This document discusses various topics related to pedagogy and education assessment, policy, and planning. It provides 55 multiple choice questions related to concepts like pedagogy, teaching methods, education evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy, assessment types, curriculum development, and education policy. It covers philosophers and theorists that contributed to the fields of education, teaching, and learning like Martin Wagenschein, Bloom, and Dewey. It also mentions education organizations and reforms in Pakistan like the establishment of the University Grants Commission and introduction of Pakistan Studies as a compulsory subject.
This document discusses various topics related to pedagogy and education assessment, policy, and planning. It provides 55 multiple choice questions related to concepts like pedagogy, teaching methods, education evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy, assessment types, curriculum development, and education policy. It covers philosophers and theorists that contributed to the fields of education, teaching, and learning like Martin Wagenschein, Bloom, and Dewey. It also mentions education organizations and reforms in Pakistan like the establishment of the University Grants Commission and introduction of Pakistan Studies as a compulsory subject.
This document discusses various topics related to pedagogy and education assessment, policy, and planning. It provides 55 multiple choice questions related to concepts like pedagogy, teaching methods, education evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy, assessment types, curriculum development, and education policy. It covers philosophers and theorists that contributed to the fields of education, teaching, and learning like Martin Wagenschein, Bloom, and Dewey. It also mentions education organizations and reforms in Pakistan like the establishment of the University Grants Commission and introduction of Pakistan Studies as a compulsory subject.
This document discusses various topics related to pedagogy and education assessment, policy, and planning. It provides 55 multiple choice questions related to concepts like pedagogy, teaching methods, education evaluation, Bloom's taxonomy, assessment types, curriculum development, and education policy. It covers philosophers and theorists that contributed to the fields of education, teaching, and learning like Martin Wagenschein, Bloom, and Dewey. It also mentions education organizations and reforms in Pakistan like the establishment of the University Grants Commission and introduction of Pakistan Studies as a compulsory subject.
2. Pedagogy is the study of Teaching Methods. 3. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was Martin Wagenschein. 4. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ICT in education. 5. A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called rubrics. 6. The role of teacher in inquiry-based learning is of facilitator. 7. In direct instruction method or lecture method the teacher is considered as formal authority. 8. In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of facilitator and delegator. 9. In cooperative method teachers act as a delegator means the teacher act as a resource to the students. 10. At the time of partition in 1947, there were 40 colleges in working. 11. At the time of partition in 1947, there were 2 universities in working. 12. President of Pakistan is the Chancellor in case of Federal Universities. 13. Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the Convocation of the university in the absence of the Chancellor. 14. A quantitative description of experienced data is Simply a measurement. 15. Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the Physical aspect of education. 16. In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a common Practice. 17. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his Learning experiences. Learning to read is a complex Activity. 18. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent Reading. 19. A successful practice is the real test of learning achievement. 20. It is openly observed that Evaluation involves much more than measurement. 21. Motivation is the Basic purpose of evaluation. 22. Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in Personality formation, Class-teaching, Discipline 23. Black-board is in visual aids group/category of teachingaids. 24. Students who ask questions in the class should be encouraged to continue asking questions 25. At authoritarian level teaching is Teacher centered. 26. Flander developed the interaction analysis category system in education for increasing the teacher Effectiveness. 27. One of the important theories of moral development has been proposed by Laurence Kohlberg. 28. NUEPA is mainly concerned with Educational Planning. 29. The Father of Psychoanalyses is Sigmund Freud. 30. Spare the rod —- spoil the child. This assumption is related to that type of discipline which has been 31. advocated In Victorian Era. 32. The proponent of the Cognitive Theory of teaching is N. L. Gage. 33. The determinant of teaching skill training is Components. 34. For a good communication Speaking without pause is required. 35. Institutional planning should be based on Aim and needs. 36. Teacher behavior ought to Idealistic. 37. UNESCO satellite directed television program was used first in 1965. 38. The computer based teaching model has been developed by Stolurow and Davis (1965). 39. In order to modify the undesirable behavior of a student the most effective method is to find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour and provide remedies. 40. Main responsibility of School Management lies on Principal. 41. Practical knowledge of language is learnt at Language laboratory. 42. Dropping out from school means To leave the school forever. 43. Primary purpose of evaluation is to provide a basis for curriculum Both Revision and Improvement. 44. Environments should be main focus in the case of Institutes. 45. It is costly and time consuming exercise for complete evaluation of institutions. 46. Webster Defined evaluation as “examining and judging is the worth quality, significance, amount, degree or condition of something.” 47. Stufflebeam defined evaluation as “a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives.” 48. In educational research, 4 styles are used. 49. The other main Assumption is that education is a human activity. 50. Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of three learning domains. 51. The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. 52. The cognitive domain involves knowledge. 53. The affective domain involves manner. 54. The psychomotor domain involves physical movement. 55. The simplest skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is remembering. 56. The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is evaluating. 57. The most complex skill of Bloom’s taxonomy is originating. 58. To break information into parts and to examine the information is called analyzing. 59. To compile the information into pattern and propose a plan is called synthesizing. 60. An attitude of fair-minded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental Measurement. 61. The first Binet-Simon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and 1911. 62. In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began in Groups. 63. Language test represents the tests of abstract intelligence. 64. In 1854, Galton set up laboratory to measure human characteristics. 65. Machdonial statement was “Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust 66. with society.” 67. Mother is the First academy of a child. 68. Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main Centre of informal education. 69. Realistic Education system supports the Scientific progress. 70. To read the lesson before teaching it is called Lesson plan. 71. Cattell was introduced the term mental tests. 72. The famous educational psychologist Alfred Binet was French. 73. The famous educational psychologist Terman was American. 74. Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through reasoned arguments. 75. Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by Socrates. 76. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of knowledge. 77. Aristotle was student of Plato. 78. The “Apology” is the Plato’s recollection of the speech given by Socrates when Socrates was charged with not believing in gods. 79. According to Socrates, physical objects and events are shadows of their ideal form. 80. According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) material world is an image of the real world. 81. The first institution of higher learning in the Western 82. world, “Academy”, was founded by Plato. 83. The “Academy” was founded in Athens.
