NBFCS' Share in Lending Pie Slides To 5-Year Low Cpi Inflation Eases To 11-MONTH LOW OF 5.9%
NBFCS' Share in Lending Pie Slides To 5-Year Low Cpi Inflation Eases To 11-MONTH LOW OF 5.9%
NBFCS' Share in Lending Pie Slides To 5-Year Low Cpi Inflation Eases To 11-MONTH LOW OF 5.9%
Public Notice in Form XIII of MOFA (Rule 11(9) (e)) PUBLIC NOTICE
District Deputy Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Mumbai City (3)
Mhada Building, Ground Floor, Room No. 69, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051. TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN
(Regulation of the Promotion of construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1963 MUMBAI - 400013, REGISTERED IN THE NAME(S) OF THE FOLLOWING SHAREHOLDER S) HAS/HAVE BEEN LOST
Deemed Conveyance Application No. 137 of 2022 Folio No. Name of the Share Distinctive No. of Face
Jaan Mohd Co-op. Hsg. Soc. Ltd., Aqsa Masjid Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai - Holder(s) Certificate no. Nos. Shares value
400102. ...Applicant. Versus. 1) Mrs. Aisabai Jaan Mohamed (Since deceased) Through CIP0005890 HSBC Agency (India) Private Limited 213982 11721301- 50 10/-
its legal heirs. (a). Mr. Abdul Razzak Ahmed Chunawala. (b) Mr. Farooq Abdul Razzak (formerly known as Hongkong Bank 11721350
Chunawala. (c) Mr. Arif Abdul Razzak Chunawala. (d). Mr. Sameer Abdul Razzak (Agency) Private Limited
Chunawala. Vastu Prestige, 201/202, New Fame Adlabs, Andheri Link Road, Andheri
West, Mumbai - 400 053. 2) M/s Home-Space Developers, Vastu Prestige, 201/202, New THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED AGAINST PURCHASING OR DEAL ING IN ANY WAY WITH THE ABOVE
Fame Adlabs, Andheri Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai - 400 053. ...Opponents and REFERRED SHARE CERTIFICATE(S).
those, whose interests have been vested in the said property may submit their say at the ANY PERSON(S) HAS HAVE ANY CLAIM IN RESPECT OF THE SAID SHARE CERTIFICATE(S) SHOULD LODGE SUCH
time of hearing at the venue mentioned above. Failure to submit any say shall be presumed CLAIM WITH THE COMPANY OR IT’S REGISTRAR AND TRANSIT R AGENTS KFIN TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD. UNIT:
that nobody has any objection in this regard and further action will be taken accordingly. CIPLA LIMITED 17-24 VIT HAL RAO NAGAR MADHAPUR HYDERABAD - 500081 WITHIN 15 DAYS OF PUBLIC ANON
Unilateral Conveyance of land admeasuring 626.40 sq. meters as specifically set out in SD/-
(the Property Registration Card) the copy of the Agreement dated 12/09/1989 along with PLACE: MUMBAI HSBC Agency (India) Private Limited
building situated at Jogeshwari (W), bearing CTS No.16A, Village- Bandivali, Mumbai DATE: 13-12-2022 Name of the Shareholder
Suburban Known has Jaan Mohd CHSL., Aqsa Masjid Road, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai.
400102 in favour of the Applicant.
The hearing in the above case has been fixed on 26/12/2022 at 3.00 p.m. District Deputy
Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Mumbai City (3). Mhada Building, Ground Floor, Room
No. 69, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051.
(Rajendra Veer)
District Deputy Registrar,
Co-operative Societies, Mumbai City (3)
Seal Competent Authority,
U/s 5A of the MOFA, 1963.
ndia’s retail inflation rate unexpectedly in the market share of non-banking
Source: CMIE
decelerated to an 11-month low in financial companies (NBFCs) in the
November, and factory output contracted credit market as banks have stepped Compiled by BS Research Bureau Source: Capitaline
FMCG companies staring at
Expand PLI
muted revenue growth: Report
Sluggish rural demand along with higher inflation is set to mute
revenue growth of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
Shareholders reject for electronics
sector at 7-9 per cent this fiscal and the next compared to 8.5 per
inputs, ICEA
call for forensic audit
cent in the previous fiscal, a report said. Almost 40 per cent of the
Rs 4.7-lakh-crore sector come from the hinterland markets,
which have been hit by high inflation, low wages and high job
losses since the Covid pandemic. Revenue growth of the FMCG
sector will be muted at 7-9 per cent this fiscal and the next
compared to 8.5 per cent in the last, while volume growth will be
just about 1-2 per cent, down from 2.5 per cent last fiscal, Crisil Resolution sought appointment of independent forensic auditor
tells Centre
said in a report on Monday. PTI
New Delhi, 12 December
AI close to deal for 50 Boeing
hareholders of Kirloskar Brothers
737 MAX planes for AI Express have rejected a resolution for foren-
sic audit of the affairs of the com-
Tata Group-owned Air India is close to finalising a deal with US pany by an external agency, according to
aircraft maker Boeing for 50 narrow-body Boeing 737 MAX planes a regulatory filing on Monday.
for its international budget arm Air India Express, according to On December 8, an extraordinary gen-
sources. The sources familiar with the development said the deal eral meeting of the company’s share-
will be part of a large aircraft order that Air India has been discu- holders was convened following requi-
ssing with Boeing Co and Airbus SE since the beginning of this fiscal sition by Kirloskar Industries (KIL), along
year. Loss-making Air India, which was taken over by the Tata with Atul Kirloskar and Rahul Kirloskar, THE PETITION LIST
group in January this year, plans to triple its fleet over the next five who together hold 24.92 per cent in Existing rates the ICEA wants to be brought to zero
years, they added. PTI Kirloskar Brothers (KBL), amid the sim- Product/service: Description Existing rates (%)
mering feud between Kirloskar siblings.
The ordinary resolution was rejected INPUTS OF MECHANICS
Mondelez International expands with 63.99 per cent of votes against it while The Kirloskar siblings have been in a feud since 2016 over the deed of family
36.01 per cent were in favour, the filing settlement for the assets of the more than 130-year-old Kirloskar group
its contract with HCLTech said. The resolution had called for the Mesh, sponge, film gasket, 16.5
IT major HCLTech on Monday announced that it has expanded its
appointment of an independent forensic 2016 over the deed of family settlement
auditor for conducting a for the assets of the more Kirloskar Industries to adhesive tape etc
multi-year contract with Mondelez International to cybersecurity
services and for the digital transformation of the global food and
forensic audit to investigate
and verify the expenses The ordinary
than 130-year-old
Kirloskar group.
look for other options INPUTS ON PCBA
Copper, nickel, digital radio, 2.75
beverage company’s workplace. Mondelez International has incurred by KBL on legal, resolution was Rahul Kirloskar is the Kirloskar Industries said as a minority graphic controller
deployed HCLTech’s BigFix platform to automate the discovery and professional consultancy rejected with executive chairman of shareholder of KBL, it will examine options INPUTS ON CHARGERS
remediation of potential vulnerabilities, ensuring all endpoints – charges over the past six 63.99% of votes Kirloskar Pneumatic and available to it to bring the instances of legal Copper wires, insulation tape, 11-16.5
including servers, mobile devices, and laptops, are continuously years and the affairs of the against it, while Atul Kirloskar is the execu- expenses to the attention of relevant insulated winding wire
secured and compliant. BigFix is an endpoint management platform company. 36.01% were tive chairman of Kirloskar authorities. “The examination of the Source: ICEA
that allows IT Operations teams to continuous compliance and It had also sought inves- in favour Oil Engines. scrutiniser’s report issued in respect of the
intelligent automation. SOURABH LELE tigation to verify all records, In October, Kirloskar EGM reveals that of the 158 shareholders
books of accounts, minutes Industries (KIL) along with who voted, 73 were in favour of the SURAJEET DAS GUPTA duties on parts and compo-
books, and other documents of the com- Atul and Rahul Kirloskar, had sought con- resolution proposed by us while 85 voted New Delhi, 12 December nents of mobile phones used
pany besides examining the conduct of vening of an extraordinary general meet- against. Further, while the institutional to make a whole range of
the board of directors, including inde- ing of shareholders of KBL seeking a foren- investors have voted against the resolution The Indian Cellular and mechanical parts, printed cir-
pendent directors. sic audit of the affairs of the latter by an (perhaps on the back of the proxy advisory Electronics Association of cuit board assemblies, camera
KBL board had advised its shareholders external agency. firm’s advice), over 60 per cent of the voting India (ICEA of India) has peti- modules, and chargers.
to reject the resolution saying “the requi- They had demanded that being a listed public-non institutions have voted in tioned the government on The ICEA wants them to be
sitionists are not justified in questioning entity KBL should justify the rationale and favour of the resolution proposed by us,” it extending the production- zero. In its discussions and
the independence of the Independent basis on which it has been spending huge said in a statement. BS REPORTER linked incentive (PLI) scheme presentations to the govern-
Directors or the decisions of the board” to amounts aggregating to approximately to components and sub- ment, the ICEA has pointed
initiate legal proceedings to protect the ~274 crore towards payment of profes- assemblies for electronics with out it has envisaged mechan-
interest of the company. sional illegal expenses and consultancy Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), Rahul an initial budgetary allocation ics (also known as mechanical
The Kirloskar siblings, with KBL charges ever since their dispute arose since and Atul had raised questions over corpo- of ~5,000 crore. This, it said, is parts) as low-hanging fruit in
Chairman and Managing Director Sanjay on or about 2016. rate governance of KBL. They were to “test the waters”. the phased manufacturing
Kirloskar on one side and Atul and Rahul After being cleared of insider trading accused of insider trading when they sold The organisation has pro- programme (for being made in
on the other, have been in a feud since charges labelled against them by the shares of KBL to KIL back in 2010. jected that components and India), in which they were
sub-assemblies could provide included in 2017. However, the
a $100-billion export opportu- production of mechanics in
nity in the next five years. India has not been up to
2.61 3.40
Hope in sight: Trial to cure biggest cause for blindness
SOHINI DAS conducted on 45-50 patients.
IT services Software Devices Telecom The first nine patients that they
Mumbai, 12 December
THE EYES HAVE IT will inject would be legally blind, as
10.3 30.3 -1.4 -0.6 Soon, people with dry age-related n Eyestem expects to start phase 2a/2b clinical trials they have to prove safety first. “We
PROJECTED GROWTH (In %) macular degeneration (AMD) — the for Eyecyte-RPE by first half of 2023 will observe these patients for about
*forecast largest cause of incurable blindness 4-5 months. Once we inject the first
in people above 60 years — may n Macular degeneration is a leading cause of central set of patients with intermediate
WORLDWIDE GOVT IT SPENDING FORECAST have a ray of hope if the investiga- vision loss in people aged 60 years or above macular degeneration, we will know
n2021 n2022 n2023* ($ bn) tional cell therapy product Eyecyte- n The condition affects roughly 170 million people the results in about six months,”
RPE of Bengaluru based start-up worldwide; and 15-40 million people in India Desai said. It will be very rare for a
Currently, there is no cure for dry in vision loss, but for intermediate
AMD. Eyestem, which has recently patients this therapy would halt the
MUMBAI : Printed and Published by Sangita Kheora on behalf of Business Standard Private Limited and Printed at M/s. Dangat Media Private Limited, 22 Digha M.I.D.C., TTC Industrial Area, Vishnu Nagar, Digha, Navi Mumbai, 400708 and M/s. Dainik Bhaskar, Plot no. 10.11, Sector B, Industrial Area, Govindpura, Bhopal (M.P.)-462023. & Published at
H/4 & I/3, Building H, Paragon Centre, Opp. Birla Centurion, P.B.Marg, Worli, Mumbai- 400013. Editor : Shailesh Dobhal RNI NO: 66308/1996 Readers should write their feedback at feedback@bsmail.in Fax : +91-11-23720201
For Subscription and Circulation enquiries please contact:Ms. Mansi Singh Head-Customer Relations. Business Standard Private Limited. H/4 & I/3, Building H,Paragon Centre, Opp. Birla Centurion, P.B.Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400013 E-mail: subs_bs@bsmail.in “or sms, REACHBS TO 57575. NO AIR SURCHARGE
TaMo set to partially sell Top five steel cos, few others
stake in Tata Tech via IPO selected under PLI scheme
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA along with Rashtriya Ispat
New Delhi, 12 December Nigam Limited (RINL)
The offering will be Tata Group’s first since the listing of TCS in 2004 account for about 60 per cent
The top five steel companies of India's total steel produc-
SHALLY SETH MOHILE — Tata Steel, JSW Steel, tion.
Mumbai, 12 December JSPL, AMNS India and SAIL Visakhapatnam-based
— dominate the list of qual- RINL — which is India’s
ata Motors’ board has approved a ifiers under the PLI scheme largest steel maker — did not
partial divestment of the company for specialty steel. participate in the scheme, an
in Tata Technologies, its wholly Besides, there are a few official said.
owned subsidiary, through an initial pub- others like Gallant Metalliks, On Friday, DIPAM
lic offering (IPO), the parent firm said in Shyam Metalics Flat Secretary Tuhin Kanta
an exchange filing. The subsidiary is into Products, and Sunflag Iron Pandey said the government
product engineering and digital services. and Steel who have been is working out the transac-
“We wish to inform you that the IPO selected to invest under the tion structure for the strate-
committee (duly constituted by the board production linked incentive gic sale of RINL.
of directors of Tata Motors) at its meeting (PLI) scheme. The Union Cabinet in July
held on December 12, 2022, has accorded On Friday, the govern- As per an official doc- types of specialty steel pro- last year approved a ~6,322-
its in-principle approval to explore the ment announced shortlisting ument, Tata Steel has sub- ducts. crore PLI scheme to boost the
possibility of partial divestment of the 67 out of 79 applications, mitted applications to man- ArcelorMittal Nippon production of speciality steel
company’s investment in Tata Tata Motors has a 74.42 per cent stake in Tata Technologies, according to the with an investment potential ufacture seven types of Steel (AMNS) India sub- in India.
Technologies, a subsidiary of the com- company's 2022 annual report of ~42,500 crore, under the speciality steel products, mitted four entries, while Some of the categories of
pany, through an IPO route at an oppor- PLI scheme for specialty while JSW Steel submitted state-owned Steel Authority specialty steel included in
tune time,” it said in the filing. The Tata Technologies IPO will be five years as part of the larger strategy of steel. The proposed invest- for six categories. of India Limited (SAIL) has the scheme are coated/plated
The IPO would be the Tata group’s subject to market conditions, applicable leaving non-core subsidiaries. ments are expected to gener- Jindal Steel Odisha, a sub- submitted the least number steel products, high
first since it listed Tata Consultancy approvals, regulatory clearances (includ- In 2018, it called off the sale of a sig- ate 70,000 job opportunities sidiary of Jindal Steel and of applications for just two strength/wear-resistant steel,
Services in 2004, if this offering comes ing observations from Sebi), and certain nificant minority stake (43 per cent) in and add 26 million tonnes of Power Limited, has sub- specialty steel categories. specialty rails, alloy steel pro-
before Tata Play’s. It would also be the other considerations, Tata Motors said. Tata Technologies to private equity major speciality steel capacity in mitted the highest number of Tata Steel, JSW Steel, ducts, and steel wires, and
first under the chairmanship of N The company would make further Warburg Pincus for $360 million after an the country. entries to manufacture eight JSPL, AMNS India and SAIL electrical steel.
Chandrasekaran, who took over as Tata announcements of all the developments official announcement on the deal, citing
group chairman in 2017. relating to the IPO, as and when required, non-receipt of regulatory approvals and
Tata Play, too, is preparing for an IPO. as per the SEBI LODR Regulations and challenges in internal performance due
The direct-to-home platform pre-filed its
draft red herring prospectus (DRHP) con-
fidentially with the Securities and
other applicable laws, it added.
Tata Motors has a 74.42 per cent stake
in Tata Technologies, according to the
to market conditions.
Founded in 1989, Tata Technologies
offers technology services across the
McDonald’s to hire
5,000 in East, NE
Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on company's 2022 annual report. The Tata automotive, industrial machinery, aero-
November 29. It’s the first company to group flagship has been keen on exiting space, and adjacent engineering and
take the pre-filing route for its IPO. the technology services business for over manufacturing verticals.
‘Higher output may boost CIL spot sales’ Quick service restaurant
McDonald’s India (North and
its network across the states
under it. “All issues and prob-
lems are behind us and we
East) on Monday said it will are focused on growing our
SUDARSHAN VARADHAN long-term contracts, will help lion tonnes. In the next half, fiscal year, putting the com- hire about 5,000 people as it business,” he said while rep-
Kolkata, 12 December Coal India to build off its our e-auction sales may go up pany on track to achieve its looks to double its outlets to lying to a query if the legal
record profit from this year to 40 million tonnes,” annual production target for cross 300 restaurants in the matters with the erstwhile
Coal India will increase spot and maintain a share price, Chairman Pramod Agrawal the first time in 16 years, Coal region over the next three McDonald’s partner has been
auctions of the fuel in the which has climbed 25 per told Reuters in an interview India was able to boost sales year, its top official said on settled.
coming months, the chair- cent since April and outpaced at the company’s head- on electronic spot auctions — Monday. In 2020, the US fast food
man of the world’s biggest a 5.9 per cent rise in the quarters. which offer higher margins It rolled out its largest res- chain selected MMG Group
coal miner said on Monday, broader Nifty index. The state-run miner, than long-term contracts. “We taurant in India at Guwahati, Chairman Sanjeev Agrawal as
as the company’s rising out- Non-utility power plants which accounts for 80 per have made a lot of profits in spread across 6,700 square its new partner to operate
put has left them with refers to those that don’t have cent of the country’s output the first half because of feets with a capacity to feed outlets in north and east
enough fuel to meet increas- long-term contracts, or that of the fuel, typically supplies increasing overall production, 220 people at a time, on India following buyout of 50
ing demand from non-utility operate only for in-house the bulk of its output to util- not just because of auctions. Monday as part of its expan- per cent stake from the
power plants. consumption by industries ities as a part of long-term You now have a window to sell sion exercise. estranged partner Vikram
An increase in spot auc- such as aluminium smelters. contracts. to somebody else other than McDonald’s India (North Bakshi, who had dragged the
tion sales, which offer higher “I think in the first half, we However, with output your main customers,” and East) Managing Director multinational giant into a
margins than its mainstay have done a little over 30 mil- growing by 16.7 per cent this Agrawal said. REUTERS Rajeev Ranjan said the com- long-drawn legal tussle.
