올림포스 독해의기본 1 Chapter1-3
올림포스 독해의기본 1 Chapter1-3
올림포스 독해의기본 1 Chapter1-3
01 주제 · 저|목 7
02 요지 · 주장 15
03 목적 23
중심내용·맥락 |
04 심경 · 분위기 31
성 깎 얀써
05 내용일치/불일치
02 06 도표 · 실용문
세부내용 07 지칭추론
08 단어 빈칸
03 09 짧은어구빈칸
깨 야
10 긴어구빈칸
11 연결어(구) 넣기
EBS 올림포스 독해의 기본 l
12 무관한문장찾기 95
13 L투프X
드 C>f 人
t j| 103
14 글의순서 배열 111
15 。」-。
4 -「얀L므
L 오
~人 f
<> 119
05 어법(밑줄/네모) 127
06 18 장문 147
01 수행평가사례예시 160
02 WORD PLUS UNIT 01 - UNIT 18 162
03 꿀쩍 VOCA 장 3분꿀쩍 VOCA 180
강 4분꿀쩍 VOCA 181
장 5분꿀쩍 VOCA 187
/ CHAPTER 이 중심 내용 맥락
{• 흩출톨씌 ~r!,.',",‘· (~.의 :ι1빼 n삐삐. (~.딩 ~l끼빼 .1빼폐. {• I 의:빼 u삐,κl
What is a fact beyond all doubt is that we share an ancestor with every other species of
ammal and plant on the plane t. We know this because some genes are recognizably the
(A) Idistinct / same I genes in allliving creatures , including animals , plants and bacteria. And ,
above all , the genetic code itself - the dictionary by which all genes are translated - is the
same across all 1iving creatures that have ever been @1ooking at. We are all cousins. Your
famil y tree (B) I includes / excludes I not just obvious cousins like chimpanzees and monkeys
but also mice , buffaloes , iguanas , snails , dandelions , golden eagles , mushrooms , whales , and
bacteria. All are our cousins. Every last one of them. (wonderful thought / more / any myth /
lsn ’ t / a far / that / than)? And the most wonderful thing of all @is that we know for certain it
is literally true. 1
I Vocab빼
3 정답고르기 모든 종에 동일한 유전자 암호가 발견된다는 점에서 우리 모두 사촌이라는 견해를 바탕으로 정답을 고
口 口 口
상 뼈
조 α μ
,‘ 口 species 종(種) 口 gene 유전자
저〕 모
3 g
‘ ” 口 translate 번역하다 口 obvious 영백한
---- m f E
口 myth 근거 없는 믿음, 미신 口 literally 말 그대로, 문자 그대로
8 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 2쪽 「빼w.eb잉 cO. k데
관겨싸 what(-하는 것): 선행사톨 포힐하는 관계사로 명사뭘율 유도하며, 이 명사월이 주어로 쓰일 경우 흩어동사는 단수 형태이다.
What is a fact beyond all doubt is that we share an ancestor with every other species.
L 명사절(주어 역할 T. 술어동새단수 형태)
전혀 의심할 여지 없는 하나의 사실인 것은 우리가 다른 모든 종과조상을 공유하고 있다는 것이다
Some people may be on the verge of buying the product, whereas others may never have
heard of i t. Still others may have an interest in the product but do not have any money, while
others might be aware of the product but are not yet interested; others might be interested
but do not at present have a need for the product, and so forth. Marketers need to be aware of
these stages and be prepared to act at the appropriate time. For example , 얻쁘쁘 who have
just bought their first house will not currently be in the market to buy another larger house ,
but very well might be in five to seven years' time , when perhaps they have started a family
or are eammg more money.
口 earn (돈을) 벌다
10 올림포스 독해의기본 1
정답과해설 2쪽 -
Few philosophers would deny that human beings are , to a great extent, historical - @ that
we inherit things from the past, change them , and then pass them on to future generations.
