EDU501 Midterm Short Notes
EDU501 Midterm Short Notes
EDU501 Midterm Short Notes
Triangle components
School is the second home for a child. It has its own culture, name and identity. A child comes
from a home which is a part of a community. School has also its own identity. School brings
vision for us. It is said that 99% people consider school as a second home. They feel that the
days spent in school were the best one in theirlives.
School as identity
School has not only the building but also a name, culture and identity. Parents hold an opinion
about the school, whether government or private. School has its own culture, good or bad, it
depends how the school authority conducts it, how the community visualize the school in a
particular area and how the teachers contribute to the identity and culture of the school. A child
comes from home holding a specific culture and adjusts him with the school environment.
So, it is the responsibility of the teacher to understand the culture and community fromwhich the
students are coming from. It is not an easy task for a teacher to know the culture, community and
the home culture of each and every student; however the teachers should do it. If the teacher does
not know the culture and community of the students, she may misunderstand the situation. The
teacher‘s role is not only to know the culture but also to understand the traditions and value their
culture.We need to learn that other people who have different culture, can also Have good
values, norms and traditions. As sometimes we think that whatever we do, is best. Similarly, we
think that our culture is best or superior to others. Weshould give space to others.
Teacher as a role model
The teacher is the role model for students and thus should respect, value and appreciate the
culture of each and every student and mustalways give positive remark about the culture,
whatever the culture is.
For example if the student say it is my culture that I need to shake hands with my elders, the
teacher must appreciate that, this will be a very kind gesture, that the teacher may say, ―O fine,
that‘s wonderful, I think this is very interesting‖. These are all positive statements, statement
which pride the students. Students must love that behavior and they would respect their teachers,
along with that teacher must respect the family of the students irrespective of their status and
educational background.
A social, religious occupational or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and
perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it
For example, in a village, city, people live together but people who share common religious
thoughts could form a group with the same common religious ideas and practices and term them
a community of that particular religious group. Similarly, in a society people who share the same
occupation such as ironsmith, gold smith or people who are dealing with business, have common
issues, common interests and perceive them different from the larger society in which they live,
can form a sub- community. Another example can be of the people who do business of garments,
they have common issues, they think the interest of their business. They have common goals,
characteristics; they can form the group of business community. This labeling is just because of
same occupation.
Topic: 006 – Community
A social, religious occupational or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and
perceived or perceiving itself as district in some respect from the larger society within which it
exist for example business community.
Community formation
There are many people in a city or town or village living together but people who share the
common religious thoughts could form a group with the same common religious ideas an
practices and therefore be called community of that particular religious group or it could be
people having the same occupation where they are living amongst in a larger society but they are
sharing a few people who are the sharing the same occupation such as goldsmith or iron smith.
Community leaders
Majority of the community members have a say the policies of the school.
Affluent members of the community play a major role in the formation of the school
Community leaders play an important role in the school. This can be debated whether this is
good or bad, if taken positively, it is very good that member s of the community have role in the
policy of the school. These members can be represented by community leaders. Who select the
community leaders, what is going to be the merit to select the community leaders, what is the
qualification of community leaders? Unfortunately, taken this aspect with relevant to Pakistani
society, it does not define the merit and qualification. In certain communities, these do have the
framework and these do have criteria that who would be standing as a community leader. If the
community leader is selected without the merit and qualification, it will have a bad effect on
school and community will be responsible.
Role of affluent people in the community
In Pakistani context, sometimes schools dependent on the affluent members of the society for
their expenses. They need some type of support from the community, it can be related to the
economics, related to the raise to the funds, it can be related to the man power, it can be related
to the other support in different areas such as making a library, boarding area. So sometime
school depends on the community andthe affluent people can support the needs of the school.
If the affluent people think that they are the community as a whole, they are giving the benefit to
the school, learners, the result will be positive.
Topic: 009 – Effects of school on community
Good performance and excellence has a positive influence on the community
Normally communities dominate the school, but gradually when the school gets a status,
it is rated and if it performs good or excellent school, thus then the school becomes more
dominated than the community around. So if the school staff, teachers, exercise
dominance over the community, they work hard in order to gain good reputation as a
good performance, ,as an excellent school, showing good results, showing good conduct,
showing good behavior, setting up role model, setting up excellent standard. But even
than community try to dominate then school can guide the community and compete the
Stable administration in schools can help establish rules for the students, their
parents, and their communities
But if the school does not fulfill the requirement of the merit, then communities pressurize the
school to change the policies. There is possibility that the policies which are changed by the
community are for the betterment of the school community. But there is risk, that those policies
might be harmful for the school merit. But if the school is continuously showing poor results
then community thinks it is better to intervene the school policy and the school also considers
this valuable, then this will be a good from the school perspectives.
Stable administration is very important to implement the policies, to experiment the policies i.e.
whether the policies are working or not and then to find out the fruit of those polices. Strong
administration can assess the polices and its implications. What changes should be addressed and
how can we overcome the problems in the policies. All this needs time and with the passage of
time a strong administration comes into being.
School as the hub for the community services, is another important and major role done by the
school for the community. It is the practice all over the world and also Pakistan that community
services are being handled and conducted in school, sometimes by the school authority and
sometimes independently by the community members. For example the school serves religious
services such as Bismillah, completion of Quran, Nikah ceremony, and other religious gathering
for peaceful purposes. The community cannot force to the school for establishing.
A system and where the school would bit go against any norm laid by the system. This is the
good service by the school for the community members and also gives opportunities the
members to getfamiliar with the school, not only with the building but also the with values, and
facilities of the school.
Muslims festivals in the community
,Sometimes theschools help the community to conduce ceremonies and festival such as Eid,
Ramzan, birth day, anniversary, prize awarding ceremonies etc. in the school, it is possible that
the school may ask for certain amount of money from the community but it depends, if the
school and community have a pact that such services will be provided free of cost then this
would be free. If the school thinks that some abound should be provided in order to use the
school facilities as the school bears the expenses as well then in that case the community
members can dialogue with the school authorities and fix the rate. The important thing is that
community respects the rules laid down by the school staff and school staff respect the
expectation of the community members that they have from the school to help them, to organize
their functions and their festivals.
Topic: 011 – Organizational Supervision
In order to run all these events smoothly in schools the board of governors or the administrative
staff must be given guide lines to make the event holders bound to certain rules and regulations.
In this case we have two supervision, one is school other is community. Supervision has to be
done at both the levels. It should not be considered that only the school is responsible because
the services are being rendered by the school, Likewise if the school staff thinks that it is the
responsibility of the community only to supervise the events. That would be unfair. So, it is
important to have an organizational chart in the organization indicating who will be responsible
to supervise the events So in order to run all events smoothly in the school, the board of
governors and administrative must give to guidelines to the event holders to make them bound to
certain rules and regulations. So the first job of the supervision committee of the school and
community would be lay down some rules. Both committees should be agreed to those rules
which are the set by the organizational committee which is going to supervise. If both parties
agree to the ruled then there will be no controversy. The event holders should be aware of the
rules and these rules should be displayed.
Topic: 012 – Organizational Supervision
To enhance good organizational skills amongst the staff at the school, and provide a social
platform for community members to interact with the school.
The skill of the organization in order to conduct the event needs to be enhanced. One of the
important skills is communication, better communication, 90% misunderstanding in this world is
done because of bad communication. The school staff needs to develop this skill and different
ways and methods to communicate should be promoted with the community members. The staff
can send the written notices, the staff can inform the learners they should be able to go to the
homes and talk the parent about the rules laid by the school organization committee to supervise
the events otherwise be there can be video clips made and displayed in the school premises in
order to create the awareness among the teacher, parents, school staff, community members and
the students because visual things help a lot. People can make a good understanding of visual
material provided by the school. Similarly the community members can communicate in the
same way, they can send their news letter to the school. Another way is to provide the online
social platform which could be shared by the school, and parents are online. This is like a forum
and people just post their comments, opinions and suggestions, Out of these suggestions, some
are taken and some are rejected. So all these help the community members to interact with
othersand the school would enhance the possibility of having the triangle of school, community
and teachers.
These are the social institution for social interaction and provide the social platform for people to
get engage in some communication in order to get better dialogue for the betterment of the
community and the learners. The first and foremost institution for such a platform iseducation. In
a n educational institute all the culture, tradition, information, and whatever is happening in the
community is brought into, it affects the community, it affects the learners an it also affects the
norm of the school. For example, tuition center where the students get together after the school
timing in order to get the extra help. Sometimes these centers are free of cost and run by the
community in order to help the students who need help in different subjects. Another example
can beof informative centers where such exchange of ideas can take place. The example of
informative centers are libraries, IT cafes, All these places carry the culture because these are
run by the communities who have certain cultures, tradition and these have impact on the
younger people. After collecting all the information from the centers, individual move around in
the community. The purpose of these is to exchange culture, knowledge and information of the
people. Thencreative centers, example are, sports complex where the young and oldindoor and
outdoor games, show their behavior and exchange their ideas, by the display of the discipline
they carry their culture. It is also the social forum because the ideas are exchanges, opinion are
gathered. The last one is, collaborative activity such as marriage hall, where people din together,
the people sit together and love to talk.
