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Question Text Answer 1 Answer 2

The field FIELD.NO in the

VERSION application holds
the value "TRAINING". The ID
of the version record is No, it Is not an erroneous
CUSTOMER,INPUT. Is No, it Is not an erroneous definition as the field FIELD.NO
TRAINING an erroneous definition as the field in a version can contain any
definition? Assume FIELD.NO in a version can user defined values. It does not
CUSTOMER application does always contain one non have to contain actual field
not have any Local Ref fields core field name names in an application

A field named CATEGORY

has been made as part of a
When the user exits this field,
the requirement is, certain
validation routines need to be Define the field
invoked so that other fields CATEGORY as
Multiple versions of
can be populated thevalues.
with MANDATORY field Define the field CATEGORY as
CUSTOMER application
How can this be achieved? have and attach validation REKEY field and attach
been created. They are routines to it validation routines to it
the user opens the
the requirement is, the user
should be given an option to
access the Specify CUSTOMER,AUDIT
CUSTOMER,AUDIT version to in the field Specify CUSTOMER,INPUT in
see the audit fields. How can ASSOC.VERSION in the the field ASSOC.VERSION in
this be achieved? version CUSTOMER,INPUT the version CUSTOMER,AUDIT

While working in Company A

of a bank and using a version
user wishes to open an
account belonging to
Company B. How can he
perform this action without
explicitly signing on to Specify YES in the field
Company B? (Assume all SMS AUTO.COMP.CHANGE in Specify YES in the field
settings are in place) the version ASSOCIATION in the version
A version
being used as part of OFS
message to upload
transactions into the
application. The messages
that are to be uploaded may
generate overrides. The
requirement is for T24 to
automatically accept such In the version
overrides and put the record in FUNDS.TRANSFER, INPUT set
INAU. However, if an overdraft the field AUTO.OVERRIDES to
amount above 20000 is YES and set GTS.CONTROL
involved, T24 should put the Supply the value YES just to 3.Also specify the
FT record on HOLD. How can after the application name corresponding condition in the
this be achieved? in the OFS string OVERRIDE application
The GP module is installed. A
version named
ONAL has been created. This Set the field
version should be available to BUSINESS.DAY to
use only when a branch is RESTRICTED in the Set the field BUSINESS.DAY to
open on an official holiday of version CLOSED in the version
achieved? PTIONAL NAL

The BUSINESS.DAY field in

the version allows the version
to be used on NORMAL,
RESTRICTED days etc. Which
application does the version
cross check before deciding The value stored in the The value stored in the
how it should behave when CURRENT.DAY field in the CURRENT.DAY field in the SPF
launched? DATES application application

A single value field in an

application say ABC needs to
be manipulated using the
VERSION application to An ENQUIRY's results can These drop down values need
display options as a drop be made as drop down list to be specified using the
down list of values (similar to of values for a field in a AUTOM.FIELD.NO field in the
the CUSTOMER field in the version using the field VERSION application.
ACCOUNT application). Can DROP.DOWN in the version
this be achieved? Pick the
correct method if any.

How can you prevent routines

attached at the
VERSION.CONTROL level Specify NO for the field Specify NO for AUTH.RTN,
from being executed for a EXC.INC.RTN in the UNAUTH.RTN and
particular version? VERSION record CHECK.ID.RTN
T24 applications contain single
value, multi value and sub
value field. Which of the Multi value fields can be Multi value fields can be
statements is true with respect prevented from being prevented from being expanded
to the VERSION application expanded only when fields only when fields per line is set to
and manipulating the display per line is set to MULTI SINGLE
of these fields?

When a version
used in an OFS message to
upload transactions, the
transactions may result in
errors and/or overrides. How In the version
do we ensure that the FUNDS.TRANSFER,INPUT
transactions get created , specify 3 in the field In the OFS message, supply 3
anyway with IHLD status? GTS.CONTROL just after the ID of the record to
be processed

When a version
SECTOR,INPUT is used in an
OFS message to upload
SECTOR records, the
requirement is, if any records
that come in through OFS
have a matching record in
INAU status already in the
database, then, the record
coming in through OFS should Set NAU.PROCESSING to
overwrite the existing one. 1 in the version Set MULTI.POSSIBLE to YES in
How can this be achieved? SECTOR,INPUT the version SECTOR,INPUT

When creating a version of If the NO.OF.AUTH field in If the NO.OF.AUTH field in a

any application, which one a version is left blank, then, version is left blank, then, the
statement is true with regards the value is defaulted from value is defaulted from the SPF
to the value that defaults into the COMPANY application application
the field NO.OF.AUTH?

A version called
When using this version to
input and authorise Customer
records, a user notices that
the SECTOR field becomes
non-inputtable only when he
opens an existing authorised
record to edit. What settings in The SECTOR field has
the version has enabled this been defined as a The SECTOR field has been
behaviour? NOCHANGE.FIELD defined as a NOINPUT.FIELD
What pop-up control is not
supported by the VERSION
If the field AUTOM.INC.EX
is set to EXCLUDE then the If the field AUTOM.INC.EX is set
With respect to the field specified in to EXCLUDE then the field
VERSION.CONTROL AUT.FLD.NO will not be set specified in AUT.FLD.NO will be
application, which one of the as auto field in the Version set as auto field in the Version
following statements are true?

