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7 Midazozalam Drug Study

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A Drug Study Presented to

Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN
Faculty, INAHS BSN-Program
Davao Oriental State University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for
NCM 118
Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill / Multi-Organ Problems,
High Acuity and Emergency Situations


Clint S. Ancog
Student Nurse, BSN-4

October 12, 2022

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects/ Nursing
Frequency/ Action Adverse Effects Responsibilities
Time/ Route
Generic Name: Continuous Enhances action of Indicated for Hypersensitivity SIDE EFFECTS: BASELINE
Midazolam Sedation During gamma- promoting to midazolam. Frequent (10%– ASSESSMENT
Mechanical aminobutyric acid preoperative Acute narrow- 4%): Decreased Resuscitative
Brand Name: Ventilation (GABA), one of the sedation, angle glaucoma, respiratory rate, equipment, oxygen
Versed major inhibitory anxiolysis, concurrent use of tenderness at IM or must be available.
IV: ADULTS, neurotransmitters in anesthesia protease IV injection site, Obtain vital signs
Drug ELDERLY: the brain. induction, or inhibitors (e.g., pain during before
Classification: Initially, 0.01– Therapeutic amnesia. atazanavir, injection, oxygen administration.
Midazolam is in a 0.05 mg/kg (1–5 Effect: Produces Indicated for darunavir). desaturation, Assess level of
class of mg in 70-kg anxiolytic, the treatment hiccups. consciousness.
medications called adult). May hypnotic, of status Cautions:
benzodiazepines. It repeat at 5- to anticonvulsant, epilepticus in Renal/hepatic/pul Occasional (3%- INTERVENTION/
works by slowing 15-min intervals muscle relaxant, adults. monary 2%): Hypotension, EVALUATION
activity in the until adequate amnestic effects. impairment, paradoxical CNS Monitor
brain to allow sedation impaired gag reaction. respiratory rate,
relaxation and achieved or Pharmacokinetics: reflex, HF, treated oxygen saturation
sleep. continuous Well absorbed after open-angle Rare (less than 2%): continuously
infusion rate of IM administration. glaucoma, obese Nausea, vomiting, during parenteral
Chemical make-up headache, coughing. administration for
0.02–0.1 Protein binding: pts, concurrent
and effect: underventilation,
mg/kg/hr and 97%. Metabolized CNS depressants,
Midazolam is a ADVERSE apnea. Monitor
titrated to in liver. Primarily alcohol
short-acting EFFECTS: vital signs, level of
desired effect. excreted in urine. dependency,
hypnotic-sedative Inadequate or sedation q3–5min
Not removed by elderly pts,
drug with excessive dosage, during recovery
CHILDREN: hemodialysis debilitated pts. period. Assess level
anxiolytic, muscle Initially, 0.05– improper
of consciousness
relaxant, 0.2 mg/kg Pharmacodynamic administration may
for effectiveness.
anticonvulsant, followed by s: result in cerebral
sedative, hypnotic, continuous Pharmacodynamic hypoxia, agitation,
and amnesic infusion of 0.06– properties of involuntary
properties. 0.12 mg/kg/hr midazolam and its movements,
(1–2 metabolites, which combativeness. Too-
mcg/kg/min) are similar to those rapid IV rate,
titrated to of other excessive doses, or
desired effect. benzodiazepine single large dose
Usual range: drugs, include increases risk of
0.4–9.4 sedative, anxiolytic, respiratory
mcg/kg/min. amnestic, muscle depression/arrest.
relaxant, as well as Respiratory
hypnotic activities. depression/apnea
Benzodiazepines may produce
enhance the hypoxia, cardiac
inhibitory action of arrest.
the amino acid
aminobutyric acid


Vermeeren A. (2004). Residual effects of hypnotics: epidemiology and clinical implications. CNS Drugs. Retrived from: https://

Kizior R. J., & Hodgson K. J. (2021). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2021. Elsevier. 3251 Riverport Lane. St. Louis, Missouri

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