Dyslexia Toolkit White Paper Can
Dyslexia Toolkit White Paper Can
Dyslexia Toolkit White Paper Can
A Dyslexia Toolkit
Kristina Breaux, PhD, Senior Research Director, Clinical Assessment
Tina Eichstadt, MS CCC-SLP, Senior Product Manager, Clinical Assessment
Pearson Clinical Assessment offers a dyslexia toolkit with resources for screening, identification,
intervention, and progress monitoring. This report will be updated periodically as new tools
become available.
Understanding Dyslexia
The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) established the following
definition of dyslexia in 2002, which has since been adopted by many U.S.
federal and state agencies:
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is and reduced reading experience that can impede
neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.16
difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word
recognition and by poor spelling and decoding In 2015 a unanimous Senate vote for the Cassidy-
abilities. These difficulties typically result from a Mikulski Resolution (Resolution 275)32a called on
deficit in the phonological component of language Congress, schools, and state and local educational
that is often unexpected in relation to other agencies to recognize the significant educational
cognitive abilities and the provision of effective implications of dyslexia that must be addressed.
classroom instruction. Secondary consequences Then in 2017, the U.S. Senate voted unanimously as
may include problems in reading comprehension part of the S.Res. 28432b to establish the following
definition of dyslexia:
A Hybrid Model of
Dyslexia Identification
Implementing an evidence-based process for
dyslexia screening, identification, intervention, and
progress monitoring is paramount to improving
student outcomes. The tests and products
recommended in this toolkit are designed to be used
most effectively within a comprehensive framework
such as a hybrid model for dyslexia identification.
Approaches to identification that rely on a single
criterion are prone to measurement error and show
poor stability over time.19, 20 In contrast, a hybrid
model incorporates multiple sources of information, stability of classification over time, and signals that
as well as the degree to which the student has the reading problem is persistent and not due to
responded to treatment. Students who do not inadequate instruction.13, 38 The hybrid model shown
respond to high quality instruction may be more in Figure 1 summarizes the symptoms, causes and
likely to have an underlying cognitive deficit that correlates, and risk factors that may be considered
manifests as dyslexia. For this reason, incorporating as part of a dyslexia evaluation.
treatment response data as one essential criterion
for dyslexia reduces false positives, improves
Before the onset of formal schooling, parents
or caregivers may observe early risk factors for
dyslexia. For example, some children with dyslexia
begin speaking later than most other children, have
11 2 3 4 5
problems with pronunciation, or use vague terms
because they have difficulty recalling the specific
234 5
word for an object.34
The causes and correlates of dyslexia include
areas of cognitive processing weaknesses, which are
less easily observed than symptoms. The symptoms
of dyslexia are typically either attributed to or related
to weaknesses in one or more of the following areas:
phonological processing (including phonological
awareness and phonological coding), rapid automatic
naming (the phonological loop of working memory),
auditory verbal working memory, processing speed,
long-term storage and retrieval, associative memory, Symptoms
and orthographic processing. Assessing the first
Lack of response to treatment
three areas is considered paramount for a dyslexia
evaluation according to the IDA guidelines.18 Pre-reader difficulties
• Alphabet writing
Although weaknesses in one or more aspects
• Phonics/Letter knowledge
of phonological processing are often associated with
dyslexia,18 a single cognitive deficit cannot adequately Reader difficulties
explain the symptoms of dyslexia • Word reading/Decoding
in all cases.30 Rather, the causes of dyslexia are likely • Reading fluency
multiple, interacting, and probabilistic.29 • Spelling
For this reason, a hypothesis-testing approach
• Written expression
to assessment that explores multiple causes
and correlates is helpful for understanding an • Reading comprehension < Listening
individual’s overall learning profile.
