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. Aug. 9, 1966 A. H.

DAYEM ET AL 13,265,988
Filed Aug. 13, 1963 2 sheets-Sheet

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Aug. 9, 1966 A. H. DAYEM ET AL 3,265,988
Filed Aug. 13, 1963 e Sheets-Sheet g
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United States Patent (Office 3,265,988
Patented August 9, 1966

3,265,988 ment of a Superconducting film duodiode in accordance
Aly H. Dayem, Bernards Township, Somerset County, 1, FIG. showing
2 is a close-up view of the embodiment of FIG.
the cross-over region of the metallic strips;
and Ping K. Tien, Chatham Township, Morris County,
N.J., assignors to Bell Telephone Laboratories, incor 5 FIG. 3 is an energy level diagram for a superconduct
porated, New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York ing film dudiode in accordance with the invention; and
Filed Aug. 13, 1963, Ser. No. 301,715 FIG. 4 shows an illustrative embodiment of a maser
5 Claims. (Cl. 331-94) using a superconducting film duodiode. .
Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a muiltilayer,
This invention relates to electromagnetic wave devices conducting film duodiode, for use as a maser in accord super
and, more particularly, to masers which employ super 0 ance with the invention, comprising insulated supercon
conducting films to establish the population inversion ducting film strips 11, 12 and 13. The strips are disposed
necessary for stimulated emission. '. So as to cross one another at a common intersection. A.
It is known that electrons will tunnel through a metal
oxide barrier between a metal and a Superconductor, The device is fabricated by depositing the strips upon a
dielectric substrate 10 in sequence. The techniques and
M(etal), B(arrier) S(uperconductor), or between two su processes employed are the same as those employed in the
perconductors S(uperconductor) 1B (arrier) S(upercon fabrication of superconducting diodes.
ductor)2. The properties of such devices and explana- . . Typically, the surface of each strip is oxidized before
tions of their behavior have been recently reported in the the next strip is deposited, thus providing the necessary
literature by numerous workers in the field. (See, for 20
example, “Study of Superconductors by Electron Tunnel Ainsulation between adjacent strips in the common region
in which the strips cross. Biasing means 14 and 15 are
ing" by I. Graever and K. Mergerle, Physical Review, connected at one or both ends of the strips.
May 15, 1961, page 1101, and "Quantum Interaction of Basically, the construction of the multilayer film duo
Microwave Radiation With Tunneling Between Supercon diode is the same as the construction of a simple super
ductors' by A. H. Dayem and R. J. Martin, Physical Re 2 5 conducting film diode with the addition of a second in
view Letters, March 15, 1962, pages 246 to 248.) It has sulating layer and a third superconducting strip. The
also been suggested to use such devices for the quantum construction of superconducting film diodes has been ex
detection of microwave and sub-millimeter-wave radia tensively described in the literature. (See, for example,
tion in a manner which is analogous to the detection of "Multiphoton Process Observed in the Interaction of
visible and near infrared radiation by p-n junctions in 30 Microwave Fields and the Tunneling Between Supercon
semiconductors ("Superconductors as Quantum Detec ductor Films," by P. K. Tien and J. P. Gordon, published.
tors for Microwave Sub-Millimeter-Wave Radiation' by
E. Burstein, D. N. Langenberg and B. N. Taylor, Physical in The Physical Review, vol. 129, No. 2, pages 647 to 651,
January 15, 1963; "Direct Measurement of the Supercon
Review Letters, February 1, 1961, pages 92 to 94). ducting Energy Gap," by James Nicol, Sidney Shapiro
It is an object of this invention to induce stimulated and Paul H. Smith, Physical Review Letters, November
emission of radiation using superconducting film diodes. 15, 1960.) However, it is recognized that other methods
In accordance with the invention, stimulated emission of construction can be used without adversely affecting
of radiation is effected by means of a composite structure the operation of the device.
of two superconducting film diodes which share a com FIG. 2 is a close-up view of the device, showing the
mon element. More specifically, the device comprises 40 portion
three superconducting films, isolated from each other by the sameofidentification
the films in the cross-over region A. Using
numerals as in FIG. 1, there is
means of a pair of insulating regions. The result is a
multilayer, duodiode structure comprising a first, outer the second, inner film 12, 11,
shown the first, outer film
a first insulating region 6,
second insulating region 17
superconducting film, an insulating region, a second, inner and the third, outer film 13. ..
superconducting film, a second insulating region and a 45 Typically, the films are between 200 A. to 2000 A.
third, outer superconducting film, . thick and about 5 to 20 mils wide. These dimensions,
The films are electrically biased so that the inner film
is biased positively with respect to one of the outer films however,
are not critical. The insulating region, on the
hand, should be as thin as the technology permits
and negatively with respect to the other outer film. So since, as is well known, the tunneling current decreases
biased, electron tunneling is produced between the first 50 exponentially with insulator thickness. However, un
outer film and the inner film and between the inner film avoidable imperfection in very thin insulators set the
and the other outer film. The desired radiative process lower limit. A practical range of thicknesses lie between
occurs between electrons in the conduction band and 20 A. and 500 A.
vacant states in the valence band of the center film. 5 5 Biasing means 14 and 15 are provided for biasing the
The spontaneous emission produced in the above-de films relative to each other. In particular, as shown,
scribed device is greatly stimulated to produce a coherent the center film 12 is biased positively with respect to
output wave by operating in a. suitably tuned resonant outer film i? and negatively with respect to outer film 13.
structure. - A typical bias is about one volt. " . .. .
These and other objects and advantages, the nature of 60 The operation of the device is best explained with
