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Synergistic Effect of MgH2 Doping With Ni and Carbon N 2022 International Jo

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Synergistic effect of MgH2 doping with Ni and

carbon nanotubes on thermochemical CO2
recycling process for CH4-H2 mixtures production

Guillermina Amica a,*, Fabiana C. Gennari a,b,c

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Centro Atomico Bariloche (CNEA), Av.
Bustillo 9500, R8402AGP, S.C. de Bariloche, Rı́o Negro, Argentina
Comision Nacional de Energı́a Atomica, Departamento Fisicoquı́mica de Materiales, Gerencia de Investigacion
Aplicada, Centro At omico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo 9500, R8402AGP, S.C. de Bariloche, Rı́o Negro, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Instituto Balseiro), Centro Atomico Bariloche (CNEA), Av. Bustillo 9500, R8402AGP,
S.C. de Bariloche, Rı́o Negro, Argentina

highlights graphical abstract

 CO2 was transformed to CH4 by

thermochemical processes using
MgH2 as hydrogen source.
 Ni and CNTs addition to MgH2 has
a synergetic effect on CH4 yield.
 COx-free mixture of CH4:H2 were
produced from CO2 conversion at
350  C.
 Ni-containing species are selective
catalysts that promote the Sabat-
ier reaction.
 CNTs might act as hydride pro-
tection retarding its oxidation.

article info abstract

Article history: The synergistic effect of the nickel and carbon nanotubes addition on thermochemical
Received 10 August 2021 processes for CO2 recycling employing MgH2 as hydrogen source was demonstrated. By
Received in revised form reducing the metallic charge from 10wt.% Ni, replacing 5wt.% with CNTs, the amount of
13 September 2021 produced methane through thermal treatment at ~350e375  C under CO2 increased more
Accepted 1 October 2021 than 30%. A COx-free mixture of methane (70.9%) and hydrogen (29.1%) with a CH4 yield of
Available online 20 October 2021 79% was obtained by reaction at 350  C during 48 h. Ni-containing species act as selective
catalyst promoting the occurrence of the Sabatier reaction, which competes with the direct
Keywords: reduction of CO2 to generate CH4 via C as an intermediary. The role of CNTs is not catalytic
Hydrides but rather it could be related to the protection of the hydride. It is proposed that when
Carbon dioxide

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: guillerminaamica@gmail.com (G. Amica).
0360-3199/© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 429

Hydrogen-methane mixtures MgH2 is neighbored by graphitic planes, its oxidation due to direct contact with CO2 and/or
Carbon nanotubes the generated H2O could be impeded or retarded.
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

catalysts are reported to have a reasonable activity but low

Introduction selectivity for CH4 [20]. Then, Ni-based catalysts supported on
Al2O3, SiO2, CeO2, ZrO2, CeeZrO2, zeolites or carbonaceous
Human activities, in particular the massive use of fossil fuels, materials have been deeply studied [17e27]. In particular, for
are altering the climate system. According to the Intergov- the purposes of this work, it is interesting to mention the
ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), sustained emis- performance of Ni supported on Mg, MgO or carbon. Due to the
sions of greenhouse gases, where CO2 accounts for 86%, are synergistic effect of Ni and Mg species, MgO was proved to be a
causing negative effects on the environment as there is a direct good support on which CO2 is strongly adsorbed [25]. Stable
relationship between the excessive emissions of greenhouse and active Ni/MgO methanation catalyst, prepared by wet
gases and the increase in global temperature [1]. Therefore, impregnation, followed by calcination in air and reduction in
immediate actions are necessary to limit and reverse these hydrogen, exhibited high CO2 conversion (~70%) and CH4
emissions and minimize any additional climate change. selectivity near thermodynamic equilibrium at moderate
Different scenarios are modeled to reduce CO2 concentration temperatures (330  C) [28]. Moreover, magnesium modified Ni/
and in all of them the development of technologies that allow coconut shell carbon catalysts showed outstanding activity
the capture, storage and/or conversion of CO2 play a crucial and excellent stability, which performed the highest CO2
role [2e4]. The CO2 transformation through catalytic processes conversion (~90%) and CH4 selectivity (~99%) at 450  C [29]. In
to products with added value (methane, methanol or other addition, carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-supported catalysts dis-
fuels) is attractive both from an environmental and economic played better catalytic activity than the Al2O3-supported cata-
point of view, since it can be considered an alternative to lysts (74 and 47% CH4 yield at the initial stage, respectively).
employ a contaminant as a building block for fuels. Recently, The advantages were attributed to the large specific surface
the Sabatier reaction through which carbon dioxide can be areas of CNTs, which are conducive to the dispersion of nickel
combined with hydrogen at elevated temperatures and pres- species and to the high hydrogen storage capacity of CNTs that
sures in the presence of a catalyst to produce methane and promote the hydrogenation of CO2. However, its catalytic ac-
water [5], has renewed relevance as an alternative for storing tivity decreased with the reaction proceeding due to the pro-
the excess renewable energy produced during peak generation gressive sintering of nickel [30].
periods and converting it into a grid compatible gas [6e11]. On Recent studies have shown that CO2 can be reduced on the
the one hand, there is a large methane gas distribution infra- surface of different types of hydrides through thermochemical
structure in many countries that allows its direct injection into processes at moderate temperature and pressure [31e41]. This
the existing gas network. On the other hand, considering mo- allows the use of H2 stored safely in a solid matrix for the
bile devices, the difficulties related to intensive energy transformation of CO2 into synthetic gas. Compared to mo-
requirement for ignition of a methane-powered vehicle can be lecular hydrogen, the negatively charged hydrogen atom of
overcome by the use of Hythane, a mixture of hydrogen and metal hydrides has a stronger reducibility. It was demon-
methane [12] as it was verified that, with the addition of strated that in a mixture of H2 and CO2, methane was markedly
hydrogen, the fuel is easier to ignite with less energy input and formed on the metal hydride ZrCoHx during desorption and
heat efficiency can be improved [13e16]. In order to reach an not on the pristine intermetallic [42]. This is evidence that
acceptable rate and selectivity for the Sabatier process, the use atomic hydrogen on the surface of a metal with high hydrogen
of appropriate catalysts is mandatory and its performance solubility could facilitate the reduction of CO2 to CH4 [42]. Due
depends on the nature of the catalyst, the structures of clusters to their light weights and high capacities, alanates and boro-
and the catalyst's support (oxides, zeolites, clays, mesoporous hydrides have been studied for this application. Gassolid re-
materials) [17e23]. According to literature, the following order action of CO2 with alanates (NaAlH4, LiAlH4) was proved to
of activity for various metals in CO2 methanation is revealed: occur in two distinct temperature regions (128e144  C and
Ru > Rh > Ni > Fe > Co > Os > Pt > Ir > Mo > Pd > Ag > Au and the 145e250  C), yielding methane, hydrogen gas, and metal oxides
following considering selectivity: Pd > Pt > Ir > Ni > Rh > as the major products [31]. A recent study showed that me-
Co > Fe > Ru > Mo > Ag > Au [20]. Chemisorption of CO2 on chanically activated alanates heated at 450  C for 48 h with CO2
other transition metals such as iron, cobalt, nickel and copper exhibit high selectivity, fast kinetics and an interesting
was proved to be spontaneous and due to their lower cost that methane yield of 44 and 52%, for the LiAlH4-CO2 and NaAlH4-
allows industrial application, they became widely explored. CO2 systems, respectively [32]. Reaction between different
The surface structure of the metal strongly alters the ther- metal borohydrides (BH3NH3, LiBH4, NaBH4 and KBH4) with COx
modynamic of the catalytic process, affecting both the acti- under different experimental conditions lead to a large quan-
vation and the reduction steps involved in CO2 hydrogenation tity of organic and inorganic compounds [43e45]. Among
[18e20]. Co, Fe and Ni catalysts exhibit similar methanation them, the g-Mg(BH4)2 phase reacts with CO2 with rapid kinetics
activity. However, cobalt is not suitable for industrial applica- at 30  C and 1 bar, mainly to produce formate and alkoxide-like
tions due to the high cost compared to Ni or Fe catalysts and Fe compounds [33] and KBH4 reacts with CO2 in solvent-free
430 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