Topic: 014 – Definition & types of social institutions
Basic principles of Islam
Islamic teaching with special reference to society and social norms
The basic purpose of the religious institution is to teach the fundamental principleto the learners.
The adults also can learn from such institutions. This is an ongoing process which continues
throughout the life. The Islamic teaching with special reference to society and social norm are
the message of these institution and they convey this message to the people. Islam focuses on the
society, brotherhood and tolerances. Such a institution has a great impact on people to learn how
to live in the society. So in that way, religious institution is the biggest platform where people
can come and talk about how community can make an impact on the school and life of the
learners. Sometime people can go the religious institution to reading the Holy Quran. When
people go to the mosque for the prayers, they interact with other people and also discuss the
social issues. Mosque is the central place in the community and people share their problems with
the imam who leads the prayers.
Topic: 015 – Definitions & Types of social institutions
Family is the first and most important social institution.
Parents are role models for their children
If the parents respect the school and the society, their children follow them
Family is the first and foremost institution for the child. Child is affected if anythinggoes wrong
in this institution. Parents are the role model for their children. Family means mother, father,
brother, sister aunt, uncle, grand-parents or great grandparents. All these people have the
responsibility to look after the child, the child has ample opportunity to learn from all the
members of the family. So child looks at all these as his role model and copies them. If the child
falls in some wrong activity, this is the responsibility of the whole family to initiate the right
step, parents and other family members should come forward and guide the child. So family is
the small scale social institution however the parents have the biggest responsibility to care about
the child. For example, if the parents respect the school administration the child would also
respectit naturally, but if the parents do not respect the family, they think the people are low
where they live, in first stage the child become confused, sometime this confusion leads to
failure. The psychologies think there is feeling of guilt in human being if what they belong to in t
being accepted by their dear ones. So in that case parents talk against the school to which the
child belongs to and considered that to be second home, it develops sense of guilt in the child
when the school is being criticized or when the teacher are labeled because inside the heart he
owns the school, he own the teachers and relates himself to the community. If any of these is
criticized by the parents or labeled by the family and look down upon, the first feeling occurs of
guilt and shame and that result is in confusion because the mind does not settle down with the
idea which is given to him from the parents or family. The second reaction is that child follows
the steps of his family and does not respect the institution such as school or the community.
Topic: 016 – Teacher‟s Role in the School & Community
Teacher is the integral part of the society, community and the nation.
Teacher has great influence on the growth of the student and the community.
Teacher is the integral part of the society, community and the nation. So from school, teacher has
impact on the community, from the community it has impact on the nation. A child interacts with
the school institution the most after the family members, he tries to follow the teacher and the
expectation to be built up by the school for the child. All these are monitored by the teacher. A
teacher has great influence on the growth of the students and community. She reflects the
community values through herbehavior .Teacher should know the cultural , economic, religious
and even ethnic background of the students. Moreover teacher displays the behavior in which
students know that their families, culture and religion is being respected by the teacher. This
makes the student confident and develops the trust with the teacher they Then communicates
their culture, values and any sort of issue with the teacher because their teacher respects all these
Topic: 017 – Agent of Change
Teacher participation in community‘s activities would result in two manners, firstly, it would
affect the individual behavior and secondly it would affect the group behavior. For example
teacher who participates in the community activities but does not show respect to one particular
individual cultural background or economic status or any kind of behavior related to that
particular individual. So, school and teacher both are responsible for bringing that change of
individual behavior because of participating in community activities. We take the example of
festival like Eid ,where everyone celebrate, however there are some students who cannot afford
the new clothes. So, it is the responsibility of the teacher motivate the students and spread the
message that real spirit of the Eidis to spread brotherhood and emphasize on sharing happiness,
The teacher should not emphasize on wearing new cloths or spending more money. It has been
noticed that teacher give some instruction and students follow it. Students, who do not have
money, get embarrassment and do not participate in the community‘s activities. But if the teacher
encourage the every student, it develops confidence among the students, and they participate in
the event in a normal way. The teacher should not exaggerate the expectation of the school and
teachers and does not put any student in some form of complex or embarrassment. This shows,
that a teacher brings positive change in the individual behavior.
The community surrounding the school has a direct or indirect influence on the culture of the
school, For example offering prayer in a school, if the community has principled,a policy where
they want people to be saying prayers together in the company of each other and led by some
Imam. If the community asks the school administration to allot time for the prayer, the students
love to offer prayers, it has been noticed that if in the institution such arrangements have been
made in the institution, students enjoy by saying prayers in the company of their friends They
take pride that school is providing this facility and this promotes the habits of offering prayers
among the students. This is a small example as to how the community can influence the school
authority to bring up something good in the students and inculcate the habits of saying prayers.
Similarly community can influence in the school so many other good things. Similarly if the
community is collecting the garbage in the streets, roads and surrounding then that‘s mean they
are not taking care of the environment, that can aggravate the students attitude, community can
organize the is task and advice the students about the importance of the cleanliness. Community
can inform the need of the clean surrounding and good environment. Community can initiate the
project and appreciate the community members who involve in the project. The community can
design the project and influence the school authority and inform them they have kept the garbage
bins in the street and tell the students to make use of those dust bins.
Topic: 021 – School and Culture
Culture is not inherited biologically but it is learnt socially by man in society. It is not an inborn
tendency but acquired by man from the association of other, drinking, eating, dressing, walking,
behaving, reading are all learnt by man.
Culture provides a framework to fulfill our physical emotional and social needs
It‟s way of doing things to balance the individual needs with the needs of the society
as a whole.
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by
everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The word "culture"
derives from a French term, which in turn derives from the Latin "colere," which means to tend
to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture.
Culture affects every aspect of daily life - how we think and feel, how we learn and teach, or
what we consider to be beautiful or ugly. However, most people are unaware of their own culture
until they experience another! In fact, we don't usually think about our culture until somebody
violates a culturally-based expectation or we find ourselves in a situation where we have the
feeling that WE violated somebody else's cultural expectations, but are uncertain how.
Topic: 029 – Sub Culture
Cultures are then divided into sub cultures on the basis of ethnicity, race, and
Sub cultures still share
Commonalities with the larger society.
A group within a society that has its own shared set of customs, attitudes,and values, often acco
mpanied by jargon or slang. A subculture can beorganized around a common activity, occupation
, age, status, ethnicbackground, race, religion, or any other unifying social condition, but theterm
is often used to describe deviant groups, such as thieves and drugusers.
Topic: 030 – Adaptation
Since culture is dynamic, many elements in the culture can be adapted.
Some features are sometimes adapted by a culture which prove harmful, e.g fast
food, pollution etc.
The change in living and studying environments means an adaptation to the new and different.
The more different and unknown the new living environment is, the greater the change. A youth
leaving home goes through a considerable change when the living environment, friends, the daily
rhythm and many other things turn out to be different. The language and modes of
communication are often strange in a new culture, the culture of studying differs from what one
is used to, and not even the basics of living and existence work as they did at home.
The adaptation to a strange culture and place is not only a physical transition from one place to
another; it is also a mental process. Modes of action to which one is used to no longer apply, and
it takes time to learn new customs. One has to know how to correctly understand and how to
make one understood.
When a group of culture traits which are interrelated and dominated by one
essential culture trait.
Nationalism is cultural complex
A group of culture traits all interrelated and dominated by one essential trait:
These culture complexes are formed according to the various needs of life. In this way culture
complex concerning food habits, the different occupations, etc., can be seen in different cultures.
Examples of culture complexes found in Indian culture are in the form of the caste system, join
family system.
Topic: 033 – Culture Complex
A cultural pattern is formed when traits and complexes become related to each other in
functional roles. Each cultural complex has a role to play in society. It has got definite place
within it. The cultural pattern of a society consists of a number of cultural complex.
Thus the Indian cultural pattern consists of Gandhism spiritualism, joint family caste, system and
ruralism. So there is a cultural complex consisting of a numerous cultural traits. According to
Clark Wissler there are nine basic cultural traits which give rise to cultural pattern.
These are;
1. Speech and Language
2. Material trails.
(e) Utensils, tools etc. (f) Weapons, (g) Occupations and industries.
3. Art
5. Religious practices.
7. Property.
8. Government.
9. War.
Rudyard kipling, the poet, says in his „Ballad of East and West.
East is East and West is West; and never the twain shall meet.‟
He said this because both have different cultural patterns.
Eastern culture or Western culture as a whole, we can only focus on the major views, values,
cultural patterns or orientations shared by the most influential group of people in the most
influential countries or cultures in that part of the world. And likewise, when we speak of a
culture, we are actually speaking of the dominant and mainstream culture, not its subcultures or
co-cultures. Third, even within one cultural pattern or orientation, there are varieties of
individual behavior. So what we can do is only to choose those which are most manifest during
intercultural communication. Finally, since the author of this paper is from China, there might be
manifestations of native cultural influences, stereotypes, bias and even ethnocentrism in the
paper, although that‘s also what the author strives to avoid.
Topic: 036 – Communication Breakdown
In our example, the cultural value that the Hindu man believes is to respect your ancestors and
your gods. One of the customs that acts as an outward sign of this value is to allow cows to have
a natural death, rather than slaughtering them. This custom, taken with all of the other customs
that his community practices, represents a larger picture of Hindu culture.