Risk Factors
Causes/ Correlates
Considering hereditary and correlated risk factors for
dyslexia alongside behavioural symptoms supports a • Phonological processing
more robust model of dyslexia identification.38 In • Rapid automatic naming
addition to low scores on a dyslexia screening test, • Auditory working memory
the risk factors for dyslexia involve aspects of an
• Processing speed
individual’s family history and developmental history,
which are typically assessed through self or parent • Long-term storage and retrieval
report. Individuals with the following characteristics • Associative memory
are at increased risk for dyslexia: a family history • Orthographic processing
of dyslexia,39 a history of language impairment, and/
or weaknesses in receptive vocabulary.37
Most individuals with dyslexia have at least age-
appropriate receptive vocabulary and general Risk Factors
language skills; however, vocabulary weaknesses may • Family history
be seen in conjunction with a specific language
• Language impairment/Poor receptive
disorder or as a correlate of dyslexia if individuals vocabulary
spend less time engaged in reading and language
activities.10, 18, 37
Figure 1. Hybrid Model of Dyslexia Identification
Possible Strengths
Many individuals with dyslexia exhibit relative
strengths in areas such as fluid reasoning and
problem solving, oral language (including listening,
speaking, vocabulary, and grammar), and math.34
These strengths may be identified and highlighted
during the course of a dyslexia evaluation using
a hybrid model approach to assessment. For
intervention purposes, strategies and methods that
utilize an individual’s cognitive processing strengths
for remediating weaknesses is preferred.31
The Pearson dyslexia toolkit includes clinical assessments and resources for screening, diagnostic evaluations,
intervention, and progress monitoring. To assist the varied groups of professionals who support individuals
with dyslexia, this toolkit includes tools used across professional groups and user qualification levels.
Screening Tools
The Pearson toolkit for dyslexia screening includes the following measures:
The Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen35 is a brief teacher BA-3 to yield the student’s Academic Skills Battery
survey for identifying students at risk for dyslexia. (ASB) composite. The subtests used in the ASB also
This assessment is intended for use with students provide domain composites in Reading, Math, and
experiencing academic difficulties, but it can also Written Language. If the results from the ASB or
be used to screen all students. Teachers can domain composites suggest the need for further
complete the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen for a student testing, administration of the KTEA–3 Comprehensive
in less than 5 minutes, using an online form. Form is recommended. The Comprehensive Form
Digital administration and scoring in Q-global, the includes supplemental subtests that are useful for
Universal Screening application, or aimswebPlus exploring specific aspects of academic functioning.
provides evaluators with immediate results and All standard scores from subtests administered
reporting capabilities for individuals and groups of using the Brief Form can be applied to either Form A
students. The classification accuracy data indicate or Form B of the KTEA–3 Comprehensive.
moderately high sensitivity and specificity for
all forms. Clinical validity data indicate that the The KTEA–3 and WIAT–III Dyslexia Index Scores
Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen correctly classified 71% of (US-normed edition) (Breaux, 2018a, 2018b) were
kindergarten students, 85% of first-grade students, designed to provide theoretically sound, reliable, and
80% of second-grade students, and 85% of third- clinically sensitive composite scores for identifying
grade students.36 risk for dyslexia among students in grades K–12 and
adults. In 15 minutes or less, practitioners can obtain
The WRAT547 is a widely used screening test of a Dyslexia Index score to screen for dyslexia and
reading, spelling, and math skills in individuals ages identify individuals who may benefit from a
5–85+ years (grades K–12+). This test includes four comprehensive evaluation or a more intensive
subtests (Word Reading, Sentence Comprehension, intervention approach. A single score such as the
Spelling, and Math Computation) and one Reading Dyslexia Index is not sufficient to diagnose dyslexia.
composite, all of which can be administered in about Rather, a diagnosis of dyslexia is based on a
20–30 minutes. Examiners have the flexibility to convergence of evidence gathered from multiple
administer a single subtest or any combination of sources. However, the Dyslexia Index results may
the four subtests. Clinical validity data indicate that contribute to a more in-depth evaluation.