reference to the energy level diagram shown in FIG. 3.
the present invention, and its various features, will appear Assuming,
more fully upon consideration of the various illustrative for purposes of discussion, that the films are
embodiments now to be described in detail in connection made of the same superconducting material, the energy
diagram for each film is the same. However, because
with the accompanying drawings, in which: of the biasing, the forbidden regions between the con
FIG. 1 shows, in perspective, an illustrative embodi duction and the valence bands for the three films are
3 4.
displaced relative to each other. Thus, in FIG. 3, the brought out of the bottom of the cavity and connect to
forbidden region of film 12 is displaced so that the energy the bias sources .44 and 45. At the other end of the
levels for the upper portion of the valence band of film cavity there is a coupling aperture 46 through which
11 and the lower portion of the conduction band of film stimulated electromagnetic energy . generated by the
12 overlap, resulting in electron tunneling through the duodiode maser is coupled to an output waveguide 47.
insulating region 16 from film 11 to 12 as indicated by Conventional tuning means, not shown, are employed
the wavy line 20. to tune the cavity to the frequency of the radiative energy
A similar situation exists with respect to films 12 and emitted by the recombining electrons and holes. Also
13 resulting in electron tunneling through the insulating not shown is the refrigeration equipment required to
region 17 as indicated by the wavy line 21. O maintain the metallic films in the superconducting state.
As a consequence of the tunneling action, an excess Such means are well known in the art.
of electrons is established in the conduction band of The superconducting maser described herein can be
film 12 and an excess of holes, or vacant states, is es (frequency or amplitude) modulated, if desired, by suit
tablished in the valence band of film 12. The desired ably varying one or more of the circuit parameters. For
radiative process occurs when these excess electrons and 5 example, since the width of the forbidden energy gap
holes in the center film recombine. This recombination varies as a function of temperature, varying the tempera
is accompanied by the radiation of energy at a frequency. ture of the Superconducting center film changes the fre
defined by the energy gap of the forbidden region. That quency of the recombination radiation. Accordingly,
is, - .. . means for changing the temperature of the duodiode are
20 provided in those situations requiring frequency modula
where tion of the maser.
f is the frequency
Amplitude modulation of the maser is achieved, as
shown in FIG. 4, by the inclusion of a modulator 48 in
his Planck's constant, and series with one of the bias. sources. Since the tunneling
AE is the energy gap of the forbidden region. 25 current is a function of the voltage between adjacent
Preferably, the bias applied between the films is as Superconducting films, changing the bias in this manner
large as possible, without causing, breakdown of the in provides a simple means for modulating the amplitude
sulating film, so as to expose as much of the valence of the output signal derived from the maser.
band of one film to the conduction band of the next ad 30
Thus, it is understood that the above-described ar
jacent film. A rangement is merely illustrative of but one of the many
Table I, given below, is a tabulation of the transition possible specific embodiments which can represent appli
temperatures, energy gaps, and the corresponding fre cations of the principles of the invention, Numerous
quencies and wavelengths, for several superconducting and varied other arrangements can readily be devised in
metals that can be used to generate wave energy in the accordance with these principles by those skilled in the
millimeter and sub-millimeter range, in the manner de art without departing from the spirit and scope of the
scribed. invention.
What is claimed is:
1. A maser comprising:
Transition Gap, ev. fin 109 c.1 40 a resonant cavity;
Metal Espere: 10-3 S2. Xinmini. a source of radiant energy for energizing said cavity;
said source comprising a multilayer structure includ
ing first, second and third conductively insulated
7, 193
1, 12
27 1.
5f Superconducting strips;
3. 408 .025 228 315 electrical biasing means for inducing electron tunnel
1, 9
3.85 ing from said first strip to said second strip and
0.855 0.257 62.3 4.8 from said second strip to said third strip;
0.52 O. 1565 37.8 7.5 and means for tuning said cavity to the frequency cor
responding to the forbidden energy gap of said sec
As is characteristic of masers, the emission is stimu ond superconducting strip.
lated to provide coherent wave energy by locating the 2. The combination according to claim 1 wherein said
device in a high Q cavity tuned to the frequency of emis strips are made of the same metal.
sion. The cavity can comprise a pair of near confocal 3. The combination according to claim 1 wherein said
mirrors, of the type useful in the laser art, or it can be a strips are made of at least two different metals.
type of cavity conventional to the microwave art. 55 4, The maser according to claim 1 including means
At the radiation frequency, the center Superconductor for changing the temperature of said superconducting
is slightly negatively conductive and the radiation is strips.
guided by the two out superconductors as in a strip trans 5. The maser according to claim 1 including means
mission line. Hence, the radiation is well guided and for modulating the electrical bias between said second
focused. Stimulated emission can, therefore, be induced 60 strip and one of said other strips.
by silvering the edges of the duodiode as is done in the
p-n injection diode. References Cited by the Examiner
FIG. 4, given for purposes of illustration, shows a UNITED STATES PATENTS
superconducting film maser using a resonant cavity of
the kind conventional in the microwave art. In this em 3,178,594 4/1965 Pollack ----------- 307-88.5
bodiment the substrate 40 containing the multifilm struc ROY LAKE, Primary Examiner.
ture 41 is placed near one end of a conductively bounded,
circular cylindrical cavity 42. Biasing leads 43 are D. R. HOSTETTER, Assistant Examiner.

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