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Applications of Automata in Electronic Machines and Android Games (Finite Automata)

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Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm

Volume: 03, Issue: 01 June 2014, Pages: 40-43

ISSN: 2278-2397

Applications of Automata in Electronic Machines

and Android Games (Finite Automata)
E. Anitha
Department of Mathematics, Loyola College, Chennai, India

Abstract- A series of studies had been undergone by various Automata is a mathematical model of machine. We discuss the
resource people about, how the Automata have been playing mathematical model of the computers and algorithms. Here we
the crucial roles in real world requirement. This paper are discussing more sophisticated machines for accepting and
describes the basic concepts and structure of Automata. We generating languages, which are restricted model of the actual
discuss how the electronic machine and Android games are computers called finite automata or finite state machine. These
formulated by using Automata Theory. Here we define finite machines are very similar to the central processing unit of a
Automata and provide elementary applications of Finite computer. Absence of the memory makes these Machines more
Automata. We discuss with few examples how this process is restricted model computer is also deterministic, by which we
done by using Finite Automata. mean that, on reading one particular input instruction the
machine converts itself from the state it was in any particular
Key words: Finite automata, Definitions, Types,Constructions, other state, where the resultant state is completely determined
Applications. by the priory state and the input instruction. Finite automaton
is called ‘finite’ because the number of possible states and a
I. INTRODUCTION number of letters in the alphabet are both finite and
‘automation’. Because the change of the state is totally
Automata Theory is the study of abstract computing devices or governed by the input [1].
machine [1]. Automata are the prime examples of general
computational systems over discrete spaces and have a long II. USES OF AUTOMATA
history both in theory and application. It is also related to
Fuzzy. We introduced the concept of Fuzzy automata in 1995. There are several reasons why the study of automata and
Fuzzy automata are devices which accept Fuzzy languages and complexity is an important and is part of computer science. Let
are able to create capabilities which are not easily achievable us list some important aspects of the automata theory [1].
by other mathematical tools. [2]. In 1930’s Alen Turing
presented an abstract machine that has all the capabilities of
1. Automata theory plays an important role when we are
today’s computers. In 1940’s and 1950’s simpler kinds of
making software for designing and checking the behavior
machine which we today called finite Automata were studied
of digital circuit [1].
by numbers of Researches. In Computer Science we find many
2. The “Lexical analyses” of the typical compiler that is the
examples of finite state systems and the theory of finite
compiler component that breaks the input text into logical
automata is a useful design tool for these systems. Automation
units, such as identifiers Keywords and Punctuation [1].
is also tempting to view the human brain as a finite state
3. Software for scanning large bodies of text, such as
system. The number of brain cell or neutrons are limited
collections of web pages to find occurrences of words,
probably 235 at most. Although there is evidence to the
phrases or other patterns [1].
contrary, that the state of each neuron can be described by a
4. Automata theory is key to software for verifying systems
small number of bits, if so then finite state theory applies to the
of all types that have a finite number of distinct states,
brain [1]. The theory of finite automata is almost half a century
such as communication protocols or protocol for secure
old. It started with a seminal paper of kleene and within a few
exchange of information [1].
years developed into a rich mathematical research topic. This is
5. Automata theory is most useful concept of software for
much due to several influential papers. From the very
Natural language processing [1].
beginning research on finite automata was very intense, so that
6. Direct application to formulate traffic light, making play
fundamental results and the beauty of the theory was revealed
toys, It plays a major role in making electronic machine
in a short period. However, some challenging problems were
(e.g. Vending machine, Toll Machine,…) and Android
solved only much later or are still open. From the beginning
games (Pac man, Treasure Hunt, monkey and Banana, ...).
finite automata constituted a core of computer science part of
Definition and structure of finite Automata
the reason is that they capture something very fundamental as
is witnessed by a numerous different characterizations of the
The finite Automata will consist of the input output relation at
family of rational languages that is languages defined by finite
every state and also the changes of the states that will occur in
Automata very important reason is the usefulness of finite
receiving the input at a particular state [4].
automata in many applications of Computer Science. In fact,
the interrelation of finite automata and their applications in A finite Automata can be represented by a 5-tuple (Q, 
computer science is a splendid example of a really fruitful ,δ,q0,F). Where,
connection of theory and practice finite automata played a (i) Q is a finite non-empty set of states.
main role in the theory of programming languages [3]. Finite
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03, Issue: 01 June 2014, Pages: 40-43
ISSN: 2278-2397