students with dyslexia/reading disorder performed
significantly lower than the matched control group As shown in Table 1, the subtests included in each of
on all subtests except Math Computation, with large the Dyslexia Indexes differ for grades K-1 and grades
effect sizes observed. 2-12+. he composite structures were based on
clinical data with a strong empirical foundation. The
The KTEA–3 Brief Form24 is used to screen for results provide a standard score that corresponds to
weaknesses in reading, writing, and mathematics, six categories of risk for dyslexia ranging from very
and to obtain a general estimate of academic low to very high. The Dyslexia Index Scores Manuals,
achievement for grades PK–12+ (ages 4–25). The which are available for purchase in either paper
three-subtest Brief Achievement (BA-3) composite or digital format, provide norms tables for hand
for grades K–12+, which includes measures of scoring, administration, technical, and interpretive
word reading, spelling, and math computation, is information. The materials needed to administer and
especially useful for this purpose. Results may be score the Dyslexia Index subtests are available as
used to identify students who need a comprehensive part of the KTEA-3 or US-normed WIAT-III. However,
evaluation. To obtain more complete information the following reproducible forms are provided in the
across all three academic areas, three additional Dyslexia Index Scores Manuals: Response Booklet
subtests are administered and the scores are pages for the Spelling subtest, Dyslexia Index Score
combined with the three subtest scores from the Computation Form, and Graphical Profile.5a,5b
Phonological Processing
KTEA™-3 Dyslexia Index: K–1
+ Letter Naming Facility + .92 1.79 .90 18–20
Grade K–1 Ages 5–7
Letter & Word Recognition
Word Recognition
KTEA™-3 Dyslexia Index: 2–12+
Fluency + Nonsense Word .97 1.76 .89 12–15
Grade 2–12+ Ages 7–25
Decoding + Spelling
Notes. AUC = Area Under the Curve estimate. Data for KTEA–3, WIAT–III, and WRAT5 were derived from age-based standard
scores. Alpha reliability is reported for the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen forms; split half reliability is reported for all other tests.
All scores from the dyslexia groups were significantly (p < .01) lower than those of the nonclinical matched control groups.
Clinical n-counts for the KTEA–3 and WIAT–III Dyslexia Index scores at grades K–1 were insufficient (< 20) for group
comparisons; for this reason, group means, effect sizes, and AUC estimates were based on samples of students in grades
1–4 (KTEA–3) and grades 2–3 (WIAT–III).
Table 2 summarizes the key features of the KTEA–3 Comprehensive Form, PAL–II Reading and Writing, WIAT–III,
• Hand score •H
and score
Administration and •H
and score
• Q-global •H
and score •Q
scoring options •Q
• Q-interactive •Q
The KTEA–3 Comprehensive Form22 is designed to with the largest differences from the matched
provide information about normative and personal control group on the following six-subtests: Early
strengths and weaknesses in reading, writing, math, Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Word
oral language, and key processing areas relevant Reading, Pseudoword Decoding, Oral Reading
to dyslexia. The KTEA–3 assessment information Fluency (Fluency, Accuracy, and Rate scores), and
may be used to make eligibility, placement, and Spelling. Similarly, the dyslexia group scored the
diagnostic decisions, plan intervention, and monitor lowest on the following five composites: Total
progress over time. The clinical validity data reported Reading, Basic Reading, Reading Comprehension
in the manual23 indicate that, with the exception of and Fluency, Written Expression, and Total
Associational Fluency, all subtest and composite Achievement.
scores for the dyslexia (SLD-reading/writing) group
were significantly (p < .01) lower than those of The WRMT–III49 provides a comprehensive battery
the matched control group with large effect sizes. of tests that measure reading readiness and reading
Although the dyslexia group scored significantly achievement for the purpose of developing tailored
lower than the control group across nearly every intervention programs. According to the clinical
academic measure, mean scores for the dyslexia validity data reported in the manual,50 the mean
group were lowest (below 85) on the reading, scores for the dyslexia group were significantly
reading-related, and spelling subtests. (p < .01) lower than those of the matched control
group for all scores except Rapid Automatic Naming:
The PAL–II Reading and Writing2 is designed to Number and Letter Naming. All effect sizes were
measure reading and writing skills and related large except those for Listening Comprehension
processes in order to facilitate the differential and Rapid Automatic Naming: Number and Letter
diagnosis of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and oral and Naming, which were moderate.