This helps us to appreciate other people‟s values for better communication with
We can be guided to understand their behaviors.
Social values permeate every aspect of a society and can vary tremendously between cultures. Even America has
its own social norms of how to act appropriately and interact in the context of American culture.
An example of how social values can vary between cultures can be seen in the difference between Mexican and
Nepali culture. To someone who does not understand the difference between someone from Nepal and someone
from Mexico, members from these two cultures could look very similar and could seem very similar as well.
They are the agents of change and they do not see the failure of one child as an
individual failure, rather they see it as a disadvantage for that social setting where
the failed child is coming from.
The teacher leadership of the present is facing new changes and new challenges in education
sector of Pakistan. Teachers are working at different functional, middle and top management
levels in different education settings like schools, colleges and universities. In these different
settings teacher leadership is challenged or affected by many political, cultural, and
economical, professional and other factors. The role of authority and power of teacher
leadership has now been shifted to the influence of the teacher on his/her student. The new
dimensions of leadership define the guideline for teacher leadership in the education sector of
Pakistan to create a new paradigm for effective leader. Leadership remains the challenging
area of research in the history.
Topic: 044 –Quality of Teachers
Roles of teachers also vary likewise according to their qualifications and experience.
The structure and framework that exist in a school has the roles fixed for the staff.
Refresher courses are not in place.
Teacher leadership is primarily concerned with developing high quality learning and teaching
in schools. It has at its core a focus upon improving learning and is a mode of leadership
premised upon the principles of professional collaboration, development and growth. Teacher
leadership is not a formal role, responsibility or set of tasks, it is more a form of agency
where teachers are empowered to lead development work that impacts directly upon the
quality of teaching and learning. Teacher leaders lead within and beyond the classroom, they
identify with and contribute to a community of teachers and influence others towards
improved educational practice.
Class size
School attendance
Student teacher ratio
Availability of books
School related variable are the issues or problem which the school faces. First and foremost thing
is class size, parents, teacher and students always talk about the class size. Especially if the
numbers of students increases over 30 then teacher, parents and students show their concern. It is
quite right, there is justification for that because with having 30 students in the class, its means
every student will get one mint from the teacher. But this is joint learning program, everybody
get learning together. So.most of the time teacher time is all of the students. But if the teacher is
facing problem he should divide the student in the group and nominate the group leader, he can
manage the students more effectively, Then school attendee, a student should attend the school a
fixed number of days. Mostly the students are punctual and regular. But some students due to
some parent‘s negligence or some other reasons do not punctual, but this situation exists
everywhere. This is the school task to deal this. Teachers have to motivate to realize to realize
the importance of being regular and punctual. Teacher play a great role in this because if the
teacher show concern then student also see this, attendance make vital role in the learning of a
child. If the student absent then he is disconnected the affair of the school, he does not know
what is happening in the school. Parent‘s responsibility is also that they should provide the
proper conveyance arrangement. Then student-teacher ratio, every child seek individual
attention, if he teacher are less and students are more then to deal all the student become very
difficult. Hence availability of the books, to provide the books to the students, this is very
important. Home work is another aspect, Parents should supervise the homework of their
children and teachers should check the homework on regular basis.
Topic: 047 –Shared Beliefs
Teachers try to cope with these values and beliefs in order to be accepted in
their social circles.
When we talk about the socialization, we know there are some restrictions led on the teachers.
Some restrictions come from the community and some come from the parents and their families.
Teachers try to cope with these values and beliefs in order to be accepted in their social circles. It
becomes the bit of the problem of the teacher to be accepted as a leader, as asocial agent of
change. In order to be a perfect teacher and in order to influence the life of the learners, teacher
have to cope with them, they have to understand the values and beliefs that the community
around the school carries. He also understands the values, and belief of the people who are
attached with their learners and their families.
In the case of the teaching-learning continuum, the beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of the
interactants, especially the two major interactants therein – i.e. teachers and learners (students) _
can be argued to affect the situations in and out of the classrooms. As thinking beings, teachers
and students play their respective roles within the classrooms and the communities they belong
Topic: 048 –Establishing Links
Al thought it is not encouraged in the Pakistani context but we have some example that teacher
are role model for exhibiting in the social event and also participate in the community event and
sharing the links which are establish between the school , parents and the community in order to
more active in the teaching programs and establishing links in order to better community. We
have some example in the big cities and boarding school where teachers are responsible for their
making participate in the activities and which the students coming to other cities who do not
know about. So teacher needs to be establishing between themselves and the stakeholders. Who
are the stakeholders, in case of the Govt School, govt is the stakeholders; they are running the
school and other departments like directorate of school, controller of examination, board office.
Teacher should establish the link of all these. Unfortunately in Pakistani context, these roles are
taking by the non-professional. Sometimes it is notices that teacher is totally unaware of the
laws, rules of the board of intermediate an secondary education. Sometime student s suffer but
teacher do not know the rules. There are so many written documents of education each and every
department but unfortunately they are not access by the teachers or teachers are not aware of it
that so many document and rules which need to be read by the teacher. So a teacher need to be
complete understand and should prepare for the needs of the students. The platform of the
education is actually the school. All the departmentsrelated to education are connected by the
school. This platform is provided by the teachers and students likewise. So, this should be done
by the way that all the information taken by this department is put on the notice board for the
student to read as well. It should be habit for the students to read the notice board which have
Children are brought into the world without biases or prejudices. Yet along the path to adulthood
many children adopt values and beliefs from their peers and the adults in their life. Teaching
tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism helps children broaden their awareness and acceptance.
It helps create a more harmonious world for everyone.
Teaching tolerance can take many directions. Tolerance can be part of lesson plans on various
cultures or holidays. It can also be part of a unit on friendship, diversity, local history, and
racism. For example, a discussion of the civil rights movement might easily lead into a
conversation about multiculturalism.
Maintain your dignity that means, be professional, maintain your professional dignity while
interacting your members of the community. Professional dignity is only maintained if one has
done homework. Everything you need to do when you are attending the meeting the community
or if you organize the event which the community is invited to you then it has to be organized in
the way in which you have the full knowledge of the event also you should know the goal, you
understand what is the goal and what is the idea behind this meeting or the event which is taking
place. What is the idea behind having the dialogue with the community leaders. So if you have
done your homework that means you are going to talk everything in a very professional manner\
and you have the understanding what are you going to do. It is just like running a project if you
want to run a project, you cannot run it without having a understanding of the project. So you
have done the homework of your project, you would know what is your ultimate goal, what you
want to achieve after that, what is the material to be needed in order to achieve it.
Topic: 054 – Elements of Social interaction
Social contacts
Social attitudes and values
The basic elements of social interaction are: social contacts, communication & social attitudes
and values. When we come down to communication and values in a Pakistani context, there are
some limitations. Some of the people they have to face these limitations. While in other cases,
these limitations are not there, if in any case, these limitations are there and there are problems in
establishing contacts socially or having communication with the social context then the teacher
needs to be talked about these issues with the school authorities. The school authorities need to
be address that because that is cultural prevailing in that particular community and teachers are
facing problem because they are not having access to the social context or to establish links or to
have communication with these social context. Therefore school needs to have an helping hand
in that. The school can always do some writing communication with the parents & the
community. They can as a whole ask for a teachers to give suggestions and put them down sort
of newsletter, magazine or small booklet, prepared for the parents and the community. It is a
good practice when this newsletter, magazine or booklet is sent to the parents; they are requested
to fill in the answers which are being asked. It is also good practice if the school thinks, teachers
do not have a communication level with the community, to invite the community members to a
board meeting an talked about those issues at the school level. If the teacher do not have access
the community members as asocial context, the school can always devise a way in which
community members come to the school, express their what are their concerns, how do they
think that school is working for the betterment of the community and how do they think school
can contribute the more and also that instance the community leader can offer the support and
help to school and students.
Topic: 055 – Types of Social interaction
A convenient arrangement or settlement
The social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with
Accommodation mean convenient arrangement or settlement that mean that we
have to accommodate a social interaction, we have to settle and accommodation
where we have to have a settlement to have dialogue or discussion, we have to
find out a way to have a convenient way in order to have a dialogue or discussion.
So that would be that we have accommodated to settlement in which are we able
to interact conveniently.
To work in groups or as a team
To compete, such as in sports, knowledge and profession
Cooperation mean working together, working together as individual or working
together in groups or as a team. Usually the teacher like to student who work in
group or team but before to do that, make it clear to the students that what are the
rules working in a group or team. The team spirit or group spirit must be
inculcated in the students. The students must be aware of the rules of working in a
group,. Cooperation has to be exerted not for the sake of the honor but sake of the
need in a group. So before start working in a group, they need to understand what
are the rights of other member of the team or the group? This is how there are
going to learn in their life when they are together, they need to work as a group
and also respect the rights of the other people in a group or a team. They cannot
dominate the group. Sometimes it is noticed that students are doing group work
that they are trying to dominate the other members in a group, The teacher must
monitor this sort of action because this would be leading some sort of bullying in
a group. In order to avoid that the teacher needs to be very sharp in monitoring
that no body in the group is trying to takeover the right the other member of the
group to do something, to speak or express their opinion.