conditions upon 500  C to generate potassium for- To the best of our knowledge, there are no other previous
mylhydroborates, hydrogen, methanol, carbon monoxide and investigations involving catalyzed-hydrides systems for CO2
a small amount of methane [34]. Magnesium based-metal hy- conversion. Our current effort is orientated to the study of
drides containing Ni or Fe can be considered suitable dual hydrides-based systems that act as a source of hydrogen, which
conversion promoters and hydrogen sources for CO2 reduction in the presence of an active catalytic phase and under suitable
because the segregation of metallic nanoparticles increases experimental conditions can generate significant amounts of
the catalytic activity of the system [35,36]. It was postulated methane or CO2-free methane-hydrogen mixtures, through
that the reaction rate of the CO2 hydrogenation process on the processes with low operating temperature and fast reaction ki-
surface of Mg2NiH4 is determined by the dissociative adsorp- netics. The use of a solid matrix allows the safe storage of H2
tion of CO2 molecules instead of the dissociation of H2 mole- produced from renewable energies. As hydride-forming mate-
cules on the hydride [35]. Total conversion of CO2 was reached rials can be employed to transform in-situ a polluting gaseous
after heating Mg2FeH6 and Mg2NiH4 under CO2 with a 4H2:CO2 waste into products with added value, through this approach,
molar ratio at 400  C during 5 and 10 h, respectively. For the the H2 cycle can be integrated into that of CO2. In this work we
former, due to the catalytic action of Fe particles, the process analyze the feasibility of employing nickel-catalyzed MgH2 with
involves water-gas shift reaction followed by the methanation the incorporation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for efficient
of CO in the presence of steam [36]. For the later, in addition to thermochemical CO2 conversion processes. Nickel and carbon
the catalytic reaction, the CO2 direct reduction has a substan- nanotubes synergy is demonstrated. The metal acts as an active
tial contribution due the poisoning of Ni-based compounds by catalyst to promote the Sabatier process, whereas it was sug-
CO during the early step of the reaction, hindering its further gested that CNTs protect the hydride from being oxidized by
catalytic action [36]. Methanation via-Mg2NiH4 synthesized by preventing its direct contact with the CO2 and/or H2O. Through
in situ monitoring mechanical milling under hydrogen atmo- reaction between Ni/CNTs edoped MgH2 and CO2 at 350  C
sphere from a 2MgH2:Ni stoichiometric mixture [37] was during 48 h, a gas phase free of CO2 or CO, composed of CH4
proved to be faster than via-Mg2NiH4 prepared by a two-step (70.9%) and H2 (29.1%) can be obtained, with a calculated a
procedure involving milling and sintering at high tempera- methane yield of 79%.
ture [36]. This demonstrates that the complex hydride syn-
thesis method has big influence on the catalyst-support
interaction, affecting the methanation global mechanism [37]. Experimental
Alkali metal hydrides (LiH and NaH) or alkaline-earth metal
hydrides (CaH2 and MgH2) in the absence of a catalyst have Material preparation
shown their best performance for thermochemical CO2
reduction by heat treatment at 450  C for 48 h through a pro- For the experiments, magnesium hydride (MgH2, 98%),
cess considering elemental carbon as an intermediate for the metallic nickel (Ni, 99.99%) and multi-walled carbon nano-
formation of methane [38,39]. Moreover, it was demonstrated tubes (CNT, <95%) were purchased at Sigma-Aldrich. Due to
that COx-free H2-mixed CH4 fuels can be obtained thought the high reactivity of the samples, they were handled in an
thermochemical reaction between inorganic carbonates and MBraun Unilab argon filled glove box, with oxygen and
activated metal hydrides, as sources of CO2 and H2, with high moisture levels lower than 10 ppm. For all studies, high purity
yields and selectivity. According to the experimental tuning, argon (Linde, 99.999%) was used. Ball milling in a planetary
CH4 content can range from 8.6% to 88.1% [40]. Our previous mill (Fritsch Pulverisette 6) was employed to prepare four
investigation on the un-catalyzed reaction between MgH2 and samples: (i) MgH2 and (ii) MgH2e10wt.% Ni, (iii) MgH2-5wt.%Ni-
CO2, showed that a methane yield of 44.6% was obtained after 5wt.%CNT and (iv) MgH2-5wt.%CNT. All samples were ball
24 h of thermal treatment at 400  C employing a molar ratio milled for 5 h at 500 rpm with a ball to powder mass ratio of
MgH2:CO2 of 2:1, through a methanation mechanism that 53:1 using a sequence of 10 min milling and a 15 min pause.
involved the direct reduction of CO2 and the generation of CH4
via C as an intermediary [41]. When either the temperature or Characterization of samples
the reaction time was lowered, the yield values dropped
sharply due to partial reduction of CO2 to CO. Moreover, it was The reaction between the samples and CO2 under different
proved that the presence of a catalyst and its nature allows the experimental conditions was studied under static and dy-
methanation to follow another path of reaction, a mechanism namic conditions. Static measurements were performed in a
that responds to a Sabatier process. Through the incorporation stainless steel reactor coupled to Sieverts volumetric equip-
of an active catalyst, by heat treatment at 350  C for 48 h ment that allows the selection of the pressure and tempera-
considering a molar ratio MgH2:CO2 of 4:1, MgH2 doped with ture. A specific mass of each sample was introduced in the
10 wt% Co achieved a methane yield of 78% and the resulting reactor inside the glove box to avoid contamination with ox-
gas mixture was composed of CH4 (49.7%), CO2 (0.5%), CO ygen or air humidity and then heated up with a ramp of 10  C
(<1000 ppm) and the rest of H2 [41]. The calculated methane min1 to different temperatures (300, 350, 375 and 400  C)
yield was not only considerably higher than the one previously under CO2 pressure during different reaction times (6, 12, 24
reported at 350  C (17%) but, interestingly, it was also higher and 48 h). In all cases a molar ratio MgH2:CO2 of 4:1 was
than that reported at 450  C (68%) for un-catalyzed MgH2 [39]. considered. Under dynamic conditions, the samples were
Then, the use of cobalt allowed lowering the operational heated at 5  C min1 up to 450  C in a continuous flow of CO2,
temperature without affecting the methane yield [41]. using a TG Analyzer (TG-HP50, TA Instruments). Additionally,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 431