On Udaan, local
mobile accessory
brands take
wings in ‘Bharat’
Bengaluru, 12 December
All ministries, depts to scrap
15-year-old vehicles: FinMin
WTO: India seeks views on Russia offers
The finance ministry has directed all ministries and departments to
scrap all 15-year-old vehicles that have become unserviceable. The protecting e-tail consumers India help in
Department of Expenditure, under the finance ministry, in an
office memorandum said the existing provisions of condemnation
of vehicles have been reconsidered in consultation with Niti Aayog Calls for greater cooperation among enforcement agencies of members
and the road transport ministry considering the broad objectives of
which have been condemned or reached 15 years of age, will not ndia has sought the views
be auctioned. PTI of member nations of the
created several new
World Trade Organization challenges for PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Moscow for its invasion of
(WTO) on the role the trade body consumers, such as Moscow, 12 December Ukraine.
Govts across world, fora lag in could play in enhancing consumer
protection in the e-commerce sector
misleading advertising,
online payment security,
Novak noted that even amid
Russia has welcomed India’s the energy crisis, Russia is
Big Tech rule-making: MoS IT and how countries can increase
cooperation among enforcement
unfair terms, data
protection, among others
decision to not support the price responsibly fulfilling its con-
cap on Russian oil announced tractual obligations for the
Governments across the world and internet fora have lagged agencies on this issue. by G7 and its allies and offered supply of energy resources,
behind in rule-making for big technology players for their India also said it wanted to under-
> Sellers are often better it cooperation on leasing and diversifying energy exports to
innovations that can cause harm to society, Minister of State for stand the experiences of other coun- informed and have a building large-capacity ships to the countries in the East and
Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said on Sunday. Speaking tries regarding consumer protection in stronger position overcome the ban South.
at the India Internet Governance Forum (IGF) hosted by FICCI, the e-commerce space, according to a relative to consumers on insurance serv- To avoid
Chandrasekhar further said the internet, which has been a force WTO document. while conducting ices and tanker dependency on
for good, has also increasingly begun to represent risk, user harm “Consumers particularly in the commercial transactions chartering in the the ban on insur-
and criminality. PTI developing and the least developed European Union ance services and
countries face imbalances in economic and Britain to con- tanker chartering
terms, educational levels and bargain- data protection, among others. Cyberlaw Tracker data, while the tinue buying dis- in the European
Bank of Maharashtra likely to ing powers viz the sellers who are often
better informed and have a stronger
“The higher complexity of the
online environment and its related risks
majority of countries have cybercrime
and privacy laws, a few nations, espe-
counted oil.
The offer came
Union and Britain,
Novak offered
sell ~1,000 cr of AT1 bonds position relative to consumers while
conducting commercial transactions.
present new and higher challenges to
consumers, which need to be jointly
cially developing and transitional
economies, particularly Asia and
as Russian Deputy
Prime Minister
India cooperation
on leasing and
State-owned lender Bank of Maharashtra is likely to issue up to Thus, consumer protection addresses addressed by countries owing to the Africa, lack such laws. Alexander Novak India’s demand building large-
~1,000 crore worth of additional tier 1 (AT1) bonds in coming days, disparities found in the consumer-sup- rapid growth of cross border e-com- At the WTO’s 12th ministerial con- held a meeting for Russian oil has capacity ships, the
sources told Business Standard. The bonds, which are likely to have plier relationship, which include bar- merce,” India said. ference in June, members decided to with the Indian swelled ever since statement said.
a call option after 5 years from allotment, have been rated AA by gaining power, knowledge and According to econsumer.gov — a reinvigorate the work programme on Ambassador to it started trading The Indian
Acuite Rating and Infomerics Ratings, a source said. On December resources,” India said. public portal to report international e-commerce. Since protection of con- Moscow, Pavan on discount as the government has
6, Bank of Maharashtra had raised ~348 crore through the sale of The WTO’s work programme scams — there were 36,770 reports of sumers was at the core of the subject, Kapoor, on Friday. West shunned it been vehemently
tier-2 bonds on a private placement basis at a coupon – rate of on e-commerce defines it as the pro- international fraud in 2021, in which 84 focussed discussions on this theme “The Deputy to punish Moscow defending its oil
interest paid to the investor – of 8 per cent. BHASKAR DUTTA duction, distribution, marketing, sale per cent of the respondents reported can pave the way forward, India Prime Minister trade with Russia,
or delivery of goods and services by losses amounting to $227.4 million. pointed out. welcomed India’s saying it has to
electronic means. The document also spelt out the In 1998, the General Council of the decision not to support the price source oil from where it is the
Modi govt confiscated ~1.25 trn India noted that while e-commerce
had brought consumers many benefits
challenges and recurrent issues related
to consumer protection in e-commerce,
WTO established the work programme
on e-commerce to comprehensively
cap on Russian oil, which was cheapest.
imposed on December 5 by the The imports in November
black money, says Vaishnaw in the form of a wider basket of goods
and services at competitive prices, ease
such as the problems at the pre-pur-
chase, purchase, as well as post-pur-
examine all trade-related issues relating
to this, taking into account the eco-
G7 countries and their allies,” were made ahead of a price cap
the Russian Foreign Ministry agreed by the EU on Russian
Black money to the tune of ~1.25 trillion has been confiscated by of transaction from home, and more chase stages. nomic, financial, and developmental said in a statement. seaborne oil.
the Modi government, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said on secure payment options, it had also It pointed out that there was a wide needs of developing countries. Over the India’s appetite for Russian But, the government has
Monday and asserted transparency is a key aspect of the present created several new challenges for con- gap in the level and standards of con- years, ministerial declarations have oil has swelled ever since it start- indicated that oil companies
dispensation’s good governance model. The minister for railways sumers, such as misleading advertising, sumer protection across the world. For called for continuing the work under ed trading on discount as the will continue to buy oil from
said similarly, to ensure transparency, benami properties worth online payment security, unfair terms, instance, according to UNCTAD Global the 1998 work programme. West shunned it to punish Russia outside the price cap.
~4,300 crore were attached and registration of 175,000 companies
cancelled. Narendra Modi before becoming prime minister in 2014
was the chief minister of Gujarat. PTI
EAM: India, UAE want to use Govt won’t make RBI inflation report public
relationship to shape world The government on Monday ruled out
making public the RBI report detailing
Policy Committee and Monetary Policy
process Regulations, 2016,” minister of state
quarters during January-September, 2022.
During the January-March quarter, the
India and the UAE, which have inked a landmark trade deal, have the reasons why the central bank for finance Pankaj Chaudhary said in a average inflation was 6.3 per cent, in April-
seen a “veritable transformation” in their ties that are now could not keep inflation within the written reply. The said provisions of June period it was 7.3 per cent and it eased to 7
beginning to have a broader ripple impact, External Affairs Minister targeted 6 per cent upper limit for the RBI Act, 1934, and regulations per cent in September quarter. It was the first
S Jaishankar said on Monday, emphasising that they want to use the three consecutive quarters. therein does not provide for making time since the monetary policy framework
this relationship to shape the changing world. A defining decision “Yes sir, RBI has furnished a report the report public, he said. came into effect in 2016 that RBI had to give
of this transformation is the signing of the bilateral trade pact to the central government, as The average inflation was above the an explanation to the government. The
which led to such effective results and speaks volumes for the mandated under Section 45ZN of the RBI upper tolerance level of the inflation Consumer Price Index-based retail inflation
bilateral relationship, he said PTI Act, 1934 and Regulation 7 of RBI Monetary target, that is 6 per cent for 3 consecutive has been above 6 per cent since January. PTI
Over 60% of returns filed for amount less than ~5 lakh number of returns filed has also
been rising with time. The data
about returns filed is in terms of
financial years. Individuals
If higher tax exemption comes into force, a significant number accounted for 92 per cent of
returns filed in FY14, which rose
of income-tax filers may fall out of tax net DECODING THE NEARLY 2/3 RETURNS NO. OF INDIVIDUAL to 94 per cent in FY19 (chart 2).
SACHIN P MAMPATTA for the latest available (FY18). These 55 million
NUMBERS Gross total income (in ~) % share of individuals of
The number of returns filed
had hit a high of 72.6 million in
Mumbai, 12 December assessment year of 2018-19. individuals declared 63.3 n% of returns filed total return filers assessment year 2019-20, which
An income tax return (ITR) is ~34 trillion in income. Those n% of gross total income broadly covers income for FY19.
A higher tax exemption slab may a form that entities submit to earning over ~10 lakh accounted Assessment year 2020-21 saw
place the majority of return filers the government with details for the largest share at return filed fall to 69.7 million
outside the tax net. about their income, and taxes 38.1 per cent. Those earning and stood at 71.4 million in
Nearly two-thirds of the paid or owed. between ~5-10 lakh accounted
32.6 assessment year 2021-22.
returns that individuals Another 26.7 per cent of for 29.4 per cent. Those at or “The surge of filing ITRs
filed were for income of individual returns were for below the threshold of ~5 lakh 26.7 peaked on 31st July, 2022 (due
~5 lakh or less, according to a amounts more than ~5 lakh and accounted for 32.6 per cent of the date for salaried taxpayers
Business Standard analysis of the up to ~10 lakh. Only 10 per cent of total amount. 10.0 and other non-tax audit cases)
latest available tax data. This the income tax returns filed were The declared amount with over 7.24 million ITRs
comes amid reported for an amount greater than ~10 included income from salary, being filed on a single day i.e on
discussions about raising the lakh (chart 1). capital gains, house property, ~5 lakh Between Greater 31st July, 2022.
minimum threshold at which A total of 55 million interest, business and other & below ~5-10 than “The total ITRs filed till
Note: Data for assessment year 2018-19
income tax is paid. individuals filed tax returns in sources. Salary was the largest lakh ~10 lakh Sources: I-T Dept, BS calculations
31st July, 2022 for AY 22-23 is
A total of 63.3 per cent of the assessment year 2018-19. The source of income for individuals about 58.3 million,” said a
total income tax returns that assessment year broadly at ~20 trillion. This was government statement on
individuals filed were for an corresponds to the year after the followed by business income at August 1. This included only
amount equal to or income is earned. Thus, the ~9.3 trillion. filers declared. They accounted assessment year 2018-19. In other declared to the government as non-audited returns, according
less than ~5 lakh, showed an numbers would largely cover the Individuals accounted for the for ~34 trillion of the ~51 trillion words, they accounted for gross total income. to a statement from the income
analysis of the income tax data income of financial year 2017-18 bulk of all the income that tax in gross total income declared for nearly ~7 out of every ~10 Their share in the total tax department.
ndian and Chinese troops clashed of “differing perception” along the LAC nosedived significantly following the At least three insurance companies are looking
along the Line of Actual Control in the Tawang sector. fierce clash in the Galwan Valley in June to launch a surety insurance product, of which
(LAC) in the Tawang sector of “In certain areas along the LAC in 2020 that marked the most serious mil- Bajaj Allianz General is set to be the first com-
Arunachal Pradesh on December 9 and the Tawang sector there are itary conflict between the two pany to launch the product on December 19.
the face-off resulted in “minor injuries areas of differing perception, Indian Army sides in decades. Both sides This will make it the first general insurance
to a few personnel from both sides”, the wherein both sides patrol the says both sides gradually enhanced deploy- company to launch the product after Finance
Indian Army said on Monday. area up to their claim lines. immediately ment by rushing in soldiers and Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in this year’s
The clash near Yangtse along the This has been the trend since disengaged heavy weaponry. Budget had said surety bonds can be used as a LAUNCH ON DECEMBER 19
LAC in the sensitive sector took place 2006,” the Army said. It is from the area Following the Ladakh substitute for bank guarantees for government
n Bajaj Allianz looks at only road
last Friday amid the over 30-month bor- learnt that the injuries on the standoff, the Army significantly procurement.
der standoff between the two sides in in a statement. “Both sides immediate- Chinese side could be higher. bolstered its operational capabilities SBI General Insurance and Tata AIG General
infrastructure contracts in Dec 19 launch
eastern Ladakh. ly disengaged from the area. As a follow It is the first major clash between the along the LAC in the eastern theatre. Insurance are also said to be looking at launch- n SBI General Insurance, Tata AIG
“On December 9, PLA troops con- up of the incident, (Indian) commander Indian and Chinese armies since The eastern theatre largely comprises ing a surety insurance product soon, said General Insurance to follow
tacted the LAC in Tawang Sector which in the area held a flag meeting with his August 2020 near Rinchen La in eastern the border areas along the LAC in sources. However, India’s largest private sector
n Insurers with 1.25x the required
was contested by own (Indian) troops counterpart to discuss the issue in acc- Ladakh. Indian and Chinese troops Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh and the general insurer — ICICI Lombard General
in a firm and resolute manner. This ordance with structured mechanisms were engaged in a brief face-off near frontier areas have a number of sensi- Insurance — is still evaluating the contours of solvency margin can start
face-off led to minor injuries to few per- to restore peace and tranquillity.” Yangtse in October last year as well and tive forward locations, including in the the product, given the recovery process in case surety business
sonnel from both sides,” the Army said The Army statement did not men- it was resolved following talks between Tawang and North Sikkim sectors. of a default is still a vexed issue for a number of n Irdai mandates insurers to maintain
companies in the industry. solvency of 1.5x at all times
“It’s a very complex product, in terms of how
we issue it, pay the claims, and the recovery n An insurer can underwrite surety
~ sheds 26p
G20 panel to mull taking leaf from process,” said a source aware of the develop- business up to 10% of gross written
ment. Insurers were seeking changes to the premium, subject to a maximum of
as US data Indian Contract Act and the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code (IBC) to bring surety bonds
~500 crore
leads to Fed
hike jitters
India’s digital ecosystem, says Kant on a par with bank guarantees when it comes
to recourse available to them in case of default.
The insurance regulator was said to have
n Limit of guarantee not to exceed
30% of the contract value
ABHIJIT LELE India’s G20 Presidency, is taking place sion on restructuring of institutions and reached out to the government on this and the of the government/private in all modes. Bid
Mumbai, 12 December from December 13-16. India assumed the their working.Beyond multilateral fund- government had reacted positively to the indus- bonds, performance bonds, and maintenance
The rupee started the fresh G20 presidency on December 1. There will ing agencies, such as IMF and World bank, try’s anxiety. bonds can be covered.
week on a poor note, The Development Working Group be two sessions — “Data for Development: there are many other institutions like the But there is no clarity on this yet. With this The product Bajaj Allianz is launching is
shedding 26 paise against the (DWG) under India’s G20 Presidency will Role of G20 in advancing the 2030 World Trade Organization and World issue still unresolved, it will be very difficult to looking at only road infrastructure contracts.
dollar, as a stronger-than- dwell on building upon the country’s Agenda” and “Infusing new LiFE into Health Organization which would be in broad-base the product, say industry insiders. According to the framework released by the
expected US data set stoked digital technology and ecosystem for Green Development” — before the official focus for discussion. Interestingly, the working group, which the insurance regulator earlier this year, the extent
fears of the Federal Reserve inclusive and sustainable growth across meeting of the working group. India’s presidency lies at a crucial mid- insurance regulator had formed to study the to which an insurer can underwrite the surety
continuing with an aggressive the world, according to India’s G20 Stressing on reforming multilateral point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable viability of the surety bond business, had rec- business should not exceed 10 per cent of its
pace of rate hikes, dealers Sherpa Amitabh Kant. institutions, Kant said they Development, adopted in 2015. ommended a robust legislation for surety bonds gross written premium, subject to a maximum
said. The domestic currency The Indian model, which is distinct provide direct funding to Review of progress of Sustainable and other non-fund-based guarantees as a nec- of ~500 crore. And, the limit of guarantee shall
settled at 82.54 to the dollar from fintech and European ones, has nations. But they do not Development Goals (SDG) and essary condition for them to be introduced. not exceed 30 per cent of contract value.
on Monday, from 82.28 at the grown 10 years, which otherwise could provide blended finance G20’s efforts to achieve the SDG “Surety bonds may also be included in other According to the regulator, insurers with
previous close. So far in 2022, have taken 50 years, Kant said. This has nor give credit enhance- targets would be discussed at Acts such as IBC, 2016, and given equivalent 1.25x the solvency margin they are required to
the Indian currency has helped in providing digital identity, finan- ment and first loss guaran- the DWG meeting. status as bank guarantees to ensure speedy and keep can commence the surety insurance busi-
depreciated 9.9 per cent cial inclusion, and direct benefit transfer, tee. There will be discus- In the context of green effective resolution and enforcement of indem- ness. The insurance regulator mandates insur-
against the greenback. Kant asserted at a media briefing ahead development, focus areas nity by surety providers,” it had said. ance companies to maintain a solvency of 1.5x
Data released over the of DWG’s meeting in Mumbai. would include climate finance Emails sent to SBI General Insurance and at all times.