(ii)  is a finite non-empty set of inputs called an input push

(iii) δ is a function which Maps Q x  to Q is called transition
function. off on
(iv) q0  Q is the initial state.
(v) F  Q is the set of final states. It is assumed that there
may be more than one final state [7]. push
L=any string with ‘a’ and ‘b’
L= {ab, aab, aba, ba, bba, aaab…} Fig.2
Let consider the symbol ‘1’ and ‘0’. Let us say ‘1’ for ON and
a ‘0’ for OFF. We can interchange the situation by pushing the
b switch [1].
S1 Finite state machines (or) finite automata:

SO A finite state machine (FSM) a mathematical model of a

S3 system with certain input the model finally gives an output.
a,b The input when given to a machine it is processed by various
states, these are called intermediate states. The states which
b a define behavior and may produce actions and transition which
S2 are moving from one state to another. The rules or conditions
b must be met to allow a state transition input events are either
Fig.1 externally or internally generated, which may possibly trigger
rules and lead to state transitions [7]. There are two categories
A = {Q,  ,δ,q0,F} in FSM namely (i) Finite state machine with output (ii) Finite
Q - {SO,S1,S2,S3} state machine without output .[4].
 - {a, b}
q0 – Starting state { SO} (i)Finite State Machine With Output
F - Final state {S2} The primary difference is that there is no set of final states and
δ – Table that the transition function not only puts you in a new state, but
Table.1 also generates an output symbol.
δ A B
SO S1 S2 (a)Moore Machine
S1 S1 S3 If the output function depends only on the present state and is
S2 S3 S2 independent of the current input, the model is called a Moore
S3 S3 S3 machine. [8], [4].
0 0
A set of all strings of which are chosen from  . [5], [6]. s 0/0 s 1/0 s 2/1
Strings 1
A string (or word) is a finite sequence of symbols chosen from
some alphabet. [5],[6].
Alphabets Fig.3
An Alphabet is a finite non-empty set of symbols. [5], [6].
Meaning of state: S0 - No elements of the sequence observed,
Symbols S1 - “1” observed, S2 - “10” observed.
A symbol is an abstract entity that cannot be defined formally
just like point and line in geometry. The symbols are may be (b) Mealy Machine
letters and digits. [5],[6].
Example If the output function is a function of transition (a function of
A primary example is an electric switching circuit, only two present state and the present input the model is called a mealy
situation are possible that is ‘on’ and ‘off’. machine. [8], [4].

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03, Issue: 01 June 2014, Pages: 40-43
ISSN: 2278-2397

0/0 1/0
1/0 A B C
s0 s1

(b) Non- Deterministic Finite Automata
Meaning of state: S0 - No elements of the sequence observed,
S1 - “1” observed. If several moves are possible, then the automaton is non
deterministic. In a non-deterministic finite automaton, when
Moore and Mealy machines are two methods of implementing the control is in a particular state, reading an input symbol,
a Finite State Machine. These are widely used in integrated then several ‘next moves’ are possible.[9],[10].
circuits for implementing simple functions to complex
algorithms. Any function that is inherently state-dependent will B C
require the FSM implementation in hardware. (E.g. Serial Bus
Transfer protocols, like USB and power management A
Moore machines are generally preferred in RTL (Register- E
transfer level). The Moore machines have been used in the
logic circuits. It is applied in clocked synchronize circuits and
cooking. The microwave oven is working in the base of Moore G
machine. Most digital electronic systems are designed H
as clocked sequential systems. Clocked sequential systems are
a restricted form of Moore machine. The application of Moore
and Mealy is clocked simultaneous machines where state IV. APPLICATIONS OF FINITE AUTOMATA
transitions take place on clock edges and the best example of a
mealy machine is a door. Let we see the few constructions for applications of Automata.
(1) Construct a finite state machine to collect the fees from the
(ii) Finite State Machine Without Output students in different departments namely
Mathematics ,Statistics, Physics. The machine accepts Rs.100,
(a) Deterministic Finite Automata Rs. 500, Rs 1000. The machine accepts money until Rs.1500
When the finite control is in particular state, reading an input has been put in. It gives change back for any amount greater
symbol, it can have only one possible move. [9], [10] than Rs.1500. Then the students can push buttons to receive the
receipts according to their department.