NEXT Versions are versions

of the parent application ASSOC Versions are versions of
(version) they are attached the parent application (version)
With respect to NEXT and to. ASSOC Versions are they are attached to. NEXT
ASSOC versions, pick out the versions of other Versions are versions of other
one TRUE statement applications applications

A version has been created for

application ABC. In this
version there is a requirement
to validate that the data
entered in Field 1 and Field 2
are identical. Which is the
most efficient way to Using a validation routine and a
implement this in T24? Using a validation routine HOT.FIELD definition for Field 2

When creating a version for an

application in T24, the value
'OWN' is input in the field Depending on which
COMPANY.ACCESS and the company a user belongs to,
record is committed. How does he can access records only A user can open and edit
this affect the way the version from his OWN company records that he has created only
functions? using this field using this version

Which of these cannot be

achieved using the ENQUIRY Create a report from Edit values stored in records in
application in T24? multiple applications in T24 T24

A technical consultant creating

an enquiry based on the Specify the following in the
ACCOUNT application has a OPERATION field of the
problem. He wishes to check field DISP.WORK.BAL. Specify the following in the
the value of the field IF WORKING.BALANCE CONVERSION field of the field
a 0 instead of a ''(NULL). How Fields NULL ZERO
can he achieve this? Assume WORKING.BALANCE, WORKING.BALANCE
the field name used for the NULL and ZERO have been Fields WORKING.BALANCE,
working balance column is defined previously in the NULL and ZERO have been
DISP.WORK.BAL. Enquiry defined previously in the Enquiry
A user wishes to group all
accounts that belong to the
same category. The related
records need to be grouped
and a '+' symbol when clicked
should expand the group to
display all the records within a
group. Which is the best and Use the values
the easiest way this can be STARTTREE/ENDTREE
achieved using T24's available in the Create an enquiry with a page
ENQUIRY application? FIELD.DISP.TYPE field break on category
The option 'CAPTION'
available for the field Display the data in the
SECTION in the ENQUIRY footer portion of each page Display the data on the first line
application is used to of enquiry output of the header of the enquiry
What is the use of the
NODISPLAY option in the To hide the display of data To hide the display of the
SECTION field of the for a particular column in FIELD.NAME as a heading for
ENQUIRY application? the enquiry output the column in the enquiry output

Without using multiple frames

in a window, can a technical He can design the screen
consultant design a single using the He can design a screen
screen to perform the following ASSOCIATED.VERSIONS containing CUSTOMER,
tasks in T24? field in the VERSION ACCOUNT and
1. Open a customer record application. (Assuming the FUNDS.TRANSFER versions
2. Create a new account parent version is based on as a tab using the
3. Perform a funds transfer the CUSTOMER EB.TABBED.SCREEN
application) application.

There is an existing enquiry

called ACCOUNTDET based
on the ACCOUNT application
that has fields CATEGORY
and CURRENCY as dynamic
selection criteria. This enquiry
is now added as part of a
tabbed screen using the When creating the tabbed
EB.TABBED.SCREEN screen, specify the fields When creating the tabbed
application. What must be set CURRENCY and screen, specify the fields
up in order for the enquiry to CATEGORY in the field CURRENCY and CATEGORY
accept the same two dynamic SELECT.FROM in the in the field SELECT.TO in the
criteria when being executed EB.TABBED.SCREEN EB.TABBED.SCREEN
from the tabbed screen? application application
As soon as a user logs on to
Browser, he would see a
screen with the menu, a
command line and a toolbar
with various Browser tools.
Which component of T24 is
used to define such a screen? HELPTEXT.MAINMENU HELPTEXT.MENU

What is the order of execution

of the selection criteria defined Fixed selection and then the First the dynamic selection and
for an enquiry dynamic selection then the fixed selection
After the value of the
previously defined field is
When is a CONVERSION displayed but before the Before the execution of dynamic
routine executed when data in the current field is selection criteria specified in the
attached to an enquiry in T24? picked up SELECTION CRITERIA box

An enquiry created to be
Choose the one CORRECT executed online cannot be Enquiries cannot be printed
option with respect to executed during COB during COB
enquiries in T24
What applications must be set ENQUIRY.REPORT,
up in order to print enquiry DE.FORM.TYPE, ENQUIRY.REPORT,
In what 3 formats can the
output of an enquiry be

In a multi book installation of

T24, there are 3 lead
companies GB0010001,
US0010001, DE0010001. The
lead company GB0010001
has 3 branches. You are
designing an enquiry that
when executed, will display the
records of the lead company When creating the enquiry, in
as well as all its branches the COMPANY.SELECT field, a
(assume you are logged into When creating the enquiry, GB0010001 value must be
GB0010001). What setting will in the COMPANY.SELECT input. The enquiry automatically
you make in your enquiry field, a NULL value must be displays all branch records as
record? input. well
In what application can we
configure the T24 Browser not
There are various uses of the
OPERATION field in the OPERATION field holds the
ENQUIRY application. Choose T24 field name as specified IF statements can be used in an
the option from the list that is in the enquiry and must be part of the
How will you display the
current T24 date in an Specify !TODAY in the field Specify TODAY in the field

How can you specify that you

wish to reserve 4 lines for the
header and 20 lines for the
body of your report using the Specify 4,20 in the field Specify 20,4 in the field

When executing an enquiry

that has a To validate the text typed into
Read each option carefully defined, there is a way of ENQUIRY application, T24
and pick out which option is skipping the selection and checks against the
FALSE with respect to the selecting all records at STANDARD.SELECTION to see
ENQUIRY application? runtime. if a record exists

Which statement best

describes what is defined in
BROWSER.PARAMETERS Valid Skins to be used for
application? displaying screens are Shortcut keys and buttons can
defined here be defined here

The creation of a local

reference field involves 2
steps, creation of the field and
attaching it to an application.
to attach a local reference field
to an application in T24. All
properties of the field are
defined in LOCAL.TABLE
except one. What is that one
property of a local reference
field that cannot be defined in
the LOCAL.TABLE Maximum and Minimum The label that must be displayed
application? characters that can be input next to a field

