Chapter III
Chapter III
Chapter III
This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the research method and procedures
adhered to by the researcher is order to answer systematically the specific problems posed
for investigation. Specifically, the research method, population and samples, research
instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of the data used for the
used. These are the survey questionnaires and internet. Survey questionnaire is the main
source of information, is made of questions based on collective effort of the group. All
questions are originally made- not inspired from other researches. This is to gather exact
findings about the study and create credibility to every researcher. In the questionnaire,
abundance of harvest. Thus, questions that have something to do with the effects of
maintaining irrigation on abundance of harvest may it be in a good or bad way are also
included. Lastly, there are also questions which clarify about the irrigation maintenance.
participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about
describing people who take part in the study. Survey is way a researcher can go about doing
collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Primary
data were used in this study. Primary data as envisaged were collected by the methods
sufficient for each category. Much emphasis was placed on the collection of accurate and
reliable data so as to be able to come up with objective evaluations and to make informed
Primary data
Primary data is information and data that are collected at the time of the
study (Kothari, 2008). Furthermore; Kothari (2004) defined primary data as those
which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in
1.1 Interviews
For the purpose of this study, interview was conducted with the farmers. It
is a good method because if the enquirer does not understand he/she may seek
English, Bicol and Tagalog languages depending on the comfort ability of the
1.3 Observations.
crop. These are such as how it’s affected the abundance of crops. Also, the
researchers discussed the significance of the study and created questions from the problem
and individual questions made by the researchers. The respondents are those farmers that
need to maintain the irrigation on abundance of harvest. The research instruments are
distributed to the 22 farmers using hardcopies. After the respondents took the tests; the
questionnaires were checked, tabulated, interpreted and analyzed. These data became the
basis of analysis and interpretation. The result of the techniques used in the gathering
improved the researchers in order for them to arrive at the interpretation of the study.
respondents. They conferred and discussed the significant of the study and accomplished
the distributions of the instrument’s property. The respondents were given 20 minutes to
accomplish the forms to prevent them from giving hasty responses. The researchers went
from one section to another for collecting the accomplished questionnaires. After the
questionnaires have been accomplished, the results were tallied and tabulated. These data
W = points of choices