Language , for example , is something that we learn and change as we use it, and the same
@ doestrueofscience-. scientistsstartwithabodyoftheory, and then go on either to
confirm or to disconfirm it. The same is also true of social institutions , such as the family, the
state , banks , churches , and so on - most of @ which are modified forms of earlier practices
or institutions. Human beings , therefore , never begin their existence from scratch , but always
within some kind of context - a context @ that changes , sometimes radically within a single
generatlO n.
Metaphorically speaking , human memory is like a public library @ what organizes its books
according to their predicted popularity. Frequently checked out books , that is , popular books
(e.g. , the Dan Brown blockbusters) , will be made available in special spaces near the entrance
of the library to make it easy for members to find them. In contrast, less popular books (e.g. ,
the books by Herta Müller, recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature) , the ones rarely
checked out in the past, will be placed in the back of the library. Because of the environment
CÐ was thus reflected in our memory, we can use our memory to make inferences about the
environment. We can infer, for example , that the more fluently we retrieve an item from
memory, the more often we must have encountered it in the pas t.
* retrieve 회수하다, 생ζ빼 내다 * * encounter 만나다
1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법 에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @
12 올림포스 독해의 기온 1
수행평가 01 환경 보존에 대한 의견 작성하기
평가일 ( )월 ( )~
드3 Student ID Name
STEP 01 c!l많웰 숲을 보존해야 or는 이유를 나타내는 그림에 알맞은 설명을 찾Of 기호를 써 봅시다.
STEP 02 멜렐I 우|에서 제시한 이유의 근거를 설명핸 문장을 완성해 봅시다
Supporting Ideas
1 Forests help us ensure on our planet.
접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)
CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 01 주제 제목 13
STEP 01 1 @
하EP 03
1 think we must conserve forests for three reasons. First, forests are natural
habitats for wild animals . By maintaining their habitats , we can ensure
biodiversity on our planet. Second, forests absorb carbon dioxide and convert
it into oxygen. This means they protect the earth from the greenhouse effect.
Finally, forests provide people with natural beauty. They play an important
role as a source of human inspiration and enjoyment. Thus , we can have
various benefits by conserving forests.
14 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
We are always reluctant to make long-term changes because they can be uncomfortable.
We are essentially creatures of habi t. We do things a certain way, and our habits become
integrated into our behavior. If you have any question about @ this , just transfer your
wristwatch to the other hand. Even though it should not make the slightest difference CÐ on
which hand it is worn , you will soon find that you are very aware of the change , and it rnay
even feel cumbersome or awkward. Returning the watch to its usual place brings back a
feeling of comfort. If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how rnuch
rnore so with significant behavior changes? It’ s easy to imagine why sorne people consider
change virtually intolerable.
* cumbersome 성가신, 어색한
If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how much more so with significant behavior
2 ?
3 뀔EI 밑줄 친 @ on which hand it is worn을 능동태로 고쳐 쓰시오. (단, 주어로 you를 사용할 것)
비쿄급율 강조하는 표현톨: much , still , far , even , a lot 등은 비과급 앞에서 비쿄급물 강조하며 ‘훨씬’이라는 의미로 해석된다.
If feelings of discomfort accompany so minor an alteration , how much more so with significant behavior
불편한 느낌이 그렇게 작은 변화에 수반한다면 중요한 행동 변화와 관련해서는 얼마나 훨씬 더 많은 불편한 느낌을 수븐k하겠는가?
CHAPTER01 ' 뻐 02 요지 주장 17
01 c띔 글에서 필자가 주행는 닙낼 7땅 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0006
One day while driving my car, 1 kept noticing things that were wrong with all the other
cars on the road. One had a taillight out, one was spewing dark smoke out of its tailpipe ,
and another had a bad tire. Then 1 realized @ that if any of these things were wrong with my
car, 1 wouldn ’ t know it because 1 was busy driving. 1, too , could have a taillight out and not
even know about it. We don ’ t have eyes in the back of our heads; we don ’ t “ see" ourselves
CB completely. But we can develop awareness and use anything that happens to us and others
as great learning experiences. Instead of projecting negative traits onto others , look first
inside to see if you have a trace of @ which you find so awful in others.