While editing a record in the

gets this error message -
"Cannot Change Old Ref". The user is trying to add a local
What do you think he is trying The user is trying to change reference in between the
to do? Choose the most likely the Single / Multivalue existing ones attached to an
scenarios ? status of an existing field application
If a local reference field must Use the
have a set of predefined APPLICATION.VET field in
values, like Yes / No / Maybe, the LOCAL.TABLE Local reference fields can only
what must we do when application to define the be Text boxes like any ordinary
creating the field? predefined values field in T24

What is the field USR.TYPE

set to in the
records for applications that
have Local reference fields
added to them? J I

A user has created three new

local reference fields in the
CUSTOMER application.
Where can he find the
definition of these local
reference fields? Choose the STANDARD.SELECTION The DICT file of the
most appropriate answer. only CUSTOMER application only

The requirement in a bank is

that the text NEWLOAN when
typed at the command prompt Create a record in the
must open up the ABBREVIATION application
LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS with ID Create a record with ID as
application screen . What must LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSIT NEWLOAN in the PGM.FILE
be done in order to achieve S and in the field ORIGINAL and in the PRODUCT field
this? TEXT type NEWLOAN. mention LD

What are the possible values

that can be specified to the
field APPL (Field Name
displayed as 'Application' in
Browser) in the
application? Choose the most An existing A valid Enquiry or a Version or
appropriate answer HELPTEXT.MENU id an application name
To launch a menu in T24, an
extra character must be placed
before the menu id to launch it
from the command line. What
is that character? > ?

The local reference field

concept allows banks to add
their own fields to T24
applications. Which one A user can add any number
statement is false with respect of local reference fields to A local reference field can only
to local reference fields? an application. be a single value field
Menus are attached to users
using the USER application. Menus can be attached to
Which one statement is false users using the Multiple users in T24 can have
with respect to users and INIT.APPLICATION field in the same menu attached to
menus in T24? the USER application them
Which of these statements is It is mandatory for every All abbreviations are created
false with respect to application to have an using the ABBREVIATION
abbreviations in T24? abbreviation application in T24
For what function can deal
slips not be triggered? I - Input A - Authorise
Only contract based
applications like
What type of applications can LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSIT Only static tables like Customer
generate deal slips in T24? S etc etc

The format of a deal slip is

defined in the application
what application(s) need to be
set up in order to print them?
Choose the most appropriate PRINTER.ID and PRINTER.ID, DE.FORM.TYPE
What values can be set as
version application? OL or RL OQ or RQ

When printing out enquiries via

the deal slip trigger
mechanism, what additional
application must be set up in
order to print the output apart

A user is logged into lead

company US0010001. When
executing an enquiry a user
wishes to display records from
company GB0010001 also
instead of from just the one he Multi-value the field
is logged into. Assume the Set the field COMPANY.SELECT and
installation has 5 Lead COMPANY.SELECT to ALL specify the MNEMONIC of each
Companies defined. How can in the enquiry record and company before executing the
he achieve this? then execute the enquiry enquiry
Bank ABC want to customise
the Browser login page to Create a new HTML page
contain their own logo and called 'login.html' on the Update the 'login.html' file on the
links to some of their internal web server and add it to the web server with the banks logo
web sites. How would you do BROWSER.PARAMETER and add the logo image file to
this? T24 application. the images directory.

Bank ABC wants to add a

custom button to all
VERSIONs which when Add a BROWSER.TOOL Create an annexed toolbar
pressed brings up a new key in the HYPERLINK field containing the custom
window to one of the bank's of VERSION.CONTROL BROWSER.TOOL and add it to
external systems. How can and write a JavaScript the core U.CONTRACT toolbar
this be achieved? function in 'custom.js'.. record.

Bank ABC is writing a local

Funds Transfer application
which they do not want users Remove the Delete tool
to be able to delete any from the core Contract Set the ENABLED field to NO on
records. How could they do BROWSER.TOOLBAR the Delete BROWSER.TOOL
this? record. record.

An enquiry is being displayed

as apart of a composite
screen. The enquiry returns
no more than 10 rows when
run and the frame in which it is
displayed is small. In order to
save space in the frame the Set the NO.TOOLBAR
client does not wish to have a attribute on the Set the 'stripFrameToolbars'
toolbar displayed on the EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN parameter in
enquiry results screen. How definition for the frame 'browserParameters.xml' to YES
can this be done? containing the enquiry. on the web server.
Which statement best
describes what is defined in
BROWSER.PREFERENCES Settings for all Browser Settings for a single ARC-IB
application? users. user.

Bank ABC want to display

values on an enquiry in
different colours depending on
their value. For values less
that 1000 they want to display
the text in red, values between
1001 and 5000 in blue, and for
values greater than 5000 in The style classes are
yellow. Which of the following defined in 'custom.js' on the Reference the class definition in
statements is false? web server. the ENQUIRY record.
JavaScript functions written
What would you expect to find by a client to support their JavaScript functions written by
in the 'custom.js' file on the custom applications and Temenos to support the Browser
Browser web server? buttons functionality. user interface functionality.

A Composite Screen is
Which of these statements is displayed using HTML A Composite Screen is
true about a Composite Frames to divide different displayed using HTML Tables to
Screen? T24 content. divide different T24 content.

Create images and style

sheets for the new skin on
the web server with their file Create images and style sheets
Bank ABC want to create their names prefixed with the for the new skin on the web
own corporate skin for all new skin name and add it to server giving it a new unique
internal Browser users of the the skin name and add it to the
done to develop the new skin? T24 application. application.

