03 Activity 1 - ARG Bathan
03 Activity 1 - ARG Bathan
03 Activity 1 - ARG Bathan
03 Activity 1 – ARG
For this activity, you will be creating a collage depicting the environmental problems (air, water, land)
the country is experiencing right now. It will be made from various materials that were preassigned by
your instructor (use 1/8 illustration board and any recycled materials (e.g. magazine, eggshell, textiles,
etc.). You are also encouraged to reuse any used materials to minimize the consumption of resources.
Your final output must be neat, presentable, and striking to the viewers.
1.Personality/ies in charge for the promulgation of the policy and the reason for its creation;
Air pollution has a lot of disadvantages to the economy. In the drawing that I made I have
emphasized the water with a fish on it. Water pollution is very rampant especially here in the Philippines
as a lot of sea areas here in our country were being seen in news with trashes floating in it. The bad
smells coming from the trashes that were thrown by our co Filipinos becomes a hindrance to a
supposedly fresh and clean water. Instead of being able to enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the sea and
some other bodies of water we tend to avoid it as it gives irritation to a lot.
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, Republic Act No. 9275 is a law that aims to protect the
country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based sources.It provides for a comprehensive and
integrated strategy to prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory
approach involving all the stakeholders. As different laws for the environment were being created and
we're given focus at are cooperation with it is something that the world needs. We are responsible of
taking care of our own country's wealth. As I have emphasized the beauty of water with sea creatures
on it. I wanna tell how my art wants to convey that human are not the only one suffering from water
pollution. There are a lot of innocent sea animals that becomes endangered because of the things we do
without thinking of it's negative effects. Sea creatures has also life and as humans who have the
knowledge of things to do to make their life longer and peaceful we should also help hands to save
them. As sea creatures also helps us in a lot of things we should also do our thing.
There a lot of things we can't avoid that triggers to losing lives. But there are also things we can
do to make creatures live life that suits them. As water pollution affects our country's economy as
deteriorating water quality is stalling economic growth, worsening health conditions, reducing food
production, and exacerbating poverty in our country. We should all help hands and avoid things that can
cause water pollution. We should all be responsible of our own trashes and start within ourself the
change for a better and clean environment. Things are not yet to late, you are the change the world is
waiting for.