Education Assessment, Policy, Planning MCQS
1. Formal and informal types of education are Supplementary to each other. 2. The process in which all community members learn from each other without prior planning is Informal education. 3. “No system of education is better than its teachers who serve it” is said in National education policy 1959. 4. Education sector reform (ESR) is an action plan of 2001-2005. 5. Elements of education process include Aim, Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Evaluation. 6. When the topic or an area of a course contains a lot of information, it is recommended to use lecture method. 7. The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called characterizing. 8. Formative assessment is an assessment for learning. 9. Summative assessment is an assessment of learning. 10. An assessment use to identify difficulties in the learning process is called diagnostic assessment. 11. An assessment use to determine a person’s ability in a particular field of studies is called aptitude test. 12. Reliability of an assessment relates to the consistency of an assessment. 13. Validity of an assessment relates to the relevance of an assessment. 14. A process of looking at what is being assessed is called evaluation. 15. Delegator act of teacher foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process. 16. In education, assessment is used to make inference about the learning and development of students. 17. An assessment that is conducted prior to the start of teaching or instruction is called initial assessment. 18. An assessment that is carried out throught the course is called formative assessment. 19. An assessment is Reliable if it consistently achieves the same results with the same (or similar) students. 20. A Valid assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure. 21. Education is a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred from a few persons to the next generation. 22. An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called Summative assessment. 23. According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a partner in 24. learning process. 25. In 1974 University Grants Commission was established in Islamabad. 26. The University Grants Commission has started training programme for teachers of Both Degree Colleges and universities. 27. In the organization of the school the basic determining factor is the Curriculum of the school. 28. The curriculum should be formulated on cooperative basis. 29. The staff should examine the programme continuously with the Leadership of the principal. 30. Pakistan Studies was made a Compulsory subject for Classes X, XII and XIV. 31. The scientific development in various fields is brought forward for advising the government by the National 32. Technical Education was separated from the Universities and Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education were established. 33. Education Bureaus were attached to the education departments in the Provinces. 34. The article 25-A of the Constitution obligates state to provide free and compulsory education up to class 10. 35. In the conference for Educational Development in 1951, the main hurdle identified was lack of trained teachers. 36. In the first Five Year Education Development Plan (1955-60) 4000 new schools were proposed. 37. Urdu declared as a compulsory subject from six classes to degree level in 1959. 38. At independence the literacy rate in Pakistan was 15%. 39. The literacy rate in Pakistan is 58%. 40. The highest literacy rate of females in Pakistan is in the province of Punjab. 41. The highest literacy rate is in Jehlum district. 42. One of the targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to achieve “Net Primary Enrolment 43. Rate (5-9 Years)” up to 100% by 2015. 44. According to Vision 2030, it is expected that enrolments in the universities to reach 20% by 2030. 45. The existing Education Policy was announced in 2009. 46. After reviewing the Education POlicy 1998-2010 the White Paper was published this became the basis for development of the new Education Policy. The white paper was published in 2007. 47. According to Education policy, the free and universal education up to class 10 will be provided by 2025. 48. According to Education policy, the allocation for education would be 7% of the national GDP by 2015. 49. According to the new Education policy (2009), the Literacy rate will be enhanced to 86% by 2015. 50. English and Mathematics are made compulsory from Class I onwards. 51. English shall be employed as the medium of instruction for Sciences and Mathematics from Class IV onwards. 52. For teaching at the secondary and higher secondary level a Masters degree with B.Ed shall be the minimum requirement by 2018. 53. Lahore city of Pakistan is called “City of Colleges”. 54. Reciting of the national anthem made compulsory in high schools in June,09, 1957. 55. At the time of partition in 1947, there were 8413 primary schools in working. 56. At the time of partition in 1947, there were 40 technical schools in working. 57. In 1997, 48676 male teachers were working in Pakistan. 58. Umer Hayat Malik became Vice-Chancellor of The Punjab University after partition. 59. Kaneez Yousaf was the first female Vice-Chancellor of Pakistan.
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Latest Top 100 Solved MCQs Education Child Development Pedagogy MCQs For NTS AEOS and Educator Jobs 2016 Must Prepare Now - Latest Govt Jobs in Pakistan, Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad