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Education transforms infants into human goodness.


Not only contributes to the growth of individuals, but also shapes society by passing on that
culture to the next generation. Education cannot be obtained alone.

Various institutions and organizations support the spread of education. Therefore, the company
develops various educational institutions called educational institutions. Further training can be
obtained directly or indirectly through these sources or educational institutions. Family, school,
religion, peer groups,

Media, etc. Are the most important educational institutions. Education

Can be formal, informal, and informal. School is an example of a formal educational institution

. In addition to formal organizations, there are several

Informal organizations that train individuals and develop different skills. Through day-to-day
experience, individuals

Acquire different knowledge and learn different skills through interaction with different groups of
people. In informal education, learning is not measured by qualification

. In informal education, the acquisition of knowledge

Takes place in a variety of living situations. Family, religion, community

Is an informal career in education. Non-formal education is also provided through the media. Both
formal and informal providers

Complement each other and contribute to the development of the child.

3.3 Family

The family is an inevitable part of any society. The family is an intimate

National group of people linked by kinship, sexual mating, or legal ties (Oxford Dictionary of
Sociology, 2009). The

Structure of a family varies from society to society over time. For example, the common

Family was dominant in traditional Indian society, but over time the

Was gradually replaced by the nuclear family, and today the common

Family deviates. The family works for its members and the entire


The family is not specifically designed to provide education, but the family plays an important role
in providing education. Children learn different things in the family based on basic etiquette through
different obligations and responsibilities

. Therefore, the family can be described as the child’s first school

. It is a unique world where mothers and

Other members work as teachers or facilitators, giving their children different skills. Child

Learns to move and speak. Children also experience love and a sense of cooperation in

. The family is the most important socialization factor. Family

Conveys the notion of good and evil, good and evil, and what it should be.

The family is the basic unit of social organization. Children learn about society through family

And acquire social values from family

. Children’s behavior is shaped by family connections. He /

She learns discipline how to adapt, which helps him / she later live in a social

Space. The

Family is the most important foundation of moral and ethical values. In

, the family did not have a formal education and learning facility. Rather, learning is a matter of
course here. No one appears as a parenting teacher, and the

Has no fixed curriculum. There are

Spaces for family learning anytime, anywhere. Family study is not planned in advance. Whether the
child is in the kitchen or in the garden, the child unknowingly learns

Informally. Through imitation, the child

Learns different aspects of different skills. Unknowingly, children can also be affected by bad family
behavior and habits.

Generally, children are taught to learn proper behavior to participate in a larger society. The family
helps the child

Develop his or her personality with warmth, safety and support. Everyone in the family takes care of
everyone after

. In a larger context, individuals maintain a sense of caring for each other. Therefore, the family
helps maintain a social system in which the child enters.

Conceptualization and Roles

The role of the family is important here. In traditional

Societies, there was a common family in which children were more exposed to the

Ideas for collaboration and coordination. However, due to industrialization, the nuclear family

Was dominant. The

Family relies on the financial cooperation of its members. The idea of work

Should flow into the minds of children, and later through education they will try

To contribute to the family.

3.4 Schools

Schools are the first formal educational institutions for children. After the family

, the school is responsible for interacting with the child in the formal

Way. Schools were less common in some of the older societies.

Families and religious institutions provided education. However, in

Modern society, schools have become a basic human need. The

Family alone cannot provide a child with all the skills needed to participate in a highly
industrialized / technical world. School supplies are created here. However, the family is the
foundation of

Children and facilitates school work in formal educational institutions. Pre-

Schools were only available to a handful of privileged people

But today things have changed. For the development of a country, everyone needs

, regardless of caste, class, gender, ethnicity, etc. 1

4 years old. At school, children learn better about society through interaction and foster
understanding and respect for cultures other than their own. In addition to teaching

Reading and writing, the school also teaches to follow the rules and become a functional member
of society, that is, to contribute to the functioning of society. Children feel the idea of equality,
brotherhood and justice through school.

The school is a formal educational institution. That is, learning is planned in advance. Officially
appointed teachers are there to teach with a fixed

Curriculum and schedule. It has specific goals and objectives. To enroll in school, you must meet

Admission criteria. Like the

Teacher, you must have the required qualifications. Government and bureaucrats

Are also involved in the functioning of the school.

India’s school system can be divided into primary,

Secondary and high secondary. Elementary School is the first formal

Organization for children, completely different from the previous

Kinship experience. The school as an individual institution is itself a

System. This system is an organized whole consisting of interconnected parts.

Parsons analyzed the education-learning process using the concept of

Social systems. Schools are understood as a system of social interaction between role holders in
Different positions and as an educational situation in the network of social relationships in

. You can think of it as a system or a subsystem

, depending on the reference frame. This will help you learn the values of

That are prevalent in society. The social system of an educational organization in modern society is
a complex network of social relationships. The

System guarantees a certain degree of uniformity in education and evaluation.

On the other hand, scholars like Ivan Illich first accused the school of

As the root of the problems of modern society. According to

, the school is helping him create ignorant, obedient, and easy-to-operate

Citizens. At school, children are taught to obey authority and forget to think for themselves. It acts
as an institution of symbolic control. In his

Book, Draining Society, Illich talks about the abolition of the current education system. School is the
foundation of everything that will happen, that is, deschooling is the source of human liberation.