weekend showed that US This is for the first time that India will India’s G20 Sherpa and technology, as well as just Tata AIG General Insurance did not elicit a In her Budget speech, Sitharaman had said
producer prices posted a set an agenda for the G20 Presidency and Amitabh Kant says energy transitions for developing response until the time of going to press. that surety bonds can be used as a substitute
higher-than-expected rise in also act as a voice of the Global South. It the Indian model countries, he added. The A surety bond is a three-party contract. One for bank guarantees for government procure-
November. The data comes also provides an opportunity to use the has grown in issue of climate chan- party (the surety) guarantees the performance ment to reduce the indirect cost for suppliers
ahead of the Federal Open G20 chair to forge win-win collaborations 10 years, which ge cuts across or obligations of a second party (the principal) and work contractors. The insurance industry
Market Committee’s two-day between developing countries and otherwise could industry, soci- to a third party (the obligee). has hailed this as a very positive move, stating
meeting that begins on advanced economies, Kant said. have taken 50 years ety, and sec- Under the product, surety insurance con- this will give a big boost to project financing
December 13. BHASKAR DUTTA The first meeting of DWG, under tors. tracts can be offered to infrastructure projects with overall improvement in project viability.
he all-powerful GST Appellate Tribunals (GSTATs). Sd/- VC and Managing Director, NREDCAP
Council, which is sched- The GoM report has pro-
uled to meet on posed that each Bench should
December 17, will likely take up consist of president, two judi-
changes in the prosecution cial members, one technical
provisions under the GST member (Centre) and another
regime, in which a committee technical member (state).
of officials has proposed It suggested empowering a
increasing the monetary limit single-member Bench to hear
to ~2 crore from the current cases with tax implications up
~1 crore, set as a minimum to ~50 lakh.
amount of tax evaded for arrest by Business Standard. crore), the jail term could be The report also pitched for ! "#$%&$"%"'( ! " #$%&'%#&#()
in non-cognizable and bailable At present, if the amount three years. If tax evaded is a principal Bench in New Delhi * +,-* ./
'( 0 *1-2*34 * 5*6,734 5 0 * , -./, $0
() 1 ! ,2/3,45 , 6,7.845 6 1 ,
offences under the regime. of tax evaded or input tax over ~1 crore but less than ~2 and similar Benches at the state *1-2*34 1-,* 311 0 7 1*1( +,-*18 "%'/( ,2/3,45 2/., 422 1 8 2,2) -./,29 #&(0)
The council will also con- credit wrongly availed of is ~5 crore, the incarceration period level. The appellate body’s
sider a ministerial panel report crore or above, the prison term is a year. president is likely to be a retired
on setting up GST Appellate may be extended to five years. The GST Council will also judge from the Supreme Court
Tribunals, according to the If the amount evaded exceeds take up the report by a group or former chief justice of a high !"#$%$
"$%%%&!%%' %!('%
#&'&&()&&* &#'##% $$ $
( (( ) +
) ,&
agenda documents reviewed ~2 crore (but not more than ~5 of ministers (GoM) —headed court, the sources said.
' '' ( *
( +% ,$(
$$ $
-$) -. /
,- . <+: $ -$9((#$#(
<*: $
$9''' 0$ 1. 2 !$
0$ 1- 2 !$
— TENDER CARE — — Advertorial
Target set for ~40K-cr Plans afoot to
investment in energy export target GAIL (India) Limited has won the
‘Energy Transition – Midstream
Company’award at the prestigious
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited (TMB),
one of the premier scheduled commercial
Banks, with a view to offer customer-
VIRENDRA SINGH RAWAT ANIL SHARMA Platts Global EnergyAward 2022, centric choices in every product, recently
Lucknow, 12 December Jaipur, 12 December emerging victorious among launched the marketing of Life Insurance
several international energy com- Products under the tie-up arrangement with
Uttar Pradesh has set a target of ~40,000 crore The Rajasthan government is panies who were vying for the recognition. The award was M/s.BajajAllianz Life Insurance Company
investments in the energy sector to meet an finalising initiatives, such as pro-
received by Shri M. V. Iyer, Director (Business Development & Limited.
estimated peak demand of 53,000 megawatt viding technology support and
Marketing) and Shri R. K. Jain, Director (Finance) at the awards The dignitaries from the Bank and M/s.
(Mw) by 2028. The bulk of these investments holding trade fairs for industries,
will be by private sector companies, officials to realise its exports target of ~1
ceremony held in New York City recently. BajajAllianz Life Insurance Company Limited were present at the
have said. trillion in the next two years. launching event. The corporates have installed their engagement
The state’s peak energy demand stands at “The exports from the state in OIL’S CSR PROJECTS OIL zones attracting the customers at the event.
26,000 Mw now. The steep proliferation in 2021-22 increased to ~72,000 crore SWABALAMBAN AND SDI, GUWAHATI, S.Krishnan, MD & CEO, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited (TMB)
the state energy demand is attributed to the from over ~52,700 crore a year ear- BAGS CSR TIMES AWARD 2022 said, “On getting listed in the Stock Exchanges, Tamilnad Mer-
projected setting up of new industries and lier, and the state is making efforts Oil India Limited (OIL), India’s cantile Bank Ltd., is back to enrich our vision in expanding the
manufacturing plants over the next five years. to take this figure to ~1 trillion in Second largest national exploration network PAN India, with added features in the products and
“Due to an increase in electricity consump- the next two years,” said Rajiv & production company was conferred services. We feel that this tie-up launching function is a momen-
tion, energy sector majors will make big-ticket Arora, chairman of Rajasthan with the CSR Times Award 2022 in tous occasion for the Bank”
investments in the sector, thus will play an Small Industries Corporation and Gold category for its Corporate
important role in making the state a trillion- Rajasthan Export Promotion Social Responsibility (CSR) projects BIS AND NMDC JOINTLY
dollar economy,” a senior state official said. State’s total power consumption will be Council (REPC). in the area of Skill Development viz. OIL Swabalamban and Skill ORGANISED A ONE-DAY NATIONAL
The state is aiming to achieve the trillion- 277,000 MU by 2028, of which 98,000 MU “Despite not having a port, the Development Institute, Guwahati at the 9th CSR Times Summit SEMINAR IN HYDERABAD
dollar economy tag by 2027. will be used for industrial purposes state is seeing robust growth in and Awards ceremony held on 08.12.2022 in New Delhi. One day National Seminar was
To spur fresh investments in the energy exports thanks to the govern-
Ms Pratibha Bhowmik, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Social recently organised by Bureau
landscape, the government is offering a num- demand from 26,000 Mw to 53,000 Mw by ment’s industry—and exports-
Justice and Empowerment in the presence of other distinguished of Indian Standards (BIS), New
ber of incentives, such as stamp duty waiver 2028,” he underlined. friendly policies,” he said.
and capital interest subsidies. Officials said a At the same time, the rate of electricity In the past year and a half, guests presented the award. On behalf of OIL, Shri Ranjan Goswa- Delhi and NMDC Limited joint-
bunch of big companies had already evinced consumption is predicted to be 23 per cent in more than 9,000 exporters have mi, CGM-PR received the award. ly on the subject “Importance
interest in partnering with the state. the commercial and industrial spaces, and 14 registered themselves with REPC. of Sieving and Sizing in Re-
In a recent review meeting, Chief Minister per cent in the residential vertical. As such, Rajasthan has traditionally
HAND TO RAMAKRISHNA MISSION Head Office in Hyderabad. The seminar was attended by Acade-
Yogi Adityanath had stressed that power the industrial consumption in 2028 is esti- exhibited strength in the export VIDYALAYA, COIMBATORE
would be crucial to the state becoming a tril- mated at 98,000 MU. of handicrafts, gems and jew- mia, Research Institutions, Equipment Manufacturers and Indus-
lion-dollar economy, since greenfield and Meanwhile, the western region of UP is ellery, dimensional stones, agro Indian Bank has sponsored try stakeholders. More than 100 delegates from Mining, Metallur-
brownfield projects would require huge quan- expected to witness much higher levels of & food, and textile products. Mahindra Bolero vehicle on December gy, Agriculture, building materials (Civil Engineering), Cement
tities of energy, which would be met through industrial electricity use compared to other To impart impetus on exports, 9, 2022, to Ramakrishna Mission Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Food and Drinks, Nano
different sources, including thermal and solar. parts of the state. The western region is pre- measures targeted at the promo- Vidyalaya, Coimbatore under its CSR Technology, Paint and Pigment Industry Powder Metallurgy
By 2028, the state’s total power dicted to consume the highest 62 per cent of tion of export-oriented units have initiatives that shall assist them in participated in the seminar from all over India. Shri K V Rao, Head,
consumption will be 277,000 million units energy because of a greater concentration of been included in earlier notified conducting Medical camps in 22 BIS, Hyderabad welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. P. Singhal,
(MU), of which 98,000 MU will be used for industries and commercial establishments. industrial and sectoral policies villages including 9 tribal villages in and around Perinaickenpalayam, Chairman, CED 55, BIS introduced the seminar theme.
industrial purposes. Besides, the state is targeting 22,000 Mw of Rajasthan. Coimbatore.
“The state’s electricity demand is expected of solar energy generation in the next five Rajasthan’s current share in
Shri. Ganesararaman A, Field General Manager, Indian Bank,
to increase at an annual rate of 16 per cent. years to supplement the thermal power India’s total merchandise exports UNION BANK OF INDIA CONDUCTS
Coimbatore handed over the key of the vehicle to Swami
This would push the peak hour energy generation and consumption. is estimated at 2 per cent. RAJBHASHA SEMINAR
Garishthananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya in a
grand function organised at Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coim- Union Bank of India, Field General Manager Office, Pune on
CHHATTISGARH batore. This good gesture by the Bank will further strengthen the
Ramakrishna Mission’s goal of providing medical care to the poor,
30.11.2022conducted Rajbhasha
Seminar for All the Executives of
Pisciculture turns lucrative for women living in rural and tribal areas. Senior officials and staff members of
Indian Bank, along with representatives of Ramakrishna Mission
Vidyalaya, Coimbatore were present during the occasion.
FGMO, Pune and All Regional
offices coming under FGMO.The
seminar was chaired by Field
R KRISHNA DAS self-help group (SHG) said. The group plans to and 82,500 hectares of water General Manager Shri. Rajib L.
Raipur, 12 December Mateshwari Mahila Samuh in increase the volume gradually area as irrigation reservoirs are PNB’S ZONAL SPORTS MEET Pattanayak. In his address, he
the village with 10 members on to earn more, she said. available for fish farming. The Zonal Sports Meet of Punjab National Bank, Odisha Zone inau- said that the official language
Pramina never had a notion the rolls. “We wanted to Of the 199,900 Suryamani Dwivedi, assis- gurated in Ravenshaw College ground, Cuttack. Sanjay Kumar Nayak, should not be limited to the coun-
that fish, which she loves to do some work to make 98% of hectares of water area tant director of the depart- the Vice Chancellor of Ravenshaw try, but it should be propagated outside the country as well. Despite
cook, could be a good source of ourselves financially available in the state ment, said the group was doing being the Official language, English is still being used for work. By
the total University inaugurated the meet in the
income for her. In her mid-thir- strong, but due to lack of for fisheries, 196,100 fish farming in 0.50 hectares in
available presence of Uday Bhaskar Reddy, organizing such seminars, we can bring more awareness about
ties, the resident of Chervapara guidance, things could hectares have been a pond. It was available in the
water area Zonal Manager, Odisha, Uma Shankar the official language.
village in Baikunthpur devel- not materialise,” she said. developed so far. It is Gauthan, the livestock shelter
has been Das, Deputy Zonal Manager and The seminar was welcomed by Shri. Mayank Bhardwaj, Deputy
opment block of Korea district She said fisheries 98 per cent of the total set up under the Godhan Nyay
is eyeing the big catch. department officials
developed available water area. Yojana. The department pro- Bailochan Sahoo, Assistant General Secretary, All India Punjab Zonal Head, Field General Manager's office, Pune, address given
Overwhelmed with the ini- briefed them about for fisheries The length of the vided training, 2.5 million units National Bank Officers' Association. Participants from all five circles by Shri. Subramanian S. Deputy Zonal Head and Shri. Navneet
tial outcome, she and her group farming. “Work started naturally available of fish spawn, and one fish net of the Zone (Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Baleswar, Berhampur & Dutta, Regional Head, Regional Office, Pune East and the vote of
are planning to go for fish farm- in a small way and the group riverine watershed is 3,573 km. to the group under the scheme. Sambalpur) participated in the meet. The sports Meet is being thanks was given by Sushri. Shilpa Sharma Sarkar, Assistant
ing in an extensive way. made a net profit of over Officials said 117,300 hectares It was with 100 per cent grant, organized by Officers' Association every year. General Manager, Field General Manager's Office, Pune.
Pranima heads a women ~50,000 last year,” Pranima of water area as rural ponds Dwivedi said.
Too good to be bad, too risky to be good: Economy has Fed in a fix
Wage gains are strong, and consumption, the mainstay of US economic growth, continues to increase even after adjusting for inflation
ment is also sustaining unemployment
WASHINGTON, 12 December
rates that are at record lows for Latinos
After playing catch-up with inflation and near record lows for Blacks. Wage (YoY %) (MoM net change in ‘000)
through the past year in a policy shift gains are strong and consumption, the
8 520
800 in 3 mths as inflation soars
made urgent by relentlessly rising prices, mainstay of US economic growth, con- 263
the US Federal Reserve now faces a judg- tinues to increase even after adjusting for 6 600 Britain’s economy shrank in the three
ment about whether the economy is inflation. Many factors influence when 2.50 4 months through October, confirming the toll
strong to motor through even higher inter- and if the economy falls into recession; 400 that rampant inflation and rising interest
est rates or is on the cusp of a crack-up. but it will involve rising unemployment rates are having on business and industry.
Financial markets and professional and falling consumption. 0 200 Gross domestic product fell by 0.3 per cent
forecasters seem braced for the latter. US “The economy has never been so Jan 31,’20 Oct 31,’22 Jan 31,’21 Nov 30,’22 in the period when compared with the three
Source Bloomberg; Compiled by BS Research Bureau
investors from crypto rebels to index fund unloved as it is now,” Bob Schwartz, senior months through July, the Office for National
loyalists lost in excess of $8 trillion this US economist at Oxford Economics, wrote Statistics said Monday. The decline came
year as markets wilted under the fastest in a recent analysis that laid out the ‘bipo- spending both remain healthy; manufac- than many have seen in their lifetimes said Dana Peterson, chief economist at even as estimates showed GDP increased by
Fed rate hikes in 40 years; bond markets lar’ set of circumstances Fed will parse in turing is contracting, but the service roars and continues stretching household the Conference Board, who cited a steady 0.5 per cent in the month of October after a
seem convinced a recession is coming; their two-day policy meeting this week. on with the monthly job and wage growth budgets through rising food and other decline this year in the business group's 0.6 per cent drop in September, when
economists, in surveys by Reuters and Consumer sentiment is lousy, worse to prove it; there is some evidence infla- costs. There is evidence of weakness to list of economic indicators, and the near- economic activity was artificially reduced by
others, agree. than when the economy was in the throes tion is easing, with gas prices back where fuel a narrative of imminent recession. unanimous sense in a recent chief execu- an extra public holiday to mark the death of
But that seemingly stressed environ- of a pandemic, but bank accounts and they were a year ago, but it is still higher “It is probably starting around now,” tive's survey that recession is coming. Queen Elizabeth II. ASSOCIATED PRESS
While total public and pri- demic: debt shot up in 2020 cientists in California security forces, the Taliban-run
vate debt hit a record $235 tril- because of the economic have made a break- administration said.
lion last year, it plummeted recession, and so did deficits through in nuclear Two foreigners were injured while try-
when expressed as a percent- as governments extended fusion technology, producing ing to escape by jumping from the hotel
age of economic output, financial help to individuals more energy than consumed balcony, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah
which rebounded last year and businesses. in a reaction for the first time. Mujahid wrote on Twitter.
after the steep Covid-19 reces- As economies opened up, The achievement was made Kabul’s Emergency Hospital reported
sion of 2020, the fund said inflation set in as supply at the US Department of receiving 21 casualties — 18 injured and
Monday in a blog accompa- couldn’t meet demand, while Energy’s Lawrence Livermore three dead on arrival. Taliban sources said
nying the latest update of its food and energy costs rose National Laboratory, San the attack was carried out at Longan Hotel
Global Debt Database. because of war and climate Francisco, according to a per- where Chinese and other foreigners
Total debt fell to 247 per pressures. BLOOMBERG son familiar with the research, usually stay.
who requested anonymity to Videos posted on Twitter by a journalist
discuss results that have not in Kabul and verified by Reuters showed
yet been disclosed in public. smoke billowing out of one of the floors
DISCLAIMER News reports and feature articles in Business Standard seek to present an unbiased picture of developments in the markets, the corporate world and the government. Actual developments can turn out to be different owing to circumstances beyond Business Standard’s control and knowledge. Business Standard
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Journalists and editors working in Business Standard do not contribute to and are not associated with features and articles appearing in this newspaper under sections classified as Advertorial or Brand post. Such articles are to be treated as paid-for advertisements.
Before it’s too late to invest more in their education. Thus, in 2018, 27 per
cent of 25- to 34-year-olds in China had a graduate
degree, versus just 7 per cent of the 45- to 54-year-olds.