the experiment was carried out using a flow of He to analyze crystallite size reduction. The chosen milling time (5 h) was
the decomposition of the sample in an inert atmosphere. based on preliminary results, which indicated that during the
The composition of the gases after thermal treatment first 2 h only a reduction in particle size occurs without any
under CO2 was studied through gas-phase FTIR analyses real mixing of the components [47]. Between 2 and 4 h Ni is
(FTIR, PerkinElmer Spectrum 400 with an MCT detector) and dispersed in the material, allowing Ni to be distributed on the
gas chromatography (GC, Agilent Technologies GC System surface of the MgH2 or within its matrix, and thus can play its
7820A). For the GC experiments 1 ml of the released gas was role as a catalyst. After 4 h an effective mixing of the com-
taken using a syringe, which was injected into the GC equip- ponents is produced accompanied by microstructure refine-
ment. The molar amounts of gaseous CO2, CH4 and CO were ment due to additional reduction of particle sizes [47]. For
quantified using calibration curves. The methane yield was these reasons and to minimize possible contamination with
calculated as the ratio between the produced CH4 moles and Fe from the milling jar, a duration of 5 h was selected. SEM
the total CO2 moles at the beginning of the reaction. A nu- images of the sample after ball milling shows agglomerate
merical example is available in the Supplementary Material size distribution between 5 and 50 mm (Fig. 1A). The sample
(see Methane yield calculation S1). For IR spectroscopy mea- was characterized by its spongy shape, with some central
surements, the gases released were collected in a degassed solid blocks and a large quantity of small agglomerates
quartz optical cell with KBr windows and an optical length of adhering to its surface (Fig. 1B). Element mapping obtained by
9 cm. The gas phase spectra at room temperature were taken EDXS indicated a homogeneous distribution of Ni (Fig. S2). To
considering transmittance mode with a resolution of 0.5 cm1 investigate the conversion of CO2 in the presence of MgH2
and 10 scans. During each spectrum acquisition, part of the with catalyst addition, the as-milled Ni-doped sample was
optical path was in air atmosphere, so a baseline measure- heated up to different temperatures in static conditions
ment was required prior to each measurement. The structural under a CO2 atmosphere during a period of 24 h, considering a
characterization of the solid samples was studied using X-ray molar relation MgH2:CO2 of 4:1 (see Table 1). Thought
powder diffraction (XRPD, Bruker D8 Advance) and Fourier elemental mapping it was verified that after the sample was
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, PerkinElmer Spectrum subjected to thermal treatment at 375  C under CO2 during
400 with an MCT detector). An airtight holder (which has a 24 h, there was no migration or agglomeration of Ni (Fig. S3).
bump in the zone of 2q ¼ 15e25 ) was employed during the A wider size distribution with agglomerates of up to 200 mm
XRPD data collection to prevent any reaction between the (Fig. 1C) and fewer exposed flat faces (Fig. 1D) were observed.
samples and air. For IR spectroscopy measurements, the The gas-state products of the reaction between MgH2 and
samples were ground with dry KBr under a purified argon CO2 were identified by FTIR (Fig. 2) and quantified by GC (Table
atmosphere, pressed into pellets and placed in a specially 1). Clear H2 and CH4 chromatography peaks were detected at
designed airtight cell. Solid state IR spectra were obtained in all temperatures. A minor excess of CO2 and co-generation of
the range of 4000e800 cm1 with a resolution of 4 cm1. a minor percent of CO were also detected in some cases. A
Morphological analysis of the samples was performed by direct relationship was observed between the operating tem-
scanning electron microscopy (SEM, SEM-FIB, Zeiss, Cross- perature and both the molar percentage and the yield of CH4.
beam 340), employing dispersed powders on carbon tape. As it can be observed in Table 1, when temperature was
Elemental analyses of the materials were also performed by reduced from 400 to 350  C, these values decreased from 50.2
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) on the SEM. to 35.2 and from 64.5 to 44.9, respectively. At this temperature
range, gaseous mixtures composed mainly of CH4 and H2 were
Thermodynamic calculations obtained and the remaining amount of CO2 in the gas
remained below 2%. However, when the temperature was
The equilibrium compositions for the Ni catalyzed MgH2eCO2 lowered, this mixture became enriched in H2. As the amount
system as a function of temperature and total system pressure of CO2 remained practically unchanged, the lower content of
were calculated using HSC Chemistry Windows [46]. The CH4 suggests the formation of some other carbon-containing
program calculates the combination of the most stable species species in the solid phase [41]. Moreover, thermal treatment
and the phase composition to minimize the Gibbs free energy at 300  C was not enough to achieve a considerable rate of CO2
of the system. The calculation was conducted based on the conversion. In this condition the gas phase was mainly
gas phase containing CO, CH4, C2H6, CH3OH, H2O, H2, O2 and composed of unreacted CO2. The presence of CO was
CO2 and the solid phase containing MgCO3, MgO, Mg, MgH2, confirmed by FTIR analyses at 300 and 350  C, unlike obser-
Mg(OH)2, Ni, NiO, Ni (FCC), Ni(OH)2, Ni3C, Mg2Ni, MgNi2, C vations at higher temperatures. Regarding the operation time,
(graphite) and C (amorphous). it was observed that at 350  C the increase from 24 to 48 h of
thermal treatment allowed a large growth in the amount of
methane in the gas phase, which raised from 35.2 to 67.7% and
Results in the methane yield from 44.9 to 74.2%. The difference cannot
be explained by the variation of CO2 in the gas phase, but
CO2 conversion employing Ni-doped MgH2 under static rather by the solid gas reaction of H2 with some component of
conditions the solid phase. Gas-state FTIR was useful to identify the
presence of water in the gas phase in all the range of tem-
A sample composed of magnesium hydride with 10wt.% peratures (Fig. 2).
nickel was prepared through mechanical ball milling as The evolution of the phases in the solid product due to the
reactivity increase is expected with agglomerate and/or interaction with CO2 was studied by XRPD (Fig. 3) and FTIR
432 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

