large bowl and set aside. In a sauce-
33.6% pan, place the cream, glucose and honey, bring to the boil and
70g (2.47oz) fresh cream 35% fat then set aside until required. In a separate saucepan, heat the
20g (0.71oz) liquid glucose sugar until completely dissolved and caramelised. Remove from
12g (0.42oz) honey the heat, add in the boiled cream and salt and mix to combine.
62g (2.19oz) caster (superfine) sugar Once the bubbles dissipate, pour the caramel over the milk
2g (0.07oz) salt chocolate and whisk until the chocolate has completely melted.
62g (2.19oz) lightly roasted walnuts, roughly Add in the chopped walnuts and ginger, mix to combine. Spread
chopped half of the caramel evenly over the praline cream layer of each
50g (1.76oz) candied ginger, chopped entremet. Place into the freezer.





224g (7.90oz) Callebaut Power 41 Milk Couver- Place the milk chocolate and cocoa butter into a bowl and set
ture 41% aside. Heat the cream in a saucepan until it comes to the boil.
32g (1.13oz) Callebaut Mycryo Cocoa Butter Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk together the sugar and
208g (7.34oz) fresh cream 35% fat egg yolks. Pour the boiled cream over the egg yolk mixture
16g (0.56oz) caster (superfine) sugar while whisking to combine. Transfer the mixture back into the
48g (1.70oz) egg yolks saucepan and place over medium heat, stirring continuously,
until it reaches 80˚C (176˚F). Strain the mixture through a sieve
EQUIPMENT over the bowl of chocolate and whisk until the chocolate has
completely melted and combined. Transfer the mixture into a jug
spatula and pour evenly into 4 of the Flexipan disc inserts. Place into
whisk the freezer for a minimum of 6 hours.
FP0018 Flexipan Baking Mat 166mm D

Recipe from SAVOUR ONLINE CLASSES | savourschool.com.au

Copyright ©2020 Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School. All rights reserved.

90g (3.17oz) Callebaut Cocoa Mass 100% Melt the cocoa mass and butter in the microwave or over a Bain
90g (3.17oz) unsalted butter Marie, mix to combine and set aside. In the bowl of a stand
390g (13.76oz) almond paste 60% (Marzipan) mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the almond paste
120g (4.23oz) caster (superfine) sugar (A) and sugar (A) on low speed until combined. Meanwhile, place
190g (6.7oz) egg yolks the egg yolks and whole eggs into a bowl and break them up
135g (4.76oz) whole eggs using a spoon. Gradually add the eggs to the almond mixture
230g (8.11oz) egg whites while continuing to mix, ensuring that the egg has completely
3g (0.11oz) cream of tartar incorporated after each addition. Change the paddle to a whisk
120g (4.23oz) caster (superfine) sugar (B) attachment and whisk the mixture on high speed until it becomes
90g (3.17oz) plain (all-purpose) flour light and aerated, approximately 5 minutes. Transfer the mixture
45g (1.59oz) Callebaut Cocoa Powder into a bowl and set aside. Heat the oven to 170˚C (338˚F), fan
forced. Ensure the whisk attachment and bowl of the stand mixer
EQUIPMENT have been cleaned thoroughly before adding the egg whites,
cream of tartar and sugar (B) and begin to whip on low speed.
spatula Gradually increase the speed of the mixer until the meringue
stand mixer reaches a medium peak. Fold the meringue through the almond
sieve mixture. Sieve in the flour and cocoa powder and gently fold
disposable piping bag through. Lastly, fold through the melted butter and chocolate.
12mm plain piping tube Once combined, transfer the mixture into a piping bag fitted
FP0018 Flexipan Baking Mat 166mm D with a 12mm plain piping tube and pipe into the Flexipan disc
inserts. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 8-10 minutes, until the
top bounces back when gently pressed. Allow to cool at room
temperature before placing into the freezer.



30°β SYRUP To create the 30°β syrup, place the water and sugar in a
100g (3.53oz) water saucepan over medium heat and bring to the boil until the sugar
135g (4.76oz) caster (superfine) sugar has completely dissolve.

280g (9.88oz) Callebaut Madagascar Couver- The Dark Chocolate Mousse recipe only requires 130g (4.60oz)
ture 66% of the 30°β syrup. Any remaining syrup can be stored in the
130g (4.60oz) sugar syrup 30°β refrigerator for up to 6 weeks.
75g (2.65oz) egg yolk
600g (1.32lb) fresh cream 35% fat, semi- Melt the chocolate in the microwave, heating it to approximately
whipped 60°C (140°F). To create a bombe paste, whisk the 30°β syrup
and egg yolks over a Bain Marie until it reaches 75-80°C (167-
EQUIPMENT 176°F) and then remove from the heat. Mix a small amount of
the semi-whipped cream into the melted chocolate to bring the
spatula chocolate to a similar consistency as the bombe paste. Add
whisk the bombe paste into the chocolate and gently fold through
thermometer until completely combined. Working quickly, fold the chocolate
mixture through the remaining semi-whipped cream. Immediately
assemble the entremet.

Recipe from SAVOUR ONLINE CLASSES | savourschool.com.au

Copyright ©2020 Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School. All rights reserved.

disposable piping bag Transfer the mousse into a disposable piping bag. Pipe a
Universo1200 Silicon Mould generous amount of mousse into the base of the silicon mould
medium angled palette knife and use a spoon to push the mousse up the sides of the mould.
Place a chocolate cake disc into the mould and gently press
down into the mousse. Pipe a thin layer of mousse on top of
the cake before placing in a chocolate cremeux disc. Pipe a ring
of mousse around the cremeux disc and a thin layer on top.
Gently press the sable, praline, caramel base into the mousse,
ensuring the sable disc is level with the top of the mould. Use
an angled palette knife to remove any excess mousse. Place into
the freezer for 24 hours before unmoulding.


14g (0.49oz) gold gelatine sheets  Place the gelatine sheets into a bowl of cold water, set aside
335g (11.82oz) fresh cream 35% fat until required. In a saucepan, place the cream, sugar, water and
400g (14.11oz) caster (superfine) sugar glucose. Mix to combine and bring to the boil. Add in the cocoa
90g (3.17oz) water powder and neutral glaze. Bring back to the boil while whisking.
30g (1.06oz) liquid glucose, warmed Transfer the glaze into a jug and allow to come to 80˚C (176˚F).
100g (3.53oz) Callebaut Cocoa Powder Add the pre-soaked gelatine to the glaze and use a stick blender
100g (3.53oz) neutral glaze to emulsify. Allow to cool to 28˚C (82.4˚F). Re-emulsify the
glaze with the stick blender to bring the temperature back up to
Brushed Chocolate Flower garnish 31˚C (88˚F). Elevate the frozen entremet on a smaller metal ring
over a tray with sides. Pour the glaze over the entremets and
EQUIPMENT use a palette knife to remove any excess glaze from the top.
Using a sharp knife, trim the excess glaze from the bottom and
spatula place onto a serving plate. Prior to serving, top with the Brushed
whisk Chocolate Flower garnish ( see our online video for instruc-
thermometer tions).
stick blender
metal ring
tray with sides  SUBSTITUTE
large flat palette knife
paring knife 14g (0.49oz) gold gelatine sheets {for}
7 individual gold gelatine sheets {for}
84g (2.96oz) gelatine solution

Recipe from SAVOUR ONLINE CLASSES | savourschool.com.au

Copyright ©2020 Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School. All rights reserved.

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