A person using T24 types FT

from the command line and
presses the Enter key to
launch the
application but to his surprise it
takes him to the FT.TYPES The PGM.FILE entry for
application. What could have FUNDS.TRANSFER is The ABBREVIATION id FT is
happened ? incorrect set to FUNDS.TRANSFER

On entering CU or CUS or
CUST from the Command line
you are taken to the
CUSTOMER application in All these are keywords to Typing the product code CU is
T24. Why do you think this the CUSTOMER application enough to launch the
happens ? in T24 CUSTOMER application
An ABBREVIATION is created
with ID as VPH. The
ORIGINAL.TEXT field is given
BROWSERTC is an existing
Phantom in T24. What
happens when a USER types The Phantom BROWSERTC
VPH from the command line in The Phantom record is launched ready to be
a Character User Interface. BROWSERTC is started. Verified

Assume there is a Global

menu created for all USERs of
the bank with ID as 99. An
created with ID as LM with
ORIGINAL.TEXT set as ?99. You can launch a sub menu but
What happens when a USER not a Main menu in our case
keys in LM from the command You will get an error (menu number 99) using

Menus can be launched

from the Command line in A Sub Menu (E.g. AC.MENU)
What is true about Menus in browser by just typing the can be launched by attaching it
T24? menu number alone. to the USER profile.

You take care of two

departments of the bank and
have to use 2 menus
AC.MENU and SC.MENU. Only one menu can be
You should not be allowed to attached in the USER You can simply use the two
access other menus. What can profile and hence he can menus from the command line
a administrator of the bank do attach only one menu at a by giving
to give access to both menus time for accessing either ?AC.MENU and ?SC.MENU
for you. AC.MENU or SC.MENU
What cannot be attached to
sub menu ? Tabbed Screens Composite Screens

A Local reference field

USER profile stores the
access card number of USERs
of the bank. This number was
generated using a core
subroutine and updated into
this field when a user profile
was created for the first time.
Since this field was an open Only option available is to
field, people started to change write a routine and attach it
the values. How can this be all VERSIONS being used
stopped for all T24 users by users using USER Make this field NOINPUT in the
(super users included). application LOCAL.TABLE level itself.
A Local Reference field called
SKYPE.ID exist in the
CUSTOMER application. You
see a code written as part of
your Version routine to update
the value ‘temenosid’. Assume
the Insert file of CUSTOMER
application exist in the
program. Will the below code
produce the desired result

R.NEW(LOCAL.REF.FIELD)< NO, the prefix EB.CUS for

1,LOC.POS> = ‘temenosid’ the local ref field does not NO, string ‘temenosid’ cannot
exist be hardcoded
UNIQUE.NO in the
What are the rules to be AUTO.ID.START field
followed when you input the should be set to YES to
BASE.TABLE field in the allow data to be input for
AUTO.ID.START application ? BASE.TABLE field Can input only Numeric values

UNIQUE.NO field in the

should be set to NO to allow If the ID.LENGTH is input then
What is true when creating a data to be input for the BASE.TABLE field is not
record in AUTO.ID.START BASE.TABLE field mandatory.

If you set Unique ID for REPO

Application in T24 using the A Locking record gets
AUTO.ID.START and then created with ID as UNIQUE
authorize the record what with a field inside specifying A Locking record gets created
happens? the Application name with ID as REPO.UNIQUE

The T24 environment given to

a Client has the default T24
help button on the toolbar Contact T24 help desk
when a USER logs in. You asking to remove the T24
want to remove that from that help icon as it is part of Can only DISABLE the button
screen. What would you do? Core and not remove it.
T24 use the (… three dots)
convention when using the
Like clause. A top official of
the bank does not like this as Since he is a top official a local
he is used to using (* asterix) subroutine can be written to
as wildcard characters. Can convert the three dots to stars
something be done only for No, cannot be achieved in and attach it to all enquiries he
this person who happens to be T24 as (…) three dots is uses provided this feature is not
top official? how like clause works in T4. available

You want to deliver a demo for

a client on a new product in
T24. You notice that the help Configure
texts for a few fields are not ‘suppressMissingHelp’ tag
available. You need to hide in browserParameters.xml
this from the client. What file to YES to enable
would you do? Assume you suppression of the missing
are not using ARC-IB Help file. Cannot do anything about it

was set for a particular User of
the bank to launch the
CUSTOMER details enquiry in
the form of a composite screen
when he logs in. His USER
profile had the default T24
Menu attached in the
what will happen when the
User logs in using T24 The user is taken to the The user is taken to the
Browser? default menu CUSTOMER details enquiry

What does the value FIELD This extracts data from field
#,1,1 in the conversion field of FIELD is an incorrect position 1 to field position 1
an enquiry denote? keyword delimited by ‘#’

When no matching records are

found when running Enquiries
in T24 the system displays the
message “No records were
found that matched the
selection criteria”. You are
asked to change this to “ No
Matches found”. How will you No, it cannot be done as it’s Can be done only by writing
do it? a core message code

When you Copy the contents

of any record in T24 Browser,
we get a message "Deal
Copied to T24 clipboard ". In
which file does it get copied Contents are copied to the Contents are copied to the
to ? file F.OS.XML.CACHE Operating systems Clipboard.
Providing a set of related tabs
What are Composite Screens Grouping together related that allows a user to navigate
primarily used for? Please functionality to provide a between enquiries and versions
choose the most appropriate rich user experience based passing data arguments to
answer. on roles within a bank. provide a rich user interface.