Govt must stick to its stand on Vodafone Idea Better education enables workers to use more
sophisticated machines that drive labour produc-
ast year, the Union government had cleared a relief package for the tivity higher, as was reported recently in a paper
financially stressed telecom sector to prevent the industry from slipping that studied educational qualifications of workers
into a duopoly. The objective of that package will be lost if the govern- in machining in the US over the last five decades.
ment fails to stick to its stand on converting Vodafone Idea’s interest More educated people also have a longer work-life,
as mental faculties remain robust for much longer
dues into equity. As part of the reform package, telcos were given the option of
than physical strength. One moderating factor,
converting part of their dues into government equity, and Vodafone Idea opted though, from the perspective of availability of indus-
for it. With that, around ~16,100 crore of the telco’s interest dues were to be con- trial labour, is that more educated people are less
verted into a 33 per cent government stake in Vodafone Idea. Both the finance likely to work in factories. Graduates make up less
ministry and the Securities and Exchange Board of India approved the conversion, than 10 per cent of the workers in agriculture, pro-
but the government appears to be shifting the goalpost by setting new conditions duction and construction in the US, whereas they
are 37 per cent of the overall workforce and 43 per
before picking up equity in the company. While the government has not made
cent of the services workforce.
trump quantity
skill gap, but also due to smaller sizes of enterprises
without any delay.
they work in (informal firms are smaller), as they
Time is of the essence in this case because Vodafone Idea, which has an accu- are less capable of exploiting economies of scale and
mulated debt pile of around ~2.2 trillion, mainly government dues, is losing sub- investing in skill-building. As digitisation and
scribers at a fast clip and is unable to invest in the highly competitive telecom reforms improve state capacity in these economies,
business. It’s the only private telco to have stayed away from any 5G-related announce- there is greater formalisation and growth in firm-
ment. It had only demonstrated mild participation in the telecom spectrum auctions,
Availability of industrial labour is less of a challenge than widely size, which should improve labour productivity.
including those for 5G services, earlier this year. Berkshire-headquartered Vodafone believed. Parents with fewer children have healthier and more Overall, improvement in human capital can offset
some of the decline in fertility: On average, people
had famously said it would not put good money after bad, referring to its debt-
ridden India business in partnership with the Aditya Birla group. The Indian partner
educated ones may have fewer children, but those are more likely
to grow into stronger and more capable workers.
too hasn’t shown any interest to put in money, though the venture has time and n the Tessellatum last month, we discussed the also affects the availability of industrial workers. There is also strong evidence of a rise in robotisation
again announced its intent to raise funds. It is here that the government’s role is first major finding from our project assessing the However, before we begin to worry about these in ageing societies.
critical. That’s because Vodafone Idea’s fund-raising exercise is directly or indirectly impact of Asia’s ageing on the global supply of countries running out of industrial workers, it is impor- Due to a combination of these factors, industrial
workers and savings, and on global economic growth: tant to note that 28 per cent of the A-10 workforce is productivity in the A-10 has grown at 3-5 per cent a
linked to the government converting some of the telco’s dues into equity. That demographic shift in 10 major Asian economies still deployed in agriculture. Reskilling farm workers year, and the pace itself has accelerated meaning-
A case in point was Vodafone Idea’s proposal to settle its ~1,600-crore dues (the A-10: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, the for industrial work is undoubtedly challenging, but fully over the past decade.
with equipment vendor ATC Telecom Infrastructure through issuing optionally Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, even with a slow transition to industrial work— with There are industries like electronics assembly,
convertible debentures. The ATC-Vodafone Idea deal, which was linked to the and Taiwan) is faster than the economic transition. farm workers dropping out of the workforce due to garments and toys where significant automation is
government conversion of interest dues into equity, could not be implemented Here we discuss the second major finding — that old age and newer workers joining industry or services still difficult. These are the most likely to shift out
in the absence of communication from the Centre till the last date of December workforce quality is likely to trump instead of farming — the numbers of the ageing economies to younger ones, granted
quantity, at least for the next decade. are sizeable. Labour productivity in that the latter build infrastructure and integrate into
6. The deal has now got an extension till February 28, 2023, but it is again subject The A-10 countries, which dom- agriculture has been growing at 5 per global value-chains to absorb this shift.
to the conversion of Vodafone Idea’s interest dues into equity. It’s time now for inate global trade in manufactured cent annually, offsetting the decline We modelled global demand-supply for goods
the government to walk the talk without setting any conditions. Bankers and goods, were half of incremental glob- in workers. over the next five years, using consensus forecasts
equity funds will open their purse strings for Vodafone Idea only if the government al workers till 2010, but will see work- Two factors that are even more for growth, and some reasonable assumptions on
gives them confidence and shows the way. The government has hinted at recasting ing-age population decline soon. important are the quality of the the split of goods and services consumption. We
While the global population is still workers and the quality of the work- found that A-10 industrial labour supply may even
the conversion arrangement with the telco, but that would have an adverse
growing, several countries with place. Parents with fewer children remain in surplus, contingent on the younger
impact on the telecom industry and not just on any single telco. Vodafone Idea growing young-age populations are also have the time and resources to economies (India, Indonesia, Philippines) success-
has not gone bankrupt yet and it’s upon the government to ensure that the less politically stable and not inte- invest more in their development. fully deploying their workers, and productivity
telecom sector in India has at least three private telcos. The possibility of a grated economically. This not only affects their average growth in China not slowing down substantially.
duopoly must be avoided in this technology-driven sector because it would Trends diverge within the A-10: TESSELLATUM level of education, but also their Even if China’s productivity growth slows by 2 per
affect consumer welfare in the medium to long term. The number of workers can grow 0.9 physical development. cent annually, it would still have surplus labour;
to 1.6 per cent annually in India, The prevalence of underweight only if it slows by 4 per cent would it face worker
Indonesia, and the Philippines, but children has fallen meaningfully shortages. The risk, thus, is more in fragmenting
shrink 0.2 to 1 per cent in China, Japan, Thailand, across countries in Asia. While better child nutrition global value chains slowing down productivity
Fixing India’s airports and South Korea. often depends on government interventions and is a
Further, while Asian economies have higher policy challenge for younger economies like India,
growth and less in the availability of workers.
From a longer-term perspective, the main lesson
labour force participation ratios (LFPR), they are Indonesia and the Philippines, which still have high for countries with younger populations like India is
It needs more world-class terminals declining, and are expected to continue falling in levels of malnutrition and stunting, parental attention to focus on improving human capital, urgently closing
spate of complaints about airports in metropolitan India forced Union the near future. A significant part of this decline is also matters. The improvement in height between gaps in early-childhood nutrition and educational
Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia to visit Indira Gandhi due to people spending more years in education, people born in 1966 and those born in 1990 is inversely outcomes, and in accelerating the process of economic
but it does reduce worker availability. In addition, correlated with the prevalent total fertility rate or TFR formalisation. With fertility rates falling sharply, the
International Airport (IGIA) in New Delhi on Monday morning. Mr Scindia,
findings from our proprietary survey supported the in 1990 for both males and females. In South Korea children born today will be the adult workers when
accompanied by reporters and press photographers, announced a few hypothesis that as incomes rise in some of the North and China, the average height of adults increased by the workforce starts shrinking — making them capa-
minor changes to processes at the airport and also said that problems would be Asian economies, the willingness of younger hands more than 3 centimetres in this period. ble of doing more should be our priority.
resolved in 10 days. It remains to be seen whether this promise will be followed to work in industrial jobs also drops. A growing demand Average years of schooling has risen substantially
through as the peak end-year travel season begins. Certainly, given that a large pro- for services jobs as economies grow more prosperous across the region, rising by three to five years, with The writer is co-head of APAC Strategy, Credit Suisse
portion of the plan consists of asking airlines to cancel or move flights, which is
hardly a sustainable solution, expectations cannot be set very high.
What is clear is that, in spite of various patchwork attempts to increase airport
capacity, the ability of India’s terminals to absorb passenger growth is woefully
lacking. Indeed, poor processes, a customer-unfriendly approach, and additional
red tape have caused reduced effective airport capacity in recent years. In the last
Towards a meaningful market economy
year prior to the pandemic, IGIA operated at its stated capacity of about 69 million ver time, India has attempted to move from cannot be achieved more economically. There is important that the government corrects for negative
creating a planned to a meaningful market- scope for privatisation at a fair price to the right buy- externalities from sectors like agriculture, transport
passengers annually. The pandemic reduced those numbers to a fraction of their oriented economy. We are quite familiar ers, and not just disinvestment. and industry.
former size, and traffic has not yet fully recovered. And even so, travellers are with what the government should not do. What is We do need policies for macroeconomic and It is important to improve regulation and to sub-
reporting long queues and missed flights. Clearly, this is not just a problem of hard less familiar is what the government should still financial stability. And, this stability should be stantially raise the tax-gross domestic product ratio,
infrastructure but also of soft infrastructure. There are not enough people, checkpoints do, or do more emphatically. That is the main con- with minimal costs to the taxpayers and with min- as the so-called capitalist nations in the West have
are poorly manned, additional chokepoints are being introduced, which retard pas- cern here. imal financial repression. For example, real interest done. This should be without harassment and with-
senger flow, and so on. Contract enforcement and respect for property rates should not be kept low, for long, in attempts out creating uncertainty about the tax rules. The
rights are crucial in a market economy. However, to deal with an economic slowdown, which may emphasis should be on reducing tax exemptions
India has a chronic tendency to under-provision its infrastructure and over- this is possible only if we have considerable expan- not even be cyclical in India. and on meaningfully spending on technology and
regulate what it actually provides. The newly built airport for north Goa at Mopa, sion of and improvement in institu- Sometimes protection for the public administration that can keep a check on tax
for example, is supposed to be able to handle only 4.4 million passengers a year. tions like the judiciary in India. At domestic industries is justified on evasion. It is also important to bring back taxes like
That is less than the number passing through the seriously overstretched airport present, there are serious weakness- the grounds that we should make the wealth and inheritance tax on large fortunes,
at Dabolim currently. Travellers from Mumbai report that security checks in that es on that front. Also, there is a need use of unused or under-utilised and do so with respect. And, of course, the public
for consistent rule of law, not select- resources within the economy. money should not be spent on freebies, which are
city’s once enviable airport have become particularly difficult to navigate; and
ed rule of law. The government However, it is important to draw not merit goods or public goods, in order to “buy”
although a new terminal has been inaugurated for Kempegowda International needs to change all this. appropriate lessons from three dif- votes in elections.
Airport in Bengaluru, the reality is that wait times in that airport are still high. In At present, there is a major ferent fields — macroeconomics, Though licensing was abolished in the manu-
Delhi, the regulatory and administrative self-inflicted injuries to airport usability emphasis on a variety of govern- development economics and inter- facturing sector in the early 1990s, effectively it is
are quite clear. Pointless lines outside the terminal add half an hour to check-in ment schemes and projects. national economics. This is a chal- still present in parts of the economy like the real
times. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has not assigned enough man- However, there is a need to shift lenging task indeed, but we need estate sector. This needs to go. Relatedly, the gov-
power and has inexplicably made the flow of passengers through security checks
focus towards enabling policies. GURBACHAN SINGH to keep the basic principles in mind ernment needs to provide, or enable the private sec-
While capitalism has its impor- while attempting second best solu- tor to provide, the infrastructure that is much-need-
slower by meddling with the queues. The introduction of private security agencies tance, there is a need to keep a check tions in the real world. Relatedly, ed for real estate development on a huge scale in a
in addition has merely meant that everyone has one more location to which on crony capitalism. Relatedly to some extent, the Customs duties and other barriers should not be less urbanised country like India. All this can even
blame can be assigned. ease of doing business has improved in India. But increased beyond a point just because these are act as an engine of growth and employment. It can
An emergency meeting chaired by Mr Scindia revealed the number of stake- the same cannot be said for the ease of entering busi- not violating the letter of the World Trade reduce the price of homes, which can, in turn,
holders that will have to be chivvied into line if airports are to improve: From immi- ness. It is the free entry that provides more mean- Organization rules. reduce, if not obviate, the need for a government
ingful competition; the success on start-ups is some- While it is important to weed out the anti-worker scheme like the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
gration officials to the CISF to the airport authority to operators to ground-handling
what limited to tech-related businesses. The labour laws, there is a need to retain pro-worker laws To conclude, it is, in fact, not always clear that
companies to airlines. Soon, Delhi and Mumbai will both be among the 10 busiest government needs to meaningfully enable entry in and policies. For example, it should be possible to we are moving unambiguously towards a market
airports in the world. Their global peers have half a dozen terminals to aid passenger business. This may even pave the way for the gov- fire employees in distressed or dynamic industries economy. To the extent that we are, we need to move
movements — Delhi has only one world-class terminal, Terminal 3, and that is now ernment to substantially reduce its current budget but if a worker gets injured at work, it should be pos- towards a meaningful and sustainable market econ-
more than 10 years old. All metropolitan cities in India should have at least two of around ~2 trillion for just the production-linked sible to get meaningful and immediate compensa- omy, and not just a market economy. There is a long
airports with at least six to seven terminals among them, like their global peers. The incentive (PLI) scheme. tion from the employer. journey ahead.
We still have a large public sector and many parts Often the market mechanism does not pay atten-
long-term plan to make this happen should be put into place now.
are inefficient. It is not even clear if much of it is tion to the environment (think of the air quality in The writer is visiting professor, Ashoka University.
helping in achieving some social objectives, which Delhi particularly in the winter months). So, it is gurbachan.arti@gmail.com
ack in 2006, the good Drs Y V was working as the commissioning editor The book tells us how monetary here. He says, almost as an from 1992 to 1997 practice had been followed chairman of that troubled and
Reddy, who was the Reserve for economics. He had already published policy was made those days. The afterthought, at the end of a since 1955 and capping it troublesome institution, the Indian
Bank of India governor then and one with Macmillan as a co-author with experience was new to India, which chapter: “Finally, to end on a half serious was one of the most fundamental Statistical Institute.
Rakesh Mohan who was deputy gover- Samuel Paul. was lucky to have such a clear-headed note, I must refer to a ‘rumour’…that I reforms of the period. This gave the RBI So what’s the main lesson from this
nor, asked me to record some oral his- When the oral history project was governor at the helm of the RBI from was being considered for the position of much greater flexibility in monetary book? It’s best to quote just one
tories for the history cell of the RBI. It over, the tapes were placed in the RBI December 1992 to December 1997. Very finance minister. This is not without management. sentence from his last chapter:
was headed by T K Chakraborty, an archives. Unfortunately, they have not quietly, he transformed India’s foundation.” Meaning it was true. The book covers such vast ground “Without efforts to curtail liquidity,
excellent economist and an ebullient been released to the public. financial sector because he knew But instead of him, the United that it’s impossible to do justice to it in inflation cannot come down.”
QUICK TAKE: YES BANK STOCK SOARS TO 29-MONTH HIGH "The last treading made the
(Stock price in ~) YES Bank stock is up 19 per cent in two sessions and hit started to move in the right
a 29-month high on Monday. The gains come after the direction. They (now) need
bank said on Friday that it has received fresh nod from to do less to push inflation
MUMBAI | the RBI with respect to the lender’s proposal to sell up
to 9.99 per cent equity stake, each, to global PE Chief Markets Analyst,
investors — Carlyle and Advent Ava Trade
U <
One97 Communications’
has said in a note.
