Open Source Flood Mapping Tools - Qgis River Gis A
Open Source Flood Mapping Tools - Qgis River Gis A
Open Source Flood Mapping Tools - Qgis River Gis A
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UDC: 004.457'23.057.8:[528.932:627.512
Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography and Geology,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Science Research Department,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
submitted: 05.03.2019
accepted: 01.06.2019
published: 01.09.2019
Recently, the area of free and open source geospatial data and software has experienced a significant development
and progress. Since the start of geospatial open source “revolution” in the early 2000 (that began with QGIS
launching), a transition from commercial software to open source alternatives has been noticed among researchers,
professionals, local administrations, etc. This study focuses on using available open source solutions in order to obtain
useful information regarding the delineation of flood hazard and flood risk areas. QGIS, a free and open-source
geographic information system software was used for spatial data visualization, editing and analysis. River GIS is a
QGIS plugin that allows the creation of 1D or 2D geometric flow models using the QGIS environment. A 1D flow
model and HEC-RAS software was used to estimate the hydraulics of water flow, delineating the vulnerable areas.
Useful information about flood hazard and risk exposure was obtained, the methodology used proved efficient
considering the time, cost and the quality of the output. The results managed to capture and delimitate the flood prone
areas and the amount of social damages in term of affected persons. Taking into consideration the cost related issues,
this methodology can be applied easily by all the interested parties (local communities, local authorities, scientists,
responsible persons with flood mitigation) in the development of local, regional or national flood management plans.
“Open source” software is defined as software in examples of such community (
which the source code is available for modification Therefore, as a consequence, many of these
and redistribution by the general public [1]. Open applications concentrate on developing software for
Source Software (OSS) gained more and more geographic/spatial data management, storage,
credibility as a large number of initiatives regarding analysis and visualization [2, 6].
this topic emerged over the last two decades, One of the most important open source GIS
especially in the GIS market [2, 3]. Geospatial open application developed in the last two decades, is
source movement/revolution began as a reply QGIS, software that provides useful GIS tools in
against the numerous limitations imposed by the spatial analysis, geoprocessing, geometry, and data
commercial code (which is traditionally expensive management tasks [7]. It is one of the most popular
proprietary software) [4, 5]. In this way, many GIS open source GIS, offering reliable solutions for
application capabilities and functionalities were public and private sectors like, education, scientific
developed and distributed without any usage research institutions, non-profit organizations or
restriction, being guaranteed for free to the public small business [8, 9]. This study looks at QGIS and
use. Moreover this phenomenon, gather large HEC-RAS, both open source software and explores
communities of users which are working to develop their possibilities to delineate the flood hazard and
better computer software, leading to continuous risk over a given area of interest. This is possible
progresses and constant updates. The Open Source due to RiverGIS, a specially developed tool for
Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is one of the best creating HEC-RAS flow model geometry inputs in
Catalin Ioan Cimpianu, Alin Mihu-Pintilie
Open source flood mapping tools – Qgis, River Gis and Hec-Ras
QGIS environment. QGIS with RiverGIS is a different administrative purposes [12]. The created
freeware solution, widely used worldwide that can models (using RiverGIS and HEC-RAS) can
be perfectly integrated with HEC-RAS software in reproduce historic water surface elevations
order to obtain all the geometry parts of the river recorded during actual flood events [13] but also
system, as the main channel, cross-sections, can be used to develop different scenarios using
overbanks, flow paths, etc. [10]. hypothetical data for flood zoning maps [14]. This
One of the most used technique for channel flow paper attempts to highlight the performance of open
analysis and floodplain delineation is the usage of source software QGIS RiverGIS and HEC-RAS as
HEC-RAS software [11]. Floodplain studies make tools in the flood zoning map development
usage of hydraulic modeling in order to provide (development of flood hazard and flood risk maps).
water surface profiles and floodplain maps for
Figure 1. Methodological scheme on how the flood zoning maps were obtained.
QGIS provides a plugin mechanism [17], a Python Radosław Pasiok, Łukasz Dębek, Rafał Parda and
application program interface (API), which is used Karol Zieliński, acting for QGIS as HEC-GeoRAS
to expand its functionality. Since the introduction of acts for ArcGIS. It is an excellent alternative that
this plugin mechanism in QGIS 0.9 in 2007, many helps you create HEC-RAS flow models in a no
cost environment. It brings all the HEC-GeoRAS
tools were added by the developers using Python
components into the free/libre software world
plugins [18]. The distribution of a plugin is ( RiverGIS 1.0
performed using the QGIS official repository, version was installed using the Plugin Manager in
where the developers can upload their work. In this QGIS. PostgreSQL 9.4 version was installed along
way, the QGIS users can locate it (using QGIS with its PostGIS extender. PostGIS is an extension
plugin manager) and install it on their computer. All to the PostgreSQL object-relational database
the uploaded plugins fall under GNU General system which allows GIS (Geographic Information
Public License [19]. Systems) objects to be stored in the database [20].