Bank ABC has designed a

Composite Screen that
contains 4 frames : 'Frame1'
contains a menu, 'Frame2' can
contain transactions, 'Frame3'
can contain a defined list of
enquiries, and 'Frame4' is
designated as allowing ALL
content. The user selects a
menu item that runs a new
Composite Screen. Where will
the Composite Screen be
displayed? Frame2 Frame3

Bank ABC want to display

customised error pages when
a problems occurs within 1. Create a new error in the T24
Browser or ARC-IB. In EB.ERROR file.
particular, if the user tries to 1. Create a customised 2. Configure the TC Server to
access a page that is currently HTML page with the map the new error code to the
unavailable due to maintenance message. maintenance error code.
maintenance work what would 2. Add a reference to the 3. Configure the web server to
the administrator of the system new page in the 'web.xml' display the error when the new
have to do in order to display a file as a 404 error code. code is returned from T24.
customised error message. 3. Restart the web server. 4. Restart the web server.

To allow 'frame' content to

automatically expand to show
Why would a bank want to To provide additional the full set of data without being
create a Composite Screen security and protect against constrained by the frame sizes
with the NOFRAMES spoofing and phishing defined by the Composite
attribute? attacks. Screen.

T24 Desktop supports the

export of enquiry data to
Crystal Reports for producing Define the report contents
reports to management. using the ENQUIRY,
Crystal Reports is not directly ENQUIRY.REPORT and
supported in Browser but REPORT.CONTROL Export the data in XML format
enquiry data can be exported applications. The report from a Browser enquiry
from T24 in a number of can then be run and selection screen and import it in
different formats. Which exported as part of the to an application such as Crystal
process is not supported? COB. Reports or Business Objects.
What is the purpose of the
enquiries and versions filter as Provides web server layer
defined in Defines the T24 enquiries checking of allowed enquiries
'versionsEnquiriesFilterConfig. and versions that a T24 and versions for the system in
xml'? Please choose the most SMS Group of users can addition to the user's SMS
appropriate answer. run. profile.

The Browser and ARC-IB

products connect to the T24
application server using the
JCA technology. Where would
you define the IP Address,
port number, and OFS source
record for the connection to
the T24 server? t24-server.xml channels.xml

A bank wishes to customise

their Pie Chart enquiries so
that the pie chart segments The colours can be customised
are shown in the bank's by changing a Cascading Style
corporate colours. How is this The colours cannot be Sheet (CSS file) on the web
done? customised. server.

Menus in Browser and ARC-IB

can be shown in a number of
different styles. What are the DEFAULT, TABBED and TREE, TABBED and
3 different styles of menus? DROPDOWN. DROPDOWN.

Browser and ARC-IB are

capable of displaying enquiry
data as graphs and charts. Scalable Vector Graphics
What technology is used to objects or images embedded on
display the graphs and charts? Scalable Vector Graphics. a HTML page.

1. Review all local enquiries 1. Review all local enquiries and

and versions to ensure they versions to ensure they display
display correctly. correctly.
2. Review all local code to 2. Review all local code to
ensure applications are ensure applications are
stateless. stateless and do not use INPUT,
Bank ABC is planning on 3. Design HTML pages for PRINT & CRT commands .
upgrading from T24 Desktop locally developed 3. Design Composite and
to Browser. What tasks do applications. Tabbed screens based on roles.
they need to do in order to be 4. Install the Browser on a 4. Install the Browser on a web
able to run Browser? web server. server.
In Browser and ARC-IB
documents such as user's 1. Configure
bank statements can be DEAL.SLIP.FORMAT
securely downloaded and defining the format of the 1. Add the MULTI.DOWNLOAD
displayed in formats such as statement. attribute on the Enquiry record.
PDF and Microsoft Word. 2. Add a button on to the 2. Add a button on to the
How is the functionality relevant application/enquiry relevant application/enquiry to
configured? to display the statement. display the statement.

Bank ABC have created a

number of different Browser
skins which they want to
assign to different roles within
the bank. Tellers will be using
the new 'blue' themed Browser
skin and Managers will be
using the new 'green' themed
Browser skin. Where in T24
would you define this
relationship between skins and BROWSER.PREFERENCE

A bank is using the T24

Software Development Kit
(TSDK) to validate a contract's
field data at the web server
using a Java routine by setting
the WEB.VALIDATE attribute
on VERSION. Which of the
following statements are Errors and Messages can
correct about the Java be raised by the validation Errors and Overrides can be
validation routine? routine. raised by the validation routine.

A bank is designing a
application whereby they want
to do some additional
validation on a Local The bank writes a Java
Reference field. They have validation routine using the The bank writes a Java
defined this field as a TSDK which runs in T24 as validation routine using the
WEB.VALIDATE field. What part of the template Cross- TSDK which runs at the web
does this mean? validation stage. server.
What is the purpose of the
CONTENT field on Defines what the current Defines what the current frame
EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN? frame always contains. can contain.
When defining a VERSION, a A HOT.FIELD validates only Both types of validation validate
field can be defined as a the current field whereas a the whole contract, but a
HOT.FIELD or HOT.VALIDATE validates HOT.FIELD only shows the
HOT.VALIDATE. What is the the whole contract. Field errors for the current field. Field
difference between these defaulting is applied during defaulting is applied during both
attributes? both validation types. validation types.

A bank has spent a large

amount of time designing their
own default Browser skin to
conform to their bank colouring
scheme including adding their
own logos, changing button
images, and defining different
colours for their enquiry text.
However, when they run
Browser they find that their
new button images are not The web server has not The web browser's (i.e. Internet
displayed. What is the most been restarted since the Explorer or FireFox) cache has
likely cause of this? new images were installed. not been cleared.