Competition, there is nothing wrong there is healthy competition in a class, in a
group or in a team.\, to compete such as sports, knowledge, profession or any
other field of life, there is lot to do of the responsibility of a teacher. They must
introduce before the start such type of activity.
Conflict in class:
- If there is a conflict in an opinion that teacher wants the students to express about, there is
no harm to have a conflict in the class. Even if there is one person having a conflict in the
class, the teacher needs to look at it very carefully, address it and to find out what are the
expressions of the conflict.
- It will be useful not only for the person who is having a conflict but also for the rest of
the class who are listening to the teacher who is addressing the conflict. They will be
learning in two ways:
1. They will be learning whatever the teacher is informing them about. E.g. the teacher
is asking the students about the annual examination system of the school. So,
everybody in the class says yes, the schools must have annual examination system.
Whereas there are few students in the class who thinks that annual examination
system is no good for them. But this does not mean that if they are standing in
opposition, the teacher should neglect them, or should not have an atmosphere in the
class where the minority is being neglected. Because in this way, they would never
learn in their life. They have to accept somebody‘s opinion. In order to learn, they
need to have training on conflict management.
2. Learn from conflicts. If this habit is inculcated and children are trained from the
very beginning in their lives that somebody can have a different opinion, it will help
them all their lives and we can have a better society of listeners.
All we talked till now, what are the results of these groups priority, opinion, freedom of
express.Freedom to accept,freedom to treat to each other equally without bullying each other or
criticizing each other. The ultimate result is social stability. When we are working these spirit,
the groups, people .team, they have their own priorities, own thinking and these needs to be
respected, that means we are going toward social stability.
Schools and teachers play a major role in bringing social stability
School and teachers play manor role in bringing social stability. That is how it is going to
happen. When teacher inculcate this habit, training their students to be accepting what is
different from them would be accepting that can be conflict only then we will train them toward
stability, and this stability will be happening nationally and locally by developing ethos toward
culture and value in the society. So its going to start at a small scale, school, in a classroom
, nationally and locally by developing an ethos of respect towards culture and values in the
This ethos has to be maintained by the teacher.parents, school and community members.
Community members are also members who are parents, they can also be teachers, they can be
all other professionals I the community who can bring ethos. The elders can be the role model for
the youngers. The young people always like to listen to person they think to be a hero. A hero is
one who displays moral character and conduct. The children who see parents, teachers as role
model, they listen their talks with interest. All opinion, values and culture are respected and are
given to the importance. Therefore, this type of ethos would start from a very small scale but it
would be developed by the elders of the community, by the leader of the community an by the
school staff and by the teachers. The students would be having good example of all these
important people in the society and thus will be able to take it as habit for themselves and have
the patience and tolerance.
Before taking the decision, they should really sent a survey to all the members of the
organization and ask them their opinion on that matter. In the western world this is
very common even if they built a road or bridge, they would send a survey to each
and every home premises and around the place to find out whether people think this
road is useful or this bridge would be causing any sort of hazard for the life of people
there or do they really think they need a bridge. So, this is wonderful example of
giving freedom to people to communicate. Not only it is a display of freedom to
express but also training their mind. It is also given information because different
people will say different things and may be some of the things may not occur in our
mind. We come to know about those things only now, may be some people right
about things which we are un aware then we will be learning so much from them.
This strategy is also to keep yourself safe because you have asked a opinion for doing
something and then you see what is the majority opinion is and then you make a
report on that and then you declare the report every member of the society. You ask
for a survey that whether this community needs a bridge or needs a road and this is
what the response was. 30% said that they don‘t need it, 70% said they need it and
these are the reason are given. So, in the report reasons, there will be reasons for not
having the bridge and there will be reasons having the bridge. So we come to know
why we need the bridge and why we don‘t need a bridge. All this information,
actually, is training our mind to look both sides of the picture. It is also training of our
mind whatever we want to do, we ask other people as well because they have also
right to say thing. Most of the time we would not be knowingevery thing because we
are not expert everything. We might be expert in one field or two field but we can‘t
be expert of everything. So.we need to have opinion of the people around us. When
we read these opinions, we will shock to see that there are so many things that we
didn‘t know. The organization who has asked for this opinion would be safe because
they declared everything to you. They told you this is what thing you should do, tell
us shall be do this or not and when you tell them they declared this is what the
response is and this is what they say. So, they are safe now, there will be no criticism,
nobody would point them out for doing that thing.
Primary groups
Family and friends
Secondary groups
Work, profession, organization
Primary group are based on family and friends. These groups are the one
which are form while people are thinking and expressing opinions in a family
or friend. So some friends get to gather and think this is the group that they
would like to make because they have similar opinion or they have similar
priority therefore they can form this group.More professional group could be
form as secondary group, those professional group would be work place form
profession or from an organization. So it is possible doctors all over the city,
they form a certain group and it is also possible that doctors in one hospital
they form their own groups according to the work place environment and it is
also possible that some organization which may be in different city would
form one group having members of different city because they would have an
input from all over the country. So in any case the secondary group would
seem to be more professional. Having said that, it does not mean that the
family or friends group which would be the primary groups would not be
professional or they cannot be professional. Of courage they can be
professional, it is up to them they want to make very professional group but
why we are primary group because it is formed by the members of the family
or friends, It is not requiring any location or any organization or any
professional. It is open to family and friends. So there is no restriction of
profession and workplace or location and organizational name. It is more free
and people have more access to the family and friends groups. It does not
mean that these groups cannot work more than the professional groups.
How is community education being practiced in the country, Is parents involvement is important
in the community education? All these related to one another. The school, parents and the
community, again it comes to be triangle whether in a community, there has be community
education. How much the parents to be involve this community education. This is the serious
issue most of the countries in the world. This has to be introducing in Pakistan as well in the
context of teaching and learning.
Role of community education
Role of community education is that since people who are in the community, also going to the
school and also learning and teaching, they are also parents of those who are going to the school
to learn and teach, they are also people of the community. The role of community education
would benefit everyone like the child, the learner, the teacher, the adult, the parents, the
community member, the community leader, the community and society as a whole. Therefore it
becomes very important that there is some community education prevailing in the society. This
community education can be encouraged by having community schools in the community and
people who are in the community a part from those who working on salaries and are employed
by the community, other people should also participate and get involve in the different activities
in the community to bring better results. So that mean everybody is responsible for the
community education.
Teachers come to know the community and be active in the community in which
they teach
The community is the children, their families, neighbors, parents, grand parents,
retired adults.
What is the community?
The community is the children, their families, neighbors, parents, grandparents, retired
adults. So in a way all these people are related to one another either they are children or
they are parents either they are teachers or they are parents, either they are family or they
are neighbors, parents, grandparents or retired teachers in the community.
Responsibility of a teacher
The teachers must come to know community and be active in the community in which
they teach. For some teachers it would be difficult to understand the community if they
are coming from some other place. But if they are living in the same community, it would
be much easier for them to know the people in the community and the people who are
teaching, they would know what sorts of community they are living in. That is why it is
suggested that people should be working in the places which are near by to the homes
anthe community because it is easy for both the parties. The teacher would know about
the community because they are living in the same community. The people and
community would be knowing about the teacher because the teacher belongs to the same
Community provides a certain education in a school. This community education must have
climate of cooperation. Cooperation and collaboration with the school authority and the
teacher and also parents are very important. So that community school should know what are
the things which are going to be elements of particular community education and also parents
need to know how they would be able to contribute to that particular community. Community
member also play a role in imparting community education to the learner by providing
documentaries on the community work and how the progress is taking place in the
community and how the community member can help the learners, for example
documentaries on the environment project running by particular community. So community
education which has to be imparted to the learner and it has to show that community is
participatingand imparting knowledge and information to the learners. They have to show
some evidence to that this is be done but the consent to the parents and school authority is
very important in all respect. Most of time it has been notices that people who are involved in
these activities seldom know who is doing what. So, it is very important to know what are the
responsibility who are the people who are engage in the community education.
Community education encompasses all those occupations and approaches that are concerned
with running education and development programs within local communities, rather than within
educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities. The latter is known as the
formal education system, whereas community education is sometimes called informal education.
It has long been critical of aspects of the formal education system for failing large sections of the
population in all countries and had a particular concern for taking learning and development
opportunities out to socio-economically disadvantaged individuals and poorer areas, although it
can be provided more broadly.
It is a support which has to be shared by the school and community and of course, in a
community we have also parents involvement. When we talk about this mutual support, we talk
about the facilities which are being shared by the school and by the community.This mean those
facilities which are present in the school will be shared by the community and those facilities
which are with the community will be shared by the school. For example, there can be events
which can take place the school premises because school has big grounds.
Community is a part of the society and education is the counterpart of both the above mentioned
elements. School is the social institution where consciously designed learning experiences are
provided with the objectives of achieving social aim at large, over a period of time. School is
also defined as a subsystem of the larger system of the society. It has to functionally coordinate
with its immediate environment, the community in which it is situated.