Fig. 1 e SEM images of secondary electrons of the MgH2e10wt.% Ni sample as-milled (A and B) and after reaction with CO2 at
375  C during 24 h (C and D).

Table 1 e Gas-phase composition determined by GC analyses for as-milled MgH2-10wt.%Ni.

Temperature Reaction Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar CH4 yield
(ºC) time (h) of CH4 (%) of CO2 (%) of CO (%) percentage of H2 (%) (%)
400 24 50.2 0.8 <1000 ppm 49 64.5
375 24 45.5 1.9 <1000 ppm 52.6 57.5
350 24 35.2 0.4 1.2 63.2 44.9
350 48 67.7 1.2 <1000 ppm 31.1 74.2
300 24 2 89.6 0.6 7.8 1.7

(Fig. S4). Although the XRPD profile of the as-milled sample

revealed low crystallinity after milling, the absence of impu-
rities was confirmed. The broad and weak diffraction peaks
showed that mechanical milling was effective in reducing the
particle size. As expected, the as-milled sample was mainly
composed of MgH2. Nickel peaks were also identified, veri-
fying that it remained in metallic state after milling. However,
weak diffraction peaks located at 2q ¼ 23.7 and 39.2 suggests
the incipient formation of Mg2NiH4 (cubic phase). No free Mg
was identified, which indicates that there was no decompo-
sition of the hydride. An orthorhombic metastable phase of
MgH2 (g-MgH2) was identified. Although this phase is formed
from the tetragonal phase (b-MgH2) at a pressure of 25 bar and
the milling was carried out at atmospheric pressure, the
impact of the balls on the wall can generate higher local
pressures that allows the generation of a minority amount of
the g phase [48]. The diffractograms obtained after heating
showed narrower peaks since high temperatures allow grain
Fig. 2 e Gas-state FTIR patterns for the as-milled MgH2- growth and reduction of stresses and deformations present in
10wt.%Ni sample after thermal treatment (24 h) under CO2 the crystalline network. After thermal treatment under CO2,
at different temperatures. for all samples, Mg, MgO and unreacted MgH2 were identified.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 433

