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Methanol synthesis from carbon dioxide and hydrogen over cuo/zno/zro2

promoted catalysts

Article · January 2014


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5 authors, including:

Maria Madej-Lachowska
Opole University of Technology


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Methanol Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide and

Hydrogen over CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 promoted catalysts
Maria MADEJ-LACHOWSKA – Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Gliwice; Department of Applied Chemistry and Mechanics, Opole University of Technology; Aleksandra
KASPRZYK-MRZYK*, Henryk MOROZ – Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Gliwice; Andrzej I. LACHOWSKI – Department of Applied Chemistry and Mechanics, Opole
University of Technology; Hildegarda WYŻGOŁ – Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy
of Sciences, Gliwice, Poland

Please cite as: CHEMIK 2014, 68, 1,

Introduction Ma et al. [4] in their review paper report that the addition of Ga
Methanol is an important feedstock for the production of many or Cr to Cu/Zn/Al catalyst increases catalyst activity with respect
chemicals. It is the key material for the C1 chemistry. It is used for to Cu surface area. Fornero et al.[10] obtained the highest methanol
manufacturing other chemicals such as formaldehyde, acetic acid, synthesis activity for 2wt% Cu/6 wt%Ga2O3/ZrO2 catalyst while
chloromethane and many others. Moreover, it is an outstanding Toyir et al. [14] during investigating gallium promoted copper-based
solvent and recently it is used as a clean synthetic fuel [1, 2, 3]. catalyst chose ZnO as the better then SiO2 support. Fujitani et al. [7]
Methanol can be also converted via the steam reforming to the claim that copper surface area of Cu/ZnO/Ga2O3 catalyst containing
hydrogen-rich gas, which can be fed to a fuel cell to generate 20–30 wt% of Ga2O3 is about 40% higher than the copper surface
electric power. area of Cu/ZnO and Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. Huang et al. [24]
A breakthrough in the synthesis of methanol occurred when described the significant improvements of the activity of skeletal
it was found that the presence of CO2 in the reaction mixture is copper catalyst for the methanol synthesis reaction by adding small
favorable for methanol synthesis.The main reactions that occur in amount of Cr2O3 to the surface of copper. Nonetheless, overloading
carbon dioxide hydrogenation are following: the Cu surface with Cr2O3 reduced the copper surface area and the
positive catalytic effect.
CO2 + 3H2  CH3OH + H2O (1) The literature reports refer to completely different catalytic systems,
– a direct synthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen so it is difficult or practically impossible to predict how the above-men-
CO2 + H2  CO + H2O (2) tioned promoters affect for the activity of CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 catalyst.
– the reverse water gas shift reaction. The aim of this work is the study of the influence of promoters
on the activity of the CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 catalyst in the process of
Both reactions are exothermic and reversible. methanol synthesis from CO2.
However, the cost of such process, where CO2 hydrogenated
is higher than the cost of using CO+CO2 mixture. On the other Preparation and characterization of the catalysts
hand, there is a need of utilization of CO2, which is a waste gas The homogenization method using citric acid was selected in
in many chemical processes. Methanol synthesis by hydrogenation order to prepare the catalysts. The oxide precursors of the catalysts
of CO2 gives great opportunity to achieve this goal. The industrial containing CuO, ZnO, ZrO2 and one of the promoters – Ce, Cr, Ga,
methanol synthesis catalysts developed for the synthesis gas La, Pd were obtained by decomposing the citrate complex of the
containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and only small amounts of metals according to the method described by Courty et al. [25]. The
carbon dioxide in the presence of larger quantities of carbon dioxide required amounts of nitrates of Cu, Zn, Zr and promoter were added
deactivate. Accordingly, there is a need for develop a new methanol in small portions under intense stirring to 2 M solution of citric acid.
synthesis catalyst useful for carbon dioxide gas rich. This is evidenced The solution was evaporated in a revolving flask in vacuum at 380
by a number of works on this subject that appeared in the scientific K, up to get the solid phase. The catalyst decomposition took place
journals. In numerous studies have been attempted to increase the in Buechi oven, in order to obtain oxides. Then it was calcinated at
efficiency and improve selectivity of industrial methanol synthesis temperature from 373 to 573 K.
catalyst from CO2 rich gas [4]. Most researchers consider that not
copper but Cu/ZnO system is responsible for the activity of copper
catalysts [5, 6]. The molar compositions of Cu:Zn in the industrial
Cu/ZnO-based catalysts, prepared by a co-precipitation method,
is about 70:30 [6]. Fujitani et al. found linear relationship between
methanol synthesis activity and copper surface area.
Many authors have found that the Cu catalysts containing zirconia
are active in the synthesis of methanol from CO2 and H2 [4, 8, 9]. Ortelli
et al. [9] considered zirconia supported catalysts as mechanically and
thermal stable, with relatively high specific surface area.
Development of a new, active in the presence of carbon dioxide
catalyst demands not only selecting appropriate components Photo 1. Tubular Buechi oven – decomposition of catalyst
(promoters) but also estimating their concentration. Among the
number of literature reports we selected: gallium [4, 7, 10÷14], The calcinated catalyst was turned into pills by using the
cerium [15÷18], palladium [19], lanthanum [20÷22] and chromium hydraulic press. Then the pills were crashed and sieved to a range
[17÷24] as additions to CuO/ZnO/ZrO2 catalyst. of 0.8–1.0 mm to perform the reaction.