The buyback proposal
comes less than 13 months
on high valuation
years of pain, when it was hit by weak demand and 500 crore currently. (Paytm) board will meet on after Paytm’s disastrous list- ILLUSTRATION: AJAY MOHANTY
high prices of its raw material. The company has The company is also looking at the light- Tuesday to consider a buy- ing, which saw its shares tank
spent that period figuring out diverse weighting concept in the auto segment, where back proposal by the loss- as much as 80 per cent.
opportunities in new sectors such as defence, vehicles use lighter components. This making digital payments Through the IPO — the coun-
aerospace, electrical, e-mobility etc. aluminium-component-based business line is major. The proposal has try’s largest back then —
Now, things are set to change due to recovery in expected to grow quickly once the energy crisis in taken the market by surprise Paytm had raised ~8,300 crore
economic activity leading to demand revival, and a Europe eases — the firm has significant presence as share buybacks are typi- by issuing fresh shares at
drop or stabilisation in raw in Europe via subsidiaries and it is cally undertaken by profit- ~2,150 apiece. The issue also
material cost which could mean looking to start production in the able companies to return comprised a secondary share
likely improvement in margins. At US in the 2023-24 financial year excess cash to shareholders. The governance and vot- sale worth ~10,000 crore.
a recent analyst meet, the company (FY24). “Buybacks signal that the ing advisory firm has high- “We expect that the board
has stated targets of 12-15 per cent Its aerospace clientele includes company has strong cash lighted three key issues, raised ~8,113 crore in net IPO
compounded annual growth rate Boeing, Rolls Royce and flow generation, which is which it says Paytm’s board proceeds after factoring its
(CAGR) in revenue and 20 per cent Honeywell. The company is also more than required to main- should answer before it existing cash. Therefore,
in Ebitda earnings before interest, trying to move up the value chain tain the company’s growth green-lights the proposal. its growth strategy a year ago
tax, depreciation and amortisation. into sub-assemblies and integrated trajectory. In Paytm’s case, “Why is the board consid- required funding support
In the shorter-term, there’s a systems with products like the company continues to ering a buyback at this stage? that was in excess of the IPO
visible cyclical turnaround in the undercarriages, transmission report cash losses annually. The company is yet to gener- proceeds. What has changed BLOOMBERG
domestic and export automobile systems and LRUs (line Therefore, the buyback is ate positive cash from opera- for the board to believe 12 December
sectors, and likely double-digit replacement units) for engines, essentially a return of equity tions. It is also yet to report that its current liquidity is
growth prospects in the high rotary wings, etc. capital to its shareholders,” profits — by traditional sufficiently in excess that it BNP Paribas upgraded China equities in its model
margin non-auto business, In e-mobility, the company is Institutional Investor measures and not based on can be returned to share- Asia ex-Japan portfolio for 2023, downgrading India
including rising traction in e- looking to make power-trains for Advisory Services (IiAS) said the company’s proposed holders?” the voting advisory and Indonesia on “the possibility of fund realloca-
mobility and potential commercial vehicles and is trying in a note. profitability measures that firm questioned. tions to North Asia with China’s reopening.”
opportunities from defence and to become a player in the China was raised to ‘overweight’ from ‘neutral’
renewable segments. repowering market, converting internal by adding internet, e- commerce and electric-
Bharat Forge is the largest exporter in forgings conversion engines to electric. The company is also vehicle battery stocks; sees more than 10 per cent
components globally, with around 60 global trying to develop gas turbines and turbomachinery 1 IN 2 URBAN INDIANS INVESTING MORE AFTER COVID-19: SURVEY gains for onshore and Hong Kong stocks
customers and about 68 per cent of its revenue (for railways, defence etc.) and it has launched a India was downgraded to ‘underweight’ from
from exports. It works with multiple international turbocharger business for tanks and submarines Almost every second Indian raised his or her According to DSP MF, over 4,600 ‘neutral’ by excluding consumer staples and reduc-
OEMs for electric vehicle components. In castings, among others. investment since March 2020 as the Covid- investors participated in the survey from ing allocation to IT services stocks. While the struc-
(via JS Autocast), it is a manufacturer of high-grade Given the order book, the management sees 19 pandemic has forced people to introspect across 10 cities. tural robustness of the market is in place, “our tac-
machined ductile iron castings, used in sectors like visibility in around 70 per cent of its targeted their financial health, shows The study also found that the majority of tical caution on India arises from the market’s
wind energy, hydraulics, automotive and power revenues in FY25. a survey. women investors were dependent on sky-high relative valuations” and likely consensus
generation. The company completed acquisition of Valuations have been stable around the PE of The other key factors which led to higher others when it came to investments. earnings downgrades in the domestic consump-
JS Autocast, a leading manufacturer of machined 30x in the last five quarters. Revenues are expected investments include the belief that equities As per the survey, nearly two out of three tion-oriented names, said Manishi Raychaudhuri,
ductile iron castings, in July 2022 for ~490 crore. to grow 17-18 per cent year-on-year in FY23 and the can deliver good returns, rise in ease of men (65 per cent) take investment decisions BNP Paribas’s head of Asia Pacific equity research,
In search of new business, Bharat Forge has Ebitda is expected to grow 9 per cent. investment with the emergence of online largely independently, but in the case of in an outlook report on Saturday.
invested in R&D in the defence sector, and has The Ebitda margin was down slightly in the first platforms and increase in earnings. women it's only 44 per cent. The report cut Indonesia to ‘neutral’ from over-
already bagged export orders for artillery systems half, and it is expected to recover sharply with The survey by DSP Mutual Fund (MF) and Also, 67 per cent of the women take their weight, reducing exposure to consumer discre-
and hopes to win orders from the Indian army for margins improving through the next fiscal as well. YouGov shows that while 45 per cent of the financial decisions in consultation with tionary and coal and adding exposure to the elec-
advanced towed artillery guns (ATAG). It is already Various analysts have one-year price and valuation respondents raised their investments, 23 their spouse, while only 48 per cent of the tric vehicle (EV) supply chain.
supplying KM4 (armed personnel carriers) targets in the range between ~905, ~960 and ~1,005. per cent had to slash it due to cut in salary, surveyed men said that they consult their It expected Asia to outperform developed mar-
developed internally, to the army. R&D is also There’s some upside from the current price of ~868. fall in risk-taking capacity, uncertainty in spouse while making investment decisions. kets in 2023, especially in the second half, as earn-
business and job loss. ABHISHEK KUMAR ings estimates bottom out and currencies stabilise.
he initial public offering (IPO) The stock is a pure play on the Wine grapes require significant deadline due to an Despite the above-mentioned session only when the latter
of India’s largest wine pro-
ducer and seller Sula
EXPERTS wine sector, which currently sits
on a low customer base but is
work by farmers. Hence, Sula has
term supply arrangements (of up to
unavoidable reason.” downsides, taxpayers should
still go ahead and file a belated
approves a request. The agents
can’t see any other data on the
Vineyards (Sula) opened for subscrip-
tion on Monday and will close on SUGGEST expected to surpass industry
growth due to higher
12 years). Its increasing focus on
elite and premium products has led
Forfeit benefits
Filing a belated ITR attracts
return. The I-T Department
can impose a penalty on a
taxpayer’s computer.”
Wednesday. acceptability, affordability, and to improvement in gross penalties stipulated under person who is liable to file a Things to keep in mind
The issue is entirely an offer-for- perceived health benefits. margins/earnings before interest, Section 234F of the return but doesn’t do It is always advisable to file ITR
sale with 26.9 million shares on offer, KRCHOKSEY | We recommend ‘subscribe tax, depreciation, and Income-Tax (I-T) Act, so. Singh says, “By on time. But if you fail to do so,
fetching ~915-960 crore to the pro- Subscribe with a long-term horizon’ as the amortisation margins, from 47.8 1961. They have to filing a belated then file a belated one instead
moters and shareholders. The price Sula is poised to benefit from industry is still new with demand per cent and 9.7 per cent in FY20 to pay a late filing fee of return, you can avoid of skipping the filing of return
band is fixed at ~340-357. long-term industry growth. It centres concentrated mainly in a 65.29 per cent/25.6 per cent, up to ~5,000. The fine the consequences of altogether. Exercise a lot of
According to iPOWatch, the stock will also expand its wine few metros. respectively, in FY22. is ~1,000 for small non-disclosure of caution while filing a belated
of the vintner is currently command- tourism business by increasing taxpayers whose income. You can also ITR. Singh says, “Be cautious
ing a grey market premium of 11 per its branding and marketing taxable income avoid a notice from about selecting the right ITR
cent over the upper price band. initiatives. The company is SHAREKHAN | Scope for strong listing gains limited doesn’t exceed ~5 YOUR the I-T Department form. Also, keep all the
Sula is India’s 100 per cent grape expected to emphasise The stock is at discount to large peers due to the high concentration of lakh. for not filing an ITR.” documents handy while filing
wine market leader with 52 per cent premiumisation, improve buyers and risks as the state govt’s VAT grants contribute to a large part of Penal interest is MONEY If the taxpayer the return. Ensure that you
share. The grape wine market itself is its realisations, and yield its profitability. While the scope for handsome listing gains is limited, levied under Sections doesn’t file a return, disclose your income
85 per cent of the overall wine seg- higher margins. investors could look at the stock in case of weakness after its listing. 234A, 234B and 234C, the tax department can accurately, and cross-check
ment. The company also leads across depending on the type of tax calculate the taxpayer’s every field in the
four price segments — elite (~950- that is due. income based on its own pre-filled form.”
plus), premium (~700-950), economy brands in the wine business rose from Those who file a belated assessment. This could be A belated ITR can be revised.
(~400-700), and popular (below ~400)
— with a higher share of around 61
63.6 per cent in 2019-20 (FY20) to 84
per cent in FY22 as imports sharply
Offer subscribed 28% on Day 1 return are also barred from
carrying forward their losses.
much higher than the
taxpayer’s actual income.
However, if you file it at the last
moment, then you miss out on
per cent by value in the elite and pre- came down from 31 per cent to 7.9 per The initial public offering (IPO) of The category for Retail Aditya Chopra, managing Jain says, “If taxes have the chance to file a revised ITR if
mium categories in 2021-22 (FY22). cent during this period. Sula Vineyards received Individual Investors (RIIs) was partner, Victoriam Legalis- been deducted from your you discover a mistake later.
Its business is classified under Key risks: Alcoholic beverage is a 28 per cent subscription on the subscribed 48 per cent and that of Advocates & Solicitors, says, income, it is still possible to Hence, either file early or be
wine production, import of wines and state subject and, hence, susceptible first day on Monday. non-institutional investors 18 per “However, individuals are file a belated return and claim extra careful if you file close to
spirits, distribution (wine business), to changes in the tax regime. The The leading wine producer's cent. The IPO of up to 26,900,530 allowed to carry forward a refund of the excess taxes December 31. Finally, taxpayers
and sales from wine tourism venues, company benefits from high import IPO received bids for 52,34,670 equity shares has a price range of losses under the head ‘Income deducted.” who miss this deadline will not
including vineyard resorts and tasting duties on international wines, the shares against 1,88,30,372 shares ~340-357 a share. from House Property’. A person who files tax be able to file an ITR unless they
rooms (wine tourism business). removal or reduction of which will on offer, as per NSE data. PTI Taxpayers who file a returns regularly can avail of receive a tax notice from the
Its revenue contribution from its adversely affect its business. belated return are ineligible benefits such as higher life I-T Department.
Notice is hereby given on behalf of my client viz. MR HARKAMAL PREETSINGH
GHUMAN has purchased Flat No. 404, 4th Floor, Tower C, Vatika, Gurgaon Next,
Gurgaon-21 Project, Sector-83, Gurgaon Pin Code-122002 and mortgaged the captioned
flat with Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited.
Whereas Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited has lost/misplaced original
document in respect of the captioned property during transit and not traceable despite
diligent search. The lost/misplaced documents are given below:
1. Original Tripartite Agreement Dated 28/11/2011.
2. Original Agreement to Sale dated 02/09/2011 Between Rakesh Kakkar as the Vendor &
Mr. Harkamal PreetSingh Ghuman as the Purchaser .
3. Original Apartment Buyer Agreement Between Vatika Ltd &
Mr.Harkamal Preetsingh Prabhakar Dated-11/11/2011.
4. Original Payment Receipts -Nos-03.
5. Original Permission to Mortgage in Favour of Blue Home Finance Limited.
6. Original Transfer of Property Letter Dated 22/09/2011.
Further, Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited has reported missing
complaint on 05/07/2022, bearing Complaint No. 18091-2022 at Greater Mumbai Police,
Police Station, M. H. B. Colony.
Any person/s coming into possession of the aforesaid documents and/or any persons who
are having knowledge of the whereabouts of the said documents or If anybody is having
objection, claim, interest, dispute in the above said property, he/she/they may call on
Mobile No. 98909 43555 or contact the undersigned with the documentary proof
substantiating his/her/their objection/claims/details of disputes within 14 days from the
date of this publication at Office Address:- 301, 3rd Floor, Matoshree Bldg., Opp.
Chintamani Jewellers, Jambhali Naka, Talaopali, Thane (West), Pin – 400 602. Failing
which it shall be presumed that there is no claim over the said property.
Dr. Suryakant Sambhu Bhosale
IN THE > Suzlon Energy > Kalyan Jewellers India > Cummins India
Company Close (~) % Wt PE Company Close (~) % Wt PE
12 Dec ’22 Chg (%) Con Std 12 Dec ’22 Chg (%) Con Std Futures Cash Premium Futures Cash Discount Company Day’s high Close % chg* 3mth high 52 wk high Company Day’s low Close % chg* 3mth low 52 wk low
Adani Enter 4016.7 0.5 1.5 374.4 415.4 Infosys 1547.2 -1.4 6.7 28.5 29.3 price price (%) price price (%)
Adani Ports 881.3 -1.1 0.8 36.3 - ITC 343.2 0.5 5.0 27.9 25.1 IRFC 34.0 33.4 7.7 37.1 37.1 Navin Fluo 4186.0 4205.2 -3.8 4178.0 3361.5