A set of users in a bank are

stationed at a remote branch
whereby their connection to Change the
the web server running at the BROWSER.PREFERENCES
head branch is very slow. In Turn on compression attributes for the users to
order to maximise between the Web Server remove functionality such as
performance and bandwidth and the T24 Application auto-launch enquiries, checkfile
what should the bank do? Server. enrichments, etc.

A bank is migrating their users

from T24 Desktop to Browser.
The users are frequently
committing records by
accident as they are used to
using the Enter button on
Desktop when filling in fields. Nothing can be done to stop Ensure that there is no shortcut
How can the bank ensure that this other than training the key defined for Commit in
this does not happen? users. BROWSER.PARAMETERS.

Drilldowns on Enquiries can be

displayed in a number of ways.
A bank wishes to display a
drilldown for a "Buy" button as
an image. How can this be
achieved assuming that an
image named "buy.gif" has By setting the NXT.DESC in By setting the NXT.DESC in
been created? ENQUIRY to "Buy[buy.gif]" ENQUIRY to "Buy[buy.gif"
A user specifies the same
selection criteria frequently on
a particular enquiry They
decide to save the criteria as a
favourite. Other users have a
similar favourite so the bank The enquiry favourite record
decides to make the favourite ID needs to be changed to The enquiry favourite record
accessible to all users. How is remove the USER's ID from must be updated to remove the
this achieved? the key. OWNER field.

The client wants to create a

VERSION record for an
application and for a field with
has CHECKFILE (default
dropdown), the user should
only see the enrichment of the Create an ENQUIRY based on
values and not the actual data. Create a version record and the file and display only the
How can this be achieved in specify the field ATTRIBS enrichment and attach this in the
T24? as ENRICHMENT.ONLY field DROP.DOWN in Version

There is an enquiry on a file

which has large volume of
data and when the enquiry is
run, not all pages are
displayed, however only 200 The field ENQ.PAGE.LIMIT
pages are displayed. But the in the SPF record
client wants all the pages to be determines this factor. This
displayed. What is the solution can be increased as per the
to this to display enquiry client requirement so that all This is not possible in T24. Only
output more than 200 pages? the pages are displayed. 200 pages could be viewed.
Deal slips cannot be
generated when _____
function/s are used Delete and History Restore Reverse and History Restore
The functionality of printing
deal slips through Hot Keys
(D.SLIP.TRIGGER field set to
RQ) is supported only in the
below modes: Input and Auth modes Input mode only

There is a version
has a deal slip CUST.SLIP
attached to this. The
CUST.SLIP. There is also an
Enquiry in the same name Deal slips will be printed
CUST.SLIP. What will happen twice. Once from The ENQUIRY attached takes
when the record is committed DEAL.SLIP.FORMAT and priority and hence that alone will
through this version? once from ENQUIRY be printed
What are the pre requisites to
Secure Document Download
to work?A) Drilldown
configuration in the enquiry
B) Channel creation in
C) Updating Listener definition
in TCServer
D) New StreamProvider Java
A A &B

Hyperlinks can be defined

to access customised
HelpText by clicking the Hyperlinks cannot be defined in
What is false about Hyperlinks field prompt text. T24 Enquiries to access any
in T24 Browser. internal or exeternal URL.
Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Answer

No, it Is not an erroneous

definition as TRAINING is
Yes, it is an erroneous one of the system generated
definition fields (Part of core) of the
CUSTOMER application. 3

Define the field

field and attach This cannot be achieved if
validation routines to it Browser is the front end 3

in the field
in the version This cannot be achieved if
CUSTOMER,INPUT Browser is the front end

Specify MB (Multi
Book) in the field
COMPANY in the This cannot be achieved
version without explicit sign on to
Set the field
in the version
NPUTand set
in version
NPUT version

Set the field

COMPANY.ACCESS Set the field
the version in the version

The value stored in

the CURRENT.DAY Works depending on the
field in the COMPANY value in the TODAY
application common variable 1

This can be achieved

by attaching a
validation routine to You cannot manipulate the
this field to populate basic properties of a core
the values T24 field in a version. This
requirement does not have a
solution. 1

Specify NO for the By default all routines

field EXC.INC.RTN in attached at the
VERSION.CONTROL will get executed at the
application. version level 1
All multi value fields in a
Single value fields can version will be language
be made multi value in specific
a version 1

In the version
FUNDS.TRANSFER,I This cannot be achieved in
NPUT, specify 3 in the T24. Only successful
field HOT.KEY transactions are created if
they come via OFS 1

S to
the version to YES in the version

field in a version is left If the NO.OF.AUTH field in a
blank, then, the value version is left blank, it
is defaulted 1 always remains blank.

The SECTOR field The SECTOR field has been

has been defined as a defined as a

DATE with
Values in
always take more
precedence over
values defined at the Any version created must
version level have a corresponding

ASSOC and NEXT ASSOC and NEXT versions

versions are always are always versions of the
versions of the same applications other than the
application parent version's application 2

Using a web validation

routine Using an input routine On commiti 5

Only users belonging

to the company of the
person who created
the version can use it.
Other company users
will not be able to use Only the user creating the
the version itself version can use it. 3

Manipulate the FIXED

Authorise records in SELECTION criteria using a
an application in T24 BUILD ROUTINE 4

Specify the following

field of the field
have been defined
previously in the Can be achieved only by
Enquiry writing code 1
Use the SORT field to Set the field
sort data according to FIELD.DISP.TYPE to
the category and then GRAPHX
display it 1

Display the data on Display the data on the top

the title bar of the right corner of every page of
window enquiry output 3
To hide the column
once a drill down on it To not display an extracted
is performed in the row of data if the size of the
enquiry output record is bigger than 1K 2

