LP2 - Unit-2 - GE10-Methods of Research
LP2 - Unit-2 - GE10-Methods of Research
LP2 - Unit-2 - GE10-Methods of Research
2.1 Introduction
(Write your answer in a separate sheet and submit picture of your answer through SSU LMS. For
the evaluation kindly refer to Holistic Rubric attached in the appendices.)
Recall and Refresh
Cite at least two (2) situation in life when you consider thorough review and consideration
of Pros and Cons before making an important decision or judgement. Briefly explain why
there is a need to do it.
(Write your answer in a separate sheet and submit picture of your answer through SSU LMS. For the
evaluation kindly refer to Holistic Rubric attached in the appendices.)
Here are potential sources of information. With your topic listed above choose minimum
of 5 sources and defend your choices.
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few are to be
chewed and digested.” Francis Bacon
The sources of the information used in the review of related literature is very
important. The Literature refers to the collection of scholarly writings on a topic. This
includes peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations and conference papers. Based on the
classification of literature sources there are three types, primary, secondary and tertiary.
However, focus must be given to primary sources, though secondary sources can be
valuable as well. Tertiary sources can be of help as search strategy.
Where you look for literature is important. Electronic sources now a days are very
helpful and convenient. Databases are good online sources of literature. Advantage of
database are it is subject specific, multi-disciplinary and search in multiple databases.
Among the commonly used discovery tools are UNLV Libraries Quick Search and Google
Generally the literature review can be divided into three main sections the
beginning, body and conclusion. Begin the literature review by defining or explaining the
primary problem addressed by the lit review, explain the problem it addresses or the main
conflict(s) in the literature. You may also Offer a rationale for your choice of source
material. Then write your own thesis.
The body of literature review may contain subheadings and may choose to follow
a particular order topically, thematically, according to argumentative perspective, or
according to time period. It is in this section that relationships between the sources are
showed and source’s significant contribution are discussed. It should be noted that one
should not develop ideas or use sources that are irrelevant to your thesis overall. It is
noteworthy to be careful with the tenses used in writing, references to prior studies
should be in past tense; references to narrative or text other than studies should be in
present tense.
Smith’s study of composition students included both male and female subjects. She
concludes that gender plays no significant role in the writing process. She also suggests that
further studies should look at age as a contributing factor, a variable her study did not
In research and other scientific works citation and referencing is very important.
Citing the idea of others is the ethical way of acknowledgement of ones work. Failure in
doing so is plagiarism, which may result to some serious and lawful consequences. To do
this there must be an in-text citation and reference list. The in-text reference gives brief
details (author, date, page) of the source you are quoting or referring to. This citation
corresponds with the full details of the work (title, publisher, etc) given in your reference
list or bibliography, so that the reader can identify and/or find the source.
A list of references at the end of your paper that includes the full information for your
citations so that the reader can easily identify and retrieve each work (journal articles,
books, webpages, etc). Your reference list contains all the items you have cited or directly
quoted from. This must be in alphabetical order and each must be laid out in a strictly
ordered sequence. There are many format of referencing, however for this course we
suggest that use of the American Psychological Association or APA as illustrated in the
references section of this Learning Packet. For more detailed information about the APA
format and how different literature and source should be cited visit its web site.
To give you ease in accomplishing the task in referencing a Citation Manager will
be of great help. It is a piece of software, website or browser extension that will help you
organize the papers that you have used not only in your review of literature but for your
entire research. It keeps track of the citations of each paper, and automatically plug the
information in the reference list based on the format that you chose. Thus keeping your
work simpler and better. Among the commonly used citation manager are listed below.
A good research study rely upon a theoretical or conceptual framework to guide the
researcher in several ways. Constructing a theoretical and conceptual framework in place
is a cornerstone for success (Gavin, 2016). These framework direct the researcher
throughout the study, from determining if there is satisfactory demonstration of the
relevance and need for the research to establishing a persuasive line of reasoning and
academic rigor in the development of the design and analysis. Whether the researcher
selects a theoretical or a conceptual framework varies upon a number of items, and the
published literature does not always clearly distinguish between a theoretical and a
conceptual frame.