For data management and tool computation, the This step was mandatory, as RiverGIS plugin needs
present study used the latest QGIS 3.4 Madeira a connection to a PostgreSQL database with spatial
version. RiverGIS is a QGIS plugin developed by extensions of PostGIS included
6-1, 2020, pp. 35-41
( All the necessary water flow proprieties were the same (as entered at
data created for the flow model computation were the upstream end of the river) and the time variable
stored in the PostGIS database previously created did not interfered changing this value [21] Figure 1.
(Stream Centerlines, XS Cut Lines, Bank Lines, The flow model and computations were based on a
etc.). 0.5 m resolution LiDAR Digital Elevation Model of
After the generation of the flow model geometry, an the study area. The model mapped the areas covered
export for future HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling with water taking into consideration the steady flow
steps was performed. HEC-RAS (Hydraulic data introduced (5 profiles). 5 flood zoning maps
Engineering Centre River Analysis System) is a were developed. The results were then viewed and
hydraulic software, developed by US Army Corps of exported in raster and vector format using the RAS
Engineers. It is a tool that can perform steady and Mapper tool available in HEC-RAS. The last step
unsteady flow simulations and obtain water surface consisted in the realization of the flood hazard maps
elevations within a specific area of interest [11]. For and risk assessment evaluation. A full
this study, a 1D steady flow model was used. This methodological schema regarding the steps
assumed that at each cross section established, the performed can be seen in Figure 1.
The study area is located in Iasi, Romania, one of the proximity to the Bahlui River and the high
largest urban area form the county, with a population population density, make these two neighborhoods
of almost 350000 inhabitants. For this practical vulnerable in the case of a flood event. The selection
example two of its biggest neighborhoods were was based also on the availability of LiDAR data of
selected – Alexandu and Dacia (Figure 2). The this region.
The results consisted in 5 hydraulic simulations which The identification of the risk assessment was realized
were based on 5 scenarios. Each scenario took into by intersecting the flood hazard extend map obtained
consideration a certain flow rate in the 1D steady flow in Scenario 2 with the buildings and addresses layer of
model used in HEC-RAS computations. Scenario 1 the neighborhoods (study area) (Figure 8). A number
(Figure 3) simulates the river flow in its official of 111 building were reported as affected by the flood
average flow rate (Q=4mc/s). This scenario was taken extend (proposed by Scenario 2 with an average
into consideration in order to validate the various Q=50mc/s) cumulating a number of over 10000
hypothetical scenarios proposed. The other scenarios individuals (in terms of affected persons). The
were based on various flow rates as: cartographical materials (flood hazard maps and flood
Scenario 2 – Q=50mc/s; Scenario 3 – Q=100mc/s; risk map) were realized using expressly QGIS
Scenario 4 – Q=300mc/s; Scenario 5 – Q=500mc/s. environment.
Catalin Ioan Cimpianu, Alin Mihu-Pintilie
Open source flood mapping tools – Qgis, River Gis and Hec-Ras
6-1, 2020, pp. 35-41
Figure 7: Flood risk map of the study area taking into consideration the Scenario 2.
Catalin Ioan Cimpianu, Alin Mihu-Pintilie
Open source flood mapping tools – Qgis, River Gis and Hec-Ras
Open source software, QGIS, RiverGIS plugin and step forward for local administrations, researchers,
HEC-RAS proved to be very efficient tools in the persons responsible with emergency situations
process of flood hazard and flood risk mapping. The which can use these free tools to a better
methodology proposed by this study can be easily management of flood hazard and risk. Developing
extrapolated and applied to any region scenarios (like the ones presented in this study) can
characterized by a reasonable Digital Elevation lead to a better planning in case of a flood event
Model availability. The future of open source GIS occurrence. Production of flood hazard and risk
(QGIS in particularly), is likely to be bright, as its maps is a technique that can be used to improve the
performance are improving constantly, becoming training process of the vulnerable people and can
more and more precise (with a constant addition of teach them how to act in such cases. Another
new functionalities). This application presented in important aspect that can be learned by the
the current study and this combination of open population is their vulnerability degree. This
source software, demonstrate one more time that means, a faster response in case of an emergency,
mapping and development of geospatial data as well as, more appropriate reaction from the
projects is accessible to anyone with basic GIS population and increasing security.
knowledge and access to a computer. This is a big
This work was funded by the Ministry of Research and Innovation within Program 1 – Development of the
national RD system, Subprogram 1.2 – Institutional Performance – RDI excellence funding projects,
Contract no.34PFE/19.10.2018 (beneficiary: Alin Mihu-Pintilie). Also, our thanks go to the Head of
Geoarchaeology Laboratory within the Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geography,
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi – Romania, which provided the equipment for data processing.
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