훌뼈1'.' 피톨l톨톨톨-
Everybody has a story that they have always wanted to tell , and @ making a movie is a
good way to tell it. The word magic has always been associated with the film industry, and
while some people @ consider the technical achievements of filmmakers to be the magic
part of films , 1 am of the belief that the stoη part of a movie is the real magic. ET The
Extraterrestrial did not capture our hearts with its technologically advanced gadgets; it was I 5
the story that drew us in. While that movie did have a pretty big budget, my point is that it did
not need to have one in order to succeed. You should not be afraid to have great expectations
for your film if you really believe in the story. Who knows , maybe your story is a lot more
@ interested than you think, and if people at a film festival agree with this notion , then your
story could take off. 110
口 口 口
ku K 3
口 budget 예산, 비용 口 expectation 기대, 예상
” O n 口 take off 급격히 인기를 얻다, 유행하다
C뻐PTER 01 • UNrr 02 요지 주징 19
정답과해설 6쪽
In India , in the absence of a specific legislation for control and prevention of the noise
pollution, one has to seek provisions in various branches of law and regulations. There has
been no doubt @ that the available provisions in various branches of law are inadequate ,
unscientific and crude. In most of the developed countries specific legislation has been made
and scientific methods for investigation of noise pollution have been invented. At present,
there is no specific and detailed legislation @ to control the noise pollution. However, there
is an urgent neεd that the Central Government of India should manage to get a legislation
@ 쁘원뿔 for the control of noise pollution. Some legislation regarding water and air
pollution has been made in India.
여 해짧
口 口 口 口
써 세씨…
口 legislation 입법, 법률(제정) 口 prevention 방지
’ι빽 한
口 urgent 긴급한 口 regarding rv에 관하여
20 올림모스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 02 공부와 관련된 자신의 버릇 설명하는 글쓰기
drinking a glass of water listening to music getting some fresh air
STEP 02 힐훌웰 공부를 하기 전. -of는 동안, 한 후의 버릇과 그것이 좋거나 L뽑 이유를 작성해 봅시다.
1 before studying:
2 while studying
3 after studying:
접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)
CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 02 요지 주장 21
STEP 02 1 before studying: 1 have a habit of drinking a glass of water. 1 think it is good because it is
refreshing .
2 while studying: 1 have a habit oflistening to music on my cell phone. 1 think it is bad because it
affects my concentration.
3 after studying: 1 have a habit of getting some fresh air in my backyard. 1 think it is good
because it relaxes me.
1 have a habit of drinking a glass of water before studying. 1 think it is
good because it is refreshing. While studying, 1 have a habit of listening to
music on my cell phone. 1 think it is bad because it affects my concentration.
Finally, 1 have a habit of getting some fresh air in my backyard after
studying. 1 think it is good because it relaxes me.
22 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
DearResident of Sma11town:
After ten long months of work, the beautiful new addition to the Sma11town Senior Center
has been completed. This wonderful new space will serve as a library, conference room , and
entertainment venue for our residents and the community. We think this lovely space - with
skylights and oversized windows - will also make a beautiful spot for functions such as I5
weddings and parties. We have had tremendous support from the community in @ raise funds
for this projec t. @ Show @) 0ur appreciation , we will have an open house on Sunday, January
21 , from 1 to 4 P.M. We hope you ’ 11 join us for cake and punch.
Monica Diamond 10
t렐파뭘월휠꾀r Struct
2 필자의 의도나 목적 파악 노인 복지관 증축 공간을 완성하면서 주민들에게 감사를 표하고자 공개일에 주민들을 초대하
I 꽤t예s.돼옳鐘禮뽕짧
口 口 口 口
”” ] 口 addition 증축 口 venue 장소
a 口 punch 펀치(물, 과일즙, 항료에 보통 포도주나 다른 술을 넣어 만든 음료)
口 chairperson 의장
24 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 8쪽 rwww. ebsi.∞ krl
, 1
me n eI U v
( us spot for 2 , parties
-s -S - -- -
m ce
• Sunday , 3 2 1. 1-4 PM
• cake and punch
C벼PTER 01 • UNfT 03 목적 25
01 c띔 글의 목적으로 7땀 적절한 것은? Q8439-0010
1 understand how upset you @ must have been when you discovered that our shipping office
sent you the wrong order a few days ago. Please accept my sincere apologies for that error.