The theoretical framework of the study is a structure that can hold or support a
theory of a research work. It presents the theory, which explains why the problem under
study exists. Thus, the theoretical framework is but a theory that serves as a basis for
conducting research and provide a justification for conducting a study. A researcher could
think of a theoretical framework as being the way to delineate the “why” or the “how” of
a study (Ravitch & Riggan, 2012). Consequently, it is made for the purpose of:
Here are some strategies to develop of an effective theoretical framework (Toracco, 1997;
Sutton &Staw,1995):
1. Examine your thesis title and research problem. The research problem
anchors your entire study and forms the basis from which you construct your
theoretical framework.
2. Brainstorm on what you consider to be the key variables in your research.
Answer the question, what factors contribute to the presumed effect?
3. Review related literature to find answers to your research question.
4. List the constructs and variables that might be relevant to your study. Group
these variables into independent and dependent categories.
5. Review the key social science theories that are introduced to you in your
course readings and choose the theory or theories that can best explain the
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relationships between the key variables in your study [note the Writing Tip
on this page].
6. Discuss the assumptions or propositions of this theory and point out their
relevance to your research.
A theoretical framework is used to limit the scope of the relevant data by focusing on
specific variables and defining the specific viewpoint (framework) that the researcher will
take in analyzing and interpreting the data to be gathered, understanding concepts and
variables according to the given definitions, and building knowledge by validating or
challenging theoretical assumptions.
After formulating the theoretical framework, the researcher has to develop the
conceptual framework of the study.
In constructing research will provide the structure for the concept borrowed pieces
of the conceptual framework. There are three possible ways it could be developed:
– Identify the key words used in the subject area of your study.
– Draw out the key things within something you have already written about
the subject area – literature review.
2 | Methods of Research
– Take one key concept, idea or term at a time and brainstorm all the other
things that might be related and then go back and select those that seem most
On the other hand, their ae two ways in presentation of the conceptual framework,
the process framework and content framework. The process frameworks set out the stages
through which an action moves from initiation to conclusion. These relate to the ‘how?’
question. While content frameworks sets out the variables, and possibly the relationship
(with relative strengths) between them, that together answer the ‘why?’ question.
The possible forms of conceptual framework may include: flow chart; tree diagram;
shape based diagram; mind maps; and soft systems.
Changing Product
customers expectations
Value Image
Loss of
Individuality Expectations Variety
Ease Flexibility Security
2 | Methods of Research
A ‘triangle’ of needs
Once the conceptual framework has been determined, the next for the researcher is
to determine what research methods to employ to best answer the research problem
through the proposed framework. Which is the topic for the next unit.
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Short Answer Questions: Briefly answer the questions below. For the evaluation of your answer
kindly refer to the Holistic Rubric in the appendices. Use the back page of this paper for your answer.
1. How do you distinguish between conceptual and theoretical framework?
2. Why is personal experience a valid but insufficient stimulus for study’s conceptual
3. How might the presentation of a conceptual framework in both narrative and
graphical forms help both the conceptualization and communication of a study?
Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Encircle the letter of your choice.
Unit Requirements (by Research Group). For evaluation of your output kindly refer to the
Analytical Rubric in the Appendices.
1. Make a draft of your Literature review consisting of at least twenty articles cited.
2. Make a Theoretical Framework
3. Make a Conceptual Framework
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2.3 References
Clark, I. (2006). Writing the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: Entering the
Gavin, D. 2015. Using Theoretical or Conceptual Frameworks in a Scholarly Study.
Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research. University of Phoenix.
Retrieved: September 5, 2020.
2.4 Acknowledgment
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this module were taken
from the references cited above.
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Score Description