Community has a support to introduce the community problems and issues and what ever the
community needs and requires for its development in the curriculum and they can inform the
students and the teachers about the community progress and the development that is taking
place in the community. So, who is going to design this curriculum, there has to be
involvement of the teachers, parents and community board members and off course they need
to have skill in order to develop the curriculum. People coming those qualification who can
do the curriculum will be encourage in order to set the curriculum with regard to the
reference from curriculum of the community but at the same time they have to see to it that it
is that part with curriculum of other states, other community in order to compete the national
and local level. The community development would be included as a part of community
curriculum. So that every body of aware of it that how the community going to developed,
what are the requirement of the community to develop and what has it done till date about the
development of the community. The entire member, parents and the school staff are
responsible of that community development.
When we talk about the mutual cooperation and support between school, community and the
parents. We also talk about the sharing the facility. This can be interpreted differently by the
school and the community. As the interpretation could be different of different people for
example students may misunderstand that can use the community facilities whenever they want
or the community member can misunderstand that they can make use of school whenever they
do that. However there has to be time table to be followed when can each party use the facility of
the others shared those facilities. Along with that school standard and expectations to be upheld
by the community members, why use the school premises. should not be practiced If the
community members using school premises for some event that they just destroy the things that
are present even it is furniture, the chairs and tables or drinking water facilities, anything of that
kind has to be taken care of the community members. All things should be over handed properly
in a correct order to the school staff. Any destruction cause due to some reason on the other may
be noticed and paid for the community members to the school and also school is using
community hall or the community center to perform certain events that they need to that
particular premises, the same policy applies to them as well. They must see that students have
left the premises clean and tidy with everything in its place but along with this all these things
must be written down and they must be discussed in a meeting and policy has to be made in
order to follow and take care of all the utility,. The school standard must be kept in view. There
are certain school standards which school needs to exercise and maintain in the school. The
community members should be aware of it. The parents and student need to protect and take care
of school standard. Everything that need to be done has to be in writing and best thing is if all
those policies and rules are exhibited on the notice board in the school and also pamphlets
booklet should be distributed in the community to make sure everybody knows the school
property has to be care of and it is not to be damaged.
Success of individual depends upon the success of the community. However, whenever it is be
thought about success, individual success is taken to be more in focus and important. In order to
have successful community we all know it depends on the individual. If the individual are
successful, the community would be successful. But in order to have team spirit, a group spirit
and the spirit of having community successful, it is not important to focus on just one individual
success. It is important to focus on every individual success.
Bright students
Bright students they get maximum attention from all corner of the society. The community needs
to focus on those people who really need help and support to be successful. It is good thing and it
is appreciated those who are bright and going to success and thus, making the community feel,
the community is being successful. It is much to be appreciated. But at the same time, it must be
taken into consideration, those who cannot make it and those who are not successful, need some
attention to the community, parents, school, every member of the society in order to lead them
the success. If we focus on individual success, that mean we are not working toward the goal in
totality. We are taking it as all together one thing. We are just working on individually. So that
will not produce the spirit that we need produce and reflect upon our youngsters.
Teachers need to share their authority and power with parents and other
community members.
In turn, parents and community members need to share the responsibility and
outcome of this shared authority.
Teachers need to share their authority and power with parents and other community members.
What is authority and power? Authority and power is very much related to education.
Fortunately or unfortunately it is the subject which everybody needs to explore. Usually there is
concept that education has nothing to do with the authority and power but it has a lot to do with
authority and power. It starts with compiling with the syllabus, it starts with writing with
curriculum, and it starts with building up to school. Everywhere there is authority and power
which influence the education. Whatever the authority and power of the teacher ir or whatever
authority and power of the community is, and whatever is the authority and power of the parents.
All power and authority has to be shared among these three bodies. If any of the three bodies
itself taking the control the authority and power in education, there will be disturbance, people
will be confused and upset because of imbalance. So it is required there should be balance of
authority and power among these three bodies in order to have stable educational system. If the
teachers have some authority, they need to share with parents as well. The parents need to
knowwhat is the authority of the teacher is, what is the power of the teacher. Similarly teachers
need to know what is the authority and power of the parents. The community member‘s needs to
know what is the power and authority of the parents and what is the power and authority of the
teachers. So as far as the teaching and learning and results concern, it is mostly power of the
teachers. The teacher know about the curriculum, syllabus, the teacher is in the classroom to
monitor the students and make them work. The teacher is one who tests the students. So he has
the power over questions and examination power, the parents have no power in the assessment
system. They have no authority because ultimate authority in this case is the teachers
Negotiation in this power and authority must be directed to the benefit of the students.
There are things which have to negotiate and there are things which need to be changed.
Change is survival, change is existence. If we keep on changing things then things exist.
Therefore there is possibility that negotiation is required on authority and power. For
example there are some students in the school who are not attending the school regularly.
The community member and school staff tries out to reason for that, ultimately the
community and staff come to know that it is because of parents that students are not
attending the classes. What do the parents want? Parents are probably too busy or leave
the house before the children supposed to go the school. The job of the parents such a
nature where they have to leave the house earlier than the children. Therefore the
children, they do not get up after their parents leaver and in their absence they make some
of the excuse not to go to the school. In that case staff and parents should approach the
parents whenever possible. Then discuss the matter with them and ask them to authorize
them to come and check that students are getting ready to school or not. This authority
the parent s can give either to some community members like neighbor or school staff. If
the school has sufficient number of people who can go to the home and find out whether
the children are getting ready or not. If the school cannot provide help then the
community member need to offer this help to parents.
Successful schools in which children, students, parents and teachers have learned
how to learn together with cooperation collaboration and harmony
Successful schools in which children, students, parents and teachers have learned how to
learn together with cooperation collaboration and harmony achieved the common
purposed of education. Why it is important to have all these parties together to learn and
why it is so much common to have purpose of education done by all these people.
Because learning together process is not just to simply learning together process. It makes
everybody understand the common goal of education. They can watch and observe what
is happening with the learning that is taking place and they do understand what type of
learning is taking place, due to which change is taking place. The parents would know
what the children are learning. The teachers would know what the parents are learning.
The community member would know what everybody is learning. So in that case, not
only the learning will the students but everybody is learning in a process. Everybody is
aware of it that what are the goal and purposes of this education and learning.
Sometimes children coming from homes with uneducated backgrounds develop low
esteem, due to their parents‟ lack of knowledge or education.
Low esteem is very negative aspect that affects the learning of the people. Sometime children
coming from homes with uneducated background develop low esteem due to the parents lack of
knowledge or education. This brings a lot of discomfort in the lives of the student and the
learning of the students. They feel they are not confident because their parents are not confident.
The parents‘ lack of education and do not come up the level of society and the community or
they cannot be represented in the school as the parents of their child. Therefore automatically or
naturally, these students develop low esteem in themselves. They are less confident not because
of themselves but because of parents. They tend to stay away from the rest of the group. They
not like to learn collaboratively because they have the feeling that why learning collaboratively,
may be there background will come to surface and the other friends and students of the class
would come to know about their parents. So this is what they don‘t like because they think very
low about their parents. In this case, community member play great role. The community
members should as such parents to come to the community center and have some extra classes
on basic learning even spoken classes in their mother tongue could be improved by the
community center. It is not necessary that community centers must hold classes in English
language, even mother tongue knowledge and awareness can be provided because it is for the
parents to star some lesson in own language.
Topic: 087– Low Esteem
Teachers play a major role to boost the confidence of such children and treat them
at par with children coming from educated backgrounds.
Children come from low back ground have low esteem and the teacher should be able to know
who these children are. The teachers who are can boost these children who have low esteem.
Teacher play key role to boost the confidence of such children and treat them at part at which
children coming from educated background. It is some time very difficult to treat the children
coming from educated background with the children who are from coming uneducated
background in a equal manner. Because they think that what the children have learnt at home
makes their hob easy. Because children come from educated homes already know the lot due to
the exposure their parents have, also their parents discussing different things and children comes
to know about those things which makes the life of the teacher easy because the student has
already come that experiences.
Many parents do not meet the school administrators or teachers because of the
difference of social class between them.
Unfortunately social class difference has effects on education. Many parents do not meet the
school administrators and teachers because of social class between them. Either the children
make them conscious about this, that parents are not fit to see school administrator and teachers
because probably they cannot dressed up well or they do not look rich or their behavior is
different from the school teachers and staff or they cannot speak the language. Sometimes the
parents themselves who develop this complex, sometimes students come home and tell story
about the teachers and school staff belonging to high class and parents themselves think they
should not be going to school to meet the school administrator and the teachers because they
belong to high class. So sometime students discourage their parents to visit the school and
sometimes parents themselves think they should not visiting the school because they would
probably harm the dignity of their children.
It has been noticed that the schools, they have timing for the parents. That is fair enough as for
the as the discipline for the school is concerned but at the same time, there should be one person
available for the parents all the time in the school to meet any parents who come. It is fair that
sometime parents come to see the teacher in the class. Of course teacher cannot leave the class
and come and see the parents but in order to substitute to that teacher there should be some
person, may be person who can be counselor or person who is looking after the discipline of the
students because these people who know all the students. So, if the parents are discouraged to
enter the school because it is not the time for the parents to enter the school then probably
parents cannot make some other day. Because may be, he has some tasks to do, maybe he is
discouraged because he thinks that body language of the school was not good and was not
welcoming and probably he get into complex, he has should not going to school. So this will
discourage the parents to go to the child school. Therefore it is important that school should
maintain open door policy. There can be at least one person available for the parents to meet the
staff of the school in order to any query that they have in their mind. The parents should be
encouraged to meet the staff just because they have some query and to know what is happening
in the school.