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03, Issue: 01 June 2014, Pages: 40-43
ISSN: 2278-2397

1 00 0,10 0

(10 00 ,0 )

(10 00 ,0 ) (1 00 0,0)
(1 00 0,20 0)
(10 00 ,3 00 )
(10 00 ,6 00 ) (1 00 0,70 0)
(1 00 0,50 0)

(1 00 0,0) (10 00 ,4 00 )
(10 00 ,0 )
(1 00 0,80 0)
(1 00 0,90 0)
(10 00 ,0 )
(50 0,0)

(5 00 ,0 ) (50 0,20 0)

(50 0,0) (5 00 ,0 )
(5 00 ,0 ) (50 0,0)
(5 00 ,0 ) (50 0,0)
(50 0,0)
(5 00 ,0 ) (5 00 ,0 ) (50 0,30 0)
(5 00 ,1 00 ) (50 0,40 0)

s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s 10 s 11 s 12 s 13 s 14 s 15 (1 00 ,1 00 )
(5 00 ,5 00 )

(100,0) (100,0) (100,0) (100,0)

(1 00,0) (100,0) (100,0) (100,0) (100,0) (100,0) (100,0) (1 00,0) (1 00,0) (100,0) (1 00,0)
(x,0) (x ,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0)
(x,0) (x,0) (x ,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0) (x,0)
(10 00 ,1 00 0)

x- M athem atics, statistics,physics



INPUT OUTPUT q0-Starting state { SO}

10 100 50
F-Final state {S15}
δ 500 100 1000 δ table
0 0 0
SO S1 S5 S10 0 0 0
(2) Construct a finite state machine for the log on procedure for a
S1 S2 S6 S11 0 0 0 computer, where the user logs in by entering a user identification
S2 S3 S7 S12 0 0 0 number, a password and a mobile number which are considered
S3 S4 S8 S13 0 0 0 to be a single input. If the password is incorrect, and the mobile
S4 S5 S9 S14 0 0 0 number is incorrect, the user is asked for the user identification
number again.
S5 S6 S10 S15 0 0 0
S6 S7 S11 S15 0 0 100
S7 S8 S12 S15 0 0 200 q,a
S8 S9 S13 S15 0 0 300 s1
S9 S10 S14 S15 0 0 400 (v,b,c) s2 r,y
p z,y
S10 S11 S15 S15 0 0 500 s0
10 i,b,c
S11 S12 S15 S15 0
600 s4
S12 S13 S15 S15 0
700 s3
S13 S14 S15 S15 0
800 x,a
S14 S15 S15 S15 0 900 v - Valid id,
S15 S15 S15 S15 100
i - Invalid id,
0 p - Valid password,
q - Invalid password,
A= {Q,  ,δ,q0,F} r - Valid mobile number,
Q-{SO,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11, S12,S13,S14,S15} s - Invalid mobile number,
 - {100, 500, 1000} a - “Enter user ID”,
b - “Enter password”,
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03, Issue: 01 June 2014, Pages: 40-43
ISSN: 2278-2397

c - “Enter mobile number”,

y - Prompt,
z - Any input.

(3) Construct a finite automaton to accept by choosing the

right answer from the given options to the given questions.

so s1 s2 s3 s4


R - Choosing right option

W - Choosing wrong option
X - Final result


The present work provides a deeper understanding of some

foundational aspects of usage of automata provide more
interesting problem for further study.Finite automata
without any external accepting power.As we said earlier
finite state machine plays a crucial role.It applied in many
fields.By the further research we can product and formulate
infinite systems.


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