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FYP Report Template v6 Updated

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Use same Font and style for all text

as mention in first three pages or you

can copy them from this sample to
avoid conflict. This is the hard cover
page.Delete this text box if you are

Project Title

Group Member 1
(Roll number)

Group Member 2
(Roll number)

Group Member 3
(Roll number)


Faculty of Engineering Scien ces and Tech nology

Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Use same Font and style for all text
as mention in first three pages or you
can copy them from this sample to
avoid conflict. This is the first page
of the report. Delete this text box if
you are copying!!!

Project Title

Group Member 1
(Roll number)

Group Member 2
(Roll number)

Group Member 3
(Roll number)

Under the supervision of

Supervisor Name


Faculty of Engineering Scien ces and Tech nology

Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Use same Font and style for all
text as mention in first three Project Title
pages or you can copy them from
this sample to avoid conflict. This By
is the first page of the report.
Delete this text box if you are
Group Member 1
(Roll number)
Group Member 2
(Roll number)
Group Member 3
(Roll number)

A project presented to the

Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Electrical

Faculty of Engineering Scien ces and Tech nology

Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi, Pakistan
Sustainable Development Goals

Define SDGs and how you map it with your project.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences And Technology

Hamdard University, Main Campus, Karachi.

This project “Project Title” presented by G r o u p m e m b e r s n a m e s under the
direction of their project advisor’s and approved by the project examination committee, has
been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
inpartial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical).

______________________ ______________________
Supervisor Name (Committee Member)
(Project Advisor)

______________________ ______________________
Co-Supervisor Name (Committee Member)

______________________ ______________________
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr.
(Chairman, Department of (Dean, Faculty of Engineering Science and
Electrical Engineering) Technology)
ABSTRACT The Font size for the heading is 12
style Times new roman all caps
center aligns.

Page numbers starts from this page in

roman center align.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Font size for the heading is 12
style Times new roman all caps
center aligns.

Acknowledgement is due to Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology for

support of this Project, a highly appreciated achievement for us in the undergraduate level.

We wish to express our appreciation to our Supervisor name who served as our major
advisor. We would like to express our heartiest gratitude for their keen guidance, sincere help
and friendly manner which inspires us to do well in the project and makes it a reality.

Many people, especially our classmates and team members itself, have made valuable
comment suggestions on this proposal which gave us an inspiration to improve our project.
We thank Co-Supervisor name & all the people for their help directly and indirectly to
complete our project.

The Font size for the
heading is 12 style Times
new roman all caps center
align. All other text must
have font size 12 style times
TABLE OF CONTENTS new roman. Delete this text
box if you are copying!!!

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................v
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Motivation/Introduction........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement/Objective and Contribution...................................................................2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis....................................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................4
2.1 abcdef....................................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 ghijkl......................................................................................................................6
2.1.2 mnopg....................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 dfjsjfkdjk..................................................................................................12
4.1 dfdsfdsfsdfdfsd........................................................................................................14
4.2.1 dasdsda.................................................................................................................16
4.3 Project Environmental Impact.................................................................................17
5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK..............................................................................18
5.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................18
5.2 Recommendations for future work.........................................................................19



Figure 1.......................................................................................................................................6
Figure 2.......................................................................................................................................7


Table 1.......................................................................................................................................10
Table 2.......................................................................................................................................25


Page numbers in roman ends up here.

Department of Electrical Engineering Final Year Project Title

CHAPTER 1 The Font for the heading is 16 style

Times new roman all caps bold left

The project was done to obtain better understanding of..............

1.1 Motivation
Your text here............

1.2 Problem Statement

Your text here............

1.3 Organization of Thesis

Your text here..............

Page numbers in numeric starts from

here till the end of report.

Department of Electrical Engineering Final Year Project Title

CHAPTER 2 The Font for the heading is 16 style

Times new roman all caps bold left

2.1 abcdef
Your text here..............

Every diagram should have proper referencing as told..........

Every table should have proper referencing as told...............

The final year project report writing and its timely submission is an important activity to be
performed by each group.

All students are advised to use this file as a template.

1.1 Length
There is no fixed rule about overall length of the report because this will vary with each
project depending on the nature of the work. Between 60 to 200 pages including
appendices is an acceptable limit. Ask for advice from your advisor and remember that
quantity is no substitute for quality.

1.2 Paper and Printing

The entire report must be printed on white A4 size paper. The report should be printed on
one side of each sheet only. The print quality should be dark and clear. Printing must be
in color form.

1.3 Grammar and Spelling

Complete sentences and proofread the document to ensure that the text is grammatically
sound and that it means exactly what was intended.

There is no excuse for spelling mistakes in a word-processed document. Spelling errors

create a bad impression. Always use a spell-checker as they are invaluable for correcting
typographical errors as well as genuine spelling mistakes. However, note that spell-
checkers cannot detect cases where the wrong word happens to be a real word e.g., from
– form. So, a careful proof-reading is necessary.

Also do not change all words as suggested by the spellchecker, as its in-built dictionary may
not list some technical terms. Verify the spelling of such words from other sources.


First of all, please rename the file according to the following format:


Where, GG=Group # (e.g. 05, 22 etc.) and YYYY=year of submission (e.g. 2011)
Now, open the file (make sure that you should have installed MS-WORD in computer). If you
are using MS Word 2003, go to FilePropertiesCustom (tab). If you are using MS Word
2007/2010, go to FileInfoPropertiesAdvanced PropertiesCustom(tab). Here you can
see the list of properties (also called “Fields”). Click on each property one by one and
edit/modify its “Value” according to your project. This step will help you in auto-generating
the Title page and Certificate page etc. Caution: Please, do not DELETE any property in the
Properties box!