Some teachers are insensitive to the needs and problems of students and their
Students sometimes come home and talk about their teachers‟ insensitivity towards
their problems.
Some problems which are generated by the school. Some teachers are insensitive to the needs
and problems of students and their families. Because these teachers they do not know what is
going on in the family of the students. Therefore, they are unaware that are problems students
are facing at home or in their families. They become totally insensitive toward it. Sometimes
it has been noticed that teachers in the staff room, they talk about some child that he is never
smiling or he is showing poor performance. The teachers need to know why that child is not
smiling, why he is showing poor performance. There might be some problem at home which
is affecting this child or may be condition in which he is coming for school is not very
appropriate for the child. It may be child feel very uncomfortable in reaching the school. The
teacher needs to show a lot of sensitivity all these issues. Instead of passionremarks teacher
need to find out these condition and situation. It is very helpful if the teacher finds out what
are the conditions which make the child unhappy. Why the child is sad. It is important to
know the reasons instead of just saying that is the situation in which the child exists.
The concept of winners or losers prevails in the minds of parents to a great extent,
nonetheless, it is also sometimes displayed by the behavior and attitude of teachers
and school staff.
The concept of wining in the education has been prevailing in many years. It is not a good
practice, however, to winner and loser in education. The concept of winners or losers prevails in
the minds of parents to a great extent, because they always to see their child as a winner. It is not
a meter of wining of education, it is mater of learning as long as the child is learning and
progressing. The parent‘s needs to just have an idea that child is learning and progressing and
changing his behavior according to his learning in a positive direction.
Topic: 092 – Teachers‟ Perspectives
Parents must be informed about the activities that take place in their child‟s
They should also be guided about the aims of doing those activities.
Parents must be informed about the activities that take place in their child‘s classroom. So, it
the school authorities inform the parents what is going in the school, what are the activities
are taking place and when the children verified that these particular activities are taking place
in the school then the parents to satisfied as long as they have the information and they are in
the picture that what is going on in the school. They do have a medium from which they
always verified, children just tell the truth to their parents. So if the parent, they are well
informed and discussed those activities with the children. They come to know that school is
informing very and also come to know these activities are given development and growth to
their child because the child knows about that. In case the parents finds that whatever the
school is different from whatever the child is telling at home then they need to ask the school
authority very politely that they just want to clarification on it.
Parents can be guided by school and teachers to make use of home resources to help
their child learn basic language, literacy, numeracy at home.
The work resource just meansanything to do with from where learning can take place. Even the
things in the home can make the children learn. For example if the child is siting in the room.
The parents can ask, named the things in the room. For example there is a table/chair/fan and
also there is a mirror in the room. All these things are the resources. These are the home
resources from which a lot learning can take place. Nobody has to buy anything. Newspaper is
the good form of resources which is present at the home, magazine; all these things are the
resources which the parents may use in order to different activities at the different level. Parents
can be guided by the school and the teachers to make use of home resources to help their
children to learn to basic language such as numeracy, literacy at home. So things which are at
home, the parents can always use them as resource.
Topic: 095– Use of Home Resources
For numeracy, children can be asked to maintain a household account according to
their level.
Geography lessons can be made easy by talking about the city, the country,
landscape, climate etc.
For numeracy, children can be asked to maintain a household account according to their level.
Household account means that there is some purchases be done in a house daily. May be the
children who are in a secondary level could be asked to go and shop and then make the list of
things and then put down the prices and add those prices and find out, how much balance has to
be there due for them to take back from the shopkeepers. So, such the activities would help the
students to learn how to purchase, how to deal with the money, how to add and how to subtract?
Off course such activities cannot be done with the younger children who are in the primary
section. But still the parents can always deal with the smaller money and ask the children that
money, they are going to pay for the child fee. For example, the parents can show the notes to the
children who are younger, that is five rupee note, this is 10 rupee note, this is twenty rupee note
and these notes are going to pay to school as their school fee.
A visit to some historical place can take the form of a history lesson.
A game played together could be a lesson on discipline, team work and learn to win
and lose.
A visit to some historical place can take the form of a history lesson. The parents should be
more careful to take their childrento places where some learning takes place. Usually in the
Pakistani cultural context, parents love to take their children to eat; they love to take their
children to weddings. This is cultural concept which is common in the context of Pakistan.
The parents must encourage to visit the historical places, places where the children can learn,
places where the exhibition of knowledge. This is very important aspect where the parents
have to really work on. Because the for parents only the entertainment taking them out to eat
or taking them to watch movies or attending the wedding. In this, parents can teach the table
manners to the children, parents can talk about the hygienic and along with the parents needs
to take the children in the historical places where they can talk about the history.
In order t make children learn other languages in school, it is important that the
children are supported to make use of their L1 or mother tongue.
In order t make children learn other languages in school, it is important that the
children are supported to make use of their L1 or mother tongue.
Mother tongue refers to the language that a human learns from birth. Children who come
to school with a solid foundation in their mother tongue develop stronger literacy abilities
in the school language. When parents and other caregivers create time to spend time with
their children and tell stories or discuss issues with them in a way that develops their
mother tongue vocabulary and concepts, children come to school well-prepared to learn
the school language and succeed educationally. Children's knowledge and skills transfer
across languages from the mother tongue they have learned in the home to the school
language. From the point of view of children's development of concepts and thinking
skills, the two languages are interdependent. Transfer across languages can be two-way:
when the mother tongue is accepted at school and promoted at home, the concepts,
language, and literacy skills that children are learning in the majority language can
transfer to the home language
Teachers may ask their students to talk about a difficult problem they had to face
with regards to their culture or community.
Usually these problems are focused on interpersonal peer issues of acceptance and
It is very important for the teachers to teach the knowledge of life skills to the students. It is the
same time; it is also job of the parents to teach these life skills to their children. Teacher may ask
to the students to talk about the difficult problems they have to face regards to their culture and
community. For example community may ask to the girls students to stay at home or just to by
nearby the school and not to travel the school which is for away. This could be one problem
which is faced by the girl‘s students. Therefore, the students should be able to communicate
these problems with their teachers. The teacher must encourage the students to talk about the
community problems or the society problems to the teacher. It should not be hesitation on the
part of students to talk such a problem to the teacher. As a result of that, the teacher must
explain a method to solve the problem with life skills. This is how the student going to learn,
how to live in the life and solved the problem instead of getting upset and frustrated about it.
As teachers we need to listen to the problems of our students and accept those as
problems and try to solve the problems by discussion.
Students need to be part of the discussion in order to know both sides of the picture.
AChild has number of problems while they are growing up at home or in the school. Sometimes
the parents or teacher in the community take it very lightly that children have a problem. Agree
that problem could be very minor but this is the age which makes it bigger. A small problem in a
young age becomes very big problem for these young people. As a teacher, we need to listen the
problem of our students and accept those problems. It is important to accept that this is the
problem for the students and tries to solve the problem by discussion. So, it is possible that big
problem for the students may be easy in front of teacher. But still teacher should accept that this
is the problem that the child is facing. The best thing is that to have a discussion, to communicate
instead of hide it. It is a good thing to listen the problem, have an open mind and open heart to
accept the problem and discuss with the child.
Students coming from any cultural background and any community must have trust
in their teachers that they will be heard by the school authorities.
Students coming from any cultural background and any community must have trust in their
teachers that they will be heard by the school authorities. Even if there is violent act in a school
that is taking place by the children, as a result of some frustration because they were negative
feeling about the community or the school or they were child abuse in a school. Anything that
happen, the students and child must have trust and confidence in the school, in the community
and in their family. If they are not having this the confidence that mean they are not going to talk
about the issue which has come up to be result of some unfair treatment from the school
authorities or the parents or some kind of frustration which has led to that particular incident.
So, whether they are coming from any cultural background or any economic status they should
have the trust that when they talk to the parents, the parents are going to listen to them and accept
the problem and also they should have the trust that school is treating them fairly. Community
member needs to listen the students if they have the problem in the community and if any kind of
violent act takes place in the community. The students must have the confidence and they must
have the trust that everybody in the community, in the school and in the home treated them
We all have priorities, as a student, he faces a lot of priorities coming from school,
parents, community and then he has his own priority.
What are the expectation my parents for my future?
Usually in the context of Pakistani society, the parents expect a lot from their children
and specially from their male children. From the very earlier childhood, boy is told that
parents are expecting him to be the earner of the family when the parent getting old. The
child has a lot of pressure because of that. He think that he has priority to earn money for
the rest of family when he grows up. With this pressure on his shoulders, he has also
pressure his on priority. When he goes to the school, may be the priority totally changed.
The teachers want to the student to be concentrating on their subject. The school expects
them itself in different activities in a school. Therefore, the students feel pressurized
having all these priorities and responsibility on his shoulders.
What is my community wanting from me and my family?
Community expect from the children, participating in the community events,
participation in such events which give rise the reputation of the community and enhance
all those things that are happening in the community in order to bring it good reputation
Topic: 104– Priorities
How can I justify my role?
Overcome these pressures by discussing, brainstorming
Another thing related to the priorities is to justify my priority
How can I justify my priority?
