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BHL5017 - Writ1

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School of Business & Software Engineering

Module Code Module Title
BHL5017 Human Resource Management

Academic Year Semester

2023-24 One

Module Leader email


Assessment Details....................................................2
Submission Details.....................................................3
Assessment Criteria...................................................3
Further Information.....................................................5
Who can answer questions about my assessment?............5
Submission problems.............................................................5
Unfair academic practice........................................................5
How is my work graded?........................................................6
Assessment Details
Assessment title Abr. Weighting
WRIT1 – Reflective Essay WRIT1 60%

Pass marks are 50% for undergraduate Ministry work unless stated otherwise.

Task/assessment brief:
Write a 1200-word reflective essay that weaves together the impact of MBTI on personal and
professional development, with a specific focus on your potential HRM leadership role. Explore the
following interconnected aspects:
1. Personal and interpersonal significance: Reflect on the elements of your MBTI type that
significantly shapes both your personal growth and interpersonal skill. Discuss specific traits,
preferences, and/or realizations that might influence your self-perception and understanding of identity,
while also exploring how these insights could translate into effective communication and cooperation with
others. (approx. 200 words)
2. Navigating workplace dynamics: Explore the practical implications of your MBTI type in the
workplace, emphasizing instances where your awareness of personality differences could be beneficial in
teamwork, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Connect personal growth to professional effectiveness,
creating a narrative that highlights the integration of MBTI insights across both domains. (approx. 300
3. Leadership strengths in HR Management: Identify and discuss the leadership strengths associated
with your MBTI type, tailored to the responsibilities of HR management. Analyze how these strengths
align with key HR functions, including employee relations, conflict resolution, and fostering a positive
workplace culture. Simultaneously, delve into potential weaknesses and explore strategies for continuous
improvement. (approx. 500 words)
4. Strategies for Holistic Development: Conclude by outlining a personalized plan for leveraging your
MBTI-informed insights for continuous personal and professional growth. Discuss specific actions, such
as additional training, mentorship, and/or self-directed learning, that harmonize the multifaceted aspects
of your identity and leadership potential. (approx. 200 words)

Word count (or equivalent): 1200 words

This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text,
tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are
excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining your
final assessment grade.

Submission Details
Submission This will normally be 20
Estimated Feedback
Deadline: 26/01/2024 working days after initial
Return Date submission.

Submission By 4.00pm on the

Time: deadline day.

Moodle/Turnitin: Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed
or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for
more information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.

File Format: The assessment must be submitted as a pdf document (save the document as
a pdf in your software) and submit through the Turnitin submission point in

Your assessment should be titled with your:

student ID number, module code and assessment ID,

e.g. st12345678 BHL5007 WRIT1

Feedback Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Moodle. Feedback will
be provided with comments on your strengths and the areas which you can improve.
View the guidance on how to access your feedback.

All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and
confirmation at the programme Examination Board.

Further Information
Who can answer questions about my
assessment? It is strongly advised that you submit your
work at least 24 hours before the deadline to
Questions about the assessment should be allow time to resolve any last minute
directed to the staff member who has set the problems you might have. If you are having
task/assessment brief. This will usually be the issues with your SIST Moodle, contact the
Module Leader. They will be happy to answer academic department immediately.
any queries you have.
Extensions and mitigating circumstances
Staff members can often provide feedback on
an assignment plan but cannot review any Short extensions on assessment deadlines
drafts of your work prior to submission. The can be requested in specific circumstances. If
only exception to this rule is for Dissertation you are encountering particular hardship
Supervisors to provide feedback on a draft of which has been affecting your studies, then
your dissertation. you may be able to apply for mitigating
circumstances. This can give the teachers on
Referencing and independent learning your programme more scope to adapt the
assessment requirements to support your
Please ensure you reference a range of
needs. Extensions and mitigating
credible sources, with due attention to the
circumstances policies and procedures are
academic literature in the area. The time
regularly updated.
spent on research and reading from good
quality sources will be reflected in the quality
Unfair academic practice
of your submitted work.
SIST Education takes issues of unfair
Remember that what you get out of university practice extremely seriously. The University
depends on what you put in. Your teaching has procedures and penalties for dealing with
sessions typically represent between 10% unfair academic practice. These are
and 30% of the time you are expected to explained in full in the University's Unfair
study for your degree. The rest of your time Practice regulations and procedures within
should be taken up by self-directed study. the Programme Handbook. The Module
Leader reserves the right to interview
Unless stated otherwise you must use the students regarding any aspect of their work
HARVARD referencing system. Further submitted for assessment.
guidance on referencing can be found in the
Study Smart area on Moodle and at Types of Unfair Practice, include:
www.citethemrightonline.com (use your
university login details to access the site). Plagiarism, which can be defined as using
Correct referencing is an easy way to without acknowledgement another person’s
improve your marks and essential in words or ideas and submitting them for
achieving higher grades on most assessment as though it were one’s own
assessments. work, for instance by copying, translating

Technical submission problems

from one language to another or  Re-use of one’s own material except as
unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further authorised by your degree programme.
examples include:
Collusion, which can be defined as when
 Use of any quotation(s) from the
work that that has been undertaken with
published or unpublished work of other
others is submitted and passed off as solely
persons, whether published in textbooks,
the work of one person. Modules will clearly
articles, the Web, or in any other format,
identify where joint preparation and joint
where quotations have not been clearly
submission are permitted, in all other cases
identified as such by being placed in
they are not.
quotation marks and acknowledged.
 Use of another person’s words or ideas
Fabrication of data, making false claims to
that have been slightly changed or
have carried out experiments, observations,
paraphrased to make it look different from
interviews or other forms of data collection
the original.
and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any
 Summarising another person’s ideas,
other way.
judgments, diagrams, figures, or
computer programmes without reference
How is my work graded?
to that person in the text and the source
in a bibliography/reference list. Assessment grading is subject to thorough
 Use of assessment writing services, quality control processes.
essay banks and/or any other similar
agencies (NB. Students are commonly Grading of work at each level of SIST
being blackmailed after using essay Education degree courses is benchmarked
mills). against a set of general requirements.
 Use of unacknowledged material
downloaded from the Internet.

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