لغة 7
لغة 7
لغة 7
Scientific Research
University of Karbala
College of Education
English of Department
Prepared by:
Fatima Hassan Al-Maliki
Supervised by:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussain Al-Nasrawi
Structuralism (European)
The scientific study of language did not begin in the18 century; but the years around
1900 happen to have marked an important turning-point in the history of modern
linguistics. Roughly that time independently in Europe and America, linguistics
shifted its orientation in such a way that much nineteenth century work in the subject
Ferdinand de Saussure tentatively suggested that language be seen as a game of
chess, where the history of past moves is irrelevant to the players. Saussure's
suggestion was very notional: his ideas were put together by students from lecture
notes and published posthumously in 1915. But they did prove immensely fruitful,
even in such concepts as langue (the whole language which no one speaker entirely
masters) and parole (an individual's use of language).
The re-orientation that occurred about then was a shift from the “historical
linguistics” or diachronic linguistics or philology that dominated the 19ths century
linguistic research that sought to uncover the relationship among languages for which
families of extant languages descend towards what became known as synchronic
linguistics or the analysis of languages as communicative systems as they exist at a
given point of time. (Sampson, 1980, p. 13).
Three important points concerning the ideas of prague school : first, it was stressed
that the synchronic study of language is fully justified. Second, there was an emphasis
on the systemic character of language. Elements are held to be in functional contrast
or opposition. Third, language was looked on as functional in another sense,that is as
a tool performing a number of essential functions or tasks for the community using it.
Prominent members:
Vilém Mathesius
Roman Jakobson
Nikolai Trubetzkoy
René Wellek
Jan Mukařovský
(ii) gradual oppositions in which the members differ in possessing different
degrees of some gradient property (e.g. / i / ~ / e / ~ / a e / , with respect to
the property of vowel aperture). and
(iii) equipollent oppositions, in which each member has a distinguishing mark
lacking in the others (e.g. / p / ~ / t / ~ / k / ) .
Trubetzkoy's 'archiphoneme' idea is useful in dissolving pseudoproblems. For
instance, in English also the / t / ~ / d / opposition is neutralized, after / s / (there is no
contrast between e.g. still and *sdill); but the sound which occurs in the environment
of neutralization is identical to neither member of the opposition (the sound written t
in still is unaspirated like / d /, though it is voiceless like / t /.
limp |lɪNp|
lint |lɪNt|
link |lɪNk|
5.The Theory of Markedness:
The notion of markedness was first developed in Prague school phonology but was
subsequently extended to morphology and syntax, semantics...etc. A marked form is a
non-basic or less natural form and an unmarked form is a basic or a default form.
Markedness in Phonology:
When two phonemes are distinguished by the presence or absence of a single
distinctive feature, one of them is said to be marked and the other unmarked for the
feature in question. e.g. /b/ is marked and /p/ unmarked with respect to voicing.
Markedness in Morphology:
The regular English verb can be said to be marked for past tense (by the suffixation
of -ed) but to be unmarked in the present. e.g. jumped (the marked form) versus jump
(the unmarked form).
Markedness in Vocabulary:
In vocabulary the sense of markedness is more abstract, which is independent of the
presence or absence of an overt feature or affix. For example:
Lion is the unmarked choice in English.
Lioness is marked.
Brotherhood is unmarked.
Sisterhood is marked.
B.Universal Grammar
Universal grammar (UG) is the theory of the genetic component of the language
faculty, usually credited to Noam Chomsky. The basic postulate of UG is that a
certain set of structural rules are innate to humans, independent of sensory
experience. Chomsky and other generativists have argued that many of the properties
of a generative grammar arise from a universal grammar that is innate to the human
brain, rather than being learned from the environment. This means that the child is
born with a biological predisposition to learn language. There are rules of language
that all humans are born with, they are internal, not imitated. Despite superficial
differences, all human languages share a fundamental structure. This structure is a
universal grammar. We have an innate ability to apply this universal grammar to
whatever language we are faced with at birth.
However, the Universal Grammar has been criticized, as some linguists have
argued languages are so diverse that such universality is rare. It is a matter of
empirical investigation to determine precisely what properties are universal and what
linguistic capacities are innate.