MgH2 matrix could improve the dispersion of a metallic phase

[51]. SEM images of the sample after ball milling showed
similar agglomerate sizes than the MgH2-10wt.%Ni sample,
without clear faces exposed (Figs. S5A and B) and element
mapping obtained by EDXS indicates a homogeneous distri-
bution of Ni (Fig. 4A).
To analyze the difference in reactivity of the samples, the
carbon dioxide absorption of the as-milled MgH2, MgH2-
e10wt.%Ni and MgH2e5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT was first studied
under dynamic conditions by thermogravimetry, under inert
and CO2 flux (Fig. 5). The response to heating under inert flow
of all samples displayed a one-step dehydrogenation reaction
with a big difference in the decomposition temperature. The
dehydrogenation temperature of MgH2 (330  C) was lowered
70  C by the addition of Ni and 80  C by the co-addition of Ni
and CNTs (estimated at 0.1% mass change). Under an inert gas
Fig. 3 e XRPD profiles of the as-milled MgH2e10wt.%Ni
flow (Fig. 5A), the as-milled MgH2 released 7.3wt.% H2 at 400  C
sample and after thermal treatment under CO2 during 24 h
(theoretical capacity of 7.6wt.% H2). With 10wt.% doping, the
at different temperatures.
measured capacity was ~6.2wt.% H2 (theoretical capacity
6.8wt.% H2). Fig. 5B shows that, for all samples, the constant
exposure to CO2 flux caused an increase in the mass from the
At 300  C the reflections corresponding to Mg2NiH4 became beginning of the heating and it was intensified at tempera-
very clear and metallic Ni was difficult to identify. At this tures higher than 350  C. In relation to temperature, the curves
temperature the g phase was still detected. The weakly were quite similar, with a small difference in the total mass
identification of only the most intense reflection of Mg increase, ranging from 10 to 13wt.%. When the hydride is
(2q ¼ 36.6 ), suggests that dehydrogenation was poor, probably exposed to a CO2 flux, its absorption retards the dehydroge-
due to passivation of the MgH2 surface with CO2. At higher nation by passivation or oxidation of the hydride surface and
temperatures, the increase in the intensity of the Mg and MgO H2 is released at higher temperatures with respect to an inert
peaks indicates that the hydrogen desorption progressed gas flow.
much more than what happened at 300  C and, as expected, Under static conditions and considering a molar relation
the g-MgH2 was no longer observed [48]. Interestingly, partial MgH2:CO2 of 4:1, the MgH2e5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT sample was
decomposition of Mg2NiH4 into Mg2NiH0.3 (hexagonal phase) summited to different thermal treatments under CO2, varying
was detected. Solid-state FTIR (Fig. S4) showed the presence of operational temperature and reaction time. The gas phase
MgH2, whose stretching bands consist of various peaks with compositions determined by GC are presented in Table 2. It
the strongest one at 1246 cm1 and the bending band at was verified that after thermal treatment, there was no
658 cm1, in all the samples. After heating under CO2, some migration or agglomeration of nickel (Fig. 4B). Agglomerates of
bands in the region 1700e1000 cm1 that could be related to up to 220 mm were observed (Figs. S5C and D).
the presence of carbonates favored by the higher CO2 pressure FTIR analyses after thermal treatment during 24 h at
were detected. Although by XRPD no carbonates were identi- different temperatures and after thermal treatment at
fied in the bulk of the solid sample, the FTIR bands located at 400  C at different reaction times are shown in Figs. 6 and 7,
1670, 1590, 1260 and 1130 cm1 could be attributed to the vi- respectively. The obtained results are interesting and allow
bration modes of superficial carbonate bidentate on MgO [49]. several conclusions to be drawn. First, at 400  C, very similar
A weak band that is not associated with carbonates is results were obtained after 12 and 24 h. Even though when
observed at 1150 cm1. It has been already demonstrated that varying the duration of the thermal treatment a gas phase
since many metal oxides and hydroxides adsorb CO2 readily at richer in CH4 and poorer in CO2 and CO is expected, our
room temperature, the oxidized surfaces allowed the gener- results indicate that at elevate temperatures, 12 h was
ation of carbonate species on the top few layers [50]. enough to obtain high molar percentage of methane (45.6%)
and an interesting methane yield (63.9%). However, when
CO2 conversion employing Ni and CNTs-doped MgH2 under performing a treatment of 6 h, a drop higher than 30% was
static conditions observed for both the molar percentage and methane yield
and the presence of higher hydrocarbons such as ethane or
As the main goal of this study is to achieve high CO2 conver- propane (CxHy) can be suspected due to the weak absorption
sion rates under moderate conditions, the experimental peaks at 1470 and 2968 cm1 [38,41] (Fig. 7). This means that
approach was oriented to the reduction of both the operating even at high temperatures, the treatment time was crucial
temperature and the reaction time. A sample with double to achieve desirable methane rates and high selectivity. At
doping was prepared, considering nickel and multi-walled 350  C due to length treatment increase from 24 to 48 h, CH4
carbon nanotubes, in which each additive represented 5wt.% yield increased from 61.5 to 79%. Second, it was not possible
of the total weight. This means a 5% decrease in the metallic to decrease temperature below 350  C without collapsing
charge compared to the previous sample. It has been previ- methane yield. Motivated by the good results at 350  C, the
ously shown that the incorporation of CNTs into a doped reaction temperature was further decreased to 300  C.
434 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

Fig. 4 e SEM image of secondary electrons and Mg, Ni mapping of the MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.CNT sample: as-milled (A) and
after thermal treatment under CO2 at 375  C during 24 h (B).

XRPD analyses (Fig. 8) of the as-milled MgH2-5wt.%Ni-

5wt.%CNT sample revealed that there was no decomposition
of the hydride due to milling. The sample was mainly
composed of b-MgH2 with a small amount of g-MgH2 and
metallic nickel. Unlike what was observed for the Ni-doped
sample, no formation of Mg2NiH4 after milling was detected.
As expected, after thermal treatment under CO2, for all sam-
ples, Mg, MgO and unreacted MgH2 were identified. At 300  C
the reflections corresponding to Mg2NiH0.3 (hexagonal phase)
appeared, weak peaks could be assigned to Mg2NiH4 and
metallic Ni was no longer observed. At higher temperatures
the diffractograms were similar to those previously obtained.
The most important difference between both samples was
that during milling nickel did not react to form other com-
pounds, but remained in a metallic state. Moreover, at low
temperatures (300  C) there was already evidence of the
decomposition of Mg2NiH4 into Mg2NiH0.3. Only at 375  C the
Fig. 5 e Thermogravimetric measurements of the MgH2, relative intensity of the main peak corresponding to metallic
MgH2e10wt.%Ni and MgH2e5wt%Ni-5 wt.%CNT samples Mg is greater than that of the corresponding hydride. In order
under CO2 (A) and He (B). to have a better clarity of the diffractogram, especially in the
region altered by an airtight holder (which has a bump at
2q ¼ 15-25 ), the sample subjected to a heating of 375  C for
However poor results were obtained (CH4 yield 4.5%), most 24 h was additionally measured without using the holder
of the CO2 remained unreacted and it was difficult to iden- (Fig. S6). As the best results have been obtained under these
tify water in the gas phase. Third, although the results were experimental conditions, it could be assumed that the dehy-
good for 24 h treatments in a CO2 atmosphere under static dration of the MgH2 was more effective and the amount that
conditions at 400 and 350  C, better results were obtained at remained has its surface well passivated, minimizing the risks
an intermediate temperature of 375  C, which allowed associated with the exposure of hydride to air. In this condi-
obtaining a molar percentage of CH4 of 60.2% and a calcu- tion, the identification of the low angle peaks corresponding to
lated CH4 yield of 74.5%. Mg2NiH0.3 and Mg2NiH4 at 375  C was clearer. Although the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 435

Table 2 e Gas-phase composition determined by GC analyses for as-milled MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5 wt.%CNT.