Religion is a collection of beliefs, symbols and practices based on the ideas of Saint

, which unites the believers of the social religion community. Religion is collective, not individualistic.
Durkheim argues that religion is a system of beliefs and practices associated with the sacred thing

That connects people. Being separated from the sacred Forbidden. Everything can be sacred. It's not
just a spirit or a god, but the can be a rock, a tree, a house, or anything that is considered sacred in
a given society. It's about symbols and rituals. Religious beliefs are closely related to moral values. It
reflects the collective consciousness. people worship collectively. Social integration is strengthened
through religion. However, the Marxist view views religion as a means of social control and
oppression. When you get drunk or unconscious, you lose all your thoughts, logic, and scientific
temperament. Therefore, Marxist argues that religion should be abstained because it deprives it of
the ability to ask, think and criticize. Religion is closely related to education. Early education was
provided through religious institutions. In the traditional society of , priests passed on their
knowledge to students. Students chose based on their relatives' criteria. For example, if someone
was the son of King , they were eligible for education. Education was conveyed through 4,444 oral
traditions. As the religion became more codified and more complex as the scriptures developed,
the new generation of priests was also responsible for teaching literacy and expanding the religious
belief system. Therefore, in , training became more formal and structured. Under economic and
political pressure, education was secularized, lost its elitist character, and gradually expanded to all
levels of society. Indian colonialism has made missionary schools particularly common in remote
areas. With the industrialization of , religion and education were separated for development
purposes. Political forces have done more to separate 4,444 public schools from religion. Education
is not just about communicating the formal structure that is communicated through formal
institutions. With the introduction of secularism, the relationship between education and religion
has changed qualitatively. From In general, education is all about learning. Religion provides a code
of conduct for a particular society. Religion teaches us to achieve peace, and education provides a
common platform for people of different backgrounds. It will teach you how to cooperate and
respect other

Cultures and how to be peaceful. Therefore, religion and education are interdependent

. However, by misunderstanding religion, some religious leaders try to upset the balance of society
in their own interests. Today India

Is the best example of this, and in the name of religion, people tend to cause

Violence, riots, conflicts, etc. In different parts of the country.

Religion is a social system, which, like the formal educational system, has a different purpose and
structure. But the religion is also

. However, the development of education also affects religion because it contributes to the
acceleration of secularization. It has direct implications for the role of religion

In non-religious areas and is a

Derivative of this influence.

3.6 Peer Group

Peer groups are characterized by certain common characteristics such as age,

Occupation, and ethnicity. A group of people with similar interests.

In general, peer group interest is temporary. Depending on the age and development of the child,
the group of peers is constantly changing. You can be a member of many such groups at once. For

Nearby peer groups, schools, and so on. Peer group members influence the beliefs and actions of
group members

. Learning is easier here.

Here you can learn from each other without hesitation or supervision.

Peer learning is useful not only for children but also for the elderly. What we learn here is
interrelated, so everyone is actively involved. Grouping peers can have a negative or positive impact.

Members may attempt to violate social norms. Through peers, children can develop

Times worse habits, for example, when one member of the

Group stops going to school, other members begin to imitate it.

But beyond that, peer education has a wide range of positive effects. This is where the idea of
collectiveness develops. Members can come from a variety of socio-economic and cultural
backgrounds, which also helps the intellectual development of

Children. It expands children’s awareness, especially in modern industrialized societies dominated

by nuclear families. The emotional and intellectual abilities of child

Develop through a coalition of peer groups. Within the

Peer group, children learn to be independent. Members of the

Peer group also have access to knowledge that may be treated as taboo in the

Family. For example, share knowledge about sex.

Education is not limited to the structural restrictions of the school.

As already mentioned, the concept of education goes beyond structural

Boundaries, theoretical frameworks, and sociological perspectives. The world’s

Knowledge, understanding of nature, and cognitive

Abilities grow naturally, and in this context peer groups are the most important

Mediators. Folk tales learned from folk wisdom, folk games, people around

, especially fellow

, promote a strong foundation for learning and education.

These are relevant when children and people spend more time with their peers at

In the morning in a natural environment where learning can be more easily associated. With the
advent of

Technology and social networks, the number of peer groups

Is declining. Therefore, it provides a platform, a broader perspective, a mixed

Spectrum, and a state-of-the-art compass for learning, recognizing, and disseminating

Knowledge and information. Famous essayist Francis Bacon says

Correctly. No matter how knowledgeable you are, your knowledge is not perfect unless you

3.7 Media

Mass media such as television, radio, movies and newspapers have become popular and easily
accessible informal educational media.

The media dominates the soul of modern society. It is a one-way process of education and learning.
It is a passive educational institution.

These technologies convey information and popular culture.

John Dewey correctly stated that education cannot be limited to

Teachers and scholars. The social environment is essential. The mass media

Is one such influence in the educational and social environment.

As new technologies hit the market every day, the need to transform educational needs and space

Is met through the media.

Computer Assisted Instruction has been used for a long time. Modern technology
And cross-media technology prove that education is not limited to the four walls of the classroom.
Rather, it is inclusive in terms of time and space. New guidelines and innovations are applied and
implemented through the mass media. Initiatives of the Government of India

, such as Epathsala and Swaayam, prove these facts. The mass media is one of the best examples of a
collection of modernity with traditional values, as it transcends geographical boundaries, cultural
spaces, castes and classes. One of the main qualities of this agency is to provide a wider range of

Knowledge, and opportunities. The dream of listening to the top scientists in each field,

, can be easily realized with a single click on the Internet.

We also provide children with multimedia learning tools used by various educational institutions. In
addition to being an educational institution, the mass media provides a sustainable and accessible
platform for intercultural communication and embraces diversity, which is an integral part of today’s

India must make great efforts primarily to those around it to make the mass media available for


L Family is the first and the foremost agent of education.

L School is the first formal organization of education.

L Apart from teaching and learning the major socialization is facilitated

By the school.

L Parsons views school as a social system.

L Religion as a non formal agency of education imparts values and

Moral teaching.

L Peer group helps learning in a natural set up.

L In contemporary time, media is making education global and


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