When you are done with the above, close the Properties window. You should be on the very
first page of the document now. Press Ctrl+A (or EditSelect All), then right-click anywhere
on the document and select “Update Field”. It will give you “Update table of contents” dialog
box 2-3 times, Select the second option “Update entire table” and click “OK”, every time.

You can now see your first two pages of the document automatically filled with the correct

In the following sections guidelines about contents and formatting of different pages of the
report are discussed in details.

2.1 Title Page

1. If your group consists of less than three members, you can remove the last rows of the
table showing students’name.

2. If your group does not have any co-advisor, please remove that entire row.

3. If your group does not have any external advisor, please remove that entire row.

2.2 SDGs
Definition of used SDG/s in the project.

2.3 Impact on Environment

Please be sure to highlight the impact of your project on the environment / society etc.

2.4 Certificate Page

1. If your group consists of less than three members, you can remove the last rows of table
showing students’name.

2. If your group does not have any co-advisor, please remove the contents of that cell.

3. If your group does not have any external advisor, please remove the contents of that cell.

4. Make sure that you get this certificate page duly signed by the respective advisors and
coordinator before submission.

2.5 Dedication Page

You can dedicate your project to anybody you want. This page is optional. You may add this
page if you do not want to dedicate your project to anyone.
2.6 Acknowledgements Page
It is advisable to thank those who have given you help and support (typically your supervisors). Keep
your acknowledgements short and business-like.

2.7 Abstract Page

This should not be more than one page in length. The abstract should allow a reader who is unfamiliar
with the work to gain a swift and accurate impression of what the project is about or why was it
required, and what has been achieved.

2.8 Table of Contents Pages

You should not write anything on this page. This page has to be an automatic “Table of Contents
(TOC)”. To update the list, right-click it and select “Update Field”. Select the second option when
“Update table of contents” dialog box is shown as earlier.

2.9 List of Figures Pages and Table Pages

Same as section 2.6

2.10 Body Pages

The body of the document contains “Chapters”. Each chapter should be started from a new page. The
style of chapter’s heading is “Chapter”.

You can use the styles “Heading 1” to “ Heading 9” for formatting your headings. Please do not make
your own custom style.

For captioning figures, use the style “Figure Caption” and for captioning tables, use the style “Table

To format table header row (i.e. first rows), you may use the style “Table Head” but this is optional.

2.11 Conclusion
The conclusion chapter should briefly state the achievements of the project, the conclusions and
suggestions for further work. It should not discuss anything new that has not been covered in the
“Body” pages..

2.12 References Page

If you are taking anything (Such as theory, equations, figures, charts, tables etc.) from a book, research
paper, article, website etc., you MUST place its reference on this page. The standard referencing styles
is Harvard Reference Style. All your references should have formatting style “References”

The website addresses of search engines like google.com, yahoo.com and blogs abc.blogspot.com etc.
will not be accepted as reference. You should be very careful about the authenticity of websites.
2.13 Appendix
This section should be used for reference material, such as selected pieces of research data, tables and
other information which is too bulky or would detract from the flow of the text if included in the main
body of the document. If the reference material is cited at many difference places in the report, it
should be included in the appendix. Otherwise, the information should be arranged in a figure or table
and placed next to the text that refers to it.

One (01) original (colored) copy must be submitted to the department. ONE (01) original or Photostat
copy must be submitted to your internal advisor ONE (01) original or Photostat copy must be
submitted to your external advisor (if any). Each member should retain at least one original or
Photostat copy of the project report. (This is optional but recommended)

3.1 Turnitin Report and CD with Softcopy

Turnitin report should be place just after the references. HEC policy regarding plagiarism is applicable
which currently permits maximum 19% similarity index and it should not contain more than 5%
from single source. No data can be copied from any source even if the similarity index is below
permissible value. Turnitin report last pages in which Originality Report percentage detail is mention
must be included at the end of your thesis report before binding. CD/DVD include softcopy of
accepted proposal with all tasks and recommendation given during proposal presentation, 1 st
evaluation presentation, final presentation and final thesis with complete turnitin report. CD/DVD also
include detail video in which students have to explain their project step by step in a clear voice and
with clear background and high resolution.

3.2 Box File

All relevant reference materials that are not included in the report (such as catalogues, internet
downloads, software etc.) must be submitted in a box file. A title page should be printed, and posted
on top of the box file.

3.3 Spine Labeling

The project title, department and batch should also be indicated on the spine of the binding as well as
of the box file as shown in the figure. The direction of the text should be such that it reads from the
top of the spine to the bottom.
3.4 Binding
All project report must be hard-bound in maroon color. No other form of binding shall be acceptable.
Any oversized sheets must be properly folded and placed in a pocket of the bounded report, to be
provided at the end for this purpose. The front cover title should be printed in golden color embossing.


i. Table of Content must be automatic generated.

ii. The first page of this report will be used as the front hard cover of report as mentioned earlier and is
not included in the report.
iii. The report starts with the second page.
iv. Use the same font, line spacing (1.5) and font style (Times New Roman) of the text as mention.
v. Page numbers starts from abstract in roman up till abbreviations.
vi. From chapter 1 the page number is in numeric.
vii. Use separate files to avoid conflict in page numbers.
viii. Your report must have the chapters as mentioned in table of contents with same font and style.
ix. Use proper citation in paragraphs.
x. All figures and tables which you are taking from any website must be referred in square bracket like
Figure 3.1: Accelerometer Sensor [3] which tell us that this figure is taken from 3rd reference of the
References Page at the end of report.
xi. Table heading must be on top of table and Figure heading must be below of figure.

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