Temperature Reaction Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar percentage CH4 yield
(ºC) time of CH4 (%) of CO2 (%) of CO (%) of H2 (%) (%)
400 24 49.5 1 <1000 ppm 49.5 62.1
400 12 45.6 1.8 <1000 ppm 52.6 63.9
400 6 32.9 7.3 <1000 ppm 59.8 39.5
375 24 60.2 1.8 <1000 ppm 38.0 74.5
350 24 47.2 1.1 0.1 51.6 61.5
350 48 70.9 e e 29.1 79
300 24 5.3 76 0.1 21.6 4.5

Fig. 8 e XRPD profiles of the as-milled MgH2e5wt.%Ni-

Fig. 6 e Gas-state FTIR patterns for the as-milled MgH2-
5wt.%CNT sample and after thermal treatment at different
5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT sample after thermal treatment under
temperatures under CO2.
CO2 during 24 h at different temperatures.

peaks were narrower when the interference from the dome 1260 and 1130 cm1) [49]. As for the previous sample, a weak
was absent, it was possible to identify correctly all the phases band located at 1150 cm1 could not be assigned to carbon-
safely employing the airtight holder without exposing the ates. In addition, the resulting solid phase of samples after
solid sample to air. Moreover, solid-state FTIR analyses thermal treatments at 400  C under CO2 with different times
(Fig. S7) showed that of the presence of MgH2 (bands located at were analyzed (Fig. S8). XRPD spectra for 12 and 24 h were
1246 and 658 cm1) could not be ruled out. Moreover, biden- similar. At this temperature there was no signal of Mg2NiH4
tate superficial carbonates on MgO were identified (1670, 1590, formation, not even at low reaction times. The pattern for 6 h
did not show different phases. The metallic magnesium main
peak located at 2q ¼ 36.62 was considerably higher than for
the other cases and the relative intensity of this peak with
respect to the magnesium hydride main peak located at
2q ¼ 27.9 was also higher.


Results presented in Tables 1 and 2 indicate that the mole

percent and yield of methane in the gas phase for both reac-
tion systems depended strongly on the reaction temperature
and time. The obtained methane yield and molar percentage
of CH4 and H2 are summarized in Figs. 9 and 10.
The methanation mechanism is a complex process which
depends on the grade of microstructural refinement provided
by mechanical activation, operating conditions and incorpo-
Fig. 7 e Gas-state FTIR patterns for the as-milled MgH2- ration of an active catalyst which could allow reducing the
5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT sample after thermal treatment under operational temperature. The catalyzed conversion of CO2 to
CO2 at 400  C with different reaction times. CH4 using hydrides as a source of hydrogen has not been
436 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

Fig. 9 e Molar fraction of CH4 and H2 (A, B) and methane yield (C) after reaction with CO2 during 24 h at different
temperatures for the MgH2-10wt.%Ni and MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT samples.

widely studied [36,37,41]. In our previous work, by heat storage material with a high Ni content, for example Mg2NiH4
treatment at 400  C for 24 h, the MgH2 system with 10% co- solid matrix for reducing CO2, is not beneficial since the CO2
balt achieved a methane yield of 60.9% and the resulting gas adsorption and disproportion of the surface that occurs
mixture was composed of CH4 (38.2%), CO2 (0.8%), CO during its decomposition leads to the formation of MgH2,
(<1000 ppm) and the rest of H2 [41]. Under the same experi- MgNi2, MgO and carbonates and Ni-based compounds are
mental conditions, the nickel-doped MgH2 exhibited better poisoned with CO during the early step of the reaction,
performance (methane yield of 64.5% and molar percentage limiting the production of CH4 [36].
of CH4 of 50.2%). Even by heat treatment at 350  C for 24 h the In this work, the performance of nickel-catalyzed MgH2
results were better (methane yield of 59.7% with Co and with the incorporation of CNTs has been analyzed. Previously
61.5% with Ni). Moreover, it was proved that the length of the we have demonstrated that the simultaneous addition of
heat treatment influences the performance of the system. At metal (in particular cobalt) and CNTs to MgH2 had a positive
350  C, when increasing the time from 24 to 48 h, the effect on the hydrogen sorption properties compared to each
methane yield rose to 74.2%. This value is similar to that additive individually [51]. The improvements in the kinetics
previously obtained with Co under the same conditions were not attributed to CNTs but to metal. It was explained
(78%), but with a higher percentage of methane (67.7 vs that the presence of a transition metal allowed the dissocia-
49.7%). This shows that the nature of the catalyst has an tion of the H2 molecule at lower temperatures and when CNTs
important function. Theoretical studies have shown that are well distributed throughout the sample, they can play a
both Co and Ni show favorable thermodynamics and low CO2 microstructural role that affects reaction kinetics [51]. Our TG
decomposition barriers [17]. Cobalt is placed at the top of the analyses (Fig. 5) showed that the dehydrogenation tempera-
volcano curve which compares the activities of different ture of MgH2 (330  C) could be lowered 70  C or 80  C due to the
supported transition metals as a function of the reaction addition of Ni or Ni/CNTs, respectively. At low temperatures
energy for dissociative CO chemisorption but the diagram is (300  C) and also at high temperatures (400  C), the calculated
not useful when selectivity plays an important role [18]. In methane yield for the MgH2-10wt.%Ni and MgH2-5wt.%Ni-
this regard, our experimental results showed that metallic 5wt.%CNT samples after reaction with CO2 during 24 h did not
nickel is useful to improve CO2 conversion processes using show great differences. In fact, this observation is positive,
hydrides and that its performance is as good than that of since the reduction of the metallic charge, i.e. the amount of
cobalt or even slightly better in certain conditions. The nickel in the sample, did not cause a negative effect on the
replacement of Co by Ni has advantages. On the one hand, performance of the reaction. This means that by replacing
despite Co has a biologically necessary role as metal con- 5wt.% nickel with CNTs, a marginal improvement in methane
stituent of vitamin B12, excessive exposure has been shown yield from 1.7 to 4.5% was obtained at 300  C and no
to induce various adverse health effects. On the other hand, improvement was observed at 400  C (64.5 and 62.1%,
Ni is cheaper and highly available. In addition, the use of a H2 respectively). However, the differences were maximized at
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 437

Fig. 10 e Molar percentage of CH4 after reaction with CO2 for the MgH2-10wt.%Ni and MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT considering
different reaction times at (A) 400  C and (B) 350  C (CH4 yield is included).