Sometime students are getting confused whether I am going in a right direction or
not and how can I justified, this is my priority. For example, student may have
situation, there is some body sick in the family. The school expect from the
students to perform well in the examination but at the same time student is facing
a problem at home and serious situation is there where parents or sibling are not
well. That person needs his attention. Then student decide the priority. How
students explain this with the teacher? Sometime they feel very scare to talk about
this to the teacher because the teacher just going to say, you need to work hard,
you need to focus on your study. You cannot be doing anything else. Is this
justified from the part of the teacher? The teacher must realize that he is a human
being and he has full of emotion of that age. In this age, he cannot decide how to
handle the situation. He gets pressurized and may be ha could not perform these
two tasks. So encourage the students to talk about the priority and their suffering
which is really making them as a confused individual that how to justified my
Families become more willing to share their experiences and thoughts as they
comet believe that the teacher is sincere and that their own child values the
information given.
McCaled (1994) Building Communities of Learners. New Jersey
Looking at the difference and similarities in the Pakistani context, we come to know there
are so many different waysof living and so many accepting the society norms in different
places of Pakistan. It has been noticed that acceptance level in most of the parts is very
low. But in order to recognize our weakness and strengths. We need to work on these
differences and similarities.
All the above mentioned principles and views if taken practically would
enable participant to transform the community towards achieving better
Transformation in the community and society is very important to take place. How will it
take place? The diversity, the differences, similarities, acceptance in community, all these
views taken practically would enable participants to transform the community toward
achieving better result. On the other hand, this is not accepted, the community would lead
the disaster and there is going no improvement in the community toward going and
achieving goals, targets and moving toward progress. Families, students and communities
would become the center the class room life. That will be transformed community. That
would be transformed society in which everything is happening in the family, school and
community would be part of class room learning. How is this going to take place because
everybody is accepting every other being in the community, school and family?
Everybody in the community knows what is happening in the family who is progressing
towards which goal. The school is informing everything to the parents and the
community. So that mean this community is so common between everyone and
everybody knows community, class room learning and about what is happening in the
family. So, there will be nothing to be surprise about. There will be nothing to be shock
about. Everybody is sharing and supporting. Everybody would contribute and enrich the
class room experience.
The teacher also the deal the gender limits in the community specially reference to Pakistani
context. The feminine approaches of teachers believed to be all over the world.The feminine
teachers, they have more passion in institutions, sense of aesthetics, more care to the students,
spirituality and understanding of the community. It does not mean that male teachers do not have
it. There is possibility that some male teachers who have similar approaches toward teaching.
They can have passion toward the children. They can feel that children are facing problems and
these problems are very sensitive to the students and they are too dealt with care. However the
passion is to besupposed to be female characteristics and comes under feminine approaches.
Intuiting is largely found in women as a whole. By intuition here, it is meant that female usually
have intuition when something goes wrong with the student or we may say, it is a sixth sense that
something is going wrong at somewhere. Again it is possible male teacher do have intuition.
The female teachers tend to have some aesthetics as is very clear from their gender. We know,
women have sense of aesthetics and they always try to implement that in their household by
taking care of their children and in their family and if they are professional at their professional
place. So when the teachers deal with aesthetics. They really take care of it and provide the joy
of those aesthetics. Usually it has been notices, that female teacher are good artists. They are
good drawing teachers.
Fact Oriented
It is a misconception that the teachers would lose their control over their
students if they develop a relationship with their students and their families.
It is a misconception that the teachers would lose their control over their students if they develop
a relationship with their students and their families. Probably, this conception is totally
misconception is developed in the male teachers. The male teacher tend to stay indifferent
probably they believe that relationship lead them to lose the control they have over students. This
concept can be present in the female teachers as well. They can also think that this relationship
building up would result to lose the control over the students. But sometime this relationship
between the students and the teachers and their families proves to be very helpful because it
support the whole system. If we look it this concept in a positive manner, if we are looking
because of relationship the teachers are losing control then the teachers can always have
reinforcement on their control. For example the teacher can display on the noticeboard what are
the limits of having this relationship with the students. They can just write the a few rules on the
board or paste them on the wall or the notice board on the class room. So he students are the
aware that where t are the limits if they still having relationship which supposed to be very
supportive, helpful with the teachers and parents involved in this relationship. That mean that is
the positive relationship.
In relations to knowing the student and their family and the concept this may lead some sort of
problem, we quote Polin (1992) ―teachers who generally have the greatest problems with
―behavior management‖ are those who do not know their students in an authentic way‖.
What is the authentic way of knowing to their students? The authentic way of knowing
their students that teachers are concerned in the family background, . What is the
happening in the family and how is the social, economic status, helping and supporting
the students or not supporting them. This knowledge is for the sacking of wanting to
know, what the problems that the students facing at home are. This knowledge is not to
be gained. Sometimes it is notices that some teachers abuse this knowledge and start
talking about this in front of other teachers which is not required. So that will be not a
authentic way of dealing with the knowledge coming from the family. That will be
creating more problems, students who come to know that their circumstances are talked
about in a town. They will never respect to their teachers.
Topic: 114 – Co Participation in Learning
Teachers and students learn together as co-participants. This is the modern method of teaching
and learning. Students always more ways to knowing things than the teacher because of
technology which is very much fashion and very common today. The students have more time to
serve and they come to know more things than the teacher. The students have generally more
information about the current situation. Therefore it should be kept traditionally because the
students are the students. This concept is now no more there. The teachers also learn from the
teacher because students learn from different media. They are more social and exchange ideas
and share information and also give opinion.
Interchange of ideas and experiences
Interchange of ideas and experiences become very common due to the technology like twitter,
Facebook, where everything is happening. People come to know in the north area of the country
even if they are living in the south side of the country. They also come to know what is
happening in globally and every other mint, they get other news. They have so much information
in their heads; it is also difficult for them to focus it.
Knowledge is dynamic
Continually undergoing evolution
True learning takes place when students are involved in both the creation
and utilization of knowledge.
New knowledge is built on old knowledge. That‘s mean we cannot discard the old
knowledge. We even cannot discard the old traditions. We always cab built up the old
traditions taking the good part of tradition and built the new one on it.
Similarly knowledge can alsobase on the knowledge which has been used in the past. So,
we cannot discard any knowledge because knowledge is dynamic. Everything needs to be
dynamic in order to exist. If the knowledge is dynamic it will stay because it is
continuously undergoing evolution. Every time new thing is coming up. There are so
much research going on in the world and so many things prove beneficial or proved to be
less beneficial. So something which is used early and was called beneficial out rightly
becomes harmful. There might be more knowledge and information which comes out to
be stated as harmful effects. But those benefits which are mention earlier may still
remain. So that‘s mean, , we are building some new knowledge due to the research and
finding out more about it.
Parents become participants in their learning by contributing their oral and written words, ideas
and experiences as part of the text of schooling. So when the parents become the participants in
learning they do not have to have power statements in the verbal and written form. They can give
their ideas and experience as part of the schooling but this has to be scrutinized every member of
the community and the school. Sometimes it is notices that parents talk about verbally about the
things, they give the instruction to the teacher verbally and they talk to the children verbally
about the things to be done in the school. In that case they are representing power relationship.
They believe whatever they say has to be done in the school. This should be instructive to the
parents whatever the idea or experience to be shared with the school, community and teachers, it
has to be discussed and scrutinized by the committee which has also members of the school and
the community. Thus no power relationship exists because the relationship which is there has to
be very authentic one among the school, community and the teachers. It became authentic when
it is all being treated on fair bases.
Topic: 117–Relationship in Schools
When the relationships in school are poor, a sense of depression and hopelessness exist.
Parent is the first teacher of the child, and the teacher is the second.
If those two teachers are in contradiction to one another, the child‟s ability to
leaning is at risk.
When the relationship in school are poor, a sense of depression and hopelessness exist so
this is the cause of depression in a school if the relationship are unfair. Those who do not
have power feel depress that they are forced to do things and those who are unfair to the
society are exercising all the power. This brings hopelessness in the society. There is no
hope for the society to improve because they know that they are not going to have the
power and all these people who in the power will never take the right decision. Parent is
the first teacher of the child and the teacher is the second, so both have the responsibility.
If the parents abusing the power then that mean first teacher abuses the power and the
teacher is abusing the power that means second teacher is abusing the power.If these two
teachers are in contradiction to one another how will the child ability affect. The child
ability to learn is at risk. There is no learning taking place because in child mind s the
first teacher who is very important for the child and the second teacher who is equally
important for the child. The child see both the teachers have harmony in one another but
if there is contradiction one is using the power of the other that mean the child is the
person who is going to get disturbed. He is the one who is going to upset.
When the values and teachings of the home and the school are quite different
serious conflicts can results.
Students should not be forced to respect the values of one teacher and negate
the value of the other.
When the values and teachings of the home and the school are quite different serious conflicts
can results. That mean although the values at home and the school can be different. May be some
values at the home may be exercise in the school and some values in the school may be exercise
at home. So the gap between the two can be shorten, madness by the dialogue of the school
administration, teachers and the parents. Students should not be forced to respect the values of
one teacher and negate the others. Again the just like the gap to be shortens between home and
school. Similarly the gap of the thinking of the teachers in the school has t be just broad to
negligible so that the students are not confused. These values whether they are coming from
home or school or from teachers they all have to unified at some place where the focus is good
values and all these good values, coming from home or school should be common.
