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CCNA Study Guide OSI or TCP IP models models describing the different layers of network communication.

. OSI consists of 7 TCP/IP consists of 5. OSI = (Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical). TCP/IP = (Application, Transport, Internet, Network Access). While they are not identical, they are similar, and frequently blend. OSI Model: 7. Application Provides an interface between the user and the communications and any applications that need to communicate outside the computer. Defines processes for user authentication 6. Transport Defines and negotiates data formats such as JPEG, GIF, etc. 5. Session Defines how to start, control and end conversations. Telnet, POP3 4. Transport defines data delivery, such as UDP/TCP. (Segment) 3. Network defines logical addressing using IPv4 or IPv6. (Packets) 2. Data Link Defines how and when a device can send data over a particular medium. Frame encapsulation. Ethernet/Frame Relay (Frames). 1. Physical standards for the actual medium the data is being transmitted across. RJ-45, Ethernet Tricks to memorizing (A)ll (P)eople (S)eem (T)o (N)eed (D)ata (P)rocessing Breaking network transmissions into layers makes it less complex, easier to learn, helps with standardization, and makes it easier to engineer and develop new technologies. KEY NOTE: The TCP/IP model differentiates its kind of data transmissions, the OSI model defines its transmissions by its layer. Therefore a level 4 is called a layer 4 PDU (protocol data unit). LAN Basics The Data Link layer is broken up into two sublayers. 802.3 Media Access Control (MAC) and 802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC). They both work together to take logical data and make it able to be transmitted across a physical medium. They also work with various physical standards in order to streamline transmissions. CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. An algorithm designed to detect collisions that occur on a network. A key component to Ethernet transmissions, it controls when each participant transmits and ensures that the LAN is free for transmissions before attempting to send. If a collision does occur, it sends a jamming signal to stop all transmissions and to start over. Every NIC has an assigned MAC/Ethernet (*PRO TIP* MAC/Ethernet are interchangeable) address to it, that uniquely identifies that particular card. These are 6 byte hexadecimal identifiers (0000.0C12.3445) These MAC addresses are UAA

(universally administered addresses) that are set by the IEEE. Ethernet Addresses can also perform the following address identifications to identify other cards on a particular network Unicast Identifies one LAN card. Tells who sent the unicast and who received it. Broadcast address Typically used by MAC addresses. Uses FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF as a broadcast. Implies that all devices on the LAN should process the frame Multicast Used to allow a subset of devices or a specified group to communicate. (IP range) What composes an Ethernet frame: Field Preamble Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) Destination MAC address Source MAC address Length Type Field length in bytes 7 1 6 6 2 2 Description Synchronization Indicates start of Destination MAC field Identifies intended recipient Identifies the sender Defines the length of the data field Defines the type of protocol present in the frame *Length OR type are used, not both. Holds the data from a higher layer typically L3 PDU and an IP packet Provides a method of determining if the frame experienced errors

Data Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Basic WAN junk

46-1500 4

Essentially the WAN is typically managed by a telecommunications company (or telco). For a fee, you pay the telco to manage connections between your various locations or offices. The telco gives you a CSU/DSU (channel service unit/data service unit) which you install in your location and hook up to your edge router. The CSU/DSU connects to a WAN device and allows you to communicate between the two points. Telcos are responsible for a certain area, and their responsibility stops at a certain point (the demarcation point). Typically this point is agreed upon by the customer/telco and usually depends on if the telco owns the CSU/DSU or not. Link speed is also determined by telcos. Typically the link speed you subscribe to determines what you get.

Origins of WAN speeds: Originally, most WAN tech is based off of telephony. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) was widely used because 8000 samples a second were needed to create a consistent call voice, represented in an 8 bit code. Therefore 64 kbps became the standard. This also means that a digital signal level 0 (DS0) refers to 64 kbps. Multiples of 64 kbps is how the industry operates today. DS1 defines a single line that supports 24 DSOs (and an 8 kbps overhead channel) for 1.54 Mbps (T1 line). Another is DS3, which is a T3 line which holds 28 DS1s 44.736. Europe and japan function on a different standard, using E1/J1 (32 DSOs for 2.048 Mbps) OSI layer 2 Point-to-Point WANs WAN protocols primarily function at layer 2 simply because these are dedicated links that have a predetermined set path. Two common protocols are HDLC (high level data link control) and point-to-point protocol (PPP)

HDLC HDLC functions with the basic principle that it does not need to administer too much. It is framing packets that are on a predetermined path point to point path. Cisco proprietary HDLC frames contain an address field, protocol type field, and frame check sequence for error detection. Address field is really not needed anymore, seeing as it was used in legacy set ups. Cisco HDLC utilizes protocol fields to help it identify what kind of packet is being sent across the WAN. Point-to-Point Protocol Very similar to HDLC, however PPP is multiplatform where as HDLC is very vendor specific. This means that PPP can communicate with devices of various types which makes it very popular for Point to Point communications.

Frame Relay and Packet-Switching Services Frame Relay operates in more of a hub and spoke fashion rather than a dedicated line. Instead of having dedicated lines to every router, you can have multiple devices share a set of lines. Frame Relay offers scalability, and cost reduction for multiple sites. While technically Frame Relay is a layer 2 protocol, it functions similar to a layer 3 protocol. This is because it examines the frame to determine its type and destination. By analyzing the data link connection identifier (DLCI) it can determine where it needs to go. This is defined by a protocol called the Link Access Procedure Frame (LADPF). In frame relay the Frame Relay Switches are called DCE while the customer equipment (routers) are called DTE. DCE is for the device providing service while DTE is for the device in need of service.

An established link within the Frame relay is called a virtual circuit. It is a LOGICALLY dedicated line to the equipment. The advantage of frame relay is that in order to expand, all you have to do is create another virtual circuit to the new equipment rather than laying down new lines. ISPs ensure that the Data rate is consistent by a concept called Committed Information Rate (CIR). CIR is guaranteed data rate agreed upon with the ISP. You are ensured you will receive AT LEAST that rate.

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