intermediate temperatures. At 350 and 375  C the sample Theoretical calculations based on Gibbs free energy mini-
with less metallic charge and with the addition of CNTs was mization method for the MgH2-Ni system with CO2 (4:0.1:1) at
significantly better than the sample that only contained Ni: 400, 375 and 350  C were performed. Carbon nanotubes were
the amount of methane in the gas phase increased 34% at not considered as an active phase. The possible reactivity of
350  C and 32% at 375  C and the methane yield increased 37% CNTs was tested with a synthetic mixture of 4H2:1CO2 through
at 350  C and 29% at 375  C. With a thermal treatment of 24 h, heat treatment during 24 h at 375  C. GC analyses indicated
the best results for sample MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT were that after exposure to the gas mixture, the resulting gas phase
obtained at 375  C. Under these conditions, the gas phase was was mainly H2 (76.3%) and CO2 (22.0%), with very small
mainly composed of CH4 (60.2%) and H2 (38.0%) with small amount of CH4 (1.0%) and CO (0.7%) (Fig. S9). Gas analyses of
amount of CO2 (1.8%) and traces of CO and a methane yield of the synthetic mixture under the same conditions showed the
74.5% was calculated. Considering long reaction times (48 h) generation of CO (0.6%) and CH4 (0.1%). The difference in CH4
at 350  C, CH4 yield rose to 79%. The performance improve- content in the gas phase after heating may be due to the
ment observed with the increase in treatment time from 24 to presence of iron particles coming from the milling jar or,
48 h at 350  C for the Ni and CNTs-doped sample was weaker although being purified, to a very small amount of metallic
than that observed for the sample catalyzed only with Ni. It is nanoparticles from which the nanotubes were grown. This
worth mentioning that after 24 h treatment, the best CH4 observation indicates that the addition of CNTs does not affect
yields for the Co [41] or Ni doped-MgH2 have been obtained at the thermodynamics as it can be considered as an inert specie
400  C and resulted to be 60.9% and 64.5%, respectively, and for the system. Our simulations show that the gas phase is
that after 48 h treatment at 350  C these samples have shown expected to be a mixture of H2 and CH4 with no residual CO2 or
a methane yield of 78% and 74.2%, respectively. Then, the CO formation (Fig. 11A). Water is not expected since as this
above presented results indicate that the co-addition of CNTs method allows predicting the phases in the chemical equi-
allows obtaining better conversion rates, especially at shorter librium, it considers the direct reduction and not the Sabatier
reaction time. Interestingly, when comparing values for 24 h route with catalysis. At a given total pressure of the system, as
treatment, for the Ni and CNT-doped MgH2, there seems to the temperature increases, the amount of methane decreases.
exist an optimal operating temperature (Fig. 9). As the Then, from a thermodynamic point of view, low temperatures
Sabatier reaction is exothermic and is disadvantaged with are required to obtain high CH4 yields because if the temper-
increasing temperature, this behavior is expected for a reac- ature rises the proportion of H2 in the gas phase grows.
tion that undergoes this catalyzed mechanism. As for the However, experimentally, poor conversion is obtained at low
MgH2-10wt.%Ni sample a linear relationship between the temperature due to kinetic restrictions. Regarding the solid
temperature and methane yield was observed, it would seem phase at 375  C, Mg, MgO, unreacted MgH2, Mg2Ni and carbon
that in that case it was not possible to reduce the activation deposition is expected (Fig. 11B). It is interesting to observe
energy enough to observe an optimum point in the range of that at this temperature the hydride phase remains without
temperatures studied. totally decomposing.
438 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

Fig. 11 e Equilibrium composition (mol%) as a function of the total pressure of the system considering the mixture
4MgH2:0.1Ni:1CO2 for the (A) gas phase at 350, 375 and 400  C and the (B) solid phase at 375  C.

To further study the role of the carbon nanotubes, some

extra measurements under the same experimental conditions MgH2(s) / Mg(s) þ H2(g) (1)
were included. In addition to the two samples previously
analyzed (MgH2-10wt.%Ni and MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT), as- CO2(g) þ 4H2(g) / CH4(g) þ 2H2O(g) (2)
milled MgH2 without any additives and MgH2 only with 5wt.%
of carbon tubes without Ni were analyzed. Table 3 compares 2MgH2(s) þ CO2(g) / 2MgO(s) þ 2H2(g) þ C(s) (3)
the compositions of the gas phase and the calculated CH4 yield
for the four mentioned samples after heat treatment under C(s) þ 2H2 (g) / CH4(g) (4)
CO2 at 375  C for 24 h and Fig. 12 shows the FTIR gas phase
analysis. This temperature was chosen because it allows a Mg(s) þ CO2(g) / MgO(s) þ CO(g) (5)
high conversion rate for the catalyzed sample at moderate
reaction times. CO(g) þ 3H2(g) / CH4(g) þ H2O(g) (6)
Gas analysis by FTIR showed interesting aspects. On the
one hand, the samples that did not contain metallic catalyst, It was previously proved that carbon nanotubes are prac-
either MgH2 alone or with CNT, did not present the bands tically unreactive when exposed to a gas mixture of H2 and
corresponding to water vapor. The presence of water proves CO2 at moderate temperatures (Fig. S9). This observation
that the methanation process takes place through the suggests that CNTs do not play a catalytic role. Previously, we
Sabatier reaction (Reaction 2) with Ni-containing species as proved that they can produce an open structure with diffusion
active catalysts (metallic Ni, Mg2NiH4 and Mg2NiH0.3) after channels that facilitate the hydrogen desorption inside MgH2
the MgH2 decomposition (Reaction 1). The contribution of grains and along the grain boundaries [51]. These observations
direct reduction of CO2 to produce carbonaceous deposits in for the behavior of the materials in the desorption/absorption
the solid phase (Reaction 3) and the generation of CH4 via C of hydrogen are important to understand the improvements
as an intermediary could not be discarded (Reaction 4). that can be achieved on CO2 conversion processes since for
Either, they might be considered simultaneous and comple- our study, the metal hydride acts as source of H2 for the
mentary process. Moreover, in the absence of Ni higher hy- methanation. The addition of CNTs not only allowed reducing
drocarbons such as ethane or propane (CxHy) due to the weak the metallic charge of nickel by 5wt.% without affecting the
absorption peaks at 1470 and 2968 cm1 [38,41] were identi- yields of CH4, but also the existence of a synergy due to the
fied. Then, when Ni is available, the methanation process double doping was proved. Although the MgH2-5wt.%CNT and
goes via water and its role is also related to selectivity. As CO MgH2-10wt.%Ni samples reacted with CO2 through different
formation was observed only at short reaction times or low reaction pathways (direct reduction and Sabatier, respec-
temperatures (Figs. 2 and 6), for longer reaction times it is tively), after 24 h at 375  C similar methane contents (46.8 and
consumed through reaction with H2 to generate more CH4 45.5%) and yields (56.9 and 57.5%) were obtained (Table 3).
(Reactions 5 and 6). When Ni and CNTs were used simultaneously, the gas phase
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2 439