nr 1/2014 • tom 68 • 65
A tubular, flow, high-pressure, fixed bed reactor, made of Table 1
stainless steel was used in the experiments. The bed consisted of Composition, specific surface area BET and Cu active area values
2 g of the catalyst placed between two layers of ceramic grains. The of tested
catalyst was reduced in a steam of diluted hydrogen (7% H2 in N2 Catalyst CuO ZnO ZrO2 Promoter Promoter SBET Cu active
under atmospheric pressure). The catalyst activity in the methanol concentra-tion area
synthesis was determined under the following range of conditions: %wt %wt %wt %wt m2g-1 m2gkat-1

the temperature from 433 to 513 K, the pressure 8 MPa and the Cu/Zn/Zr 62.4 25.0 12.6 — 20 6.1
reaction gas composition: H2‒66%, N2‒12%, CO2‒22%. After leaving
the reactor, the reaction mixture was analyzed chromatographically Cu/Zn/Zr/Ce 65.3 26.3 4.5 Ce2O3 3.9 15 7.9
with the Varian Star 3800 apparatus. The methanol content was
Cu/Zn/Zr/Cr 65.2 26.3 7.7 Cr2O3 0.7 24 8.7
determined by the flame ionization detector (FID) with CP-Wax
column. Gases were analyzed by the thermal-conductivity detector Cu/Zn/Zr/Ga 65.3 26.3 4.5 Ga2O3 3.9 21 8.7
(TCD) with Carbo Plot column. The pictures of the testing
equipment are presented in Figure 1 and Photo 2. Cu/Zn/Zr/La 65.3 26.3 4.5 La2O3 3.9 16 7.3

Cu/Zn/Zr/Pd 65.2 26.3 4.5 PdO 3.9 24 6.7

Fig. 1. Installation scheme

Fig. 2. Pore volume distribution

The results of the catalytic tests are presented in the form of

graphs: the dependence of CO2 degree of conversion (Fig.3), the
selectivity towards methanol (Fig.4), the methanol efficiency (Fig.5)
and (Tab.2).
Table 2
Selected catalytic test results
Temperature. conversion degree
Catalyst activity
and selectivity for
parameters for T=473 K
Catalyst maximum methanol yield
% g(kgkath)-1 % K % g(kgkath)-1 %

Cu/Zn/Zr 8 83 61 493 6 68 73

Cu/Zn/Zr/Ce 15 202 69 493 12 146 65

Photo 2. Installation for methanol synthesis
Cu/Zn/Zr/Cr 18 194 68 493 14 148 69
Specific surface area of the oxide precursor and catalyst was
Cu/Zn/Zr/Ga 17 211 71 513 10 120 74
measured with BET method using an Autosorb-1 Quantachrome
apparatus with nitrogen as adsorbate at 77.5 K. The active surface of Cu/Zn/Zr/La 17 205 70 493 13 152 67
copper in reduced catalyst was determined with the use of reactive
adsorption of N2O at 363 K (VG/ Fisons Quartz 200D). Cu/Zn/Zr/Pd 17 199 73 513 10 105 80

Results The CO2 conversion degree and selectivity values were

During the tests, six different catalyst have been prepared. The calculated according the following formulas:
compositions of the catalysts, specific surface area BET and active
area of Cu are presented in Table 1.
The base Cu/Zn/Zr catalyst is characterized by relatively flat
pore volume distribution (Fig. 2) and a maximum mean diameter
where: α – conversion degree of CO2
20 nm. The addition of gallium affects in a visible way on the pore
S – selectivity
size distribution change. There appeared pores of the average
– inlet stream for component i
diameters ranging from 3 to 11 nm. This significant increase in
– outlet stream for compnent i
pore volume (from 0.0812 cm3/g to 0.1014 cm3/g) has changed the
specific surface area SBET.

66 • nr 1/2014 • tom 68
Fig. 3. Temperature impact on CO2 conversion degree Fig.5. Temperature impact on methanol yield

The analysis of the catalytic test results shows a significant The methanol yield dependence of temperature is presented
improvement of the catalytic properties caused by promoters in Figure 5. Conversion degree and selectivity have impact on
introduced to the base catalyst CuO/ZnO/ZrO2. methanol efficiency. A high temperature has positive effect on
Figure 3 presents the dependence of CO2 degree of conversion running the parallel reaction (2), more carbon dioxide is converted
from temperature. The highest value of conversion degree reach into carbon monoxide, thus methanol yield is decreasing [26].For
catalysts with Cr and La. the most active catalysts with Ce, La and Ga additives, that reach
high degree of conversion at low temperature range, the curves of
methanol yield achieve their maximum. For the rest of catalysts,
the curves have rising tendency in the whole temperature range.
As we noticed, the differences in the methanol efficiency are really
small, they are in the limit of measurement error. The exception
is CuO/ZnO/ZrO2/PdO catalyst , which gives slightly lower values
of methanol yield in whole temperature range. In our opinion
for consideration deserves the catalyst with gallium promoter.
Although the catalyst achieves maximum methanol efficiency at
513 K , it is characterized by high selectivity in high temperature
range (about 70%).

• the addition of suitable promoter has a beneficial impact on
the catalytic properties of copper catalysts. Depending on the
promoter used, the efficiency of catalyst can be twice as high
• the highest methanol yields have been obtained for catalysts
with La, Cr or Ce promoter at 493 K
• the catalyst with gallium promoter achieves the best parameter
for the upper range of temperatures studied.

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68 • nr 1/2014 • tom 68
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