Chomsky's theory
The goals of this theory are to describe language as a property of the human mind.
Chomsky has said of this property: “Universal Grammar (UG) is the system of
principles, conditions, and rules that are elements or properties of all human
languages …” . All human beings share part of their knowledge of language; no
matter which language they speak. UG is their common inheritance. IT is the
description of their genetic endowment, i.e. their language. UG is concerned with the
internal structure of the human mind. According to UG theory the speaker (of any
language) knows a set of principles that apply to all languages.
Despite the traditional linguistics which made vague suggestion about properties of
the mind, UG attempts to offer precise statements based on specific evidence. Each
principle of language that is offered is a claim about the mind of the speaker and the
nature of language acquisition. UG tries to integrate grammar, mind and language
C.Copenhagen School
Copenhagen School A group of linguists who constituted the Copenhagen Linguistic
Circle in the mid-1930s, and who developed an approach to linguistics known as
glossematics. Largely through the work of their main theoretician, Louis Hjelmslev
(1899–1965), the school developed a philosophical and logical basis for linguistic
theory which was not to be surpassed until the formalization introduced by generative
.grammar ( Crystals(2008).)
of the linguistic sign and thereby extended his study of the sign further than language
as such.
The principal ideas of the school are:
A language consists of content and expression.1 .
A language consists of a succession and a system.2 .
Content and expression are interconnected by commutation.3 .
4. There are certain relations in the succession and the system
5. There are no one-to-one correspondents between content and expression, but the
signs may be divided into smaller components.
Even more than Saussure, the Copenhagen School is interested in the langue rather
than parole. It represented in a pure form the idea that language is a form and not a
substance. It studied the relational system within the language on a higher level of
abstraction (NET2).
To sum up:
- Their main Inspiration was the Prague Linguistic Circle, which had been founded in
- It was, in the first place, a forum for discussion of theoretical and methodological
problems in linguistics
3-Membership of the group grew rapidly and a significant list of publications resulted,
including an irregular series of larger works under the name Travaux du Cercle
Linguistique de Copenhague.
- Initially, their interest lay mainly in developing an alternative concept of the
phoneme, but it later developed into a complete theory which was coined
glossematics, and was notably influenced by structuralism( NET3).
D.Generative Phonology
GP is an approach of generative linguistics whose aim is to establish a set of rules,
principles or constraints efficient to produce the surface phonetic forms of a language
and to model the internalized linguistic knowledge of native speakers (Chapman and
Routlege, 2009:77). It was a central idea in linguistic research throughout the 1960s
and although it has undergone reforms and changes in subsequent decades, it
continues to be the dominant framework for many developments in phonological
theory (ibid.). It is a component of generative grammar that "assigns the correct
phonetic representations to utterances in such a way as to reflect a native speaker's
internalized grammar" .
This school of phonology was founded by N. Chomsky and M. Halle near the end
of the 1950s. It is built on N. S. Trubetzkoy's idea of phonemic opposition and R.
Jakobson's work on distinctive features. It draws on the general aspiration of
generative grammar to specify a set of rules capable of producing all and only the
surface forms of a natural language, focusing on its speech sounds.
In SP, three levels of representation are recognized: (1) allophonic or phonetic, (2)
phonemic, and (3) morphophonemic (ibid.). The allophonic or phonetic level offers a
more or less accurate transcription of the actual speech event [Kæ?ts] (cats). At the
phonemic level, only contrasting speech sounds are represented /kæts/. At the
morphophonemic level, every morpheme has a unique representation //kæt-p//,
where //p// is a morphophoneme that abstracts over the plural allomorphs /-s/, /-z/, /-
were typically dealing with languages that had plenty of speakers and which faced the
task of evolving into efficient vehicles of communication for modern civilizations.
The London school of linguistics is involved with the study of language on the
descriptive plane (synchrony), the distinction of structural (syntagmatics) and
systemic (paradigmatics) concepts, and the social aspects of language. In the
forefront of it is semantics. The school’s primary contribution to linguistics has been
the situational theory of meaning in semantics (the dependence of the meaning of a
linguistic unit on its use in a standard context by a definite person.