He must create a new

application that takes
in the required input
from the user for all
the 3 tasks and then
internally processes He can use a composite
the request using OFS screen and display each
to update application in a frame using
FUNDS.TRANSFER application 2

When creating the

tabbed screen, specify
a value UTILITY in the No specific definition is
field CONTENT.TYPE required. The enquiry
in the behaves the same whether
EB.TABBED.SCREE executed from the tabbed
N application screen or stand alone. 4

Both the fixed and the Both selection criteria cannot

dynamic selections be defined for a single
are executed enquiry so the order is
simultaneously immaterial 1

Executed only if the After the value of the current

enquiry is a GRID field is picked up but before
enquiry it is displayed 4
Enquiries cannot be
used in OFS A fast path enquiry allows
messages data to be edited in the
enquiry output

OFS, XML, TXT (text) OFS, XML, XLS 1

When creating the

enquiry, in the
field, a ALL value When creating the enquiry,
must be input. The in the COMPANY.SELECT
enquiry automatically field, must be multi valued
displays all branch and GB0010001 + all other
records as well branch id's must be defined 3


Routines can be attached to

Break Changes are change the extracted field
defined in the before display in the
Specify DATE in the
field OPERATION Specify !TODAY in the

Specify 4,20 in the Specify 4,20 in the field


Routines can be
written to extract data There is a way of executing
from various an enquiry such that the
applications and the dynamic selection criteria
ENQUIRY application box is not displayed to the
can be used to display user and instead the result
the details extracted of the enquiry is displayed 1

Number of concurrent
tokens allowed per
user A&B A&C 4

Single / Multivalue /
NOINPUT / Associated multivalue status
NOCHANGE property of the local ref field 4

The user is trying to

delete an existing
local ref field from an A and C
application B and C only only 4
Use the
field in the field in the
application to define application to define the
the predefined values predefined values 3

D L 2

The DICT file of the

CUSTOMER In the DICT file of the
application and the CUSTOMER application and
DICT file of the in the
ON application application 4

Create a record in the

application with ID as
NEWLOAN and set Create a record with ID
the field NEWLOAN in the Standard
ORIGINAL.TEXT to Selection application which
hold is an identical copy to the
OSITS record. 3

An existing
NU record ID B and C only only 5

^ < @ 2

A local reference field

can be made a A local reference field, once
mandatory field created, cannot be deleted 2
When a menu is
attached to a user and
he logs into T24 using
the 'classic' mode, he
can access the
command line as well
as the menu just like
when using the A menu can contain links to
Browser as front end. any application in T24 3
Abbreviations can be
created for any Abbreviations, once created,
application in T24 can be used by all users 1

D -Delete M - Method 4

Only applications that use

the delivery subsystem to
All applications in T24 generate advices 3


OL or RQ I or A 3


Multi-value the field

Set the field COMP.FOR.ENQ and
COMP.FOR.ENQ to specify the respective
ALL.COMPANY and company codes US0010001
then execute the and GB0010001 and then
enquiry execute the enquiry 4
Update the 'login.xsl'
'loginPageLinks.xml' Create a new HTML page
files on the web server called 'login.html' on the web
and add the logo server and add it to the
image file to the BROWSER.PREFERENCE
images directory. S T24 application. 3

Define a custom
R and add it to key in the FIELD.BUTTON

Disable the Delete

the application by
calling the
API routine. All of the above 3


attribute in the Set the NO.TOOLBAR
TERS T24 application. definition. 4

Settings for all ARC-IB Settings for a single Browser

users. user. 4

Style class conditions are

The style classes are defined in the
defined in 'custom.css' EB.ATTRIBUTES T24
on the web server. application. 1
Java classes and
methods written by a
client to support their
custom applications Basic script functions to be
and buttons used by clients to interact
functionality. with Browser functionality. 1

A Composite Screen is
displayed using HTML
Frames or Tables to divide
A Composite Screen different T24 content
is displayed using depending on the
HTML Frames or 'noFrames' parameter on the
Tables to divide web server or by adding a
different T24 content 'NO.FRAMES' attribute on
depending on the the
'noFrames' parameter EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN
on the web server. record. 4

Create images and Create images and style

style sheets for the sheets for the new skin on
new skin on the web the web server and add it to
server replacing the the 'browserParameters.xml'
'default' skin. file on the web server. 3

Typing FT
d line can
Sign out and Sign in FUNDS.T
back into T24 will The ABBREVIATION id FT RANSFE
solve the problem is set to FT.TYPES R 4

a core application the
first two characters is
enough to launch a
T24 applications. (E.g.
CU for CUSTOMER , Abbreviations CU, CUS and
AC for ACCOUNT , CUST is available in the T24
MM for environment that refer to the
T, DE for Delivery etc) T24. 4
You cannot create a record
V function cannot be in ABBREVIATION
used in the application with
application BROWSERTC be GCS 2

‘ ? ‘(question mark) cannot

The main menu 99 is be used while inputting an
launched successfully ABBREVIATION. 1

Assuming 10 is the ID of the

main menu in T24. It can be
launched from browser using (b) and
(a) and (b) is true the keyword MENU 10 (d) is true 5

The super user has to set

The super user has to the ATTRIBUTES field in
attach SC.MENU and USER profile to
AC.MENU to a main SUPER.USER for you to
menu and attach that access AC.MENU and
to the USER profile SC.MENU 3

a main menu a QUERY 3

The local reference field

property NOINPUT was not
set initially while creating it
for the first time, now when
this field property is being
Make the field changed to NOINPUT the
SECURE.ACCESS.N system does not allow it to
O as NOINPUT in all be modified.
YES but
should be
NO it should read as to
YES, it will work F,LOC.POS) = ‘temenosid’ S> 3