After investigating what caused the mistake , 1 found that we have two H. Browns in our
customer files; hence , the shipping office @ mistakenly sent you the other Mr. H. Brown’ s
order. To ensure @ what we do not repeat this error, we will always include full first names on
all paperwork and double-check the account numbers. Again , (caused / you / 1 apologize / for
the inconvenience / we). We will give a 15% discount on your next order.
@ 물품 구매 시 할인 정보를 홍보하려고
@ 제품에 결함이 발생한 이유를 해명하려고
@ 회사의 물품 배송 실수에 대해 사과하려고
@ 회사의 고객 개인 정보 보호 방침을 알리려고
@ 구매자의 성과 이름을 모두 기 입할 것을 당부하려고
口 口
밍 따
k O
k Q)
口 ensure 확실하게 하다, 보증하다 口 account 계정, 거래처
26 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 8쪽 -
1 recently dined at your restaurant , and 1 had an interesting experience. 1 had heard only
good things about your establishment, so 1 decided to try it out for myself. Little did 1
know my meal would tum out to be so bad. 1 ordered the hungη man ’s special. The special
inc1 uded a large helping of mashed potatoes. 1 began eating and after only one large bite of I5
the potatoes , 1 found huge lumps in my food. The gravy was cold, and the chicken was greasy.
Your restaurant has a good reputation , and 1 wish only good things for you in the future , but
1 did want you to know about my dining experience. 1 left your restaurant feel hungry and
upset. That ’ s not the way 1 thought a customer should feel after dining at Ma and Pa ’ s Kettle.
G u“ m
9 9
口 establishment 시설, 기관 口 try out rv을 시험적으로 이용해보다 口 turn out to be rv임이 밝혀지다
I ’ m happy to be writing this letter for Ms. Jenkins. Alice Jenkins would make an
outstanding senior c1 aims adjuster at Insurance Partners , and 1 would encourage you
(A) I consider / to consider I her for the position. 1 first met Alice when she came to Protect-
All Insurance as a new c1 aims adjuster. She reported direc t1 y to me for the three years of her I5
tenure with that company until 2015 , when 1 retired. In the first three years 1 followed Alice ’ s
career, 1 watched her (B) Ibecome / became I one of the most knowledgeable problem-solvers
in the company. During these three years , she handled fire , earthquake, and flood insurance
almost exc1 usively. In my professional opinion , Alice is ready for more responsibility and
challenge in her profession and 1 feel confident she will be an asset to your company. 10
Yours truly,
Della J ohnson
* claims adjuster 손해 사정사
@ 직원 추천을 부탁하려고
@ 담당 업무를 설명하려고
@ 업무 조정을 요청하려고
@ 경력 직원을 추천하려고
@ 입사 제안을 거절하려고
He l1 o , students! I ’ m Jim Hanks , student council presiden t. I would like to tel1 you
about this year's International Food Festival , hosted by the student counci l. Now in
its third year, this festival promotes healthy, affordable , and sustainable food. There
will be food from over 15 countries to try. The festival will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
on Thursday, October 26 in the school gym. So come and try a variety of unique foods
from around the world. For more information, stop by the student council office.
healthy • _ _ _ • sustainable
ß[fi)행잉『머@샘fi@매@G ‘
띔@@(희 띔@짧åW@1~
접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)
CHAP땐 01 . UNrr 03 목적 29
띔@@@ 띔@@)댐dy펴 R
When: Thursday ,
, 0ζtober 26 2017
30 올림포스 독해의 기본 1