In this school, emphasis has been put on phonetics. Phonetic study in the
modern sense was pioneered by Henry Sweet who based his historical studies on a
detailed understanding of the workings of the vocal organs. Sweet's phonetics was
practical as well as academic; he was concerned with systematizing phonetic
transcription in connection with problems of language-teaching and of spelling. His
general approach of phonetics was continued by Daniel Johns who invented the
system of cardinal reference-points which made transcription possible in case of
The man who turned linguistics proper into a recognized distinct academic
subject in Britain was H.R. Firth. Until quite recently, the majority of university
teachers of linguistics in Britain were people who had trained under Firth's
sponsorship and whose work reflected his ideas.
Firth's own theorizing concerned mainly phonology and semantics. The main
characteristics that distinguish Firthian phonology from phonemic phonology are: (1)
the polysystemic approach and (2) the prosodies being the principal elements of
phonological representation. This implies the consideration of the phenomena
accruing to a sound: the number and nature of syllables, the character of sound
sequences, morpheme boundaries, stress, and so on. The distinctive function is
considered to be the primary function of a phoneme.
For Firth, a phonology was a structure of systems of choices, and systems of
choices were systems of meaning. Similarly, practitioners of London School
introduced grammatical considerations into their phonological analysis such as
devoting a good deal of attention to intonation, which an area of phonology for which
the claim of direct phonological\semantic correlation is more tenable.
Malinowski, another linguist in London School, has his own view of language
that exceeds being means of transfusing ideas from the head of speaker to that of the
listener. For him, words are tools, and the 'meaning' of a tool is its use. He coined the
term phatic communion whose function in speech is to create or maintain sentiment
between speakers. English examples of this are 'How do you do?' and 'Nice day
today.' Such expressions or phrases, for him, are empty ones, as they represent aspects
of 'telling' rather than 'doing'. Also, he stressed the existence of utterances which
Austin later on called 'performatives'.
'Context of situation' is the notion that Malinowski and Firth use to clarify their
idea of meaning . Utterances become comprehensible only in the context of the whole
life of which they form part. Lyons exposes this notion as acceptability or
Another field of linguistics being considered in London School is syntax. Syntax
has been carried out by Halliday. In this school, a syntactic analysis is called
'systemic grammar'. A 'system' in Firthian terms is a set of options that one makes in
deciding to utter one particular sentence out of the infinite sentences one's language
makes available. In systemic grammar, the central component is a chart of the full set
of choices available in constructing a sentence, with a specification of the
relationships between choices. The London School is more interested in stating the
range of options open to the speaker than in specifying how any particular set of
choices is realized as a sequence of words. In addition, it aims at providing a
taxonomy for sentences in which they are descriptively classified.
At the end, there are two problems concerning systemic theory; one is related to
Firth and the other is to Halliday. First, Firth claims that phonological choices have
direct semantic correlates. However, A phonological system provides a set of choices
which is not even isomorphic to the system of alternative messages that humans want
to exchange; therefore, most relationships between sound and meaning are indirect.
Second, Halliday introduces into syntax the notion 'rank'. 'Rank' refers to a scale of
sizes of grammatical units: the lowest-ranking unit is morpheme, the highest-ranking
is the sentence, and for any given language there will be a fixed number of
intermediate ranks. This in fact appears as a new unexpected universal of syntactic
structure: but London School is not in general interested in linguistic universals. Thus,
Mathews argues that this notion is empty or false.
Chomsky, N. and Halle, M. (1968). The Sound pattern of English. New York:
Harper and Row.
Clements, G and Hume, E. (1995). The internal organization of speech
sounds. In Goldsmith (1995), 245–306.
Cléments, G., and Keyser, S. (1983). CV Phonology: A Generative Theory of
the Syllable. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Coleman, J. (1995). ''Declarative lexical phonology''. In J. Durand and F.
Katamba, (eds.)
Crystal, D. (2003). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics.
London:Blackwell Publishing.
NET1 : https://lingvistkredsen.ku.dk/english/about/. Retrieved at 15-11-2019
NET2 : https://enacademic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/11070476. Retrieved at 15-11-
NET3: https://www.slideshare.net/JohanaFollowill/tema-2-the-copenhagen-
school. Retrieved at 15-11-2019
Sampson< G. (1980). Schools of Linguistics: Competition and Evolution.
London: Hutchinson.