BASE.TABLE should not

V , X , Y , W , Q not accept special character or (a) and
allowed vowels (d) 5

If we want to have
Unique reference in
the ID the minimum Unique id
length of the ID can be
should at least be of set for the
12 chars Unique id can be set for any full ID
T24 application length 3

LOCKING record is not with ID as
Locking record gets created as it becomes FBNK.RE
created with ID as irrelevant if the sequence is PO.UNIQ
UNIQUE.REPO randomly generated. UE 2

Cannot remove it but

instead give an Error
message if a user Remove it from the relevant
clicks on that T24 help browser TOOLBAR
button. definition from T24 yourself. 4
Wildcard Character
can be changed in Wildcard Character can be
TERS but it will affect BROWSER.PREFERENCE
everyone using T24 S for this top official but only
as well. for Enquiries. 4

Configure the field

ENCES field to YES to enable
SUPPRESS.MSG to suppression for all the fields
Y that do not have help 1

cannot be attached to
a user using Browser You get an “Error sending
Preferences T24 request” message 2

It should read as F This extracts data from field

*,1,1 instead of position 1 to field position 1
FIELD #,1,1 delimited by ‘*’ (star) 2

along with
Though it can be done Set ‘UserDefinedError’ tag in the TEXT
it will be shown only Browser Parameters to Yes field to
after the system and give a desired Text in achieve
message is displayed the TEXT field in enquiries. this 5

Contents are copied Contents are copied to the

to a file F.OS.COPY file OS.COPY.DEAL 3
Displaying a menu
that allows a user to Grouping together related
run enquiries and enquiries allowing drilldowns
transactions in to be displayed in other
separate HTML HTML frames and
frames. Composite Screens. 1

Frame4 In a new window 4

1. Create a new error

in the T24 EB.ERROR
2. Create a
customised JSP page
with the maintenance 1. Create a customised
message. HTML page with the
2. Map the new error maintenance message.
code with the new 2. Add a reference to the
JSP page in the new page in the
'web.xml' file. 'browserConnection.xml' file
3. Restart the web as a 404 error code.
server. 3. Restart the web server. 1

To prevent the user

from manually resizing
the 'frame' content. All of the above. 4

Configure the TC
Server to export the
data in OFSML format Export the data in XML
and import it in to an format from a Browser
application such as enquiry selection screen and
Crystal Reports or transform it using a custom
Business Objects. style sheet. 3
Defines the enquiries and
Defines a list of versions that the web server
enquiries and versions allows, but the T24 SMS
that are not allowed to settings for the user takes
be run. precedence. 2

tcserver.xml t24-ds.xml 4

The colours can be The colours can be changed

changed by changing by changing the
definition. definition. 2



An image embedded
on a HTML page. HTML. 2

1. Review all local

code to ensure
applications are 1. Review all local code to
stateless. ensure applications are
2. Design HTML stateless.
pages for locally 2. Design HTML pages for
developed locally developed
applications. applications.
3. Install the Browser 3. Install the Browser on a
on a web server. web server. 2
1. Define a
record that runs a
custom JavaScript
function to open a file
on the T24 server.
2. Add a button on to 1. Define the download as a
the relevant drilldown.
application/enquiry 2. Configure the download
that runs the communications on the web
JavaScript function. server and T24 server.
3. Restart the web 3.Write a custom Java class
server. to retrieve the document. 4


Errors, Overrides and

Messages can be Errors, Messages and
raised by the Enrichments can be raised
validation routine. by the validation routine. 4

The bank writes a T24

BASIC validation
routine which runs at The bank writes a JavaScript
the web server validation routine that runs
making calls to T24 as on the page when the
required. Validate button is selected. 2

Defines what the

current frame initially Defines what the current
contains. frame cannot contain. 3
HOT.FIELD validation
can be performed by a
routine written in
BASIC or Java
whereas A HOT.FIELD validates only
HOT.VALIDATE the current field whereas a
validation can only be HOT.VALIDATE validates
performed by a BASIC the whole contract. Field
routine. defaulting is not performed. 2

The TC Server /
Jbase Agent has not
been restarted since The new skin name has not
the new images were been specified in
installed. browserParameters.xml. 2

and ENQUIRYs with
the minimum number
of fields and columns
required to provide the
functionality. All of the above. 4

Change the Write a custom JavaScript

BROWSER.PARAME function to convert the Enter
TERS SYSTEM key press in to a Tab key
record to disable the press so that they are
Enter key committing automatically moved to the
records. next editable field. 3

By setting the
NXT.DESC in By setting the NXT.DESC in
ENQUIRY to "buy.gif" ENQUIRY to "Buy>buy.gif" 2
The enquiry favourite
record ID needs to be
changed to include This cannot be achieved and
the "*SYSTEM" in the all users have to save their
key. own favourite. 1

Set the field


For Enquiries more

than 200 pages, The field PAGE.SIZE can be
ENQUIRY.REPORT changed to 4,999 in the
should be created and corresponding enquiry
verified to display all record, so that all the
the pages records will be displayed 3

Delete ,Reverse and

History Restore Verify 4
There is no limitation.
It is same as OL
operation, can be Not possible to do this in
triggered for any Browser, but possible for all
function/mode functions in Desktop 2

takes priority and
hence that alone will Such a set up cannot be
be printed done in T24. 2
A,B, C A,B,C,D 4

Hyperlinks can be
defined in T24 Version Instead of directly specifying
to access internal or an URL, the hyperlink can
external web sites also be defined to access a
from within the T24 browser tool which inturn
Browser triggers the URL 2

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