Apollo Hosp 4742.3 1.2 0.6 64.6 72.4 JSW Steel 740.9 0.1 1.2 23.6 25.9 YES Bank 21.4 21.1 6.9 21.4 21.4 Metropolis Heal 1353.0 1368.3 -3.4 1318.4 1318.4
Asian Paints 3166.4 -1.9 1.7 82.9 82.1 Astral 2063.4 2044.2 0.9 Shriram TrFn 1331.9 1363.6 -2.3 HPCL 253.1 252.1 5.1 253.3 332.4 PAYTM 520.6 528.1 -3.1 439.6 439.6
Kotak Mah Bank 1865.8 -1.2 3.2 27.1 38.8
Axis Bank 938.7 0.5 3.1 20.4 16.8 GMR Infra 43.5 43.2 0.9 Dr Lal PathLabs 2401.6 2427.0 -1.0 Rail Vikas Niga 70.8 70.8 5.0 84.2 84.2 Godrej Cons 886.1 894.7 -3.1 793.7 660.2
L&T 2163.7 0.4 3.6 31.7 40.0
L&T Finance Hol 93.4 92.6 0.9 Alkem Labs 3110.5 3116.1 -0.2 Easy Trip Plann 55.5 55.0 4.8 73.5 73.5 Dixon Tech 3970.4 3990.3 -2.8 3970.4 3185.1
Bajaj Auto 3596.8 -0.6 0.6 17.8 19.3 Mah & Mah 1264.0 -0.1 1.5 23.9 25.5 Metropolis Heal 1381.2 1368.8 0.9 IRCTC 723.3 723.9 -0.1 Union Bank 88.3 87.6 4.7 91.3 91.3 Cummins (I) 1466.7 1481.1 -2.7 1125.2 877.8
Bajaj Fin 6506.5 -0.2 2.1 56.1 43.6 Maruti Suzuki 8659.8 0.5 1.4 67.4 44.2 Honeywell A 43779.5 43391.4 0.9 Hero MotoCorp 2770.7 2771.5 0.0 Honeywell A 43819.4 43427.5 4.7 43819.4 46650.0 Glenmark 415.3 425.1 -2.7 363.8 348.9
Bajaj Finsrv 1592.1 -0.4 1.2 46.4 280.7 Nestle India 20487.4 1.2 0.9 - 91.2
Bharti Airtel 828.4 -0.8 2.4 69.9 - LIC India 703.0 697.2 3.8 703.0 920.0 Varun Bever 1367.8 1376.5 -2.5 963.4 545.3
NTPC 168.9 -0.4 0.9 9.8 9.8
BPCL 349.0 3.1 0.4 6.5 - BSE NSE PNB 58.6 58.2 3.4 59.4 59.4 L&T Tech Ser 3867.0 3884.2 -2.4 3324.0 2923.4
Britannia 4432.6 0.5 0.6 67.5 67.4
ONGC 142.4 1.2 0.9 3.9 3.9 Index Stock Index Stock PUT-CALL RATIO Dalmia Bharat 1923.0 1905.7 3.3 1946.4 2102.8 Laurus Labs 402.8 404.0 -2.1 401.5 401.5
Power Grid 215.6 -0.8 0.9 8.9 10.0 InterGlobe Avia 2059.0 2055.2 3.2 2059.0 2282.3 Asian Paints 3141.9 3164.8 -1.9 3033.0 2560.3
Cipla 1096.8 -1.0 0.7 34.5 30.9 FUTURE (Open Interest in Mn) Put Call PC Ratio
Reliance Ind 2613.1 0.2 10.6 26.6 40.9 BPCL 349.8 349.0 3.2 349.8 406.8 KPIT Techno 680.0 683.8 -1.9 557.0 440.0
Coal India 232.4 1.6 0.6 5.5 11.7 Contracts - - 248719 642043
SBI 613.1 -0.6 2.8 13.3 14.8 Market 1832.6 3048.5 0.6 Polycab India 2828.9 2818.6 3.1 2853.5 2853.5 Pidilite Ind 2677.0 2688.6 -1.9 2545.7 1988.6
Divis Lab 3338.8 2.0 0.5 29.9 29.9 Open Int.(000) - - 15800 4987288
SBI Life Ins 1263.2 -0.5 0.7 - 75.4 Poonawalla Finc 309.5 307.6 2.6 338.0 343.8 Policy Bazar 455.0 458.2 -1.8 356.2 356.2
Dr Reddys 4452.3 1.0 0.6 23.8 31.2 Shares(In Mn) - - 10.0 958.6 Top 5 PC Ratio Bottom 5 PC Ratio
Sun Pharma 987.4 -0.5 1.3 57.7 162.9 Granules 339.2 337.4 2.6 381.3 381.3 LTIMind 4282.1 4331.2 -1.6 4260.0 3733.3
Eicher Motor 3320.5 -1.1 0.5 38.9 41.8 Value(~ crore) - - 24692 45136
Tata Consumer P 810.1 0.8 0.6 70.6 87.9 Power Fin 1.1 Abbott India 0.1
Grasim Ind 1815.3 0.9 0.8 15.8 35.5 OPTIONS * Ranked on the basis of percentage gain/loss on previous close
Tata Motors 414.2 0.2 0.9 - 1190.1 Aditya Birla 1.1 Torrent Phar 0.2
HCL Techno 1028.4 0.1 1.3 20.2 25.2 Contracts - - 123641977 2883152
Tata Steel 111.7 1.1 1.1 4.8 5.6 HPCL 1.1 Honeywell A 0.2
HDFC 2685.8 0.5 5.8 21.7 32.5
HDFC Bank 1643.8 0.8 8.6 24.1 22.8 TCS 3286.5 -0.2 3.9 30.4 31.3
Open Int.(000)
Shares(In Mn)
Bank of Baroda 1.0 Bosch 0.2 MOST TRADED TOP M-CAP TRENDS
Tech Mahindra 1032.1 -0.3 0.8 19.0 22.8 Britannia 1.0 Torrent Pwer 0.3
HDFC Std Life 576.5 -0.5 0.7 93.4 93.7 Value(~ crore) - - 12179282 209296 Value Volume Rank Company Mcap (~ cr) Company % change Company % change
Hero MotoCorp 2771.5 0.7 0.4 23.9 20.9 Titan Company 2584.7 -1.2 1.3 105.6 73.4 BSE+NSE BSE+NSE
UltraTech 7146.9 1.0 1.0 30.9 32.5 1 Reliance Ind 1767304.7 BS200 07Agg 95.0
Hindalco 462.0 -0.2 0.8 7.6 20.8 (~ crore) (Mn shrs)
HUL 2717.3 -0.2 2.9 71.9 67.4 UPL 773.1 1.2 0.5 14.5 36.8 ACTIVE CALLS ACTIVE PUTS YES Bank 2070.5 999.4
UP 7 DAYS Pharmaids 64.9
ICICI Bank 930.3 0.0 7.7 25.8 23.4 Wipro 396.4 0.6 0.7 19.3 17.5 Shriram TrFn 6.1 G S Auto Int 55.3
Expiry Strike Traded Open % Chg Expiry Strike Traded Open % Chg Infosys 1283.3 8.3 4 Infosys 651032.1 West Leisure 40.7
IndusInd Bank 1206.8 0.4 0.9 - 15.8 Nifty 50 18497.2 á0.0 100.0 24.4 27.3 MARKET OVERVIEW (In Million) Date Price Qty Interest (OI) (In Million) Date Price Qty Interest (OI)
HDFC Bank 1239.3 7.5 5 ICICI Bank 648200.7 DOWN
Rhetan TMT 40.7
Index Index 6 HUL 638045.6 Dixon Tech -9.0
INDEX PE SHRS TRDS 1 YR Reliance Ind 1171.3 4.5 Pankaj Piyus 40.5
18500 174.8
18600 145.4
18500 169.6
18400 167.7
HDFC 913.3 3.4
Metropolis Heal
SENSEX 25.7/28.2 7.0 206 14 16 5.7 ICICI Bank 820.0 8.8 Alstone -30.1
Asian Paints 3164.8 -1.9 2.0 82.8 82.0 Mah & Mah 1263.7 -0.1 1.8 23.9 25.5 Nifty 15/12/22 18700 106.1 9.0 -7.8 Nifty 15/12/22 18300 105.6 5.7 76.6 9 Bharti Airtel 460580.6 Tata Elxsi -5.4
NIFTY 50 24.4/27.3 193.9 4075 28 22 5.6 Welterman I. -30.1
Axis Bank 938.9 0.6 3.6 20.4 16.8 Maruti Suzuki 8659.2 0.5 1.6 67.4 44.2 Nifty Bank 15/12/22 43700 89.0 2.4 23.4 Nifty 15/12/22 18450 90.9 2.2 78.9 PNB 799.3 138.8 10 Adani Enter 457892.4 UP 3 DAYS
C = CONSOLIDATED; S = STANDALONE Davangere sugar -30.0
Bajaj Fin 6506.1 -0.2 2.4 56.0 43.6 Nestle India 20482.4 1.2 1.0 - 91.2 Nifty Bank 15/12/22 43500 78.9 1.5 -15.4 Nifty Bank 15/12/22 43500 87.2 2.8 52.7 Bajaj Fin 743.9 1.1 11 LIC India 440979.0 YES Bank 20.6
APIL -29.9
Bajaj Finsrv 1592.0 -0.4 1.4 46.4 280.6 NTPC 168.9 -0.3 1.1 9.8 9.8 CASH DERIVATIVES Stock Stock Axis Bank 727.3 7.8 12 ITC 425735.3 HPCL 8.4
Cerebra Int -28.8
Bharti Airtel 827.9 -0.9 2.8 69.9 - Power Grid 215.6 -0.7 1.0 8.9 10.0 Tata Steel 29/12/22 115 42.2 15.2 -4.4 Bank of Baroda 29/12/22 180 22.5 10.7 9.8 Bank of Baroda 690.5 36.6 13 Adani Total Gas 400536.2 Bank of Baroda 7.7 Balgopal Commer -26.6
Dr Reddys 4451.3 1.0 0.7 23.8 31.2 Reliance Ind 2612.3 0.1 12.4 26.6 40.8 VALUE(IN ~ CRORE) 3390 49121 -12458407 Bank of Baroda 29/12/22 210 42.0 9.5 9.0 Bank of Baroda 29/12/22 170 21.5 11.1 2.3 14 Bajaj Fin 393911.8 LIC India 6.6
Kotak Mah Bank 618.1 3.3 J J Finance -22.4
HCL Techno 1028.3 0.1 1.5 20.2 25.2 SHARES(IN MN) 728.3 4034.1 - 9272.6 IDFC First Bank 29/12/22 62 41.4 15.1 4.9 Ashok Leyland 29/12/22 140 21.2 6.4 37.3 15 Kotak Mah Bank 370534.2 Poonawalla Finc 4.8
SBI 613.1 -0.6 3.2 13.3 14.8 SBI 587.1 9.6 UP 3 DAYS
HDFC 2685.0 0.5 6.8 21.7 32.5 TRADES(000) 2677 18719 - 45345 GMR Infra 29/12/22 45 38.4 38.3 -2.2 IDFC First Bank 29/12/22 55 15.9 11.5 17.9 16 Adani Green En 320948.2 Marico 4.6
Sun Pharma 987.1 -0.6 1.5 57.7 162.9 TCS 526.5 1.6 Steel Strip 40.1
HDFC Bank 1643.6 0.8 10.0 24.1 22.8 Bank of Baroda 29/12/22 190 34.9 9.7 4.4 Bank of Baroda 29/12/22 185 15.5 6.8 12.5 17á L&T 303829.6 Siemens 4.6
Tata Steel 111.8 1.2 1.2 4.8 5.6 Relicab Cable 37.1
HUL 2715.6 -0.2 3.4 71.9 67.3 MARKET-CAP (~ CR) TRADED TOTAL IRFC 494.1 152.2 18â Asian Paints 303562.8 DOWN
TCS 3284.5 -0.2 4.6 30.3 31.3 TruCap Finance 33.4
ICICI Bank 929.3 -0.1 8.9 25.8 23.4 PAYTM 455.3 8.4 19 Adani Trans 300178.4 LTIMind -7.6
Tech Mahindra 1032.0 -0.3 0.9 19.0 22.8 BSE 28,877,491 29,097,340 Narmada Gelt 33.1
IndusInd Bank 1205.8 0.3 1.1 - 15.8
Infosys 1547.1 -1.4 7.8 28.5 29.3 Titan Company 2583.0 -1.2 1.5 105.5 73.3 NSE 28,585,956 28,724,201 SPURT IN VOLUMES Uniparts India
HCL Techno
Axis Bank
HCL Techno
L&T Tech Ser
Tech Mahindra
Pun Sind Bnk
UltraTech 7142.6 0.8 1.1 30.9 32.4 DERIVATIVES 20,416,187 20,472,832
ITC 343.1 0.6 5.9 27.9 25.1 Company Days 2-week Avg Change Close *Price 22á Avenue Supermar 262777.6 Tata Power -3.6
Tata Steel 445.6 40.2 A Infra 27.8
Kotak Mah Bank 1865.9 -1.1 3.8 27.1 38.8 Wipro 396.0 0.5 0.8 19.3 17.5 Volume Volume % price %chg 23â Maruti Suzuki 261575.6 ICICI Prud Life -3.2 DOWN 3 DAYS
L&T 2162.0 0.4 4.2 31.6 40.0 BSE SENSEX 62130.6 â-0.1 100.0 25.7 28.2 TRADING ACTIVITY Jai Balaji 1261224.0 49830.0 2431.1 48.3 11.9
Asian Paints
LIC India
24 Bajaj Finsrv 253565.8 Pidilite Ind -3.1 Nxt Digital -17.7
C = Consolidated; S = Standalone (~ crore) FIIs MF 25 Sun Pharma 236822.9 Tata Mot-DVR -2.7
PSP Projects 2306736.0 136034.3 1595.7 706.6 6.1 ITC 395.1 11.5 Arrow green -14.2
Equity Debt Equity Debt 26 Titan Company 229318.7
Net Net Net Net Cerebra Int 9566745.0 651361.2 1368.7 26.3 -19.9 Others Sumedha Fisc -14.2
Maruti Suzuki 392.6 0.5 27 Wipro 217232.0
WORLD INDICES On 09 Dec -98 -6 - - Steelcast 254231.0 17731.0 1333.8 528.0 8.4 Central Bank 391.8 119.4 28 UltraTech 206191.1
SBEC Sugar 127.7
Indo Cotspin
Billwin Inds
On 08 Dec -779 414 706 -569 Thomas Cook 6432301.0 502908.5 1179.0 83.3 6.3 IRB Infra 362.6 12.2 29 Nestle India 197490.8
Indices Close % Chg* Indices Close % Chg*
On 07 Dec -1382 177 -16 -70 Creative Peri 199420.0 15827.0 1160.0 584.8 10.7 30 Adani Ports 190330.8 (T+2) cycleStocks which rose/fell continuously
Tata Motors 354.3 8.6
Americas (Dec 09,22) Asia/Pacific (Dec 12,22) On 06 Dec -257 445 -534 2977 Sreeleathers-ff 144009.0 12476.6 1054.2 230.9 5.9
S&P/ TSX Composite 19947.1 -0.1 Jakarta Composite 6734.5 0.3 On 05 Dec -894 148 2178 2379 Nippon Nifty100 137108.0 11928.1 1049.5 194.7 0.5
Dec till date -4511 2133 5358 6063 Sanginita Chem 304752.0 28367.0 974.3 25.1 9.6
Nasdaq Composite
Dow Jones
Stock Exchange of Thai (Dec 09)
Straits Times
-0.2 2022 till date -128401 -13106 178994 -26269 Omaxe 2434505.0 242162.2 905.3 78.9 1.9
Europe/Africa (Dec 09,22) Kuala Lumpur Comp 1474.4 -0.2 Group ing of the Com- approve the 2023 at 3:00 of a rights
CAC 40 6673.9 -0.1 Taiwan Taiex 14612.6 -0.6 FIIS IN DERIVATIVES 52 WEEK NEW HIGHS/LOWS Company pany held on following busi- P.M. at the issue to the eli-
Purpose July 16 2022 ness : 1. The Registered Of- gible equity
FTSE 100 7467.4 -0.1 Kospi 2373.0 -0.7 Company Price Company Price Company Price Company Price
(~crore) Index Stock Index Index Stock along with the notice of Postal fice of the shareholders of
DAX 14350.3 -0.1 Shanghai Se Comp 3179.0 -0.9 NET Net Fut OI Opt OI OI DECEMBER 13 In Principal Ap- Ballot for seek- Company. The the Company
HIGH *Kotakbketf . . . . . . . . 447.0 LOW Garnet Const . . . . . . . . . 17.3
IBEX 35 8250.4 -0.5 Volatility (Dec 09,22) BS 200 *Linc . . . . . . . . . . . . 445.5 *Datiware Ma . . . . . . . 11.5 Amines Plast: proval dated ing members Company has in accordance
On 09 Dec 2194 -2226 0.2 2.1 2.1 BS 200
Asia/Pacific (Dec 12,22) CBOE S&P 500 24.3 6.3 *United Brew . . . . . . . 1797.8 *Tiger Logistic . . . . . . . 432.1 To consider August 12 2022 approval for earlier dis- with provisions
On 08 Dec 11940 -114 0.2 1.4 2.1 NONE Fundviser Capit . . . . . . . . 9.1
Nikkei 225 27842.3 -0.2 CBOE Dow Jones 20.9 2.6 *Varun Bever . . . . . . . 1432.1 *Jindal World . . . . . . . . 419.2 and approve received from the appoint- closed the date of the Com-
On 07 Dec -2255 -1067 0.2 2.1 2.1 Others Raasi Refra . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1
*Rhetan TMT . . . . . . . . 381.6 shifting of Reg- BSE (Stock ex- ment of Dr. Ab- of EOGM to Ex- panies Act
Hang Seng 19463.6 -2.2 * Change over previous close On 06 Dec 403 -1943 0.2 2.0 2.1 *Apollo Tyres . . . . . . . . 323.7 Neogen Chem . . . . . . 1234.2 Sintex Ind . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4
VA Tech Wbag . . . . . . . 374.9 istered Office change). b) hilasha change on 2013 and the
On 05 Dec 2506 -872 0.2 1.9 2.1 *YES Bank . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4 *Rossari Biotech . . . . . 766.0 *Ozone World . . . . . . . . . . 5.1
*Hariom Pipe Ind . . . . . 373.5 of the Com- Any other item. Hattangdi 30.11.2022; 2. rules framed
MAJOR INDICES Dec till date
2022 till date
- *Lakshmi Machine . 13818.5 *Kamdhenu . . . . . . . . . 359.9
*Matrimony.com . . . . . 568.9 *Shukra Jewl . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 pany within PAYTM: To (DIN:09782680) To consider thereunder the
Magalam Org . . . . . . . . 506.0 *Natural Biocon . . . . . . . 4.4 local limits in consider a pro- as an Inde- and fix the Securities and
Previous Close Open High Low Close Change % chng OI in number of contracts(million) *Bengal Assm . . . . . . 4130.0 *Kirl Ferro . . . . . . . . . . . 346.0
Kanchi Karpoora . . . . . 500.0 Kobo Biotech . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 the city of Gu- posal for buy- pendent Book Closure Exchange
*GRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2133.0 *Ramky Infra . . . . . . . . 342.2
*OAL . . . . . . . . . . . . 443.9 *Metalyst Forg . . . . . . . . . 3.8 wahati Assam. back of equity Woman Direc- date for the Board of India
S&P BSE Sensex 62,181.7 61,770.6 62,239.4 61,676.2 62,130.6 -51.1 -0.1 *Godfrey Ph . . . . . . . . 2101.4 *JTL Industries . . . . . . 341.8
DMCC SChem . . . . . . 281.5 Cinerad Comm . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Efcil: To con- shares of One tor of the Com- purpose of Axiscades
*Adity Vision . . . . . . . 1845.0 Medico Remedies . . . . 332.5
S&P BSE Sensex 50 19,469.0 19,348.8 19,491.8 19,309.7 19,462.6 -6.4 0.0 S&P BSE SECTORAL INDICES *Blue Star . . . . . . . . . . 1284.9 *HBEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317.9 *Plastiblends . . . . . . . . 176.0 Prismx Glob . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 sider and ap-
prove: a) The
97 Communi-
cations Limited
pany. 2. Any
other business
General Meet-
Engg: Meeting
of the Board of
S&P BSE-100 18,860.9 18,757.6 18,883.8 18,709.6 18,861.2 0.3 0.0 *Revathi Equ . . . . . . . 1278.7 *Brand concept . . . . . . 282.4 Greenply Ind . . . . . . . . 154.7 Abhishek Infra . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Company for other business vertible Prefer- accordance Non executive -
Prev cls Close % Chng conversion of (As Per BSE with the per- ing (EOGM); 3. Directors of
*Themis Medi . . . . . . 1249.0 PPAP Auto . . . . . . . . . . 264.0 Deep Polymers . . . . . . 131.5 India Stel W . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 the Second with the per- ence Shares KSS: Meeting of Non independ-
S&P BSE-200 8,037.1 7,996.3 8,047.2 7,971.9 8,040.2 3.1 0.0 20000 convert- Announcement mission of the Any other busi- the Company
Auto 29,621.1 29,594.2 -0.1 *Ebbetf0423 . . . . . . . 1205.9 *Competnt Ato . . . . . . 262.0 Vivanza Bios . . . . . . . . 128.0 Indian Infot . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 Quarter and mission of the Compulsorily the Board of Di- ent director 2.
ible warrants dated on chair. ness as Board to consider and
Bankex 49,698.8 49,688.7 0.0 *West Leisure . . . . . . . 974.2 *NINtec Sys . . . . . . . . . 256.6 Tejnaksh Health . . . . . . . 92.1 Pact Inds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Half Year ended Chairman. Convertible De- rectors of the Change of reg-
S&P BSE-500 25,184.1 25,066.0 25,218.1 24,986.2 25,201.1 17.0 0.1 into Equity 08.12.2022) Vivanta Inds: deem fit to dis- approve fund
Cons. Durables 40,801.8 40,406.0 -1.0 *Bharat Agri Fer . . . . . 900.0 Ramkrshn Frg . . . . . . . . 249.6 GTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.3 Ushdev Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 on 30th Sep- Globe Comm: bentures etc. or Company to istered office of
Shares on pref- PBA Infra: To consider cuss with the raising.
S&P BSE IPO 8,961.0 8,952.7 9,053.8 8,918.7 9,033.6 72.6 0.8 Cap. Goods 34,726.6 34,911.2 0.5 *PSP Projects . . . . . . . 718.0 *B-Right Reale . . . . . . 230.2 *Shree Gan Bio . . . . . . . . 1.5 tember 2022 To consider and any combination consider and the Company
Kesar Enter . . . . . . . . . . . 65.0 erential Basis Meeting of the and approve permission of Diamond Pwr:
FMCG 16,748.6 16,768.8 0.1 *Raghuvansh Agro . . . 609.0 *Icicibankp . . . . . . . . . 223.0 pursuant to approve 1. Pro- thereof to pro- approve the fol- Mfsintrcrp: To
S&P Dollex-30 6,204.5 - - - 6,175.5 -29.0 -0.5 Shree Hari C . . . . . . . . . . 51.7 *Future Consumer . . . . . 1.5 to non-pro- Board of Direc- the following the Chair. To consider
Healthcare 23,379.3 23,381.8 0.0 *ICICI-ETF-FMCG . . . . 536.0 *Dspnewetf . . . . . . . . 218.2 Regulation 33 of posal to raise re- moters other In- lowing;. 1. consider and
*Dhruv Wellness . . . . . . 51.1 *Srestha Invest . . . . . . . . 1.2 moter in accor- tors of the items: 1. The and approve 1.
