Week 1 HW
Week 1 HW
Week 1 HW
• Every learner should submit his/her own homework solutions. However, you are allowed to
discuss the homework with each other (in fact, I encourage you to form groups and/or use the
forums) – but everyone must submit his/her own solution; you may not copy someone else’s
• The homework will be peer-graded. In analytics modeling, there are often lots of different
approaches that work well, and I want you to see not just your own, but also others.
• The homework grading scale reflects the fact that the primary purpose of homework is learning:
Question 2.1
Describe a situation or problem from your job, everyday life, current events, etc., for which a
classification model would be appropriate. List some (up to 5) predictors that you might use.
Question 2.2
1. Using the support vector machine function ksvm contained in the R package kernlab, find a
good classifier for this data. Show the equation of your classifier, and how well it classifies the
data points in the full data set. (Don’t worry about test/validation data yet; we’ll cover that
topic soon.)
Notes on ksvm
• You can use scaled=TRUE to get ksvm to scale the data as part of calculating a
• The term λ we used in the SVM lesson to trade off the two components of correctness
and margin is called C in ksvm. One of the challenges of this homework is to find a
value of C that works well; for many values of C, almost all predictions will be “yes” or
almost all predictions will be “no”.
• ksvm does not directly return the coefficients a0 and a1…am. Instead, you need to do
the last step of the calculation yourself. Here’s an example of the steps to take
(assuming your data is stored in a matrix called data): 1
Hint: You might want to view the predictions your model makes; if C is too large or too small,
they’ll almost all be the same (all zero or all one) and the predictive value of the model will be
poor. Even finding the right order of magnitude for C might take a little trial-and-error.
model <-
2. You are welcome, but not required, to try other (nonlinear) kernels as well; we’re not covering
them in this course, but they can sometimes be useful and might provide better predictions
than vanilladot.
3. Using the k-nearest-neighbors classification function kknn contained in the R kknn package,
suggest a good value of k, and show how well it classifies that data points in the full data set.
Don’t forget to scale the data (scale=TRUE in kknn).
Notes on kknn
I know I said I wouldn’t give you exact R code to copy, because I want you to learn for yourself. In general, that’s
definitely true – but in this case, because it’s your first R assignment and because the ksvm function leaves you in
the middle of a mathematical calculation that we haven’t gotten into in this course, I’m giving you the code.
• You need to be a little careful. If you give it the whole data set to find the closest points
to i, it’ll use i itself (which is in the data set) as one of the nearest neighbors. A helpful
feature of R is the index –i, which means “all indices except i”. For example, data[-
i,] is all the data except for the ith data point. For our data file where the first 10
columns are predictors and the 11th column is the response, data[-i,11] is the
response for all but the ith data point, and data[-i,1:10] are the predictors for all
but the ith data point.
(There are other, easier ways to get around this problem, but I want you to get
practice doing some basic data manipulation and extraction, and maybe some looping
• Note that kknn will read the responses as continuous, and return the fraction of the k
closest responses that are 1 (rather than the most common response, 1 or 0).
Question 3.1