EASA - Airspace of Syria
EASA - Airspace of Syria
EASA - Airspace of Syria
Issued date:
Valid until:
12/05/2022 - French DGAC issued AIC France A10/22 canceling and superseding
A 18/21
16/06/2022 - Transport Canada issued AIC 16/22 replacing AIC 37/21
16/06/2022 - Germany (LBA) issued AIC 14/22 superseding AIC 08/22
16/06/2022 - UK issued AIP Amendment 08/22 (effective date 11 August 2022)
11/08/2022 - Germany (LBA) issued AIC 17/22 superseding AIC 14/22
06/10/2022 - Germany (LBA) issued AIC 20/22 superseding AIC 17/22
31/10/2022 - The validity of the CZIB was extended for six months until 30 April
2023. No additional changes in relation to the content were introduced.
Referenced publication(s):
United Kingdom AIP ENR 1.1 issued 16 June 2022 (see Appendix 1)
United States Federal Aviation Administration SFAR 114 issued 27
November 2020, KICZ NOTAM A0053/20 issued 27 November 2020, KICZ NOTAM
A0009/18 issued 14 April 2018 & & FAA Background Information issued 13 April
2018 (see Appendix 2)
AIC France Circular A 10/22 issued 12 May 2022 (see Appendix 3)
Germany AIC 20/22 issued 6 October 2022 (see Appendix 4)
Transport Canada AIC 16/22 issued 16 June 2022 (see Appendix 5)
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Affected Airspace:
Syrian airspace, all altitudes.
Applies to operators
This CZIB is issued on the basis of information available to EU Member States and
EU institutions. Due to the remaining hazardous security situation, with the
presence of terrorist organisations and ongoing military operations, there is a risk
of both intentional targeting and misidentification of civil aircraft. The presence of a
wide range of ground-to-ground and dedicated anti-aviation weaponry poses a
HIGH risk to operations at all flight altitudes.
Operators should take this information and any other relevant information into
account in their own risk assessments, alongside any available guidance or
directions from their national authority as appropriate.
Affected Countries:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
From 09/04/2020 and until further notice, pilots in command of aircraft performing
air services mentioned in paragraph 1.1 are requested not to penetrate into the
airspace of Syria (OSTT FIR (DAMASCUS)).
Appendix 4
Appendix 5