written language learning disability (OWL-LD) and
to link assessment results with interventions. The
PAL–II, which is often used to complement an
evaluation that includes the KTEA–3, WIAT–III, or Table 3 lists the key skill areas
WRMT–III, is ideal for pinpointing why a student recommended for dyslexia assessment
struggles in reading and/or writing. by the International Dyslexia
Association,18 as well as secondary
The WIAT–III27 provides information about areas that are important to consider,
normative strengths and weaknesses in reading, and the relevant measures provided
math, written expression, and oral language. by the KTEA–3, PAL–II, WIAT–III, and
Results obtained from the WIAT–III can be used to WRMT–III. The measures listed include
inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational subtests, subtest component scores,
services, educational placement, or a diagnosis supplemental scores, and error
of a specific learning disability, and the results analysis classifications.
include suggestions for instructional objectives and
interventions. According to the clinical validity data
reported in the manual,28 with the exception of
Alphabet Writing Fluency, all subtest and composite
scores for the dyslexia (SLD-reading/writing) group
were significantly (p < .01) lower than those of the
matched control group. Effect sizes were large for
all reading and writing subtests except those for
Alphabet Writing Fluency and Essay Composition,
which were small and moderate, respectively. The
dyslexia group scored the lowest (below average)
Decoding pseudowords • Nonsense Word Decoding • Pseudoword Decoding • Pseudoword Decoding • Word Attack
Word reading • Letter & Word recognition • Word Reading • Word Identification
Phonological • Phonological Processing • Rhyming • Early Reading Skills SA: • Phonological Awareness
awareness • Syllables Phonological Awareness
• Phonemes
• Rimes
Auditory working •P
honological Processing •S
entences: Listening • Oral expression: Sentence
memory •E
rror Analysis: Blending •L
etters Repetition
(phonological memory) • Early Reading Skills SA:
Blending Sounds
Secondary areas
Table 4. WISC–V Measures of Key Cognitive Processing Areas for a Dyslexia Evaluation
Auditory working memory (phonological memory) Auditory Working Memory Index (AWMI)
Other Pearson tests of intellectual functioning and weaknesses (PSW) analysis for the identification of a
cognitive abilities that may contribute to a dyslexia specific learning disability such as dyslexia.
evaluation include the Differential Ability Scales™,
Second Edition8 (DAS™–II); the Kaufman Assessment The WRMT–III uses the AAD predicted-difference
Battery for Children, Second Edition,21 normative method in its approach to comparing intellectual
update (KABC™–II NU); NEPSY®, Second Edition26a ability to academic achievement. WRMT–III reading
(NEPSY®–II); the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®, achievement scores are predicted from broad-based
Fourth Edition40 (WAIS®–IV); the Wechsler Preschool intellectual functioning measures (e.g., Full Scale IQ,
and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition41 General Ability Index), verbal-based measures (e.g.,
(WPPSI®–IV); and the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Verbal Comprehension Index, VCI), and nonverbal-
Ability44 (WNV®). based measures (e.g., Nonverbal Index, NVI).