Nifty 50 18,496.6 18,402.2 18,521.6 18,345.7 18,497.2 0.6 0.0 Infra 306.4 309.7 1.1 *Steelcast . . . . . . . . . . 530.0 *Sky Gold . . . . . . . . . . . 209.7 SEBI (Listing sources by way vestors Change in des- adopt the Unau-
Wanbury . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.5 Quintegra Sl . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 dance with the Company to Draft Notice of DECEMBER 14 To consider
IT 29,349.9 29,181.3 -0.6 *Kewal Kiran . . . . . . . . 528.7 *Redington . . . . . . . . . 202.2 Obligations and of fresh issue of Institutional ignation of Mr. dited Financial
Nifty next50 43,798.6 43,798.8 43,852.8 43,410.6 43,806.9 8.3 0.0 Sri Lak Srsw . . . . . . . . . . 35.2 Gangotri Tex . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 special resolu- consider and Extra-Ordinary Amal: To con- and approve
Metal 20,569.3 20,661.6 0.4 *IIFL Finance . . . . . . . . 501.1 *Moongipa Sec . . . . . . 201.1 Disclosure Re- Equity Shares / Buyers FIIs NRIs Dharmveer Results for the
Dhamp S Sug . . . . . . . . . 28.7 Bhoruka Alum . . . . . . . . . 0.4 tion passed by approve Ap- General Meet- sider proposal the Standalone
Nifty 500 15,812.8 15,759.7 15,836.9 15,688.0 15,828.0 15.3 0.1 Oil & Gas 20,343.9 20,610.5 1.3 *Gravita I . . . . . . . . . . . 469.4 TIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184.7 quirements) Non-Convertible & Corporate Singh Magan quarter and half
Shivom Invest . . . . . . . . . 0.4 the share- pointment off ing (EOGM) of raising of Un-Audited
Power 4,543.1 4,539.6 -0.1 *Narmada Gelt . . . . . . . 465.9 *FACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.9 *Cerebra Int . . . . . . . . . . 26.3 Regulations Debentures / Bodies etc. on Singh Shekha- year ended
India VIX 13.5 13.5 14.2 12.5 13.3 -0.2 -1.2 holders in the Auditor which is sched- funds by issue (Provisional)
*Magellanic Clo . . . . . 451.4 *Goyal Aluminium . . . . 182.6 Jigar Cables . . . . . . . . . . 23.0 Nicco Uco A . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 2015. 2. To Warrants Com- Preferential Al- wat from whole September 30,
PSU 10,113.6 10,171.0 0.6 Extra-ordinary Pix Trans: To uled to be held of equity Financial Re-
transact any pulsorily Con- lotment basis in time director to 2022.
Nifty CPSE 2,832.7 2,828.3 2,843.0 2,810.7 2,835.5 2.8 0.1 Realty 3,562.7 3,581.7 0.5 m m w w General Meet- consider and on January 17 Shares by way sults of the
> BS 200
WHAT THIS STOCK PAGE CONTAINS AND WHY The third sub-set of The table also contains the (F&O) section a wide set of an option may be exercised. becomes valueless while compared with the previous XD after the traded quotes M
information is the stock’s company’s price-earnings data has been provided. An option is “in-the-money” futures contracts are close, the close price is indicate that the scrip has
market capitalisation. The (P/E) multiple. The P/E Open Interest: OI is the if the market price exceeds compulsorily settled on underlined. A significant gone ex-dividend after that l ~100 q ~3 Aarti Inds< ABB IndiaH
BS 200 stocks account for over paid-up value . Four
market capitalisation is multiple is arrived at by number of contracts open at the SP (in case of a call option) expiry. On NSE, it is the last change means a 3 per cent date; XB denotes ex-bonus, PCLose (657.7) (657.5) (2976.9) (2976.6)
85 per cent of the volume of categories of information are m ~50 H ~2 Open 657.0 657.5 2973.0 2979.0
shares, value and trades on provided: First, the basic shown in ~crore and is arrived dividing the day’s closing end of day in the futures and and the market price is below Thursday of every month. rise or fall in scrips whose XR ex-rights; XO ex-indicator
High 658.0 659.0 2998.3 2999.6
the Bombay Stock Exchange information on the day’s at by multiplying the closing price by its reported earning options segment. OI thus SP (in case of a put). Put/call ratio: The ratio of market values are over 10 for other corporate actions n ~20 « ~1
Low 647.3 647.1 2944.1 2945.0
and National Stock Exchange. trading. Information is also prices of shares with equity per share (EPS) for trailing 12 indicates traders’ Otherwise it is “out-of- open interest in put options & times paid-up value or 15 per like AGM/EGM/ preference u ~6 Face value Close 656.3 656.4 2988.6 2991.4
For BS 200 stocks, the given on the number of capital. It changes either months. EPS is calculated on expectations. High OI is money” call options. cent for the rest of the shares. shares/mergers and others . M of scrips is Shares 34434 344K 8216 198K
because more shares have the basis of consolidated typical when traders see a Expiry date: The date on ABBREVIATIONS: When a The letters H or L appended denotes volume of shares in < ~5 ~10 in all PE 18.8 18.8 70.4 70.5
company name is followed by shares traded, and also the 52 Wk H/L 1119/642 1118/642 3446/1945 3446/1945
been issued (or extinguished) earnings wherever available. continuing trend. which a derivative expires . significant change occurs in to prices indicate a new high million, L in lakhs & K in cases if not
its BSE group in brackets and price trend with 52-week Q ~4 specified. Mcap 23791 23793 63328 63388
the symbol indicating the highs and lows. or the price has moved. In the futures and options Strike Price: The price at which An unexercised option the day’s closing value or low in the scrip; the letters ‘000’.
Abbott India ACC Adani Enter« Adani Green En Adani PortsH Adani Wilmar« m H m « m mH H < « « « « m
(20408.7) (20436.2) (2618.7) (2619.5) (3995.8) (3996.8) (2046.9) (2053.4) (890.5) (890.8) (639.3) (639.1)
O 20400.1 20430.0 2600.1 2614.7 4000.0 3997.0 2028.0 2030.0 889.0 892.1 638.6 640.0 O O
20620.0 20650.0 2652.0 2653.0 4030.9 4031.9 2051.0 2053.0 895.2 894.9 644.8 645.0
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20516.5 20516.9 2642.8 2642.4 4016.6 4016.7 2026.2 2024.1 881.1 881.3 638.5 638.6
395 7976 6324 307K 28866 802K 15068 334K 76380 3412K 160K 1160K K K K K K K K K K K K K
49.4 49.4 60.7 60.7 374.4 374.4 - - 36.3 36.3 - -
W 20895/15525 20901/15514 2785/1901 2785/1900 4098/1530 4096/1529 3048/1283 3050/1295 988/652 988/652 878/221 878/227 W W
M 43598 43598 49629 49622 457892 457904 320948 320616 190331 190374 82979 82999 M M
Aurob Pharma« Axis BankH Bajaj Auto Bajaj FinH Bajaj Finsrv« Balkrishna IH Balram Chini« Bandhan Bank Bank of BarodaH Bata India< Berge Paint« Bharat Elctn« Bharat ForgeH Bharti Airtel< BHELH Biocon< BirlasoftH Bosch
(454.0) (454.0) (933.7) (933.7) (3617.9) (3616.9) (6517.6) (6517.5) (1598.4) (1598.6) (2058.9) (2058.1) (378.2) (378.0) (246.9) (246.9) (188.6) (188.6) (1679.2) (1679.1) (614.3) (615.2) (105.8) (105.8) (856.5) (857.4) (835.0) (834.9) (85.5) (85.5) (272.3) (272.3) (309.4) (309.4) (17514.4) (17516.8)
O 454.0 454.0 928.6 929.9 3604.1 3617.0 6496.1 6508.1 1585.0 1586.2 2058.9 2057.0 O 373.2 377.4 245.5 246.7 188.2 188.5 1679.2 1679.1 615.0 615.2 105.8 106.0 O 865.1 869.5 831.3 832.6 85.6 85.9 272.4 272.9 309.0 309.0 17514.0 17516.8
456.9 456.8 940.8 941.2 3616.3 3624.6 6537.1 6539.0 1603.5 1604.0 2079.3 2080.2 377.9 378.0 248.7 248.8 190.7 190.7 1679.5 1681.4 623.7 623.6 106.6 106.6 875.0 875.6 837.0 837.0 87.1 87.1 274.1 274.2 310.4 310.6 17600.0 17625.0
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451.3 451.4 938.9 938.7 3600.4 3596.8 6506.1 6506.5 1592.0 1592.1 2058.6 2059.3 373.2 373.7 246.8 246.9 190.1 190.1 1670.4 1670.3 622.4 622.4 104.5 104.6 868.5 869.3 827.9 828.4 86.7 86.8 270.1 270.7 307.7 307.6 17399.5 17384.1
37011 874K 165K 7622K 7412 172K 48925 1100K 30766 1366K 8066 171K 42851 1179K 381K 4928K 1321K 35305K 10134 339K 26765 1167K 733K 19336K 48707 1855K 171K 3150K 1486K 18972K 652K 976K 245K 2916K 533 12681
12.5 12.5 16.8 16.8 17.8 17.8 43.6 43.6 46.4 46.4 27.9 27.9 22.4 22.4 10.3 10.3 10.4 10.4 70.2 70.2 71.3 71.3 27.6 27.6 36.4 36.4 69.9 69.9 40.7 40.7 52.5 52.7 17.4 17.4 39.7 39.7
W 742/450 742/450 945/618 945/618 4130/3028 4132/3027 8044/5236 8045/5220 1862/1078 1862/1073 2537/1682 2537/1691 W 526/300 526/299 350/209 350/210 197/77 197/77 2121/1608 2122/1607 799/544 799/544 228/96 228/96 W 896/596 897/595 877/629 861/629 91/41 92/41 411/258 411/258 586/262 586/261 18300/12940 18225/12932
M 26439 26445 288607 288546 104183 104079 393912 393936 253566 253590 39792 39805 M 7613 7622 39747 39771 98307 98282 21468 21467 60454 60454 76387 76424 M 40435 40472 460581 460859 30189 30207 32422 32500 8409 8407 51311 51266
BPCL Britannia« Can Fin HomeH Canara Bank CGCELH Chambal Fert Chola InvH CiplaH City Union Bk« Coal India Coforge Colgate« Containr Crp< Coromndl Int« Cummins (I)H Dabur India« Dalmia BharatH Deepak NitrtH
(338.3) (338.5) (4411.8) (4410.3) (557.0) (557.2) (317.7) (317.5) (354.9) (354.8) (305.5) (305.6) (744.0) (744.1) (1107.4) (1107.9) (192.1) (192.1) (228.9) (228.9) (3876.9) (3877.2) (1657.3) (1656.9) (773.9) (774.0) (961.3) (961.4) (1522.6) (1523.0) (599.1) (598.8) (1844.8) (1847.4) (2189.8) (2191.5)
O 337.1 338.0 4440.0 4419.1 557.0 558.0 317.9 318.5 353.1 355.0 305.5 304.0 O 745.0 744.9 1107.0 1105.0 195.4 193.0 227.9 228.4 3870.0 3852.0 1655.1 1660.0 O 774.0 774.0 961.4 959.9 1509.1 1518.0 602.4 600.0 1856.4 1859.9 2185.0 2180.1
349.8 349.9 4440.0 4439.1 558.5 558.8 321.5 321.5 355.0 355.6 312.5 312.4 747.7 748.0 1107.6 1110.0 195.4 194.9 233.7 233.7 3920.0 3920.0 1668.5 1670.0 777.0 777.0 966.0 966.5 1518.0 1518.1 603.7 603.8 1923.0 1922.9 2215.9 2216.9
w 334.6 334.6 4384.5 4384.0 548.7 548.1 314.9 315.0 348.8 349.0 303.3 302.7 w 734.0 733.0 1093.0 1093.1 189.8 189.7 227.9 228.1 3795.0 3792.3 1644.7 1644.0 w 765.1 765.1 948.8 949.0 1466.7 1466.1 590.6 590.3 1825.8 1826.3 2162.1 2162.1
349.0 349.0 4431.0 4432.6 552.0 551.8 320.5 320.5 351.5 351.5 311.1 311.1 747.0 746.6 1097.1 1096.8 194.3 194.4 232.4 232.4 3908.3 3906.3 1647.0 1650.1 772.7 772.3 953.9 953.5 1481.1 1482.0 602.4 602.5 1905.7 1906.3 2190.2 2190.0
264K 6739K 6343 233K 11783 375K 320K 6776K 28044 962K 84848 1768K 20634 1341K 9783 1544K 43951 1391K 557K 7881K 3854 214K 31807 505K 48970 894K 9783 667K 14864 619K 53469 1989K 16106 582K 12157 244K
- - 67.5 67.5 13.5 13.5 7.5 7.5 37.9 37.9 11.1 11.1 26.2 26.2 34.5 34.5 15.9 15.9 5.5 5.5 32.1 32.1 42.1 42.2 41.4 41.4 14.7 14.7 46.6 46.6 61.8 61.8 31.2 31.2 58.5 58.5
W 407/288 407/288 4451/3050 4452/3050 685/408 685/407 334/172 334/172 452/312 452/312 516/261 516/261 W 818/470 818/469 1185/850 1185/850 200/109 200/109 263/139 263/139 6133/3210 6135/3210 1695/1376 1696/1376 W 829/554 829/554 1094/710 1094/709 1551/878 1552/877 610/482 611/482 2103/1213 2104/1213 2690/1682 2690/1681
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The country has turned a net exporter of all kinds of toys, and imports made up four-fifths of
The wage rate seems directly proportional to of data.
According to the Sixth Economic
its exports are growing at a faster pace than China’s all toy imports into India. the size of a company, so the solution to Census of 2013-14, there were 58 mil-
However, in FY22, imports from lion establishments that employed 131
Taiwan, Japan, Italy, the US, Sri India’s employment problem might lie at million people. Of these, 42 million
1. CHINA STILL DOMINATES Lanka, Germany, UK and the larger companies were own-account establishments
UAE accounted for more than a and only 16 million establishments
INDIA’S TOY IMPORTS fifth of India’s toy imports (see size. The top decile had the largest 10 employed at least one hired worker.
Share in India’s total toy imports (in %) Chart 1). per cent. The size of a company was These establishments engaged 73 mil-
n China n Other major countries of import
India has consistently defined by its relative position in a lion workers — an estimate that pro-
reduced its toy imports over the ranking of companies by their three- vides an order of magnitude of sal-
past five years and is now a net year average of the sum of sales and aried employees in the economy in
exporter of all kinds of toys, fixed assets. 2013-14.
which include sports equipment, Companies in the top decile had According to CMIE’s CPHS, there
dolls, fishing equipment, video an average annual wage rate of were 87 million salaried employees in
games, festive and carnival ~1 million per employee. Happily, over 2019-20. This could be considered an
items, circus and amusement a third of all persons employed by update of the estimate provided by
items, among others. In FY22, listed companies were employed in the Economic Census of 2013-14. The
the trade surplus in toys stood at this group. Covid-19 shock led to the count of sal-
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 $153.13 million against a trade MAHESH VYAS The second decile, which aried employees falling to 74 million
Other major countries of import include Taiwan, Japan, Italy, USA, Sri deficit of $292.9 million five years accounted for another 15 per cent of in 2020-21. Then it recovered partly
Lanka, Germany, UK, UAE; Data for China includes data for Hong
Kong; Data considered HSN Code- 95 ago (see chart 2). Listed companies employed a record the total employees of listed com- to 81 million in 2021-22. In contrast,
Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry The analysis also found that 10 million people in 2021-22, and the panies, had an average employment by listed
the steepest reduction between annual average wage they paid was of wage rate of ~736,536 in companies did not fall
According to CMIE’s
2. INDIA NOW A NET EXPORTER 3. BUT INDIA’S TOY EXPORTS HAVE FY18 and FY22 has been in the the order of ~7 lakh per employee. 2021-22. This decile, there- during the Covid-19
CPHS, there were 87
import of dolls; scooters, pedal This was much higher than the ~3 fore, had an average period. In 2021-22,
OF TOYS (in $ million) 153.13 GROWN AT A FASTER PACE THAN CHINA cars and wheeled toys and lakh average wage which a factory annual wage rate substan-
million salaried
while listed com-
employees in
-292.92 -228.24 -158.02 -4.86 CAGR In % articles for circus and travelling employee received, and the ~2.63 lakh tially lower than that in the panies saw employ-
2019-20. This could
menageries. However, the received by a salaried employee of any first decile. ment increasing by
be considered an
imports of sporting articles and listed, unlisted, big or small enter- This implies the distri- 9.3 per cent, total
update of the
fishing equipment have risen by prise, according to CMIE’s Consumer bution of wages in listed employment of all sal-
25.31 estimate provided
23.56 16.74 24 per cent and 110 per cent, Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS). companies was such that aried employees
by the Economic
9.93 5.98 respectively. The wages paid by listed the top 20 per cent of com- according to CPHS
Census of 2013-14
In comparison, India’s companies on average were more panies accounted for grew at a lower rate of
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 India Vitenam China Netherlands Czech exports of small toys, which than twice the salaries paid by other about half the total 8.6 per cent.
Net trade= Exports- Imports; Data considered the following HSN include dolls, wheeled toys and enterprises. employment. And, given that the Implicitly, employment by smaller,
codes: 9503,9504,9505,9506,9507,9508 Republic
Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry HSN Code 950390; Data between 2012- 2021 Source: WITS scooters have risen 177 per cent Listed companies are mostly average wage rate was around ~7 lakh unlisted companies grew at a slower
in the five years since FY18, fol- bigger than average Annual Survey of per employee, they paid well above pace, though part of this growth was
lowed by its exports of playing Industries (ASI) factories or the much the average wage paid by all listed merely a recovery from a fall.
