Enzymes 1
Enzymes 1
Enzymes 1
- The majority of enzymes are proteins Chemical digestion could not take place
with catalytic capabilities crucial to without the help of digestive enzymes.
perform different processes. Metabolic An enzyme is a protein that speeds up
processes and other chemical reactions chemical reactions in the body.
in the cell are carried out by a set of Digestive enzymes speed up chemical
enzymes that are necessary to sustain reactions that break down large food
life. molecules into small molecules.
- The initial stage of the metabolic Digestive enzymes are released, or
process depends upon the enzymes, secreted, by the organs of the digestive
which react with a molecule and is system.
called the substrate. Enzymes convert
the substrates into other distinct Amylase - produced in the mouth. It
molecules, which are known as helps break down large starch
products. molecules into smaller sugar molecules.
- a.k.a limited proteolysis - decreases in the enzyme
- is a cleavage of peptides from synthase.
- some proteins get activated, DEGRADATION
some are produced in our body - a regulation in which enzyme
as an inactive zymogen degradation can be controlled.
- zymogen (proenzyme) is an
inactive precursor of an enzyme Two Mechanism
● Ubiquitin and ATP dependent
- regulation of translocation of ● ATP independent proteolysis
enzyme occurs to the subcellular
compartment (e.g., Heme
synthesis occurs in mitochondria)
Heme synthesis
- A deficiency in an enzyme that
may lead to clinically significant
groups of disorders called