Table 5 summarizes the cognitive ability linking Cognitive ability test KTEA™-3 WIAT®–III
significantly (p < .05) lower on nearly all tests and Table 6. CELF®-5 Measures of Key Language Areas for a
composites, with the exception of the Sentence Dyslexia Evaluation
Comprehension test, as compared to students with
typical language skills. With the exception of the Language Area CELF®-5
Pragmatics Profile (effect size .40), score differences Auditory working memory
Recalling Sentences
(phonological memory)
for all tests showed medium to large effect sizes,
Linguistic Concepts
ranging from .62 to 1.20. Receptive Vocabulary Word Classes
Word Definitions
Other Pearson tests of oral language skills that may Written Expression Structured
contribute to an interdisciplinary dyslexia evaluation
Secondary Areas
process include the Auditory Skills Assessment11
Following Directions
(ASA™); the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™, Fifth Semantic Relationships
Edition7 (PPVT™–5; Dunn, 2018), and the Expressive Listening Comprehension Sentence Comprehension
Understanding Spoken
Vocabulary Test, Third Edition48 (EVT™–3; Williams, Paragraphs
2018). The use of these tools by a speech-language Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension
pathologist or similarly trained professional may
Formulated Sentences
support team decision-making in a differential Recalling Sentences
Grammatical Ability
diagnosis, a profile of strengths and weaknesses, Sentence Assembly
Word Structure
and intervention planning.
Intervention Tools
The Pearson dyslexia toolkit for intervention includes about the student’s cognitive processing, language,
the following resources: and achievement skills may be obtained from
• Intervention Guide for Learning Disability (LD) assessments in Q-global; however, other test results
Subtypes as well as qualitative data are also considered. Seven
reading-related subtypes are supported, including
• SPELL-Links™ to Reading & Writing™26b and phonological dyslexia, orthographic dyslexia, and
SPELL-Links™ Class Links for Classrooms™26c mixed phonological-orthographic dyslexia. The
• Process Assessment of the Learner (PAL™) following examples of intervention suggestions were
Research-Based Reading and Writing Lessons provided by the Intervention Guide for a student,
• KTEA–3 teaching objectives and intervention Jeanette, with a learning profile consistent with
statements phonological dyslexia:
• WIAT–III intervention goal statements • As a strategy for spelling, assess whether Jeanette
can recognize when a word is spelled correctly
The Intervention Guide for LD Subtypes, which is or incorrectly. If so, teach Jeanette to generate
accessible through Q-global (see PearsonClinical. alternative spellings for a word that “doesn’t look
com), compares an examinee’s skill level profile right.” Then she can utilize visual recognition to
with the theoretical profiles of specific LD subtypes. identify the correct spelling.
The report provides tailored, research-supported
• To connect layers of language for reading, ask
intervention suggestions. Students may benefit
Jeanette to sort words using suffixes to mark tense
from the interventions provided in the report
or number. For example, include words with plural
regardless of whether or not they have been
pronounced /ez/ (horses), /s/ (bats), or /z/ (knees),
identified or diagnosed with dyslexia. Information
and words with no suffix (geese).
Copyright © 2019 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
15 | Pearson Clinical Assessment Solutions: A Dyslexia Toolkit
Growth scale values (GSVs) are preferred over describe the probability of successfully performing
standard scores and percentile ranks for measuring a task, not relative standing in a group. An RPI score
growth because GSVs reflect the examinee’s always represents the same relative performance,
absolute (rather than relative) level of performance. regardless of developmental changes in reading
GSVs are useful for comparing an examinee’s ability.50 Changes in RPI scores over time provide one
performance on a particular subtest or composite method of measuring progress, provided that the
relative to his or her own past performance, whereas educational team establishes criteria for sufficient
standard scores and percentile ranks are useful growth based on RPI scores.
for comparing performance relative to peers. For
tests with two forms (KTEA–3, WRAT5, WRMT–III), aimsweb™Plus offers enhanced screening and
GSVs obtained on one form are directly comparable progress monitoring measures for grades K–8.