SAMREEN WANI turing capacity, According to cards, video game consoles and larger set of enterprises where the companies. The larger companies The CPHS database also shows
New Delhi, 12 December India is likely to India has industry experts, parlour games which have CPHS sample of household members hired more people and paid more on that only six per cent of all salaried
extend the produc- consistently reduced the scheme has the increased by 105.8 per cent in the are employed. CPHS does not contain average than the rest. employees in India in 2021-22 had an
its toy imports over
lthough India’s share in tion-linked incen- potential to add 4 same period. information on enterprises where The long tail of 80 per cent of the annual wage rate of more than
the world toy trade has tive (PLI) scheme to the past five years per cent to India’s The gap is still huge but household members are employed. companies employed less than half ~6 lakh. Further, only about 35 per
marginally improved, domestic toy man- and is now a net gross domestic pro- India’s toy exports are growing Therefore, it is not possible to link the total and paid lower wages. The cent had a wage rate of more than ~3
it still lags behind ufacturers after exporter of all kinds duct per annum by at a faster pace than China’s. wage rates with the size of enterprises wage rate dropped to ~5.5 lakh in the lakh. This implies that about two-
China’s. Toys are not China’s main Chinese toys were of toys, which boosting the coun- Indian toy exports have grown at or employers. Nevertheless, it is pos- third decile, and then rose to ~6.68 thirds of the total salaried employees
item of export, but about two- found to be include sports try’s manufactur- a compound annual growth rate sible to deduce that larger enterprises, lakh in the fourth and further to ~7.75 in India had a wage rate lower than
thirds of the toys sold globally are “unsafe”. A govern- equipment, dolls, ing capacity. of 25.3 per cent between 2012 and prima facie, employ more people and lakh in the fifth. In the next three the lowest wage rates offered by
from China. The world exported ment survey in video games, festive China is the 2021 compared to 23.5 per cent make larger wage payments per deciles, the annual wage rate was ~5 listed companies.
toys worth $73.2 billion in 2021: 2019 reported that and carnival items, largest supplier of for Vietnam and 16.7 per for employee than smaller ones. We can lakh to ~6.5 lakh. Then, in the smallest Apparently, the solution to India’s
China accounted for 66.2 per cent, about 70 per cent of circus and toys to India. A China (see chart 3). In 2021, check this somewhat rigorously two deciles, the annual wage rate fell employment problem should be
or $48.5 billion of that, out of all the toys amusement items, Business Standard China’s toy exports exceeded within the set of listed companies for sharply to ~3 lakh to ~3.75 lakh. found in larger companies, which are
which mainland China made up imported from among others Analysis found that India’s exports 279 times and which information is available. The mid-sized bins — deciles 3 to required to make copious disclo-
$46.1 billion and Hong Kong $2.4 China failed the though toy imports Vietnam’s exports exceeded We find that the average wage paid 8 had an annual wage rate in the sures, rather than in the medium and
billion. By comparison, India’s toy country’s safety from China have India’s eight times. by an enterprise grows as the size of range of ~5 lakh to ~7.75 lakh. This was small-scale sector, which are poor
exports were a minuscule 0.23 per tests. India currently has a PLI reduced in the five years from While it is still far from the company increases. Using a set of much lower than the average wage in users of labour.
cent of the world’s toy exports. scheme in 14 sectors, and it has FY18 to FY22, India still imports becoming a global hub of toy around 3,300 listed companies for the top two deciles and much higher
However, in a major boost for committed a total financial out- about three-fifths of its toys from exports, India is fast closing the which 2021-22 data was available, we than in the bottom two.
the country’s domestic manufac- lay of ~1.97 trillion. the country. In FY18, Chinese toy gap with China. created 10 sets of companies by their Broadly, it is evident that the wage The writer is MD & CEO, CMIE P Ltd
Notice is hereby given that my client, Mr. Keyur Dhiraj Haria, residing
at Flat No. 1302, Ashtha, BPS Plaza, Devi Dayal Road, Mulund (W),
Mumbai 400080 has agreed to verify and investigate the title of Owners
(1) Baibai Baliram Patil, (2) Indumati Ramesh Kine, (3) Ashwini Ananta
Mhatre, (4) Dayanand Baliram Patil, (5) Vanita Uday Gaikwad, (6) Pradip
Baliram Patil, (7) Rahul Sunil Patil, (8) Gita Tanaji Patil, (9) Manasi
Tanaji Patil and (10) Sidharth Tanaji Patil of the undermentioned
Agricultural Land. All persons having any claim, right, title or interest in
the under mentioned agricultural land by way of Sale, Mortgage, Charge,
Lien, Gift, Use, Trust Possession, Inheritance, Hypothecation, Transfer
of title or any beneficial interest under any trust, right of prescription or
pre-emption or under any Agreement or other disposition or under any
Decree, Order or whatsoever are hereby requested to inform the same
in writing along with requisite documentary evidence to the undersigned
at Office No. B-5, Pavansoot C.H.S Ltd., Plot No. 55, Sector 21,
Kharghar, Raigad, Maharashtra 410210 within Fourteen (14) days from
the date of publication hereof, failing which it will be presumed that no
person has any claim/right on the said agricultural land and the
investigation shall be completed without any reference to such claim
and the same will be deemed to have been waived and/or abandoned.
All that Piece and Parcel of Agricultural Land bearing Survey No.
146/1/M, admeasuring total area about 00-28-40 Hectre-Are-Sq. Meters
(inclusive of Pot Kharaba 00-02-40 Hectare-Are-Sq. Mtrs.) situated, lying
and being at Village Rahnal, Taluka Bhiwandi, Dist Thane within the
I Adv. Roshan A. Baig my Client Late. DINKAR SAKHARAM TAMBE, a
Registration District Thane, Sub -Registration Bhiwandi and Limits of
Rahnal Gram Panchayat.
PAREL, MUMBAI-400012, and holding Flat No. 103, First floor in the
Dated: 13 th December 2022 Advocate
building of the society, died on 26TH JUNE 2006, without making any
On behalf of my client, I hereby invite claims and objections from the heir
or heirs or other claimants/objector or objectors of the transfer of the said
shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital property of the
society within a period of 15 days from the publication of this notice,, with
copies of such documents and other proofs in support of his/her/their
claims/objections for transfer of shares and interest of the deceased
CIN: L40106DL1981PLC012228 member in the capital / property of the society. If no claims/objections are
Registered Office: F 27/2, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi – 110020 received within the period prescribed above, the society shall be free to
Tel.: 011-26387091; E-mail: cs@spml.co.in; Website: www.spml.co.in deal with the shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/
NOTICE OF POSTAL BALLOT AND REMOTE E-VOTING INFORMATION property of the society in such manner as is provided under the bye-laws
of the society. The claims/objections, if any, received by the society for
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 110 and other applicable provisions of the
transfer of shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital /
Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) read with the rules made thereunder and Regulation 44 of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosures property of the society shall be deal with the manner provided under the
Requirements) Regulation, 2015, SPML Infra Limited proposed the resolutions for bye-laws of the society. A copy of the registered bye-laws of the society is
approval of Members by Postal Ballot. available for inspection by the claimants/objectors, in the office of the
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the “MCA”) vide its General Circular No. 14/2020 dated society/with the Secretary of the Society between 6.00 P.M. to 9.00 P.M.
April 8, 2020, General Circular No.17/2020 dated April 13, 2020, General Circular No. from the date of publication of the notice till the date of expiry of its period.
22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, General Circular No.33 /2020 dated September 28, 2020 For and on behalf of
and General Circular No.39 /2020 dated December 31, 2020, General Circular Place : Mumbai. Sd/-
No.10/2021 dated June 23, 2021, General Circular No. 20/2021 dated December 08, Date : 13/12/2022 Adv. Roshan A. Baig
2021 and General Circular no.3/2022 dated May 5, 2022 (the “MCA Circulars”),
Companies are permitted to obtain approval of Shareholders by postal ballot through
e-voting only. Accordingly, Company has sent the postal ballot notice by e-mail to all the
Members, on Tuesday, 13 December, 2022 whose names appear on the Register of
Members/ List of Beneficial Owners on Friday, 09th December, 2022.
Members holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off PUBLIC NOTICE
date i.e. Friday, the 09th December, 2022 may cast their vote electronically (remote NOTICE is hereby given that my clients, MRS. SUSHILA DINESH
e-voting only) on the businesses as set out in the Notice of postal ballot through electronic PANDYA and MR. DINESH GAURISHANKER PANDYA, are the
voting system of National Securities Depository Limited. present owners of the residential premise bearing Flat No. C-17,
The Company has appointed Mr. Tumul Maheshwari, Company Secretary in practice, Admeasuring about 495 Sq. Ft. Carpet, on the First Floor, in the Building
having Mem No. 16464 as a Scrutiniser for conducting the Postal Ballot process in a fair No. C of The Indradeep Co-operative Housing Society Limited, situated
and transparent manner. In compliance with Section 108 of the Act read with Rule 20 of the at 171, L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai 400086 (hereinafter
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the Company has offered referred to as the said Flat). The chain of Agreements is comprised
e-voting facility, through National Securities Depositories Limited (NSDL) to enable the
shareholders to cast their votes electronically. The detailed procedure for e-voting is of (1) Sale Deed dated 24th March 1974, between Shri. Anil Popatlal
enumerated in the Postal Ballot Notice. Shareholders can cast their vote online from 9.00 Shah being the Transferor/Vendor and the Transferee/Purchaser Smt.
a.m. (IST) on Thursday, 15th December, 2022 to 5.00 p.m. (IST) on Friday, 13th January, Indumati V. Sanghavi (2) Agreement dated 07th day of August 1990,
2023. between Smt. Indumati V. Sanghavi being Transferor/Vendor and the
Notice of Postal Ballot is also available on the website of the Company, www.spml.co.in Transferees/Purchasers Mrs. Sushila Dinesh Pandya and Mr. Dinesh
and NSDL, www.evoting.nsdl.com. Shareholders, who do not receive the Postal Ballot Gaurishanker Pandya. The Originals of the said Sale Deed dated
Notice by e-mail may obtain the same by sending their request to our RTA/NSDL. Results 24th March 1974 and Agreement dated 07th day of August 1990
of the voting will be announced by Monday, 16th January, 2023 and hosted on the website are lost and misplaced and even after diligent search the same are not
of the Company at www.sppml.co.in and on NSDL's website www.evoting.nsdl.com and traceable. Any person/s in custody of the said Agreements and/or having
also be communicated to NSE and BSE, where the shares of the Companies are listed. claim /right of whatsoever nature against the said Flat are required to
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Date: 13.12.2022 Swati Agarwal ARSHPREET KAUR KARWAL
Place: Kolkata (Company Secretary) Dated: 13 th December 2022 Advocate
t is a busy time for outplacement nor for outplacement agencies. In June, Byju’s had laid off about 600 from what might be their last group stage. They also reached knockout games went into
agencies and job portals in India. Over 23,000 start-up Portals like Careernet say while employees at its group companies, World Cup. the World Cup semifinals extra time before the team
The funding chill that has set in for employees laid off since 2020 demand has increased for their formal WhiteHat Jr and Toppr. First it was Neymar. Then in 1998. lost to France in the final,
the start-up universe this winter and the 15,216 sacked by 44 start-ups, outplacement services, where they “We understand this is a tough sit- it was Cristiano Ronaldo. Both teams have come and the same thing is hap-
fears of a possible global recession that including unicorns engage with candidates with the con- uation; to make this less painful, we Could Lionel Messi be next? through uncomfortable pening in Qatar, with victo-
have gripped the IT sector have pushed sent of the company, this demand isn’t have created a dedicated outplacement Momentum is building behind moments. Argentina’s darkest ries in penalty shootouts over
thousands back into the job market. Response to job openings up really coming from the start-up sector, team that will help the affected Messi’s push to cap his career time was right at the start of Japan in the last 16 and Brazil
Over 23,000 have lost their jobs in 10% between last quarter and which has laid off the maximum num- employees get a suitable job,” says a with the biggest prize in the the tournament, after a 2-1 loss in the quarterfinals.
the start-up world alone since the pan- this one at Careernet ber of people. Byju’s spokesperson. game. The 35-year-old Argen- to Saudi Arabia Croatia
demic began in 2020, according to 20-25% uptick in direct job “A lot of these layoffs are happening The company says it has decided to tina playmaker has carried his in what will go looked more
staffing firm TeamLease. As many as because of the funding crunch, and not extend the insurance benefits of the team to the semifinals, almost down as one of comfortable
applications and referral There was much less
15,216 have been laid off by 44 start- because people are not skilled enough affected employees and their families in the same way Diego Mara- the World Cup’s against Brazil
ups, including unicorns, the firm adds.
scheme programmes at or their skills are outdated,” says Das. “So by six more months. “The employees dona — the man with whom biggest upsets.
noise around the than against
Among these were 14 edtech start-ups, Careernet they might not get a job immediately or can also keep the company assets till Messi is so often compared — Inspired by
Croatians, yet they Japan, which
keep on surprising
which have let go of 6,898 people in Job portals hosting even one at the same salary, but maybe they need them. There is also a provi- led the South American nation Messi and one shows the team
2022 alone. a little later on a reduced salary.” sion for garden leave, which will help to its second and most recent of the most fer-
just like four years might be happi-
hackathons, practice exams, ago when their run
The sacking season, however, isn’t tweaking résumés to meet There’s another hurdle. our employees apply for jobs while World Cup title in 1986. vent fan follow- er to invite pres-
over yet. Of late, conversations among Outplacement agencies say some com- being on our payroll,” the spokesperson Now in Argentina’s way is ings in Qatar,
to the final included sure and choose
market demand a 3-0 victory over
human resources (HR) professionals panies are demanding a guarantee that adds. Like OYO, Byju’s says it, too, will Croatia, a country with a pop- Argentina won its moments to
have been about the number of Outplacement agencies say each of the impacted employees would re-hire the laid-off personnel if they ulation of four million, which its final two
Argentina in the break forward
promising resumes likely to be up in many firms demanding land a job. don’t land a job “within 12 months of is establishing a reputation as group games,
group stage rather than con-
the job market in the weeks and guarantee of employment for “We are currently not handling any their date of separation from us”. the most stubborn and durable ended up trol games and
months to come. their impacted employees outplacement demand because there are At rival Unacademy, which is con- of opponents, while also boast- squeezing past be more suscep-
The layoffs in the past two quarters simply too many mandates,” says Vijay ducting another round of job cuts and ing one of football’s most grace- Australia 2-1 in the round of 16 tible to the counterattack.
have accelerated the number of job Karkare, managing director, laying off 350 employees, or 10 per cent ful players in Luka Modric. and then required penalties to Containing Messi will be
seekers, says Akhil Gupta, CEO of work on their technical skills, these por- Cornerstone, a Delhi-based outplace- of its workforce of 3,500, a placement The teams go head to head get past the Netherlands in a key and much of the responsi-
recruitment portal Shine.com. At tals are now spearheading newer ini- ment agency. “While the outplacement support system has been put in place. at Lusail Stadium — also the wild quarterfinal match. bility there lies with holding
Bengaluru-headquartered talent solu- tiatives. For instance, Shine.com has market is booming, we are facing trouble Unacademy claims it is ensuring job venue for Sunday’s final — in Messi now has four goals in midfielder Marcelo Brozovic,
tions provider Careernet, the response been conducting coding hackathons with companies, which want a full guar- interviews and placements for every a meeting between the last two the tournament in Qatar, leav- who protected Croatia’s
to job openings has increased by 10 per where candidates can showcase their antee of employment for the people they employee who signs up for the place- runners-up at the tournament: ing him one behind top scorer defense so well against Brazil.
cent between the last quarter and the skills and get noticed by potential have laid off.” ment support. In April, the firm had Argentina in 2014 and Croatia Kylian Mbappé. They are prob- Argentina will be without
current one. employers. “There is also the issue of stinginess,” laid off about 1,000 employees. in 2018. ably the two standout players two players because of suspen-
“We have seen an uptick of about Careernet has been hosting practice he adds. “These companies want a full While the sector continues to see Argentina might have been at a World Cup that has seen sion: left back Marcos Acuña
20-25 per cent in direct job applications exams on its coding website that job- guarantee, but are also bargaining a lot chaos, Das is of the view that high expected to be in this position. many other top players live up and right back Gonzalo
and the referral scheme programme on seekers can take to see where they stand for the price of our services.” salaries are increasingly becoming a The team arrived at the World to their lofty reputations. Montiel. Acuña is the bigger
the website, which allows people to refer and polish their skills. The portal is also Some start-ups, after having sacked problem area. “There is a segment that Cup as the Copa America Modric is a case in point. miss, having impressed
their friends who have been impacted helping tweak resumes to better suit many of their employees, are, has been paid very highly in the last champion, on a 36-match He might not have scored since coming into the team
by the layoffs,” says Anshuman Das, the demands of the current job market; meanwhile, trying to help them find two years — something that didn’t hap- unbeaten run and with Messi a goal. He hasn't even had an after the loss to Saudi Arabia,
Careernet CEO and co-founder. assisting in interview preparation; and another job. pen earlier,” he says. “There’s a serious back in sublime form for Paris assist. But don't underestimate and he is likely to be replaced
To build morale and help recruits guiding recruits to position themselves Last week, OYO Founder and Group salary correction waiting to happen.” Saint-Germain. the importance to Croatia of by Nicolás Tagliafico.