Some students and young people begin to feel ashamed of the culture and
language of their parents and grand parents
Sometimes they feel a need to separate from their home culture.
Some students and young people begin to feel ashamed of the culture and language of their
parents and grandparents. They do not share that with the pair. They don‘t want the friends to see
or meet their parents because they think their grandparents have old fashion; they may not be
stylish, smart. Sometimes it has been notices that some students think are not good looking.
Therefore they should not meet their friends. This happens in adolescence. So there is nothing
wrong with it that children have bad feeling. It is just the feeling which comesin the adolescence
time to any body and parents need to deal with it. Sometimes they feel a need to separate from
the home culture. They like to keep home culture separate from the school and the pair. They
don‘t discussion the things what is happening at the home and they don‘t even want to friends
and pair to meet the parents or visit them at home. This is the part of adolescence. It should be
considered that children became rude. It is natural and the parents and teachers need to deal with
it and look at the reason why this is happening. The best practice if the parents feel that they
should improve their behavior and get some knowledge. They can go community center and
become more popular there, being social, by learning skills and if they have certain skills, they
can share it with others. They can have exposure on which the students and children, they will be
proud about it that their parents can do something more. The children feel very proud when the
children do something even small.
Self-assured human being mean a confident person who know what he has to do and is in
confident that whatever he does will be appreciated by the family, school, teachers, and the
community. Teachers need to facilitate a partnership with their student family and the
community. It is like a partnership liked businessman they have the partnership, they do not want
to go in loss. They always look at the profit, so this is the profitable thing when the teachers
facilitate to have the partnership with the students families and the community. This is lead going
to profit and there is going to no loss in this relationship. The student becomes self-assured
human being. He will not be confused and he will not many directions to thing about and feel
ashamed about one and appreciated the others rather he will have understanding, there will be
big strong party behind his development and growth. He will be confident whatever he does will
be appreciated by everyone who is related to him.
We all know that teachers who are to develop a new type of education need more
exacting and compressivetraining, Dewey (2009:3).
In the 'consecutive' model, a teacher first obtains a qualification in one or more subjects (often an
undergraduate Bachelor's degree), and then studies for a further period to gain an additional
qualification in teaching (this may take the form of a post-baccalaureate credential or Master's
In the alternative 'concurrent' model, a student simultaneously studies both one or more academic
subjects, and the ways of teaching that subject, leading to a combined Bachelor's degree and
teaching credential to qualify as a teacher of that subject.
To teach all students according to today‘s standards, teachers need to understand subject
matter deeply and flexibly so they can help students create useful cognitive maps, relate
one idea to another, and address misconceptions. Teachers need to see how ideas connect
across fields and to everyday life. This kind of understanding provides a foundation for
pedagogical content knowledge that enables teachers to make ideas accessible to others.
If teachers investigate the effects of their teaching on students‘ learning and if they read
about what others have learned, they become sensitive to variation and more aware of
what works for what purposes and in what situations. Training in inquiry also helps
teachers learn how to look at the world from multiple perspectives and to use this
knowledge to reach diverse learners.
There is a significant correlation between school size and school culture and school size and
students achievement. So there are two things which are dependent of school size.
School size does affects the culture of the school and does affects the students achievements and
it is one of the finding that small school reveal positive school culture perform better than
medium and large school. But this is not written in school. It does not mean that every small
school will have positive culture and student‘s achievements will be better. We cannot say that
large school or medium school has not good culture or cannot produce good results.
The literacy rate in Pakistan is less than 50 per cent. The participation rate
at all levels is low and dropout rate is high, especially at primary level and
over 5.5 million children (5-9 year age) do not attend schools (Government of
Pakistan, 1998).
The literacy rate in Pakistan is less than 50 per cent. The participation rate at all levels
is low and dropout rate is high, especially at primary level and over 5.5 million
children (5-9 year age) do not attend schools (Government of Pakistan, 1998). This is
the rough figure which is reported by the Govt of Pakistan. Pakistan literacy rate
being less than 50% is quite alarming. The participation rate is all level is low and
dropout rate is high. So that‘s mean dropout rate is high due to certain reasons. Either
child is not getting what is required, the parents are not satisfied or economic state of
parents so bad that they cannot afford the education of the children and dropout rate
become high. Participation rate , all level is low. So that mean primary,secondary,
college and university, the participating in education is quite low. Especially in
primary level over 5.5 million children that is age of 5-8 years do not attend school.
Hopefully this situation has become better in the past years. This is the report of Govt
of Pakistan in 19998.
School environment is the result of teachers, students head teachers, and learning activities with
the prime goal of preparing young generation for having successful future. So what is the role of
school environment is basically to develop individual who will be able to successful citizen of
Pakistan and they will be able to contribute to economy, health, education and different sectors
of Pakistan. This school environment is very dependent on the school, parents, teacher and
community culture. Altogether, these entiremembers are going to develop school development
and only then interaction will take place. This is the weakest area in school of Pakistan.
Interaction is not to be considered a factor that is useful. Interaction is the least attendant area.
NO one tries to address this area because the psychology is education mean reading the book,
siting in the examination, getting marks and apply for the job. All the other factors are being
ignored. Education is basically impart to the young people, the ability is to distinguish good from
evils. They should be able to identify what is good and bad for them. There is no interaction
among the school staff, the community members and parents regarding find out what is good for
me and what is bad for me. This area develops the whole environment and culture of the school.
Topic: 129– School Environment
But number of factor affect the learning process or success interaction and these are studied by
social science and let see what they say Seeed (2003) states as school, teacher, pupil and
parent/community related- all affect the teaching learning discourse. So we conduct discussion,
interaction and discourse that take place among family, teacher, student and administration of the
school. So he says, teacher, students and parents all need to participate in the discourse. We need
to think, we are talking of our children, students, bosses, people in the community, what are we
talking about or we contributing the discourse which are related to teaching learning process.
This discourse is not the topic of Geography, Mathematics and Physics. It has to be discourse
that how teaching and learning would be taking place I school,community and at home. It has not
to be subjective. It has to be general discussion; it has to be a way of interacting which is actually
working as message for the younger generation. Sometimes people misunderstand this discourse,
they probably consider that to debate on some topic and ask some question, to ask some topic of
Geography, Civics it is not so. This integration has to be positive, it has to identify issues. If we
talk the community and talkthe traffic rules, this is a leaning that is taking place. There is so
many things involved if nation learns about the traffic rules which is very much requirement in
Pakistan because in traffic rules in Pakistan, most of the people don‘t want to come back to
Pakistan because it is monster. So if the interaction, people simply talking about how to control
traffic rules that would really contribute 50% interaction to makes things better in Pakistan.
In view of McBrien and Brandt (1997) school culture and climate refers to
the sum of values culture, safety practices and organizational structures
within a school that causes it to function and react in particular ways.
In view of McBrien and Brandt (1997) school culture and climate refers to the sum of
values. So we noticed that all the social scientists and educationists are talking about the
culture, having values. That‘s mean values is the most important factor in keeping a
culture And we add further culture, safety practices in a definition in this respect.
Safety practices
That mean safety of every member in a school is considered to be important and the culture is
developed in a way that everybody safety is valuable.
Organizational structure
Organizational culture within a school,that causes to function and react in with particular ways.
There is organizational section in the school which monitors things that are happening,
functioning and cause why these things are happening. For example what will happen if the
student abuses the other students? Is there some section in the school who is going to counsel
this child not to abuse and who is look after the person who has been abused. Both need
counseling. Is there culture of counseling for the victim and victimized to be taking care of, are
they been emotionally supported whether they have done something wrong or something wrong
happened to them or school culture has no organizational setup and it is just going to be
considered that something has happened that is normal. Therefore, it does not need to address.
In 2002 Bath define the culture ― A school culture is a complex pattern of norms,
attitudes, beliefs, behavior, values, ceremonies, traditions and myths that are deeply
ingrained in the very core of the organization‖. So this definition is somewhat is very
close to the definition of the culture of some community school or some religious school
as well because the mix ceremony is the part of the culture. So the school culture would
be displaying a pattern of norms , the way, the actions is being carried out, the way the
things are be done the attitude of the students, staff and the teachers.
There are some schools which keep the tradition alive. By having those tradition
displayed and most of the time talked about the school, in the class room, among the
meeting and also the other staff of the school.
There are certain myths in certain sectors of the country where people follow certain
myths. These things are going to happen in the same way they were happening 10 years
because of certain reasons.
All these are deeply ingrained in the very core of the organization. So the organization
ingrained in their policies, action and display,so that all these things are practice in the
There are many factors which affect the students leaning in schools. These
include: teachers qualification and experiences, teachers guidance tostudents,
availability of teaching learning resources, physical facilities students own
cognitive and other abilities and their socio-economic background.
There are many factors which affect the students leaning in schools. These include:
Teachers Qualification and Experiences
Of course this is the first thing that matter whether the teacher is the qualified to teach
that subject and also experience is counted to be some strong pillar to hire the teacher.
Because it is considered that more experience teacher will have more knowledge of the
Teacher Guidance to students