Table 3 e Gas-phase composition determined by GC analyses for as-milled MgH2, as-milled MgH2-10wt.%Ni, as-milled
MgH2-5wt.%CNT and as-milled MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT after thermal treatment at 375  C for 24 h.
Sample Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar percentage Molar percentage CH4 yield
of CH4 (%) of CO2 (%) of CO (%) of H2 (%) (%)
MgH2 21.3 4.3 6.5 67.9 28.6
MgH2-5wt.% CNT 46.8 2 0.1 51.1 56.9
MgH2-10 wt% Ni 45.5 1.9 <1000 ppm 52.6 57.5
MgH2-5% wt.Ni-5wt.% CNT 60.3 1.8 <1000 ppm 38 74.5

Fig. 12 e Gas-state FTIR patterns analyses for as-milled MgH2, MgH2-10wt.%Ni, MgH2-5wt.%CNT and MgH2-5wt%Ni-5wt%
CNT after thermal treatment at 375  C for 24 h.

Fig. 13 e Relative intensities of the phases of Mg/MgO and Mg/(Mg þ MgO þ MgH2) at different temperatures for samples
MgH2-10wt.%Ni and MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT.
440 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 4 2 8 e4 4 2

was richer in methane (60.3%) and the CH4 yield grew to 74.5%. (~350-375  C) the MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT sample was
The Ni crystallite size calculation for the MgH2-10wt.%Ni and significantly better than the sample that only contained Ni: the
MgH2-5wt.%Ni-5wt.%CNT samples after mechanical milling amount of methane in the gas phase and the methane yield
applying the Scherrer method from X-ray diffraction patterns increased more than 30%. Its incorporation did not modify the
was useful to verify that co-addition of CNTs did not modify initial size of the nickel crystallites, nor did it have a catalytic
the size of the initial active catalytic phase, which is approx- role as it was proved that they do not interact with a gas
imately 30 nm. This allows ruling out that the performance mixture of H2 and CO2 at moderate temperatures. It is postu-
improvements were due to the catalytic phase size variation. lated that the role of CNTs could be related to the protection of
Since CO2 is easily adsorbed on the surface of MgH2, in the the magnesium hydride. While MgH2 crystallites are neigh-
absence of carbon nanotubes, it can be easily oxidized to MgO. bored by graphitic planes with open and interconnected
This discourages the occurrence of the Sabatier reaction that structure, its oxidation due to direct contact with CO2 and/or
requires H2 from the hydride and the obtained CH4 yield is the generated H2O could be impeded or retarded, promoting
lower. If the main peak relative intensities (i.e., integrated the occurrence of the Sabatier reaction. Through reaction be-
intensity) of the phases with magnesium (MgO, Mg and MgH2) tween Ni/CNTs doped MgH2 and CO2 at 350  C during 48 h, a gas
are compared in the XRD diffractograms after reaction at phase free of CO2 or CO, composed of CH4 (70.9%) and H2 (29.1%)
375  C, it can be observed that for the sample MgH2-5wt.%Ni- was obtained, with a calculated a methane yield of 79%. Then,
5wt.%CNT the relations Mg/MgO and Mg/(Mg þ MgO þ MgH2) this investigation provides a thermochemical method for CO2
are higher than for the sample MgH2-10wt.%Ni (see Fig. 13). recycling to synthesize COx-free mixture of methane and
Same trend is obtained at 350 and 400  C. Considering the hydrogen employing a well-known metal hydride (MgH2) as
MgH2 and MgH2-5wt.% CNT solid samples after reaction at hydrogen source, doped with a cheap and high available cat-
375  C, the later displayed a bigger proportion of metallic Mg alytic phase (Ni) and carbon nanotubes.
(Fig. S10). These observations suggest that regardless of the
reaction path followed, the role of CNT may be to function as a
protector of magnesium hydride, preventing or retarding its Declaration of competing interest
oxidation. It was previously proved that crystallites of MgH2
are neighbored by graphitic planes with open and inter- The authors declare that they have no known competing
connected structure [51]. It could be hypothesized that carbon financial interests or personal relationships that could have
nanotubes can surround the grain boundaries inside the hy- appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
dride particles and this can hinder MgH2 from being oxidized
by preventing its direct contact with the CO2 and/or H2O that
is produced by methanation through the Sabatier reaction.
Moreover, for the process to occur via Sabatier reaction, it is
necessary to have an active catalytic species (in this case
The work was supported by CONICET (Consejo Nacional de
nickel) capable of dissociating the H2 and the CO2 adhered to cnicas), ANPCyT (Agencia
Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Te
the surface of the hydride in the vicinity of the H activated  n Cientı́fica y Tecnolo gica) and CNEA
Nacional de Promocio
form. These observations can justify the observed synergistic  n Nacional de Energı́a Ato  mica). The authors also
effect of the two additives.
thank Bernardo Pentke (Departamento Fisicoquı́mica de
Materiales) for the SEM micrographs and Pierre Arneodo Lar-
ochette (Departamento Fisicoquıı́mica de Materiales) for TG
Conclusions measurements.

In this work the performance of nickel-catalyzed MgH2 with

the incorporation of carbon nanotubes has been analyzed,
Appendix A. Supplementary data
seeking to achieve high CO2 conversion rates under moderate
conditions, with reduced operating temperature and reaction
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
time. When metallic Ni is available, the methanation process
takes place through the Sabatier reaction with Ni-containing
species as active catalysts (metallic Ni, Mg2NiH4 and
Mg2NiH0.3), capable of dissociating the H2 and the CO2 adhered references
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