to GSVs obtained on the other form. A significant In addition to CBM measures, aimsweb™Plus
change in GSV scores indicates that the confidence standards-based assessments provide more
intervals around the GSVs do not overlap and the information about each student’s reading
examinee has demonstrated significant progress. performance and suggest what kind of intervention
GSV analyses and charts are available in Q-global for may be most effective. The Early Literacy measures
the KTEA–3 and WIAT–III. The CELF–5, PPVT–5, and in aimsweb™Plus are intended for grades K–1 and
EVT–3 also include GSVs. However, GSVs are not include Print Concepts, Letter Naming Fluency,
comparable across tests or subtests. Please refer Initial Sounds, Auditory Vocabulary, Letter Word
to the respective test manuals for interpretation Sounds Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation, Word
guidance and statistically significant change Reading Fluency, and Oral Reading Fluency. The
information, where provided. Reading assessment system developed for grades
2–8 includes the measures Vocabulary, Reading
Relative Performance Index (RPI) scores provide Comprehension, Silent Reading Fluency, and Oral
a way of translating a normative score into task- Reading Fluency.
performance terms. The RPI is expressed as
a quotient: the numerator is the examinee’s The use of GSV and RPI scores within diagnostic
probability of success on the target items, and the achievement tests are intended to measure growth
denominator is the probability of success of the over extended periods of time, such as annually.
average individual in the reference group—which is In contrast, aimsweb™Plus progress monitoring
always 90%. An RPI of 70/90, for example, indicates measures are designed to be sensitive to growth
that the examinee will perform with 70% accuracy over short periods of time; depending on the
on items that the average individual in the same intensity of the intervention and other factors,
grade or age performs with 90% accuracy. RPI scores progress can be monitored as often as once a week.
Low/ High/
IDA key Test/ At risk (Y)/ N/A or Not
Skill/Ability/Indicator Below Average Above
Indicatora Source Not at risk (N) observed
average average
Treatment responseb
Alphabet writing
Decoding pseudowords √
Word reading √
Reading fluency √
Spelling √
Written expression √
Phonological processing √
Processing speed
Associative memory
(Learning efficiency)
Orthographic processing
Family history
Receptive vocabularyd √
Possible Strengths
Fluid reasoning
The key skill areas recommended for dyslexia assessment by the International Dyslexia Association.18
Including poor response to instruction and n or more symptoms as inclusionary criteria may improve the stability of dyslexia
identification over time.
Greater impairment in reading comprehension relative to listening comprehension is a symptom of dyslexia.
Receptive vocabulary may be either a risk factor for dyslexia at a young age when associated with a language impairment, a
correlate among older individuals with dyslexia who read less than their peers, or a relative strength for individuals with dyslexia.
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
A school district implements a universal A school district administers aimsweb™Plus to
screening process whereby all students, starting all students as a benchmark screener. Students
with Kindergarten, are screened for dyslexia with low performance on the reading benchmark
using the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen. Those are further screened with the Shaywitz
students who are identified as “at risk” are given DyslexiaScreen. Students identified as “at risk”
a follow-up behavioural screener, using the based on these measures are administered
KTEA-3 Dyslexia Index score. Following this two- three subtests from the KTEA-3 Brief to obtain
step screening process, the student support the BA-3 composite score. Based on these
team meets to determine next steps. Students at results, the child study team meets to determine
risk are given supplemental instruction, using a next steps and the most appropriate intervention
multi-linguistic word study program for 9–12 approach. aimsweb™Plus is used to monitor
weeks. To monitor academic progress, progress and the team continually evaluates
curriculum-based measures are administered the progress monitoring data to determine
weekly, and the KTEA-3 subtests from the if instructional adjustments are needed. The
Dyslexia Index score are re-administered using child study team refers students for a special
the alternate form every 3–4 months. The education evaluation based on insufficient
subtest growth scale values (GSVs) are charted response to instruction. The special education
and compared over time to determine if assessment process includes assessments
significant progress has been observed. from multiple disciplines, including language,
Underperforming students are referred for a achievement, ability, and cognitive areas. The
comprehensive evaluation that includes child study team considers these test results and
cognitive, language, and achievement measures. other sources of information to determine what
The student support team considers these test services a student is qualified to receive and how
results and other sources of information, such as best to improve the student’s performance.
school grades/test scores, classroom
observation, teacher reports, and parent/
caregiver interviews (family history/background
information), to determine what services a
student is qualified to receive and how best to
improve the student’s performance.
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